136 research outputs found

    Parallel evolutionary algorithms for scheduling on heterogeneous computing and grid environments

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    This thesis studies the application of sequential and parallel evolutionary algorithms to the scheduling problem in heterogeneous computing and grid environments, a key problem when executing tasks in distributed computing systems. Since the 1990's, this class of systems has been increasingly employed to provide support for solving complex problems using high-performance computing techniques. The scheduling problem in heterogeneous computing systems is an NP-hard optimization problem, which has been tackled using several optimization methods in the past. Among many new techniques for optimization, evolutionary computing methods have been successfully applied to this class of problems. In this work, several evolutionary algorithms in their sequential and parallel variants are specically designed to provide accurate solutions for the problem, allowing to compute an eficient planning for heterogeneous computing and grid environments. New problem instances, far more complex than those existing in the related literature, are introduced in this thesis in order to study the scalability of the presented parallel evolutionary algorithms. In addition, a new parallel micro-CHC algorithm is developed, inspired by useful ideas from the multiobjective optimization field. Eficient numerical results of this algorithm are reported in the experimental analysis performed on both well-known problem instances and the large instances specially designed in this work. The comparative study including traditional methods and evolutionary algorithms shows that the new parallel micro-CHC is able to achieve a high problem solving eficacy, outperforming previous results already reported for the problem and also having a good scalability behavior when solving high dimension problem instances.In addition, two variants of the scheduling problem in heterogeneous environments are also tackled, showing the versatility of the proposed approach using parallel evolutionary algorithms to deal with both dynamic and multi-objective scenarios.Esta tesis estudia la aplicación de algoritmos evolutivos secuenciales y paralelos para el problema de planicación de tareas en entornos de cómputo heterogéneos y de computación grid. Desde la década de 1990, estos sistemas computacionales han sido utilizados con éxito para resolver problemas complejos utilizando técnicas de computación de alto desempeo. El problema de planificación de tareas en entornos heterogéneos es un problema de optimización NP-difícil que ha sido abordado utilizando diversas técnicas. Entre las técnicas emergentes para optimización combinatoria, los algoritmos evolutivos han sido aplicados con éxito a esta clase de problemas. En este trabajo, varios algoritmos evolutivos en sus versiones secuenciales y paralelas han sido especificamente diseados para alcanzar soluciones precisas para el problema de planicación de tareas en entornos de heterogéneos, permitiendo calcular planificaciones eficientes para entornos que modelan clusters de computadores y plataformas de computación grid. Nuevas instancias del problema, con una complejidad mucho mayor que las previamente existentes en la literatura relacionada, son presentadas en esta tesis con el objetivo de analizar la escalabilidad de los algoritmos evolutivos propuestos. Complementariamente, un nuevo método, el micro-CHC paralelo es desarrollado, inspirado en ideas ítiles provenientes del área de optimización multiobjetivo. Resultados numéricos precisos y eficientes se reportan en el análisis experimental realizado sobre instancias estándar del problema y sobre las nuevas instancias especificamente diseñadas en este trabajo.El estudio comparativo que incluye a métodos tradicionales para planificación de tareas, los nuevos métodos propuestos y algoritmos evolutivos previamente aplicados al problema, demuestra que el nuevo micro-CHC paralelo es capaz de alcanzar altos valores de eficacia, superando a los mejores resultados previamente reportados en la literatura del área y mostrando un buen comportamiento de escalabilidad para resolver las instancias de gran dimensión. Además, dos variantes del problema de planificación de tareas en entornos heterogéneos han sido inicialmente estudiadas, comprobándose la versatilidad del enfoque propuesto para resolver las variantes dinámica y multiobjetivo del problema

    Mapeo estático y dinámico de tareas en sistemas multiprocesador, basados en redes en circuito integrado

