9 research outputs found

    Search for an Immobile Hider on a Stochastic Network

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    Harry hides on an edge of a graph and does not move from there. Sally, starting from a known origin, tries to find him as soon as she can. Harry's goal is to be found as late as possible. At any given time, each edge of the graph is either active or inactive, independently of the other edges, with a known probability of being active. This situation can be modeled as a zero-sum two-person stochastic game. We show that the game has a value and we provide upper and lower bounds for this value. Finally, by generalizing optimal strategies of the deterministic case, we provide more refined results for trees and Eulerian graphs.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figure

    Re-establishing communication in teams of mobile robots

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    As communication is important for cooperation, teams of mobile robots need a way to re-establish a wireless connection if they get separated. We develop a method for mobile robots to maintain a belief of each other's positions using locally available information. They can use their belief to plan paths with high probabilities of reconnection. This approach also works for subteams cooperatively searching for a robot or group of robots that they would like to reconnect with. The problem is formulated as a constrained optimization problem which is solved using a branch-and-bound approach. We present simulation results showing the effectiveness of this strategy at reconnecting teams of up to five robots and compare the results to two other strategies

    A competitive search game with a moving target

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    We introduce a discrete-time search game, in which two players compete to find an invisible object first. The object moves according to a time-varying Markov chain on finitely many states. The players are active in turns. At each period, the active player chooses a state. If the object is there then he finds the object and wins. Otherwise the object moves and the game enters the next period. We show that this game admits a value, and for any error-term epsilon > 0 , each player has a pure (subgame-perfect) epsilon-optimal strategy. Interestingly, a 0-optimal strategy does not always exist. We derive results on the analytic and structural properties of the value and the epsilon-optimal strategies. We devote special attention to the important timehomogeneous case, where we show that (subgame-perfect) optimal strategies exist if the Markov chain is irreducible and aperiodic

    Hide-and-seek and other search games

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    In the game of hide-and-seek played between two players, a Hider picks a hiding place and a Searcher tries to find him in the least possible time. Since Isaacs had the idea of formulating this mathematically as a zero-sum game almost fifty years ago in his book, Differential Games, the theory of search games has been studied and developed extensively. In the classic model of search games on networks, first formalised by Gal in 1979, a Hider strategy is a point on the network and a Searcher strategy is a constant speed path starting from a designated point of the network. The Searcher wishes to minimise the time to find the Hider (the payoff), and the Hider wishes to maximise it. Gal solved this game for certain classes of networks: that is, he found optimal strategies and the payoff assuming best play on both sides. Here we study new formulations of search games, starting with a model proposed by Alpern where the speed of the Searcher depends on which direction he is traveling. We give a solution of this game on a class of networks called trees, generalising Gal's work. We also show how the game relates to another new model of search studied by Baston and Kikuta, where the Searcher must pay extra search costs to search the network's nodes (or vertices). We go on to study another new model of search called expanding search, which models coal mining. We solve this game on trees and also study the related problem where the Hider's strategy is known to the Searcher. We extend the expanding search game to consider what happens if there are several hidden objects and solve this game for certain classes of networks. Finally we study a game in which a squirrel hides nuts from a pilferer

    Bayesian Search Under Dynamic Disaster Scenarios

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    Search and Rescue (SAR) is a hard decision making context where there is available a limited amount of resources that should be strategically allocated over the search region in order to find missing people opportunely. In this thesis, we consider those SAR scenarios where the search region is being affected by some type of dynamic threat such as a wilder or a hurricane. In spite of the large amount of SAR missions that consistently take place under these circumstances, and being Search Theory a research area dating back from more than a half century, to the best of our knowledge, this kind of search problem has not being considered in any previous research. Here we propose a bi-objective mathematical optimization model and three solution methods for the problem: (1) Epsilon-constraint; (2) Lexicographic; and (3) Ant Colony based heuristic. One of the objectives of our model pursues the allocation of resources in riskiest zones. This objective attempts to find victims located at the closest regions to the threat, presenting a high risk of being reached by the disaster. In contrast, the second objective is oriented to allocate resources in regions where it is more likely to find the victim. Furthermore, we implemented a receding horizon approach oriented to provide our planning methodology with the ability to adapt to disaster's behavior based on updated information gathered during the mission. All our products were validated through computational experiments.MaestrĂ­aMagister en IngenierĂ­a Industria


