262 research outputs found

    Winter-to-summer transition of Arctic sea ice breakup and floe size distribution in the Beaufort Sea

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    Breakup of the near-continuous winter sea ice into discrete summer ice floes is an important transition that dictates the evolution and fate of the marginal ice zone (MIZ) of the Arctic Ocean. During the winter of 2014, more than 50 autonomous drifting buoys were deployed in four separate clusters on the sea ice in the Beaufort Sea, as part of the Office of Naval Research MIZ program. These systems measured the ocean-ice-atmosphere properties at their location whilst the sea ice parameters in the surrounding area of these buoy clusters were continuously monitored by satellite TerraSAR-X Synthetic Aperture Radar. This approach provided a unique Lagrangian view of the winter-to-summer transition of sea ice breakup and floe size distribution at each cluster between March and August. The results show the critical timings of a) temporary breakup of winter sea ice coinciding with strong wind events and b) spring breakup (during surface melt, melt ponding and drainage) leading to distinctive summer ice floes. Importantly our results suggest that summer sea ice floe distribution is potentially affected by the state of winter sea ice, including the composition and fracturing (caused by deformation events) of winter sea ice, and that substantial mid-summer breakup of sea ice floes is likely linked to the timing of thermodynamic melt of sea ice in the area. As the rate of deformation and thermodynamic melt of sea ice has been increasing in the MIZ in the Beaufort Sea, our results suggest that these elevated factors would promote faster and more enhanced breakup of sea ice, leading to a higher melt rate of sea ice and thus a more rapid advance of the summer MIZ

    On the remote sensing of oceanic and atmospheric convection in the Greenland Sea by synthetic aperture radar

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    In this paper we discuss characteristic properties of radar signatures of oceanic and atmospheric convection features in the Greenland Sea. If the water surface is clean (no surface films or ice coverage), oceanic and atmospheric features can become visible in radar images via a modulation of the surface roughness, and their radar signatures can be very similar. For an unambiguous interpretation and for the retrieval of quantitative information on current and wind variations from radar imagery with such signatures, theoretical models of current and wind phenomena and their radar imaging mechanisms must be utilized. We demonstrate this approach with the analysis of some synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images acquired by the satellites ERS-2 and RADARSAT-1. In once case, an ERS-2 SAR image an a RADARSAT-1 ScanSAR image exhibit pronounced cell-like signatures with length scales on the order of 10-20 km and modulation depths of about 5-6 dB and 9-10 dB, respectively. Simulations with a numerical SAR imagaing model and various input current and wind fields reveal that the signatures in both images can be expained consistently by wind variations on the order of±2.5 ms, but not by surface current variations on realistic orders of magnitude. Accordingly, the observed features must be atmospheric convection cells. This is confirmed by visible typical cloud patterns in a NOAA AVHRR image of the test scenario. In another case, the presence of an oceanic convective chimney is obvious from in situ data, but no signatures of it are visible in an ERS-2 SAR image. We show by numerical simulations with an oceanic convection model and our SAR imaging model that this is consistent with theoretical predictions, since the current gradients associated with the observed chimney are not sufficiently strong to give rise to significant signatures in an ERS-2 SAR image under the given conditions. Further model results indicate that it should be generally difficult to observe oceanic convection features in the Greenland Sea with ERS-2 or RADARSAT-1 SAR, since their signatures resulting from pure wave-current interaction will be too weak to become visible in the noisy SAR images in most cases. This situation will improve with the availability of future high-resolution SARs such as RADARSAT-2 SAR in fine resolution mode (2004) and TerraSAR-X (2005) which will offer significantly reduced speckle noise fluctuations at comparable spatial resolutions and thus a much better visibility of small image variations on spatial scales on the order of a few hundred meters

    Ice and ocean velocity in the Arctic marginal ice zone: Ice roughness and momentum transfer