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    RESUMEN: Las redes en circuito integrado (NoC) representan un importante paradigma de uso creciente para los sistemas multiprocesador en circuito integrado (MPSoC), debido a su flexibilidad y escalabilidad. Las estrategias de tolerancia a fallos han venido adquiriendo importancia, a medida que los procesos de manufactura incursionan en dimensiones por debajo del micrómetro y la complejidad de los diseños aumenta. Este artículo describe un algoritmo de aprendizaje incremental basado en población (PBIL), orientado a optimizar el proceso de mapeo en tiempo de diseño, así como a encontrar soluciones de mapeo óptimas en tiempo de ejecución, para hacer frente a fallos de único nodo en la red. En ambos casos, los objetivos de optimización corresponden al tiempo de ejecución de las aplicaciones y al ancho de banda pico que aparece en la red. Las simulaciones se basaron en un algoritmo de ruteo XY determinístico, operando sobre una topología de malla 2D para la NoC. Los resultados obtenidos son prometedores. El algoritmo propuesto exhibe un desempeño superior a otras técnicas reportadas cuando el tamaño del problema aumenta.ABSTARCT: Due to its scalability and flexibility, Network-on-Chip (NoC) is a growing and promising communication paradigm for Multiprocessor System-on-Chip (MPSoC) design. As the manufacturing process scales down to the deep submicron domain and the complexity of the system increases, fault-tolerant design strategies are gaining increased relevance. This paper exhibits the use of a Population-Based Incremental Learning (PBIL) algorithm aimed at finding the best mapping solutions at design time, as well as to finding the optimal remapping solution, in presence of single-node failures on the NoC. The optimization objectives in both cases are the application completion time and the network's peak bandwidth. A deterministic XY routing algorithm was used in order to simulate the traffic conditions in the network which has a 2D mesh topology. Obtained results are promising. The proposed algorithm exhibits a better performance, when compared with other reported approaches, as the problem size increases

    Real-Time Scheduling in Heterogeneous Systems Considering Cache Reload Time Using Genetic Algorithms

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    Abstract. Since optimal assignment of tasks in a multiprocessor system is, in almost all practical cases, an NP-hard problem, in recent years some algorithms based on genetic algorithms have been proposed. Some of these algorithms have considered real-time applications with multiple objectives, total tardiness, completion time, etc. Here, we propose a suboptimal static scheduler of nonpreemptable tasks in hard real-time heterogeneous multiprocessor systems considering time constraints and cache reload time. The approach makes use of genetic algorithm to minimize total completion time and number of processors used, simultaneously. One important issue which makes this research different from previous ones is cache reload time. The method is implemented and the results are compared against a similar method

    A Comprehensive Survey on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm and Its Applications

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    Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a heuristic global optimization method, proposed originally by Kennedy and Eberhart in 1995. It is now one of the most commonly used optimization techniques. This survey presented a comprehensive investigation of PSO. On one hand, we provided advances with PSO, including its modifications (including quantum-behaved PSO, bare-bones PSO, chaotic PSO, and fuzzy PSO), population topology (as fully connected, von Neumann, ring, star, random, etc.), hybridization (with genetic algorithm, simulated annealing, Tabu search, artificial immune system, ant colony algorithm, artificial bee colony, differential evolution, harmonic search, and biogeography-based optimization), extensions (to multiobjective, constrained, discrete, and binary optimization), theoretical analysis (parameter selection and tuning, and convergence analysis), and parallel implementation (in multicore, multiprocessor, GPU, and cloud computing forms). On the other hand, we offered a survey on applications of PSO to the following eight fields: electrical and electronic engineering, automation control systems, communication theory, operations research, mechanical engineering, fuel and energy, medicine, chemistry, and biology. It is hoped that this survey would be beneficial for the researchers studying PSO algorithms

