241,957 research outputs found

    Scale spaces on Lie groups

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    In the standard scale space approach one obtains a scale space representation u:R of an image by means of an evolution equation on the additive group (R d ,¿+¿). However, it is common to apply a wavelet transform (constructed via a representation of a Lie-group G and admissible wavelet ¿) to an image which provides a detailed overview of the group structure in an image. The result of such a wavelet transform provides a function on a group G (rather than (R d ,¿+¿)), which we call a score. Since the wavelet transform is unitary we have stable reconstruction by its adjoint. This allows us to link operators on images to operators on scores in a robust way. To ensure -invariance of the corresponding operator on the image the operator on the wavelet transform must be left-invariant. Therefore we focus on left-invariant evolution equations (and their resolvents) on the Lie-group G generated by a quadratic form Q on left invariant vector fields. These evolution equations correspond to stochastic processes on G and their solution is given by a group convolution with the corresponding Green’s function, for which we present an explicit derivation in two particular image analysis applications. In this article we describe a general approach how the concept of scale space can be extended by replacing the additive group R d by a Lie-group with more structure. The Dutch Organization for Scientific Research is gratefully acknowledged for financial support This article provides the theory and general framework we applied in [9],[5],[8]

    Homogeneous Besov spaces on stratified Lie groups and their wavelet characterization

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    We establish wavelet characterizations of homogeneous Besov spaces on stratified Lie groups, both in terms of continuous and discrete wavelet systems. We first introduce a notion of homogeneous Besov space B˙p,qs\dot{B}_{p,q}^s in terms of a Littlewood-Paley-type decomposition, in analogy to the well-known characterization of the Euclidean case. Such decompositions can be defined via the spectral measure of a suitably chosen sub-Laplacian. We prove that the scale of Besov spaces is independent of the precise choice of Littlewood-Paley decomposition. In particular, different sub-Laplacians yield the same Besov spaces. We then turn to wavelet characterizations, first via continuous wavelet transforms (which can be viewed as continuous-scale Littlewood-Paley decompositions), then via discretely indexed systems. We prove the existence of wavelet frames and associated atomic decomposition formulas for all homogeneous Besov spaces B˙p,qs{\dot B}_{p,q}^{s}, with 1p,q<1 \le p,q < \infty and sRs \in \mathbb{R}.Comment: 39 pages. This paper is to appear in Journal of Function Spaces and Applications. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1008.451

    Heat kernel generated frames in the setting of Dirichlet spaces

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    Wavelet bases and frames consisting of band limited functions of nearly exponential localization on Rd are a powerful tool in harmonic analysis by making various spaces of functions and distributions more accessible for study and utilization, and providing sparse representation of natural function spaces (e.g. Besov spaces) on Rd. Such frames are also available on the sphere and in more general homogeneous spaces, on the interval and ball. The purpose of this article is to develop band limited well-localized frames in the general setting of Dirichlet spaces with doubling measure and a local scale-invariant Poincar\'e inequality which lead to heat kernels with small time Gaussian bounds and H\"older continuity. As an application of this construction, band limited frames are developed in the context of Lie groups or homogeneous spaces with polynomial volume growth, complete Riemannian manifolds with Ricci curvature bounded from below and satisfying the volume doubling property, and other settings. The new frames are used for decomposition of Besov spaces in this general setting

    Homogeneous Besov Spaces on Stratified Lie Groups and Their Wavelet Characterization

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    We establish wavelet characterizations of homogeneous Besov spaces on stratified Lie groups, bothin terms of continuous and discrete wavelet systems. We first introduce a notion of homogeneous Besov space ̇Bsp,qin terms of a Littlewood-Paley-type decomposition, in analogy to the well-known characterization of the Euclidean case. Such decompositions can be defined via the spectral measure of a suitably chosen sub-Laplacian. We prove that the scale of Besov spaces is independent of the precise choice of Littlewood-Paley decomposition. In particular, different sub-Laplacians yield the same Besov spaces. We then turn to wavelet characterizations, first via continuous wavelet transforms which can be viewed as continuous-scale Littlewood-Paley decompositions, then via discretely indexed systems. We prove the existence of wavelet frames and associate datomic decomposition formulas for all homogeneous Besov spaces ̇Bsp,q with 1≤p, q \u3c∞ands R

