2,294 research outputs found

    Scoring docking conformations using predicted protein interfaces

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    BACKGROUND: Since proteins function by interacting with other molecules, analysis of protein-protein interactions is essential for comprehending biological processes. Whereas understanding of atomic interactions within a complex is especially useful for drug design, limitations of experimental techniques have restricted their practical use. Despite progress in docking predictions, there is still room for improvement. In this study, we contribute to this topic by proposing T-PioDock, a framework for detection of a native-like docked complex 3D structure. T-PioDock supports the identification of near-native conformations from 3D models that docking software produced by scoring those models using binding interfaces predicted by the interface predictor, Template based Protein Interface Prediction (T-PIP). RESULTS: First, exhaustive evaluation of interface predictors demonstrates that T-PIP, whose predictions are customised to target complexity, is a state-of-the-art method. Second, comparative study between T-PioDock and other state-of-the-art scoring methods establishes T-PioDock as the best performing approach. Moreover, there is good correlation between T-PioDock performance and quality of docking models, which suggests that progress in docking will lead to even better results at recognising near-native conformations. CONCLUSION: Accurate identification of near-native conformations remains a challenging task. Although availability of 3D complexes will benefit from template-based methods such as T-PioDock, we have identified specific limitations which need to be addressed. First, docking software are still not able to produce native like models for every target. Second, current interface predictors do not explicitly consider pairwise residue interactions between proteins and their interacting partners which leaves ambiguity when assessing quality of complex conformations

    RosettaBackrub--a web server for flexible backbone protein structure modeling and design.

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    The RosettaBackrub server (http://kortemmelab.ucsf.edu/backrub) implements the Backrub method, derived from observations of alternative conformations in high-resolution protein crystal structures, for flexible backbone protein modeling. Backrub modeling is applied to three related applications using the Rosetta program for structure prediction and design: (I) modeling of structures of point mutations, (II) generating protein conformational ensembles and designing sequences consistent with these conformations and (III) predicting tolerated sequences at protein-protein interfaces. The three protocols have been validated on experimental data. Starting from a user-provided single input protein structure in PDB format, the server generates near-native conformational ensembles. The predicted conformations and sequences can be used for different applications, such as to guide mutagenesis experiments, for ensemble-docking approaches or to generate sequence libraries for protein design

    In silico assessment of potential druggable pockets on the surface of α1-Antitrypsin conformers

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    The search for druggable pockets on the surface of a protein is often performed on a single conformer, treated as a rigid body. Transient druggable pockets may be missed in this approach. Here, we describe a methodology for systematic in silico analysis of surface clefts across multiple conformers of the metastable protein α1-antitrypsin (A1AT). Pathological mutations disturb the conformational landscape of A1AT, triggering polymerisation that leads to emphysema and hepatic cirrhosis. Computational screens for small molecule inhibitors of polymerisation have generally focused on one major druggable site visible in all crystal structures of native A1AT. In an alternative approach, we scan all surface clefts observed in crystal structures of A1AT and in 100 computationally produced conformers, mimicking the native solution ensemble. We assess the persistence, variability and druggability of these pockets. Finally, we employ molecular docking using publicly available libraries of small molecules to explore scaffold preferences for each site. Our approach identifies a number of novel target sites for drug design. In particular one transient site shows favourable characteristics for druggability due to high enclosure and hydrophobicity. Hits against this and other druggable sites achieve docking scores corresponding to a Kd in the µM–nM range, comparing favourably with a recently identified promising lead. Preliminary ThermoFluor studies support the docking predictions. In conclusion, our strategy shows considerable promise compared with the conventional single pocket/single conformer approach to in silico screening. Our best-scoring ligands warrant further experimental investigation

    DockRank: Ranking docked conformations using partner-specific sequence homology-based protein interface prediction

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    Selecting near-native conformations from the immense number of conformations generated by docking programs remains a major challenge in molecular docking. We introduce DockRank, a novel approach to scoring docked conformations based on the degree to which the interface residues of the docked conformation match a set of predicted interface residues. Dock-Rank uses interface residues predicted by partner-specific sequence homology-based protein–protein interface predictor (PS-HomPPI), which predicts the interface residues of a query protein with a specific interaction partner. We compared the performance of DockRank with several state-of-the-art docking scoring functions using Success Rate (the percentage of cases that have at least one near-native conformation among the top m conformations) and Hit Rate (the percentage of near-native conformations that are included among the top m conformations). In cases where it is possible to obtain partner-specific (PS) interface predictions from PS-HomPPI, DockRank consistently outperforms both (i) ZRank and IRAD, two state-of-the-art energy-based scoring functions (improving Success Rate by up to 4-fold); and (ii) Variants of DockRank that use predicted interface residues obtained from several protein interface predictors that do not take into account the binding partner in making interface predictions (improving success rate by up to 39-fold). The latter result underscores the importance of using partner-specific interface residues in scoring docked conformations. We show that DockRank, when used to re-rank the conformations returned by ClusPro, improves upon the original ClusPro rankings in terms of both Success Rate and Hit Rate. DockRank is available as a server at http://einstein.cs.iastate.edu/DockRank/.