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    This dissertation addresses three important optimization problems arising during the phases of pre-disaster emergency preparedness and post-disaster response in time-dependent, stochastic and dynamic environments. The first problem studied is the building evacuation problem with shared information (BEPSI), which seeks a set of evacuation routes and the assignment of evacuees to these routes with the minimum total evacuation time. The BEPSI incorporates the constraints of shared information in providing on-line instructions to evacuees and ensures that evacuees departing from an intermediate or source location at a mutual point in time receive common instructions. A mixed-integer linear program is formulated for the BEPSI and an exact technique based on Benders decomposition is proposed for its solution. Numerical experiments conducted on a mid-sized real-world example demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. The second problem addressed is the network resilience problem (NRP), involving an indicator of network resilience proposed to quantify the ability of a network to recover from randomly arising disruptions resulting from a disaster event. A stochastic, mixed integer program is proposed for quantifying network resilience and identifying the optimal post-event course of action to take. A solution technique based on concepts of Benders decomposition, column generation and Monte Carlo simulation is proposed. Experiments were conducted to illustrate the resilience concept and procedure for its measurement, and to assess the role of network topology in its magnitude. The last problem addressed is the urban search and rescue team deployment problem (USAR-TDP). The USAR-TDP seeks an optimal deployment of USAR teams to disaster sites, including the order of site visits, with the ultimate goal of maximizing the expected number of saved lives over the search and rescue period. A multistage stochastic program is proposed to capture problem uncertainty and dynamics. The solution technique involves the solution of a sequence of interrelated two-stage stochastic programs with recourse. A column generation-based technique is proposed for the solution of each problem instance arising as the start of each decision epoch over a time horizon. Numerical experiments conducted on an example of the 2010 Haiti earthquake are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Optimal search in discrete locations:extensions and new findings

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    A hidden target needs to be found by a searcher in many real-life situations, some of which involve large costs and significant consequences with failure. Therefore, efficient search methods are paramount. In our search model, the target lies in one of several discrete locations according to some hiding distribution, and the searcher's goal is to discover the target in minimum expected time by making successive searches of individual locations. In Part I of the thesis, the searcher knows the hiding distribution. Here, if there is only one way to search each location, the solution to the search problem, discovered in the 1960s, is simple; search next any location with a maximal probability per unit time of detecting the target. An equivalent solution is derived by viewing the search problem as a multi-armed bandit and following a Gittins index policy. Motivated by modern search technology, we introduce two modes---fast and slow---to search each location. The fast mode takes less time, but the slow mode is more likely to find the target. An optimal policy is difficult to obtain in general, because it requires an optimal sequence of search modes for each location, in addition to a set of sequence-dependent Gittins indices for choosing between locations. For each mode, we identify a sufficient condition for a location to use only that search mode in an optimal policy. For locations meeting neither sufficient condition, an optimal choice of search mode is extremely complicated, depending both on the hiding distribution and the search parameters of the other locations. We propose several heuristic policies motivated by our analysis, and demonstrate their near-optimal performance in an extensive numerical study. In Part II of the thesis, the searcher has only one search mode per location, but does not know the hiding distribution, which is chosen by an intelligent hider who aims to maximise the expected time until the target is discovered. Such a search game, modelled via two-person, zero-sum game theory, is relevant if the target is a bomb, intruder, or, of increasing importance due to advances in technology, a computer hacker. By Part I, if the hiding distribution is known, an optimal counter strategy for the searcher is any corresponding Gittins index policy. To develop an optimal search strategy in the search game, the searcher must account for the hider’s motivation to choose an optimal hiding distribution, and consider the set of corresponding Gittins index policies. %It follows that an optimal search strategy in the search game must be some Gittins index policy if the hiding distribution is assumed to be chosen optimally by the hider. However, the searcher must choose carefully from this set of Gittins index policies to ensure the same expected time to discover the target regardless of where it is hidden by the hider. %It follows that an optimal search strategy in the search game must be a Gittins index policy applied to a hiding distribution which is optimal from the hider's perspective. However, to avoid giving the hider any advantage, the searcher must carefully choose such a Gittins index policy among the many available. As a result, finding an optimal search strategy, or even proving one exists, is difficult. We extend several results for special cases from the literature to the fully-general search game; in particular, we show an optimal search strategy exists and may take a simple form. Using a novel test, we investigate the frequency of the optimality of a particular hiding strategy that gives the searcher no preference over any location at the beginning of the search

    Coverage & cooperation: Completing complex tasks as quickly as possible using teams of robots

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    As the robotics industry grows and robots enter our homes and public spaces, they are increasingly expected to work in cooperation with each other. My thesis focuses on multirobot planning, specifically in the context of coverage robots, such as robotic lawnmowers and vacuum cleaners. Two problems unique to multirobot teams are task allocation and search. I present a task allocation algorithm which balances the workload amongst all robots in the team with the objective of minimizing the overall mission time. I also present a search algorithm which robots can use to find lost teammates. It uses a probabilistic belief of a target robot’s position to create a planning tree and then searches by following the best path in the tree. For robust multirobot coverage, I use both the task allocation and search algorithms. First the coverage region is divided into a set of small coverage tasks which minimize the number of turns the robots will need to take. These tasks are then allocated to individual robots. During the mission, robots replan with nearby robots to rebalance the workload and, once a robot has finished its tasks, it searches for teammates to help them finish their tasks faster

    Search for an immobile entity on a network

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    We consider the problem of searching for a single, uniformly distributed immobile entity on an undirected network. This problem differs from edge-covering problems, e.g., the Chinese Postman Problem (CPP), since the objective here is not to find the minimum length tour that covers all the edges at least once, but instead to minimize the expected time to find the entity. We introduce a heuristic algorithm to deal with the search process given that the entity is equally likely to be at any point on the network. Computational results are presented.