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    The interplay between sea ice concentration, sea ice roughness, ocean stratification, and momentum transfer to the ice and ocean is subject to seasonal and decadal variations that are crucial to understanding the present and future air-ice-ocean system in the Arctic. In this study, continuous observations in the Canada Basin from March through December 2014 were used to investigate spatial differences and temporal changes in under-ice roughness and momentum transfer as the ice cover evolved seasonally. Observations of wind, ice, and ocean properties from four clusters of drifting instrument systems were complemented by direct drill-hole measurements and instrumented overhead flights by NASA operation IceBridge in March, as well as satellite remote sensing imagery about the instrument clusters. Spatially, directly estimated ice-ocean drag coefficients varied by a factor of three with rougher ice associated with smaller multi-year ice floe sizes embedded within the first-year-ice/multi-year-ice conglomerate. Temporal differences in the ice-ocean drag coefficient of 20–30% were observed prior to the mixed layer shoaling in summer and were associated with ice concentrations falling below 100%. The ice-ocean drag coefficient parameterization was found to be invalid in September with low ice concentrations and small ice floe sizes. Maximum momentum transfer to the ice occurred for moderate ice concentrations, and transfer to the ocean for the lowest ice concentrations and shallowest stratification. Wind work and ocean work on the ice were the dominant terms in the kinetic energy budget of the ice throughout the melt season, consistent with free drift conditions. Overall, ice topography, ice concentration, and the shallow summer mixed layer all influenced mixed layer currents and the transfer of momentum within the air-ice-ocean system. The observed changes in momentum transfer show that care must be taken to determine appropriate parameterizations of momentum transfer, and imply that the future Arctic system could become increasingly seasonal

    Investigation of ice formation and water mass modification in eastern Laptev Sea polynyas by means of satellites and models

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    Salt expelled during the formation of ice in polynyas leads to a downward precipitation of brine that causes thermohaline convection and erodes the density stratification of the water column. In this thesis we investigate by means of flux models and satellite data the ability of the Western New Siberian (WNS) flaw polynya to modify the stratification of the water column and to form saline bottom water. The accuracy of existent microwave satellite-based polynya monitoring methods is assessed by a comparison of derived estimates with airborne electromagnetic ice thickness measurements and aerial photographs taken across the polynya. The cross-validation indicates that in the narrow flaw polynyas of the Laptev Sea the coarse resolution of commonly used microwave channel combinations provokes errors through mixed signals at the fast and pack ice edges. Likewise, the accuracy of flux models is tested by comparing model results to ice thickness and ice production estimates derived from high-resolution thermal infrared satellite observations. We find that if a realistic fast ice boundary and parameterization of the collection depth H is used and if the movement of the pack ice edge is prescribed correctly, the model is an appropriate tool for studying polynya dynamics and estimating associated fluxes. Hence, a flux model is used to examine the effect of ice production on the stratification of the water column. The ability of the polynya to form dense shelf bottom water is investigated by adding the brine released during an except ionally strong WNS polynya event in 2004 to the average winter density stratification of the water body. Owing to the strong density stratification and the apparent lack of extreme polynya events in the eastern Laptev Sea, we find the likelihood of convective mixing down to the bottom to be extremely low. We conclude that the recently observed breakdown of the stratification during polynya events is therefore predominantly related to wind- and tidally-driven turbulent mixing

    Evolution of a Canada Basin ice-ocean boundary layer and mixed layer across a developing thermodynamically forced marginal ice zone

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    A comprehensive set of autonomous, ice-ocean measurements were collected across the Canada Basin to study the summer evolution of the ice-ocean boundary layer (IOBL) and ocean mixed layer (OML). Evaluation of local heat and freshwater balances and associated turbulent forcing reveals that melt ponds (MPs) strongly influence the summer IOBL-OML evolution. Areal expansion of MPs in mid-June start the upper ocean evolution resulting in significant increases to ocean absorbed radiative flux (19 W m−2 in this study). Buoyancy provided by MP drainage shoals and freshens the IOBL resulting in a 39 MJ m−2 increase in heat storage in just 19 days (52% of the summer total). Following MP drainage, a near-surface fresh layer deepens through shear-forced mixing to form the summer mixed layer (sML). In late summer, basal melt increases due to stronger turbulent mixing in the thin sML and the expansion of open water areas due in part to wind-forced divergence of the sea ice. Thermal heterogeneities in the marginal ice zone (MIZ) upper ocean led to large ocean-to-ice heat fluxes (100–200 W m−2) and enhanced basal ice melt (3–6 cm d−1), well away from the ice edge. Calculation of the upper ocean heat budget shows that local radiative heat input accounted for at least 89% of the observed latent heat losses and heat storage (partitioned 0.77/0.23). These results suggest that the extensive area of deteriorating sea ice observed away from the ice edge during the 2014 season, termed the “thermodynamically forced MIZ,” was driven primarily by local shortwave radiative forcing