    Sequence homology based protein-protein interacting residue predictions and the applications in ranking docked conformations

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    Protein-protein interactions play a central role in the formation of protein complexes and the biological pathways that orchestrate virtually all cellular processes. Three dimensional structures of a complex formed by a protein with one or more of its interaction partners provide useful information regarding the specific amino acid residues that make up the interface between proteins. The emergence of high throughput techniques such as Yeast 2 Hybrid (Y2H) assays has made it possible to identify putative interactions between thousands of proteins (but not the interfaces that form the structural basis of interactions or the structures of protein complexes that result from such interactions). Reliable identification of the specific amino acid residues that form the interface of a protein with one or more other proteins is critical for understanding the structural and physico-chemical basis of protein interactions and their role in key cellular processes, for predicting protein complexes, for validating protein interactions predicted by high throughput methods, for ranking conformations of protein complexes generated by docking, and for identifying and prioritizing drug targets in computational drug design. However, given the high cost of experimental determination of the structures of protein complexes, there is an urgent need for reliable and fast computational methods for identifying interface residues and/or predicting the structure of a complex formed by a protein of interest with its interaction partners. Given the large and growing gap between the number of known protein sequences and the number of experimentally determined structures, sequence-based methods for predicting protein-protein interfaces are of particular interest. Against this background, we develop HomPPI ( http://homppi.cs.iastate.edu/), a class of sequence homology based approaches to protein interface prediction. We present two variants of HomPPI: (i) NPS-HomPPI (non-partner-specific HomPPI), which can be used to predict interface residues of a query protein in the absence of knowledge of the interaction partner. NPS-HomPPI is based on the results of a systematic analysis of the conditions under which interface residues of a query protein are conserved among its sequence homologs (and hence can be inferred from the known interface residues in proteins that are sequence homologs of the query protein). Our experiments suggest that when sequence homologs of the query protein can be reliably identified, NPS-HomPPI is competitive with several state-of-the-art interface prediction servers including those that exploit the structure of the query proteins. (ii) PS-HomPPI (partner-specific HomPPI), which can be used to predict the interface residues of a query protein with a specific target protein. PS-HomPPI is based on a systematic analysis of the conditions under which the interface residues that make up the interface between a query protein and its interaction partner are preserved among their homo-interologs, i.e., complexes formed by their respective sequence homologs. To the best of our knowledge, with the exception of protein-protein docking (which is computationally much more expensive than PS-HomPPI), PS-HomPPI is one of the first partner-specific protein-protein interface predictors. Our experiments with PS-HomPPI show that when homo-interologs of a query protein and its putative interaction partner can be reliably identified, the interface predictions generated by PS-HomPPI are significantly more reliable than those generated by NPS-HomPPI. Protein-Protein Docking offers a powerful approach to computational determination of the 3-dimensional conformation of protein complexes and protein-protein interfaces. However, the reliability of conformations produced by docking is limited by the efficacy of the scoring functions used to select a few near-native conformations from among tens of thousands of possible conformations, generated by docking programs. Against this background, we introduce DockRank, a novel approach to rank docked conformations based on the degree to which the interface residues inferred from the docked conformation match the interface residues predicted by a partner-specific sequence homology based interface predictor PS-HomPPI. We compare, on a data set of 69 docked cases with 54,000 decoys per case, the ranking of conformations produced using DockRank\u27s interface similarity scoring function applied to predicted interface residues obtained from four protein interface predictors: PS-HomPPI, and three NPS interface predictors NPS-HomPPI, PRISE, and meta-PPISP, with the rankings produced by two state-of-the-art energy-based scoring functions ZRank and IRAD. Our results show that DockRank significantly outperforms these ranking methods. Our results that NPS interface predictors (homology based and machine learning-based methods) failed to select near-native conformations that are superior to those selected by DockRank (partner-specific interface prediction based), highlight the importance of the knowledge of the binding partners in using predicted interfaces to rank docked models. The application of DockRank, as a third-party scoring function without access to all the original docked models, for improving ClusPro results on two benchmark data sets of 32 and 56 test cases shows the viability of combining our scoring function with existing docking software. An online implementation of DockRank is available at http://einstein.cs.iastate.edu/DockRank/

