109 research outputs found

    Physical-based optimization for non-physical image dehazing methods

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    Images captured under hazy conditions (e.g. fog, air pollution) usually present faded colors and loss of contrast. To improve their visibility, a process called image dehazing can be applied. Some of the most successful image dehazing algorithms are based on image processing methods but do not follow any physical image formation model, which limits their performance. In this paper, we propose a post-processing technique to alleviate this handicap by enforcing the original method to be consistent with a popular physical model for image formation under haze. Our results improve upon those of the original methods qualitatively and according to several metrics, and they have also been validated via psychophysical experiments. These results are particularly striking in terms of avoiding over-saturation and reducing color artifacts, which are the most common shortcomings faced by image dehazing methods

    Transmission Map and Atmospheric Light Guided Iterative Updater Network for Single Image Dehazing

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    Hazy images obscure content visibility and hinder several subsequent computer vision tasks. For dehazing in a wide variety of hazy conditions, an end-to-end deep network jointly estimating the dehazed image along with suitable transmission map and atmospheric light for guidance could prove effective. To this end, we propose an Iterative Prior Updated Dehazing Network (IPUDN) based on a novel iterative update framework. We present a novel convolutional architecture to estimate channel-wise atmospheric light, which along with an estimated transmission map are used as priors for the dehazing network. Use of channel-wise atmospheric light allows our network to handle color casts in hazy images. In our IPUDN, the transmission map and atmospheric light estimates are updated iteratively using corresponding novel updater networks. The iterative mechanism is leveraged to gradually modify the estimates toward those appropriately representing the hazy condition. These updates occur jointly with the iterative estimation of the dehazed image using a convolutional neural network with LSTM driven recurrence, which introduces inter-iteration dependencies. Our approach is qualitatively and quantitatively found effective for synthetic and real-world hazy images depicting varied hazy conditions, and it outperforms the state-of-the-art. Thorough analyses of IPUDN through additional experiments and detailed ablation studies are also presented.Comment: First two authors contributed equally. This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible. Project Website: https://aupendu.github.io/iterative-dehaz

    Visibility recovery on images acquired in attenuating media. Application to underwater, fog, and mammographic imaging

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    136 p.When acquired in attenuating media, digital images of ten suffer from a particularly complex degradation that reduces their visual quality, hindering their suitability for further computational applications, or simply decreasing the visual pleasan tness for the user. In these cases, mathematical image processing reveals it self as an ideal tool to recover some of the information lost during the degradation process. In this dissertation,we deal with three of such practical scenarios in which this problematic is specially relevant, namely, underwater image enhancement, fogremoval and mammographic image processing. In the case of digital mammograms,X-ray beams traverse human tissue, and electronic detectorscapture them as they reach the other side. However, the superposition on a bidimensional image of three-dimensional structures produces low contraste dimages in which structures of interest suffer from a diminished visibility, obstructing diagnosis tasks. Regarding fog removal, the loss of contrast is produced by the atmospheric conditions, and white colour takes over the scene uniformly as distance increases, also reducing visibility.For underwater images, there is an added difficulty, since colour is not lost uniformly; instead, red colours decay the fastest, and green and blue colours typically dominate the acquired images. To address all these challenges,in this dissertation we develop new methodologies that rely on: a)physical models of the observed degradation, and b) the calculus of variations.Equipped with this powerful machinery, we design novel theoreticaland computational tools, including image-dependent functional energies that capture the particularities of each degradation model. These energie sare composed of different integral terms that are simultaneous lyminimized by means of efficient numerical schemes, producing a clean,visually-pleasant and use ful output image, with better contrast and increased visibility. In every considered application, we provide comprehensive qualitative (visual) and quantitative experimental results to validateour methods, confirming that the developed techniques out perform other existing approaches in the literature

    Non-implementation of property rating practice, any impact on community healthcare in Bauchi Metropolis Nigeria?

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    The practice of rating real estate is essentially an internal revenue source, synonymous to tenement tax levied on the owner/occupier. Property rating in Nigeria is bedevilled by many factors that impeded its smooth implementation and operation, thus, this form of taxation yields zero revenue in Bauchi, due to failure of implementation. This study is aimed at measuring the impact of non-implementation of property rating on community healthcare in Bauchi metropolis of Nigeria. Two hundred and fifty (250) closed-ended questionnaires composed in five-level Likert scale were distributed to professionals in the field of real estate and facilities management, in the academia and estate firms, and two hundred and twenty one questionnaires (221) were mailed back for analysis. The Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) in IBM version of SPSS with AMOS was used to establish relationship between the variables. Findings from this study reveals that PRP does not command direct impact on community healthcare services, however, the services financed by property rating in the area of sanitation and sewage cleaning has the tendencies to curb the occurrence of diseases like cholera and malaria. Thus, it can be understood that a fully institutionalized practice of property rating could avert the outbreak of diseases

