577 research outputs found

    Biological Systems Workbook: Data modelling and simulations at molecular level

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    Nowadays, there are huge quantities of data surrounding the different fields of biology derived from experiments and theoretical simulations, where results are often stored in biological databases that are growing at a vertiginous rate every year. Therefore, there is an increasing research interest in the application of mathematical and physical models able to produce reliable predictions and explanations to understand and rationalize that information. All these investigations are helping to overcome biological questions pushing forward in the solution of problems faced by our society. In this Biological Systems Workbook, we aim to introduce the basic pieces allowing life to take place, from the 3D structural point of view. We will start learning how to look at the 3D structure of molecules from studying small organic molecules used as drugs. Meanwhile, we will learn some methods that help us to generate models of these structures. Then we will move to more complex natural organic molecules as lipid or carbohydrates, learning how to estimate and reproduce their dynamics. Later, we will revise the structure of more complex macromolecules as proteins or DNA. Along this process, we will refer to different computational tools and databases that will help us to search, analyze and model the different molecular systems studied in this course

    Computing with bacterial constituents, cells and populations: from bioputing to bactoputing

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    The relevance of biological materials and processes to computing—aliasbioputing—has been explored for decades. These materials include DNA, RNA and proteins, while the processes include transcription, translation, signal transduction and regulation. Recently, the use of bacteria themselves as living computers has been explored but this use generally falls within the classical paradigm of computing. Computer scientists, however, have a variety of problems to which they seek solutions, while microbiologists are having new insights into the problems bacteria are solving and how they are solving them. Here, we envisage that bacteria might be used for new sorts of computing. These could be based on the capacity of bacteria to grow, move and adapt to a myriad different fickle environments both as individuals and as populations of bacteria plus bacteriophage. New principles might be based on the way that bacteria explore phenotype space via hyperstructure dynamics and the fundamental nature of the cell cycle. This computing might even extend to developing a high level language appropriate to using populations of bacteria and bacteriophage. Here, we offer a speculative tour of what we term bactoputing, namely the use of the natural behaviour of bacteria for calculating

    Single DNA conformations and biological function

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    From a nanoscience perspective, cellular processes and their reduced in vitro imitations provide extraordinary examples for highly robust few or single molecule reaction pathways. A prime example are biochemical reactions involving DNA molecules, and the coupling of these reactions to the physical conformations of DNA. In this review, we summarise recent results on the following phenomena: We investigate the biophysical properties of DNA-looping and the equilibrium configurations of DNA-knots, whose relevance to biological processes are increasingly appreciated. We discuss how random DNA-looping may be related to the efficiency of the target search process of proteins for their specific binding site on the DNA molecule. And we dwell on the spontaneous formation of intermittent DNA nanobubbles and their importance for biological processes, such as transcription initiation. The physical properties of DNA may indeed turn out to be particularly suitable for the use of DNA in nanosensing applications.Comment: 53 pages, 45 figures. Slightly revised version of a review article, that is going to appear in the J. Comput. Theoret. Nanoscience; some typos correcte

    Computational Approaches to Understanding the Structure, Dynamics, Functions, and Mechanisms of Various Bacterial Proteins

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    The 3D structure of a protein can be fundamentally useful for understanding protein function. In the absence of an experimentally determined structure, the most common way to obtain protein structures is to use homology modeling, or the mapping of the target sequence onto a closely related homolog with an available structure. However, despite recent efforts in structural biology, the 3D structures of many proteins remain unknown. Recent advances in genomic and metagenomic sequencing coupled with coevolution analysis and protein structure prediction have allowed for highly accurate models of proteins that were previously considered intractable to model due to the lack of suitable templates. Structural models obtained from homology modeling, coevolution-based modeling, or crystallography can then be used with other computational tools such as small molecule docking or molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to help understand protein function, dynamics, and mechanism.Here coevolution-based modeling was used to build a structural model of the HgcAB complex involved in mercury methylation (Chapter I). Based on the model it was proposed that conserved cysteines in HgcB are involved in shuttling mercury, methylmercury, or both. MD simulations and docking to a homology model of E. coli inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH) provided insights into how a single amino acid mutation could relieve inhibition by altering protein structure and dynamics (Chapter II). Coevolution-based structure prediction was also combined with docking, and experimental activity data to generate machine learning models that predict enzyme substrate scope for a series of bacterial nitrilases (Chapter III). Machine learning was also used to identify physicochemical properties that describe outer membrane permeability and efflux in E. coli and P. aeruginosa and new efflux pump inhibitors for the E. coli AcrAB-TolC efflux pump were identified using existing physicochemical guidelines in combination with small molecule docking to a homology model of AcrA (Chapter IV). Lastly, quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical simulations were used to study the mechanism of a key proton transfer step in Toho-1 beta-lactamase using experimentally determined structures of both the apo and cefotaxime-bound forms. These simulations revealed that substrate binding promotes catalysis by enhancing the favorability of this initial proton transfer step (Chapter V)