    Robust wavebuoys for the marginal ice zone: Experiences from a large persistent array in the Beaufort Sea

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    An array of novel directional wavebuoys was designed and deployed into the Beaufort Sea ice cover in March 2014, as part of the Office of Naval Research Marginal Ice Zone experiment. The buoys were designed to drift with the ice throughout the year and monitor the expected breakup and retreat of the ice cover, forced by waves travelling into the ice from open water. Buoys were deployed from fast-and-light air-supported ice camps, based out of Sachs Harbour on Canada’s Banks Island, and drifted westwards with the sea ice over the course of spring, summer and autumn, as the ice melted, broke up and finally re-froze. The buoys transmitted heave, roll and pitch timeseries at 1 Hz sample frequency over the course of up to eight months, surviving both convergent ice dynamics and significant waves-in-ice events. Twelve of the 19 buoys survived until their batteries were finally exhausted during freeze-up in late October/November. Ice impact was found to have contaminated a significant proportion of the Kalman-filter-derived heave records, and these bad records were removed with reference to raw x/y/z accelerations. The quality of magnetometer-derived buoy headings at the very high magnetic field inclinations close to the magnetic pole was found to be generally acceptable, except in the case of four buoys which had probably suffered rough handling during transport to the ice. In general, these new buoys performed as expected, though vigilance as to the veracity of the output is required

    Sea ice local surface topography from single-pass satellite InSAR measurements: a feasibility study

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    Quantitative parameters characterizing the sea ice surface topography are needed in geophysical investigations such as studies on atmosphere–ice interactions or sea ice mechanics.Recently, the use of space-borne single-pass interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) for retrieving the ice surface topography has attracted notice among geophysicists. In this paper the potential of InSAR measurements is examined for several satellite configurations and radar frequencies, considering statistics of heights and widths of ice ridges as well as possible magnitudes of ice drift. It is shown that, theoretically, surface height variations can be retrievedwith relative errors < 0.5 m. In practice, however, the sea ice drift and open water leads may contribute significantly to the measured interferometric phase. Another essential factor is the dependence of the achievable interferometric baseline on the satellite orbit configurations. Possibilities to assess the influence of different factors on the measurement accuracy are demonstrated: signal-to-noise ratio, presence of a snow layer, and the penetration depth into the ice. Practical examples of sea surface height retrievals from bistatic SAR images collectedduring the TanDEM-X Science Phase are presented

    Implications of changing winter fjord ice melanges for Greenland outlet glacier dynamics

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    Recent studies have demonstrated rapid change along the margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS) over the last decade. In particular, increases in glacier velocities coincident with terminus retreat for many of Greenland\u27s outlet glaciers have effectively increased the amount of ice discharged. Much of this calved ice passes through elaborate fjord systems en route to the ocean. This study utilizes remote sensing observations to investigate the changing conditions in several of Greenland\u27s pro-glacial fjords and changes along glacier termini. The findings indicate that changes in the mix of calved ice and water in pro-glacial fjords have implications for the location of the calving front and for glacier speed and thickness in the near-terminus region on seasonal to interannual time scales. The ability of the fjord ice to influence terminus dynamics and glacier stability has implications for predicting ice loss over much longer time scales

    Satellite Remote Sensing & Model Reanalysis Estimates of Upper- Ocean Heat Content in the Canada Basin

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    The partitioning of solar radiation entering the upper ocean in the presence of sea ice during the Arctic summer is essential to predicting future ice retreat. This study compares predicted incoming heat with upper ocean density and thermal structure by constructing a simple, one-dimensional vertical heat budget around drifting buoy clusters deployed as part of the Stratified Ocean Dynamics of the Arctic experiment. Model reanalysis surface heat flux estimates were used with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and satellite radiometer derived open water fraction (OWF) estimates to construct an incoming surface heat flux budget. The incoming solar radiation forced upper-ocean heat gains, either stored locally or contributing to ice melt, through open water and the thinning ice cover. The estimated seasonal heat input directly through SAR-determined open water is roughly 44 MJ m-2, and the measured heat sinks total 104 MJ m-2 for mixed layer heat gain, basal melting, and basal conductance. Given the lack of sizeable advective heat sources, these results suggest that the residual heat source is through-ice transmittance. A transmission parameter was estimated from the residual heat flux and comparable to previous in situ observations of ice transmittance. These results suggest that through-ice transmittance is the dominating heat source around the observation site during the summer 2019 melt season