    Optimization and Mining Methods for Effective Real-Time Embedded Systems

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    L’Internet des objets (IoT) est le réseau d’objets interdépendants, comme les voitures autonomes, les appareils électroménagers, les téléphones intelligents et d’autres systèmes embarqués. Ces systèmes embarqués combinent le matériel, le logiciel et la connection réseau permettant le traitement de données à l’aide des puissants centres de données de l’informatique nuagique. Cependant, la croissance exponentielle des applications de l’IoT a remodelé notre croyance sur l’informatique nuagique, et des certitudes durables sur ses capacités ont dû être mises à jour. De nos jours, l’informatique nuagique centralisé et classique rencontre plusieurs défis, tels que la latence du trafic, le temps de réponse et la confidentialité des données. Alors, la tendance dans le traitement des données générées par les dispositifs embarqués interconnectés consiste à faire plus de calcul au niveau du dispositif au bord du réseau. Cette possibilité de faire du traitement local aide à réduire la latence pour les applications temps réel présentant des fortes contraintes temporelles. Aussi, ça permet d’améliorer le traitement des quantités massives de données générées par ces périphériques. Réussir cette transition nécessite la conception de systèmes embarqués de haute performance en explorant efficacement les alternatives de conception (i.e. Exploration efficace de l’espace des solutions), en optimisant la topologie de déploiement des applications temps réel sur des architectures multi-processeurs (i.e. la façon dont le logiciel utilise le matériel) , et des algorithme d’exploration permettant un fonctionnement plus intelligent de ces dispositifs. Des efforts de recherche récents ont conduit à diverses approches automatisées facilitant la conception et l’amélioration du fonctionnement des système embarqués. Cependant, ces techniques existantes présentent plusieurs défis majeurs. Ces défis sont fortement présents sur les systèmes embarqués temps réel. Quatre des principaux défis sont : (1) Le manque de techniques d’exploration de données en ligne permettant l’amélioration des performances des systèmes embarqués. (2) L’utilisation inefficace des ressources informatiques des systèmes multiprocesseurs lors du déploiement de logiciels là dessus ; (3) L’exploration pseudo-aléatoire de l’espace des solutions (4) La sélection de la configuration appropriée à partir de la listes des solutions optimales obtenue.----------ABSTRACT: The Internet of things (IoT) is the network of interrelated devices or objects, such as selfdriving cars, home appliances, smart-phones and other embedded computing systems. It combines hardware, software, and network connectivity enabling data processing using powerful cloud data centers. However, the exponential rise of IoT applications reshaped our belief on the cloud computing, and long-lasting certainties about its capabilities had to be updated. The classical centralized cloud computing is encountering several challenges, such as traffic latency, response time, and data privacy. Thus, the trend in the processing of the generated data of IoT inter-connected embedded devices has shifted towards doing more computation closer to the device in the edge of the network. This possibility to do on-device processing helps to reduce latency for critical real-time applications and better processing of the massive amounts of data being generated by the these devices. Succeeding this transition towards the edge computing requires the design of high-performance embedded systems by efficiently exploring design alternatives (i.e. efficient Design Space Exploration), optimizing the deployment topology of multi-processor based real-time embedded systems (i.e. the way the software utilizes the hardware), and light mining techniques enabling smarter functioning of these devices. Recent research efforts on embedded systems have led to various automated approaches facilitating the design and the improvement of their functioning. However, existing methods and techniques present several major challenges. These challenges are more relevant when it comes to real-time embedded systems. Four of the main challenges are : (1) The lack of online data mining techniques that can enhance embedded computing systems functioning on the fly ; (2) The inefficient usage of computing resources of multi-processor systems when deploying software on ; (3) The pseudo-random exploration of the design space ; (4) The selection of the suitable implementation after performing the otimization process

    Optimizing multi-objective task scheduling in fog computing with GA-PSO algorithm for big data application

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    As the volume and velocity of Big Data continue to grow, traditional cloud computing approaches struggle to meet the demands of real-time processing and low latency. Fog computing, with its distributed network of edge devices, emerges as a compelling solution. However, efficient task scheduling in fog computing remains a challenge due to its inherently multi-objective nature, balancing factors like execution time, response time, and resource utilization. This paper proposes a hybrid Genetic Algorithm (GA)-Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm to optimize multi-objective task scheduling in fog computing environments. The hybrid approach combines the strengths of GA and PSO, achieving effective exploration and exploitation of the search space, leading to improved performance compared to traditional single-algorithm approaches. The proposed hybrid algorithm results improved the execution time by 85.68% when compared with GA algorithm, by 84% when compared with Hybrid PWOA and by 51.03% when compared with PSO algorithm as well as it improved the response time by 67.28% when compared with GA algorithm, by 54.24% when compared with Hybrid PWOA and by 75.40% when compared with PSO algorithm as well as it improved the completion time by 68.69% when compared with GA algorithm, by 98.91% when compared with Hybrid PWOA and by 75.90% when compared with PSO algorithm when various tasks inputs are given. The proposed hybrid algorithm results also improved the execution time by 84.87% when compared with GA algorithm, by 88.64% when compared with Hybrid PWOA and by 85.07% when compared with PSO algorithm it improved the response time by 65.92% when compared with GA algorithm, by 80.51% when compared with Hybrid PWOA and by 85.26% when compared with PSO algorithm as well as it improved the completion time by 67.60% when compared with GA algorithm, by 81.34% when compared with Hybrid PWOA and by 85.23% when compared with PSO algorithm when various fog nodes are given
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