75 research outputs found

    Enhancing Search-based Testing with Testability Transformations for Existing APIs

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    Search-based software testing (SBST) has been shown to be an effective technique to generate test cases automatically. Its effectiveness strongly depends on the guidance of the fitness function. Unfortunately, a common issue in SBST is the so-called flag problem, where the fitness landscape presents a plateau that provides no guidance to the search. In this paper, we provide a series of novel testability transformations aimed at providing guidance in the context of commonly used API calls (e.g., strings that need to be converted into valid date/time objects). We also provide specific transformations aimed at helping the testing of REST Web Services. We implemented our novel techniques as an extension to EvoMaster, a SBST tool that generates system level test cases. Experiments on nine open-source REST web services, as well as an industrial web service, show that our novel techniques improve performance significantlyacceptedVersio

    A survey on software testability

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    Context: Software testability is the degree to which a software system or a unit under test supports its own testing. To predict and improve software testability, a large number of techniques and metrics have been proposed by both practitioners and researchers in the last several decades. Reviewing and getting an overview of the entire state-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice in this area is often challenging for a practitioner or a new researcher. Objective: Our objective is to summarize the body of knowledge in this area and to benefit the readers (both practitioners and researchers) in preparing, measuring and improving software testability. Method: To address the above need, the authors conducted a survey in the form of a systematic literature mapping (classification) to find out what we as a community know about this topic. After compiling an initial pool of 303 papers, and applying a set of inclusion/exclusion criteria, our final pool included 208 papers. Results: The area of software testability has been comprehensively studied by researchers and practitioners. Approaches for measurement of testability and improvement of testability are the most-frequently addressed in the papers. The two most often mentioned factors affecting testability are observability and controllability. Common ways to improve testability are testability transformation, improving observability, adding assertions, and improving controllability. Conclusion: This paper serves for both researchers and practitioners as an "index" to the vast body of knowledge in the area of testability. The results could help practitioners measure and improve software testability in their projects

    Metamorphic Runtime Checking of Non-Testable Programs

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    Challenges arise in assuring the quality of applications that do not have test oracles, i.e., for which it is impossible to know what the correct output should be for arbitrary input. Metamorphic testing has been shown to be a simple yet effective technique in addressing the quality assurance of these "non-testable programs". In metamorphic testing, if test input x produces output f(x), specified "metamorphic properties" are used to create a transformation function t, which can be applied to the input to produce t(x); this transformation then allows the output f(t(x)) to be predicted based on the already-known value of f(x). If the output is not as expected, then a defect must exist. Previously we investigated the effectiveness of testing based on metamorphic properties of the entire application. Here, we improve upon that work by presenting a new technique called Metamorphic Runtime Checking, a testing approach that automatically conducts metamorphic testing of individual functions during the program's execution. We also describe an implementation framework called Columbus, and discuss the results of empirical studies that demonstrate that checking the metamorphic properties of individual functions increases the effectiveness of the approach in detecting defects, with minimal performance impact

    Oracle Assessment, Improvement and Placement

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    The oracle problem remains one of the key challenges in software testing, for which little automated support has been developed so far. This thesis analyses the prevalence of failed error propagation in programs with real faults to address the oracle placement problem and introduces an approach for iterative assessment and improvement of the oracles. To analyse failed error propagation in programs with real faults, we have conducted an empirical study, considering Defects4J, a benchmark of Java programs, of which we used all 6 projects available, 384 real bugs and 528 methods fixed to correct such bugs. The results indicate that the prevalence of failed error propagation is negligible. Moreover, the results on real faults differ from the results on mutants, indicating that if failed error propagation is taken into account, mutants are not a good surrogate of real faults. When measuring failed error propagation, for each method we use the strongest possible oracle as postcondition, which checks all externally observable program variables. The low prevalence of failed error propagation is caused by the presence of such a strong oracle, which usually is not available in practice. Therefore, there is a need for a technique to assess and improve existing weaker oracles. We propose a technique for assessing and improving test oracles, which necessarily places the human tester in the loop and is based on reducing the incidence of both false positives and false negatives. A proof showing that this approach results in an increase in the mutual information between the actual and perfect oracles is provided. The application of the approach to five real-world subjects shows that the fault detection rate of the oracles after improvement increases, on average, by 48.6%. The further evaluation with 39 participants assessed the ability of humans to detect false positives and false negatives manually, without any tool support. The correct classification rate achieved by humans in this case is poor (29%) indicating how helpful our automated approach can be for developers. The comparison of humans’ ability to improve oracles with and without the tool in a study with 29 other participants also empirically validates the effectiveness of the approach

    A partial oracle for uniformity statistics

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    This paper investigates the problem of testing implementations of uniformity statistics. In this paper we used Metamorphic Testing to address the oracle problem, of checking the output of one or more test executions, for uniformity statistics. We defined a partial oracle that uses regression analysis (a Regression Model based Metamorphic Relation). We investigated the effectiveness of our partial oracle. We found that the technique can achieve mutation scores ranging from 77.78% to 100%, and tends towards higher mutation scores in this range. These results are promising, and suggest that the Regression Model based Metamorphic Relation approach is a viable method of alleviating the oracle problem in implementations of uniformity statistics, and potentially other classes of statistics e.g. correlation statistics