    Wavelets on Lie groups and homogeneous spaces

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    Within the past decades, wavelets and associated wavelet transforms have been intensively investigated in both applied and pure mathematics. They and the related multi-scale analysis provide essential tools to describe, analyse and modify signals, images or, in rather abstract concepts, functions, function spaces and associated operators. We introduce the concept of diffusive wavelets where the dilation operator is provided by an evolution like process that comes from an approximate identity. The translation operator is naturally defined by a regular representation of the Lie group where we want to construct wavelets. For compact Lie groups the theory can be formulated in a very elegant way and also for homogeneous spaces of those groups we formulate the theory in the theory of non-commutative harmonic analysis. Explicit realisation are given for the Rotation group SO(3), the k-Torus, the Spin group and the n-sphere as homogeneous space. As non compact example we discuss diffusive wavelets on the Heisenberg group, where the construction succeeds thanks to existence of the Plancherel measure for this group. The last chapter is devoted to the Radon transform on SO(3), where the application on diffusive wavelets can be used for its inversion. The discussion of a variational spline approach provides criteria for the choice of points for measurements in concrete applications

    Wavelets on Lie groups and homogeneous spaces

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    Within the past decades, wavelets and associated wavelet transforms have been intensively investigated in both applied and pure mathematics. They and the related multi-scale analysis provide essential tools to describe, analyse and modify signals, images or, in rather abstract concepts, functions, function spaces and associated operators. We introduce the concept of diffusive wavelets where the dilation operator is provided by an evolution like process that comes from an approximate identity. The translation operator is naturally defined by a regular representation of the Lie group where we want to construct wavelets. For compact Lie groups the theory can be formulated in a very elegant way and also for homogeneous spaces of those groups we formulate the theory in the theory of non-commutative harmonic analysis. Explicit realisation are given for the Rotation group SO(3), the k-Torus, the Spin group and the n-sphere as homogeneous space. As non compact example we discuss diffusive wavelets on the Heisenberg group, where the construction succeeds thanks to existence of the Plancherel measure for this group. The last chapter is devoted to the Radon transform on SO(3), where the application on diffusive wavelets can be used for its inversion. The discussion of a variational spline approach provides criteria for the choice of points for measurements in concrete applications


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    Recent advances in geometry have shown the wide application of hyperbolic geometry not only in Mathematics but also in real-world applications. As in two dimensions, it is now clear that most three-dimensional objects (configuration spaces and manifolds) are modelled on hyperbolic geometry. This point of view explains a great many things from large-scale cosmological phenomena, such as the shape of the universe, right down to the symmetries of groups and geometric objects, and various physical theories. Kleinian groups are basically discrete groups of isometries associated with tessellations of hyperbolic space. They form the fundamental groups of hyperbolic manifolds. Over the last few decades, the theory of Kleinian groups has. flourished because of its intimate connections with low-dimensional topology and geometry, especially with three-manifold theory. The universal constraints for Kleinian groups in part arise from a novel description of the moduli spaces of discrete groups and generalize known universal constraints for Fuchsian groups - discrete subgroups of isometries of the hyperbolic plane. These generalizations will underpin a new understanding of the geometry and topology of hyperbolic three-manifolds and their associated singular spaces, hyperbolic three-orbifolds. The novel approach in this dissertation is to use a fundamental result concerning spaces of finitely generated Kleinian groups: they are closed in the topology of algebraic convergence. Indeed, this is also true in higher dimensions when minor additional and necessary conditions are imposed. For instance, giving a uniform bound on the torsion in a sequence, or asking that the limit set is in geometric position. In fact, this property holds more generally for groups of isometries of negatively curved metrics because of the Margulis-Gromov lemma. In particular, new polynomial trace identities in the Lie group SL(2; C) are discovered to expose various quantifiable inequalities (including Jørgensen’s inequality) in a more general setting for Kleinian groups and the geometry of associated three-manifolds. This approach offers further substantive advances to address the quite complicated analytic and topological properties of hyperbolic orbifolds, thereby advancing the solutions to important unsolved problems

    Non-commutative relativistic spacetimes and worldlines from 2+1 quantum (anti-)de Sitter groups

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    The κ\kappa-deformation of the (2+1)D anti-de Sitter, Poincar\'e and de Sitter groups is presented through a unified approach in which the curvature of the spacetime (or the cosmological constant) is considered as an explicit parameter. The Drinfel'd-double and the Poisson-Lie structure underlying the κ\kappa-deformation are explicitly given, and the three quantum kinematical groups are obtained as quantizations of such Poisson-Lie algebras. As a consequence, the non-commutative (2+1)D spacetimes that generalize the κ\kappa-Minkowski space to the (anti-)de Sitter ones are obtained. Moreover, noncommutative 4D spaces of (time-like) geodesics can be defined, and they can be interpreted as a novel possibility to introduce non-commutative worldlines. Furthermore, quantum (anti-)de Sitter algebras are presented both in the known basis related with 2+1 quantum gravity and in a new one which generalizes the bicrossproduct one. In this framework, the quantum deformation parameter is related with the Planck length, and the existence of a kind of "duality" between the cosmological constant and the Planck scale is also envisaged.Comment: 25 pages. Updated version with more content, comments and reference