10 research outputs found

    Life-Add: Lifetime Adjustable Design for WiFi Networks with Heterogeneous Energy Supplies

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    WiFi usage significantly reduces the battery lifetime of handheld devices such as smartphones and tablets, due to its high energy consumption. In this paper, we propose "Life-Add": a Lifetime Adjustable design for WiFi networks, where the devices are powered by battery, electric power, and/or renewable energy. In Life-Add, a device turns off its radio to save energy when the channel is sensed to be busy, and sleeps for a random time period before sensing the channel again. Life-Add carefully controls the devices' average sleep periods to improve their throughput while satisfying their operation time requirement. It is proven that Life-Add achieves near-optimal proportional-fair utility performance for single access point (AP) scenarios. Moreover, Life-Add alleviates the near-far effect and hidden terminal problem in general multiple AP scenarios. Our ns-3 simulations show that Life-Add simultaneously improves the lifetime, throughput, and fairness performance of WiFi networks, and coexists harmoniously with IEEE 802.11.Comment: This is the technical report of our WiOpt paper. The paper received the best student paper award at IEEE WiOpt 2013. The first three authors are co-primary author

    Reducing false wake-up in contention-based wake-up control of wireless LANs

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    This paper studies the potential problem and performance when tightly integrating a low power wake-up radio (WuR) and a power-hungry wireless LAN (WLAN) module for energy efficient channel access. In this model, a WuR monitors the channel, performs carrier sense, and activates its co-located WLAN module when the channel becomes ready for transmission. Different from previous methods, the node that will be activated is not decided in advance, but decided by distributed contention. Because of the wake-up latency of WLAN modules, multiple nodes may be falsely activated, except the node that will actually transmit. This is called a false wake-up problem and it is solved from three aspects in this work: (i) resetting backoff counter of each node in a way as if it is frozen in a wake-up period, (ii) reducing false wake-up time by immediately putting a WLAN module into sleep once a false wake-up is inferred, and (iii) reducing false wake-up probability by adjusting contention window. Analysis shows that false wake-ups, instead of collisions, become the dominant energy overhead. Extensive simulations confirm that the proposed method (WuR-ESOC) effectively reduces energy overhead, by up to 60% compared with state-of-the-arts, achieving a better tradeoff between throughput and energy consumption

    μ\muNap: Practical Micro-Sleeps for 802.11 WLANs

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    In this paper, we revisit the idea of putting interfaces to sleep during 'packet overhearing' (i.e., when there are ongoing transmissions addressed to other stations) from a practical standpoint. To this aim, we perform a robust experimental characterisation of the timing and consumption behaviour of a commercial 802.11 card. We design μ\muNap, a local standard-compliant energy-saving mechanism that leverages micro-sleep opportunities inherent to the CSMA operation of 802.11 WLANs. This mechanism is backwards compatible and incrementally deployable, and takes into account the timing limitations of existing hardware, as well as practical CSMA-related issues (e.g., capture effect). According to the performance assessment carried out through trace-based simulation, the use of our scheme would result in a 57% reduction in the time spent in overhearing, thus leading to an energy saving of 15.8% of the activity time.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure

    Saving Energy during Channel Contention in 802.11 WLANs

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    We focus on energy saving in 802.11-based WLANs. Previous work has shown that, on the one hand, 802.11 wireless interfaces consume a significant amount of energy, on the other hand the use of current power management schemes can severely degrade the QoS performance of several Internet-based applications. Furthermore, the energy spent by wireless devices may even increase when the standard 802.11 power-saving mode (PSM) is implemented. These facts suggest that other solutions to energy saving are highly needed. In this paper, we consider the 802.11 distributed access scheme and we propose a novel approach that enables a station to enter a low-power operational state during channel contention. More specifically, our technique exploits the virtual carrier sense mechanism and the backoff function specified in the IEEE 802.11 DCF, so that a station can dramatically reduce its energy consumption without significant degradation of the QoS performance. To efficiently implement our mechanism, a low-power state with negligible transition time into the active state must be identified. This can be any of the non-standard, low-power states defined by proprietary solutions in the current or next-generation products [7,15,22]. By using the network simulator ns2, we evaluate the performance improvement that is obtained when the proposed mechanism is implemented, against the results attained through the standard DCF. The results show that we can achieve a reduction in energy consumption as large as 80% and 28% under, respectively, UDP and TCP traffic

    Contributions to QoS and energy efficiency in wi-fi networks

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    The Wi-Fi technology has been in the recent years fostering the proliferation of attractive mobile computing devices with broadband capabilities. Current Wi-Fi radios though severely impact the battery duration of these devices thus limiting their potential applications. In this thesis we present a set of contributions that address the challenge of increasing energy efficiency in Wi-Fi networks. In particular, we consider the problem of how to optimize the trade-off between performance and energy effciency in a wide variety of use cases and applications. In this context, we introduce novel energy effcient algorithms for real-time and data applications, for distributed and centralized Wi-Fi QoS and power saving protocols and for Wi-Fi stations and Access Points. In addition, the di¿erent algorithms presented in this thesis adhere to the following design guidelines: i) they are implemented entirely at layer two, and can hence be easily re-used in any device with a Wi-Fi interface, ii) they do not require modi¿cations to current 802.11 standards, and can hence be readily deployed in existing Wi-Fi devices, and iii) whenever possible they favor client side solutions, and hence mobile computing devices implementing them can benefit from an increased energy efficiency regardless of the Access Point they connect to. Each of our proposed algorithms is thoroughly evaluated by means of both theoretical analysis and packet level simulations. Thus, the contributions presented in this thesis provide a realistic set of tools to improve energy efficiency in current Wi-Fi networks