    Investigation of heat stress-induced proteins of cold-adapted Pseudomonas marginals using proteomic approach

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    Thesis (Master)--İzmir Institute of Technology, Chemistry, İzmir, 2008Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 68-78)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishx, 81 leavesTemperature alteration is known as a common environmental stress condition which all living organisms encounter and response by producing evolutionary wellconserved specific proteins called heat stress or heat shock proteins in the cell in order to adapt and survive. In the current study, the induction of heat stress proteins in a coldadapted bacterial strain of Pseudomonas marginalis cells grown under heat stress was investigated by proteomic approach. Five different temperatures, 5, 10, 15, 24, and 30C, were examined for the purpose of determining the optimum growth temperature for the bacterium. Consequently, 15°C was observed as optimum temperature for growth while 30C was established as heat stress temperature. Total proteins from Pseudomonas marginalis cells in the late exponential phase of growth at these two temperatures were extracted and separated by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Totally 1391 protein spots were visualized for 15C and 1384 protein spots for 30C. After comparing with 15C, 13 protein spots that were differentially expressed in the cells exposed to heat stress (30C) were cut from the gel and fragmented into their peptides by in-gel digestion method. Finally, these proteins were identified by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and database searching. Among them, ribosome recycling factor, universal stress protein family and chaperonin GroEL were established as direct sensors of heat stress. As a result, the genes encoding these two heat stress proteins can be isolated and cloned into any other useful microorganism such as bacteria used for detoxification of industrial waste or used in bioremediation but not capable of surviving at high temperatures so that they can be efficient at those temperatures, too

    3D Organization of Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Genomes

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    There is a complex mutual interplay between three-dimensional (3D) genome organization and cellular activities in bacteria and eukaryotes. The aim of this thesis is to investigate such structure-function relationships. A main part of this thesis deals with the study of the three-dimensional genome organization using novel techniques for detecting genome-wide contacts using next-generation sequencing. These so called chromatin conformation capture-based methods, such as 5C and Hi-C, give deep insights into the architecture of the genome inside the nucleus, even on a small scale. We shed light on the question how the vastly increasing Hi-C data can generate new insights about the way the genome is organized in 3D. To this end, we first present the typical Hi-C data processing workflow to obtain Hi-C contact maps and show potential pitfalls in the interpretation of such contact maps using our own data pipeline and publicly available Hi-C data sets. Subsequently, we focus on approaches to modeling 3D genome organization based on contact maps. In this context, a computational tool was developed which interactively visualizes contact maps alongside complementary genomic data tracks. Inspired by machine learning with the help of probabilistic graphical models, we developed a tool that detects the compartmentalization structure within contact maps on multiple scales. In a further project, we propose and test one possible mechanism for the observed compartmentalization within contact maps of genomes across multiple species: Dynamic formation of loops within domains. In the context of 3D organization of bacterial chromosomes, we present the first direct evidence for global restructuring by long-range interactions of a DNA binding protein. Using Hi-C and live cell imaging of DNA loci, we show that the DNA binding protein Rok forms insulator-like complexes looping the B. subtilis genome over large distances. This biological mechanism agrees with our model based on dynamic formation of loops affecting domain formation in eukaryotic genomes. We further investigate the spatial segregation of the E. coli chromosome during cell division. In particular, we are interested in the positioning of the chromosomal replication origin region based on its interaction with the protein complex MukBEF. We tackle the problem using a combined approach of stochastic and polymer simulations. Last but not least, we develop a completely new methodology to analyze single molecule localization microscopy images based on topological data analysis. By using this new approach in the analysis of irradiated cells, we are able to show that the topology of repair foci can be categorized depending the distance to heterochromatin

    The structural basis of bacterial manganese import

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    肺炎球菌が細胞内にマンガンイオンを取り込むしくみ --膜輸送体PsaBCの立体構造の解明--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-09-15.Metal ions are essential for all forms of life. In prokaryotes, ATP-binding cassette (ABC) permeases serve as the primary import pathway for many micronutrients including the first-row transition metal manganese. However, the structural features of ionic metal transporting ABC permeases have remained undefined. Here, we present the crystal structure of the manganese transporter PsaBC from Streptococcus pneumoniae in an open-inward conformation. The type II transporter has a tightly closed transmembrane channel due to “extracellular gating” residues that prevent water permeation or ion reflux. Below these residues, the channel contains a hitherto unreported metal coordination site, which is essential for manganese translocation. Mutagenesis of the extracellular gate perturbs manganese uptake, while coordination site mutagenesis abolishes import. These structural features are highly conserved in metal-specific ABC transporters and are represented throughout the kingdoms of life. Collectively, our results define the structure of PsaBC and reveal the features required for divalent cation transport