341 research outputs found

    Time-Energy Tradeoffs for Evacuation by Two Robots in the Wireless Model

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    Two robots stand at the origin of the infinite line and are tasked with searching collaboratively for an exit at an unknown location on the line. They can travel at maximum speed bb and can change speed or direction at any time. The two robots can communicate with each other at any distance and at any time. The task is completed when the last robot arrives at the exit and evacuates. We study time-energy tradeoffs for the above evacuation problem. The evacuation time is the time it takes the last robot to reach the exit. The energy it takes for a robot to travel a distance xx at speed ss is measured as xs2xs^2. The total and makespan evacuation energies are respectively the sum and maximum of the energy consumption of the two robots while executing the evacuation algorithm. Assuming that the maximum speed is bb, and the evacuation time is at most cdcd, where dd is the distance of the exit from the origin, we study the problem of minimizing the total energy consumption of the robots. We prove that the problem is solvable only for bc3bc \geq 3. For the case bc=3bc=3, we give an optimal algorithm, and give upper bounds on the energy for the case bc>3bc>3. We also consider the problem of minimizing the evacuation time when the available energy is bounded by Δ\Delta. Surprisingly, when Δ\Delta is a constant, independent of the distance dd of the exit from the origin, we prove that evacuation is possible in time O(d3/2logd)O(d^{3/2}\log d), and this is optimal up to a logarithmic factor. When Δ\Delta is linear in dd, we give upper bounds on the evacuation time.Comment: This is the full version of the paper with the same title which will appear in the proceedings of the 26th International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO'19) L'Aquila, Italy during July 1-4, 201

    Energy Consumption of Group Search on a Line

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    Consider two robots that start at the origin of the infinite line in search of an exit at an unknown location on the line. The robots can collaborate in the search, but can only communicate if they arrive at the same location at exactly the same time, i.e. they use the so-called face-to-face communication model. The group search time is defined as the worst-case time as a function of d, the distance of the exit from the origin, when both robots can reach the exit. It has long been known that for a single robot traveling at unit speed, the search time is at least 9d - o(d); a simple doubling strategy achieves this time bound. It was shown recently in [Chrobak et al., 2015] that k >= 2 robots traveling at unit speed also require at least 9d group search time. We investigate energy-time trade-offs in group search by two robots, where the energy loss experienced by a robot traveling a distance x at constant speed s is given by s^2 x, as motivated by energy consumption models in physics and engineering. Specifically, we consider the problem of minimizing the total energy used by the robots, under the constraints that the search time is at most a multiple c of the distance d and the speed of the robots is bounded by b. Motivation for this study is that for the case when robots must complete the search in 9d time with maximum speed one (b=1; c=9), a single robot requires at least 9d energy, while for two robots, all previously proposed algorithms consume at least 28d/3 energy. When the robots have bounded memory and can use only a constant number of fixed speeds, we generalize an algorithm described in [Baeza-Yates and Schott, 1995; Chrobak et al., 2015] to obtain a family of algorithms parametrized by pairs of b,c values that can solve the problem for the entire spectrum of these pairs for which the problem is solvable. In particular, for each such pair, we determine optimal (and in some cases nearly optimal) algorithms inducing the lowest possible energy consumption. We also propose a novel search algorithm that simultaneously achieves search time 9d and consumes energy 8.42588d. Our result shows that two robots can search on the line in optimal time 9d while consuming less total energy than a single robot within the same search time. Our algorithm uses robots that have unbounded memory, and a finite number of dynamically computed speeds. It can be generalized for any c, b with cb=9, and consumes energy 8.42588b^2d

    God Save the Queen

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    Queen Daniela of Sardinia is asleep at the center of a round room at the top of the tower in her castle. She is accompanied by her faithful servant, Eva. Suddenly, they are awakened by cries of "Fire". The room is pitch black and they are disoriented. There is exactly one exit from the room somewhere along its boundary. They must find it as quickly as possible in order to save the life of the queen. It is known that with two people searching while moving at maximum speed 1 anywhere in the room, the room can be evacuated (i.e., with both people exiting) in 1 + (2 pi)/3 + sqrt{3} ~~ 4.8264 time units and this is optimal [Czyzowicz et al., DISC\u2714], assuming that the first person to find the exit can directly guide the other person to the exit using her voice. Somewhat surprisingly, in this paper we show that if the goal is to save the queen (possibly leaving Eva behind to die in the fire) there is a slightly better strategy. We prove that this "priority" version of evacuation can be solved in time at most 4.81854. Furthermore, we show that any strategy for saving the queen requires time at least 3 + pi/6 + sqrt{3}/2 ~~ 4.3896 in the worst case. If one or both of the queen\u27s other servants (Biddy and/or Lili) are with her, we show that the time bounds can be improved to 3.8327 for two servants, and 3.3738 for three servants. Finally we show lower bounds for these cases of 3.6307 (two servants) and 3.2017 (three servants). The case of n >= 4 is the subject of an independent study by Queen Daniela\u27s Royal Scientific Team

