501 research outputs found

    Sampling arbitrary subgraphs exactly uniformly in sublinear time

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    We present a simple sublinear-time algorithm for sampling an arbitrary subgraph H exactly uniformly from a graph G, to which the algorithm has access by performing the following types of queries: (1) uniform vertex queries, (2) degree queries, (3) neighbor queries, (4) pair queries and (5) edge sampling queries. The query complexity and running time of our algorithm are Õ(min{m, (m^ρ(H))/#H}) and Õ((m^ρ(H))/#H}), respectively, where ρ(H) is the fractional edge-cover of H and #H is the number of copies of H in G. For any clique on r vertices, i.e., H = K_r, our algorithm is almost optimal as any algorithm that samples an H from any distribution that has Ω(1) total probability mass on the set of all copies of H must perform Ω(min{m, (m^ρ(H))/(#H⋅(cr)^r)}) queries. Together with the query and time complexities of the (1±ε)-approximation algorithm for the number of subgraphs H by Assadi et al. [Sepehr Assadi et al., 2018] and the lower bound by Eden and Rosenbaum [Eden and Rosenbaum, 2018] for approximately counting cliques, our results suggest that in our query model, approximately counting cliques is "equivalent to" exactly uniformly sampling cliques, in the sense that the query and time complexities of exactly uniform sampling and randomized approximate counting are within polylogarithmic factor of each other. This stands in interesting contrast to an analogous relation between approximate counting and almost uniformly sampling for self-reducible problems in the polynomial-time regime by Jerrum, Valiant and Vazirani [Jerrum et al., 1986]

    A Simple Sublinear-Time Algorithm for Counting Arbitrary Subgraphs via Edge Sampling

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    In the subgraph counting problem, we are given a (large) input graph G(V, E) and a (small) target graph H (e.g., a triangle); the goal is to estimate the number of occurrences of H in G. Our focus here is on designing sublinear-time algorithms for approximately computing number of occurrences of H in G in the setting where the algorithm is given query access to G. This problem has been studied in several recent papers which primarily focused on specific families of graphs H such as triangles, cliques, and stars. However, not much is known about approximate counting of arbitrary graphs H in the literature. This is in sharp contrast to the closely related subgraph enumeration problem that has received significant attention in the database community as the database join problem. The AGM bound shows that the maximum number of occurrences of any arbitrary subgraph H in a graph G with m edges is O(m^{rho(H)}), where rho(H) is the fractional edge-cover of H, and enumeration algorithms with matching runtime are known for any H. We bridge this gap between subgraph counting and subgraph enumeration by designing a simple sublinear-time algorithm that can estimate the number of occurrences of any arbitrary graph H in G, denoted by #H, to within a (1 +/- epsilon)-approximation with high probability in O(m^{rho(H)}/#H) * poly(log(n),1/epsilon) time. Our algorithm is allowed the standard set of queries for general graphs, namely degree queries, pair queries and neighbor queries, plus an additional edge-sample query that returns an edge chosen uniformly at random. The performance of our algorithm matches those of Eden et al. [FOCS 2015, STOC 2018] for counting triangles and cliques and extend them to all choices of subgraph H under the additional assumption of edge-sample queries

    Round Compression for Parallel Matching Algorithms

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    For over a decade now we have been witnessing the success of {\em massive parallel computation} (MPC) frameworks, such as MapReduce, Hadoop, Dryad, or Spark. One of the reasons for their success is the fact that these frameworks are able to accurately capture the nature of large-scale computation. In particular, compared to the classic distributed algorithms or PRAM models, these frameworks allow for much more local computation. The fundamental question that arises in this context is though: can we leverage this additional power to obtain even faster parallel algorithms? A prominent example here is the {\em maximum matching} problem---one of the most classic graph problems. It is well known that in the PRAM model one can compute a 2-approximate maximum matching in O(logn)O(\log{n}) rounds. However, the exact complexity of this problem in the MPC framework is still far from understood. Lattanzi et al. showed that if each machine has n1+Ω(1)n^{1+\Omega(1)} memory, this problem can also be solved 22-approximately in a constant number of rounds. These techniques, as well as the approaches developed in the follow up work, seem though to get stuck in a fundamental way at roughly O(logn)O(\log{n}) rounds once we enter the near-linear memory regime. It is thus entirely possible that in this regime, which captures in particular the case of sparse graph computations, the best MPC round complexity matches what one can already get in the PRAM model, without the need to take advantage of the extra local computation power. In this paper, we finally refute that perplexing possibility. That is, we break the above O(logn)O(\log n) round complexity bound even in the case of {\em slightly sublinear} memory per machine. In fact, our improvement here is {\em almost exponential}: we are able to deliver a (2+ϵ)(2+\epsilon)-approximation to maximum matching, for any fixed constant ϵ>0\epsilon>0, in O((loglogn)2)O((\log \log n)^2) rounds

    The Arboricity Captures the Complexity of Sampling Edges

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    In this paper, we revisit the problem of sampling edges in an unknown graph G = (V, E) from a distribution that is (pointwise) almost uniform over E. We consider the case where there is some a priori upper bound on the arboriciy of G. Given query access to a graph G over n vertices and of average degree {d} and arboricity at most alpha, we design an algorithm that performs O(alpha/d * {log^3 n}/epsilon) queries in expectation and returns an edge in the graph such that every edge e in E is sampled with probability (1 +/- epsilon)/m. The algorithm performs two types of queries: degree queries and neighbor queries. We show that the upper bound is tight (up to poly-logarithmic factors and the dependence in epsilon), as Omega(alpha/d) queries are necessary for the easier task of sampling edges from any distribution over E that is close to uniform in total variational distance. We also prove that even if G is a tree (i.e., alpha = 1 so that alpha/d = Theta(1)), Omega({log n}/{loglog n}) queries are necessary to sample an edge from any distribution that is pointwise close to uniform, thus establishing that a poly(log n) factor is necessary for constant alpha. Finally we show how our algorithm can be applied to obtain a new result on approximately counting subgraphs, based on the recent work of Assadi, Kapralov, and Khanna (ITCS, 2019)