    Software testing: test suite compilation and execution optimizations

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    The requirements and responsibilities assumed by software have increasingly rendered it to be large and complex. Testing to ensure that software meets all its requirements and is free from failures is a difficult and time-consuming task that necessitates the use of large test suites, containing many test cases. Time needed to compile and execute large test suites has become prohibitive. Current optimization techniques aim to reduce the test suite size by removing redundant test cases. However, as systems become larger, the number of essential test cases is still very large and affects the software life-cycle. In this thesis, we explore techniques for reducing the compilation and the execution time of test suites without removing any test cases or changing computing infrastructure. All of our proposed techniques can be used in conjunction with existing test suite optimisations. 1. For test suite compilation, we propose a data transformation that reduces the number of instructions in the test code, which in turn reduces compilation time. Using two well known compilers, GCC and Clang, we conduct empirical evaluations using subject programs from industry standard benchmarks and an industry provided program. We evaluate compilation speedup, execution time, scalability and correctness of the proposed test code transformation. 2. For test suite execution, we propose a novel approach to improve instruction locality across test case executions. Our approach measures the distance between test case executions (number of different instructions). We then schedule the test cases for execution so that the distance between neighboring test cases is minimised. We empirically evaluate our approach with 20 subject programs and test suites from the SIR repository, EEMBC suite and LLVM Symbolizer to compare execution times and cache misses with test case orderings using our approach versus a traditional ordering maximising coverage and random permutations. We also assess overhead of algorithms in generating orderings that optimise instruction cache locality. 3. In our final contribution, we target execution time of heterogeneous test suites and assess the effect of device-based test case scheduling. We propose a test case scheduling algorithm which improves the load balancing between multiple devices of a heterogeneous system in an attempt to reduce the overall test suite execution time. We conduct empirical evaluation on a large-scaled, industrial test suite targeting implementations of the SYCL standard which has been developed by Codeplay Software. The outcome of our research can be summarized as follows: 1. Our data transformation approach resulted in significant compilation speedups in the range of 1.3×to 69×. Our experiments show that the gains in compilation time allow significantly more test cases to be included in test suites, improving scalability of test code compilation. 2. Our instruction-based test case scheduling algorithms were able to achieve a maximum execution speedup of 29.48%. Performance gains were considerable for programs and test suites where the average number of different instructions executed between test cases was high. 3. Finally, we found that a maximum of 25.42% speed-up is achieved by our device based test scheduling algorithm when compared to parallel test case execution of a heterogeneous test suite without test scheduling. Our proposed techniques are able to significantly reduce the compilation as well as the execution time of test suites without eliminating any test cases or upgrading computing infrastructure. Our data transformation results in faster test code compilation while our test case scheduling algorithms achieve significant speed-ups for programs executing on single-CPU, multi-CPU as well as heterogeneous architectures. As systems get more complex, they require frequent and extensive testing. Our techniques provide safe and efficient means of compiling and executing test suites which, in combination with existing test suite optimisations, can significantly reduce the cost of software testing

    Semantic mutation testing

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    This is the Pre-print version of the Article. The official published version can be obtained from the link below - Copyright @ 2011 ElsevierMutation testing is a powerful and flexible test technique. Traditional mutation testing makes a small change to the syntax of a description (usually a program) in order to create a mutant. A test suite is considered to be good if it distinguishes between the original description and all of the (functionally non-equivalent) mutants. These mutants can be seen as representing potential small slips and thus mutation testing aims to produce a test suite that is good at finding such slips. It has also been argued that a test suite that finds such small changes is likely to find larger changes. This paper describes a new approach to mutation testing, called semantic mutation testing. Rather than mutate the description, semantic mutation testing mutates the semantics of the language in which the description is written. The mutations of the semantics of the language represent possible misunderstandings of the description language and thus capture a different class of faults. Since the likely misunderstandings are highly context dependent, this context should be used to determine which semantic mutants should be produced. The approach is illustrated through examples with statecharts and C code. The paper also describes a semantic mutation testing tool for C and the results of experiments that investigated the nature of some semantic mutation operators for C

    The relationship between search based software engineering and predictive modeling

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    Search Based Software Engineering (SBSE) is an approach to software engineering in which search based optimization algorithms are used to identify optimal or near optimal solutions and to yield insight. SBSE techniques can cater for multiple, possibly competing objectives and/or constraints and applications where the potential solution space is large and complex. This paper will provide a brief overview of SBSE, explaining some of the ways in which it has already been applied to construction of predictive models. There is a mutually beneficial relationship between predictive models and SBSE. The paper sets out eleven open problem areas for Search Based Predictive Modeling and describes how predictive models also have role to play in improving SBSE