    Triangle Evacuation of 2 Agents in the Wireless Model

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    The input to the \emph{Triangle Evacuation} problem is a triangle ABCABC. Given a starting point SS on the perimeter of the triangle, a feasible solution to the problem consists of two unit-speed trajectories of mobile agents that eventually visit every point on the perimeter of ABCABC. The cost of a feasible solution (evacuation cost) is defined as the supremum over all points TT of the time it takes that TT is visited for the first time by an agent plus the distance of TT to the other agent at that time. Similar evacuation type problems are well studied in the literature covering the unit circle, the p\ell_p unit circle for p1p\geq 1, the square, and the equilateral triangle. We extend this line of research to arbitrary non-obtuse triangles. Motivated by the lack of symmetry of our search domain, we introduce 4 different algorithmic problems arising by letting the starting edge and/or the starting point SS on that edge to be chosen either by the algorithm or the adversary. To that end, we provide a tight analysis for the algorithm that has been proved to be optimal for the previously studied search domains, as well as we provide lower bounds for each of the problems. Both our upper and lower bounds match and extend naturally the previously known results that were established only for equilateral triangles

    Distributed Systems and Mobile Computing

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    The book is about Distributed Systems and Mobile Computing. This is a branch of Computer Science devoted to the study of systems whose components are in different physical locations and have limited communication capabilities. Such components may be static, often organized in a network, or may be able to move in a discrete or continuous environment. The theoretical study of such systems has applications ranging from swarms of mobile robots (e.g., drones) to sensor networks, autonomous intelligent vehicles, the Internet of Things, and crawlers on the Web. The book includes five articles. Two of them are about networks: the first one studies the formation of networks by agents that interact randomly and have the ability to form connections; the second one is a study of clustering models and algorithms. The three remaining articles are concerned with autonomous mobile robots operating in continuous space. One article studies the classical gathering problem, where all robots have to reach a common location, and proposes a fast algorithm for robots that are endowed with a compass but have limited visibility. The last two articles deal with the evacuations problem, where two robots have to locate an exit point and evacuate a region in the shortest possible time

    DIANNE: a modular framework for designing, training and deploying deep neural networks on heterogeneous distributed infrastructure

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    Deep learning has shown tremendous results on various machine learning tasks, but the nature of the problems being tackled and the size of state-of-the-art deep neural networks often require training and deploying models on distributed infrastructure. DIANNE is a modular framework designed for dynamic (re)distribution of deep learning models and procedures. Besides providing elementary network building blocks as well as various training and evaluation routines, DIANNE focuses on dynamic deployment on heterogeneous distributed infrastructure, abstraction of Internet of Things (loT) sensors, integration with external systems and graphical user interfaces to build and deploy networks, while retaining the performance of similar deep learning frameworks. In this paper the DIANNE framework is proposed as an all-in-one solution for deep learning, enabling data and model parallelism though a modular design, offloading to local compute power, and the ability to abstract between simulation and real environment. (C) 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Distributed monitoring of heterogeneous robotic cells. A proposal for the footwear industry 4.0

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    In the footwear sector, automation is often performed by robotic arms due to the inherent adaptive requirements of some of its tasks. With the Industry 4.0 revolution, automation is even less human dependent than before. The fact that fewer people interact with machinery during the manufacturing process has led to a rising need for production monitoring. The interconnection of machines present in 4.0 environments makes monitoring possible at a low investment cost. In this paper, a common communication layer is proposed to enable homogeneous status data retrieval of robotic arms from several different robot manufacturers. This layer is then attached to a 3D simulator software as a client, responsible for the monitoring process. Experiments proved the feasibility of the proposed method in a test bench scenario applying the required constraints of time, cost, bandwidth and disk space