    Multi-Scale Fusion of Enhanced Hazy Images Using Particle Swarm Optimization and Fuzzy Intensification Operators

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    Dehazing from a single image is still a challenging task, where the thickness of the haze depends on depth information. Researchers focus on this area by eliminating haze from the single image by using restoration techniques based on haze image model. Using haze image model, the haze is eliminated by estimating atmospheric light, transmission, and depth. A few researchers have focused on enhancement based methods for eliminating haze from images. Enhancement based dehazing algorithms will lead to saturation of pixels in the enhanced image. This is due to assigning fixed values to the parameters used to enhance an image. Therefore, the enhancement based methods fail in the proper tuning of the parameters. This can be overcome by optimizing the parameters that are used to enhance the images. This paper describes the research work carried to derive two enhanced images from a single input hazy image using particle swarm optimization and fuzzy intensification operators. The two derived images are further fused using multi-scale fusion technique. The objective evaluation shows that the entropy of the haze eliminated images is comparatively better than the state-of-the-art algorithms. Also, the fog density is measured using an evaluator known as fog aware density evaluator (FADE), which considers all the statistical parameters to differentiate a hazy image from a highly visible natural image. Using this evaluator we found that the density of the fog is less in our proposed method when compared with enhancement based algorithms used to eliminate haze from images

    Non-implementation of property rating practice, any impact on community healthcare in Bauchi Metropolis Nigeria?

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    The practice of rating real estate is essentially an internal revenue source, synonymous to tenement tax levied on the owner/occupier. Property rating in Nigeria is bedevilled by many factors that impeded its smooth implementation and operation, thus, this form of taxation yields zero revenue in Bauchi, due to failure of implementation. This study is aimed at measuring the impact of non-implementation of property rating on community healthcare in Bauchi metropolis of Nigeria. Two hundred and fifty (250) closed-ended questionnaires composed in five-level Likert scale were distributed to professionals in the field of real estate and facilities management, in the academia and estate firms, and two hundred and twenty one questionnaires (221) were mailed back for analysis. The Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) in IBM version of SPSS with AMOS was used to establish relationship between the variables. Findings from this study reveals that PRP does not command direct impact on community healthcare services, however, the services financed by property rating in the area of sanitation and sewage cleaning has the tendencies to curb the occurrence of diseases like cholera and malaria. Thus, it can be understood that a fully institutionalized practice of property rating could avert the outbreak of diseases

    Measuring atmospheric scattering from digital images of urban scenery using temporal polarization-based vision

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    Suspended atmospheric particles (particulate matter) are a form of air pollution that visually degrades urban scenery and is hazardous to human health and the environment. Current environmental monitoring devices are limited in their capability of measuring average particulate matter (PM) over large areas. Quantifying the visual effects of haze in digital images of urban scenery and correlating these effects to PM levels is a vital step in more practically monitoring our environment. Current image haze extraction algorithms remove all the haze from the scene and hence produce unnatural scenes for the sole purpose of enhancing vision. We present two algorithms which bridge the gap between image haze extraction and environmental monitoring. We provide a means of measuring atmospheric scattering from images of urban scenery by incorporating temporal knowledge. In doing so, we also present a method of recovering an accurate depthmap of the scene and recovering the scene without the visual effects of haze. We compare our algorithm to three known haze removal methods from the perspective of measuring atmospheric scattering, measuring depth and dehazing. The algorithms are composed of an optimization over a model of haze formation in images and an optimization using the constraint of constant depth over a sequence of images taken over time. These algorithms not only measure atmospheric scattering, but also recover a more accurate depthmap and dehazed image. The measurements of atmospheric scattering this research produces, can be directly correlated to PM levels and therefore pave the way to monitoring the health of the environment by visual means. Accurate atmospheric sensing from digital images is a challenging and under-researched problem. This work provides an important step towards a more practical and accurate visual means of measuring PM from digital images

    Image dehazing by artificial multiple-exposure image fusion.

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    Bad weather conditions can reduce visibility on images acquired outdoors, decreasing their visual quality. The image processing task concerned with the mitigation of this effect is known as image dehazing. In this paper we present a new image dehazing technique that can remove the visual degradation due to haze without relying on the inversion of a physical model of haze formation, but respecting its main underlying assumptions. Hence, the proposed technique avoids the need of estimating depth in the scene, as well as costly depth map refinement processes. To achieve this goal, the original hazy image is first artificially under-exposed by means of a sequence of gamma-correction operations. The resulting set of multiplyexposed images is merged into a haze-free result through a multi-scale Laplacian blending scheme. A detailed experimental evaluation is presented in terms of both qualitative and quantitative analysis. The obtained results indicate that the fusion of artificially under-exposed images can effectively remove the effect of haze, even in challenging situations where other current image dehazing techniques fail to produce good-quality results. An implementation of the technique is open-sourced for reproducibilit