    Structural Prediction of Protein–Protein Interactions by Docking: Application to Biomedical Problems

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    A huge amount of genetic information is available thanks to the recent advances in sequencing technologies and the larger computational capabilities, but the interpretation of such genetic data at phenotypic level remains elusive. One of the reasons is that proteins are not acting alone, but are specifically interacting with other proteins and biomolecules, forming intricate interaction networks that are essential for the majority of cell processes and pathological conditions. Thus, characterizing such interaction networks is an important step in understanding how information flows from gene to phenotype. Indeed, structural characterization of protein–protein interactions at atomic resolution has many applications in biomedicine, from diagnosis and vaccine design, to drug discovery. However, despite the advances of experimental structural determination, the number of interactions for which there is available structural data is still very small. In this context, a complementary approach is computational modeling of protein interactions by docking, which is usually composed of two major phases: (i) sampling of the possible binding modes between the interacting molecules and (ii) scoring for the identification of the correct orientations. In addition, prediction of interface and hot-spot residues is very useful in order to guide and interpret mutagenesis experiments, as well as to understand functional and mechanistic aspects of the interaction. Computational docking is already being applied to specific biomedical problems within the context of personalized medicine, for instance, helping to interpret pathological mutations involved in protein–protein interactions, or providing modeled structural data for drug discovery targeting protein–protein interactions.Spanish Ministry of Economy grant number BIO2016-79960-R; D.B.B. is supported by a predoctoral fellowship from CONACyT; M.R. is supported by an FPI fellowship from the Severo Ochoa program. We are grateful to the Joint BSC-CRG-IRB Programme in Computational Biology.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Hot-spot analysis for drug discovery targeting protein-protein interactions

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    Introduction: Protein-protein interactions are important for biological processes and pathological situations, and are attractive targets for drug discovery. However, rational drug design targeting protein-protein interactions is still highly challenging. Hot-spot residues are seen as the best option to target such interactions, but their identification requires detailed structural and energetic characterization, which is only available for a tiny fraction of protein interactions. Areas covered: In this review, the authors cover a variety of computational methods that have been reported for the energetic analysis of protein-protein interfaces in search of hot-spots, and the structural modeling of protein-protein complexes by docking. This can help to rationalize the discovery of small-molecule inhibitors of protein-protein interfaces of therapeutic interest. Computational analysis and docking can help to locate the interface, molecular dynamics can be used to find suitable cavities, and hot-spot predictions can focus the search for inhibitors of protein-protein interactions. Expert opinion: A major difficulty for applying rational drug design methods to protein-protein interactions is that in the majority of cases the complex structure is not available. Fortunately, computational docking can complement experimental data. An interesting aspect to explore in the future is the integration of these strategies for targeting PPIs with large-scale mutational analysis.This work has been funded by grants BIO2016-79930-R and SEV-2015-0493 from the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, and grant EFA086/15 from EU Interreg V POCTEFA. M Rosell is supported by an FPI fellowship from the Severo Ochoa program. The authors are grateful for the support of the the Joint BSC-CRG-IRB Programme in Computational Biology.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Predicted binding site information improves model ranking in protein docking using experimental and computer-generated target structures

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    © 2015 Maheshwari and Brylinski. Background: Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) mediate the vast majority of biological processes, therefore, significant efforts have been directed to investigate PPIs to fully comprehend cellular functions. Predicting complex structures is critical to reveal molecular mechanisms by which proteins operate. Despite recent advances in the development of new methods to model macromolecular assemblies, most current methodologies are designed to work with experimentally determined protein structures. However, because only computer-generated models are available for a large number of proteins in a given genome, computational tools should tolerate structural inaccuracies in order to perform the genome-wide modeling of PPIs. Results: To address this problem, we developed eRankPPI, an algorithm for the identification of near-native conformations generated by protein docking using experimental structures as well as protein models. The scoring function implemented in eRankPPI employs multiple features including interface probability estimates calculated by eFindSitePPI and a novel contact-based symmetry score. In comparative benchmarks using representative datasets of homo- and hetero-complexes, we show that eRankPPI consistently outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms improving the success rate by ∼10 %. Conclusions: eRankPPI was designed to bridge the gap between the volume of sequence data, the evidence of binary interactions, and the atomic details of pharmacologically relevant protein complexes. Tolerating structure imperfections in computer-generated models opens up a possibility to conduct the exhaustive structure-based reconstruction of PPI networks across proteomes. The methods and datasets used in this study are available at www.brylinski.org/eRankPPI