25 research outputs found

    A review on conceptualization and dimensions of safety climate

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    Recent development in industrialization and global economy has contributed to the increased number of workplace injuries and accidents. Safety culture has been seen as a central medium to curb the worrying trend of workplace accidents. The term of safety culture has emerged from the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986 and the concept has been widely used until today. However, the conceptualization of safety culture suffers from several major drawbacks such as no definite understanding of how safety culture being defined and measured. This paper hypothesized that higher levels of safety culture in the workplace will display lower numbers of accidents. Due to this concern, this paper seeks to provide a clear conceptualization of safety culture, dimensions used to measure it and common research methodology used in the previous safety research

    Mitigating risk of maritime regulatory changes : Oil tanker owners\u27 perspective

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    Shipping industry is very regulated. Regulation in this field is dynamic, to respond the stakeholders needs. Regulatory changes are also often triggered by major incidents that bring it into public interest. According to the past statistical data, such regulatory changes address to ship instruments, operation, cargo, crew, environment, security and safety. Source of regulations consist of regulations on specific regions that act unilaterally such as Western Europe, North America and the Baltic Sea, the second is the international regulations under the IMO authority, the third is the regulation of the relevant industry and the fourth is the policy regulation of the companies. Oil tankers play an important role in transporting both crude oil and its products. It covers 26% of total volume of world seaborne trade, which is the biggest portion among other commodities. Within 15 years (2006-2020) in average there have been five to six times regulatory changing in which oil tankers to be addressed. Oil tanker owner is one of the stakeholders in the shipping industry who will be exposed to the risk most among others. Given such the frequent regulatory changes, oil tanker owner are exposed to the risk of cost burden both for CAPEX and for OPEX. In order to keep running their business as usual, risk management strategy is needed for risk mitigation purposes. System dynamics as a method is discussed examined and utilized. Recommendation is proposed. Only three major regulations (SOLAS, MARPOL and STCW) discussed and analyzed

    Safety culture assessment and implementation framework to enhance maritime safety

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    Accident investigation reports attribute the majority of marine accidents to human and organizational factors. Significant efforts are made to eliminate these errors in the maritime industry, but after each catastrophic accident, the maritime industry adopts a reactive approach which results in new regulations and an excessive amount of paperwork. None of these efforts provide the desired safety level for the maritime industry. Currently, the maritime industry is starting to implement proactive approaches and has tried to avoid re-occurrences by implementing an appropriate safety culture. Safety culture is defined as “how an organization behaves when no one is watching”. The safety culture approach describes humans as a means for improving safety rather than someone to blame for failure. A positive safety culture with commitment from all levels in the company can achieve the envisaged and required safety levels in the maritime industry. This paper presents a novel safety culture assessment and improvement framework to enhance the maritime safety and introduces preliminary results of the safety climate assessment within a company. The proposed framework will collect seafarer's attitudes, leading/lagging indicators and key performance indicators to analyze a company's current safety culture level and address the weakest areas to enhance the level of safety accordingly. New strategies and action plans will be proposed to improve these vulnerable areas. The selection of safety indicators will be adjustable according to a company's specific needs and the available data types. Safety indicators have a crucial importance in gaining an insight into a company's safety performance. The safety culture improvement framework will provide a guided way for companies to perform gap identification on their safety level. A management tool will also be developed for shipping companies to analyze and observe their current safety culture level continuously. Implementation of the safety culture assessment framework is a long term process and it requires up to five years of continual effort to get the final results. The results section doesn’t go beyond the assessment of safety climate and identification of the main differences between shore staff and crew members. In the next stages of the study, interviews and observations will be performed to validate the results of the questionnaire. More structured means of statistical analysis will be conducted to identify correlations between safety performance data and safety metrics

    Orman Ürünleri Sanayi Çalışanlarının İş Sağlığı Ve Güvenliğine Kaderci Bakış Açılarının Tespit Edilmesine Yönelik Bir Alan Araştırması

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    Bu çalışmada, orman ürünleri sanayi işletmelerinde çalışanların iş sağlığı ve güvenliği uygulamalarına bakışlarının kaderci yaklaşım çerçevesinde nasıl şekillendiği tespit edilmiştir. Bu amaçla hazırlanan anket formu İzmir ve Balıkesir illerinde bulunan sekiz orman ürünleri işletmesinde çalışan 470 kişi üzerinde uygulanmış ve istatistiksel analizler yapılarak sonuçlar ortaya koyulmuştur. Sonuçlar incelendiğinde, kaderci yaklaşımın eğitim durumu, cinsiyet, iş kazası geçirme durumu ve orman ürünleri alt sektörleri düzeyinde anlamlı farklılıklar gösterdiği belirlenmiştir. Bununla birlikte, kaderci yaklaşımın toplam çalışma süresi, medeni durum ve yaş gruplarına göre farklılık göstermediği ortaya çıkmıştır. İş kazalarının yaklaşık %99’unun önlenebilir niteliğe sahip olduğu göz önüne alındığında, orman ürünleri çalışanları arasında kaderci yaklaşım düzeylerinin yüksekliği ve değişkenliğinin önemli bir sorun olarak görülmesi gerektiği aşikârdır

    Reformulasi Strategi untuk Meningkatkan Budaya Keselamatan Kerja di PT XYZ

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    Upstream oil and gas sector has the characteristics of high-cost, high-tech and high-risk, and safety of operations. PT XYZ is a national company operating in the upstream oil and gas sector with operations spreading across Indonesia. This study aimed to evaluate the achievement of the current safety culture of the company, to analyze the behavioral factors that influenced safety culture and to redefine the strategy to improve the safety culture to minimize the occurrence of accidents. The research method used in the study included validity test and Reliability test, descriptive analysis, gap analysis and SEM analysis (Structural Equation Modelling). The results of the gap analysis show that safety culture in PT XYZ has not met the expectations. The results of the SEM analysis showed behavioral factors significantly influenced the safety culture. The combination between gap analysis and SEM Analysis showed that the strategies that should be carried out by PT XYZ in improving safety culture include strengthening the management commitment for safety, ensuring the process of investigation conducted objectively, maintaining the program rewards and consequences, writing safety aspects in the job description and job responsibilities and individual performance criteria, strengthening employee competence in occupational safety, intensifying communication of occupational safety aspects, analyzing workload and ensuring adequacy of the personnel number and application of SWA (stop work authority).Keywords: oil and gas, safety culture, SE

    Predictive power of inspection outcomes for future shipping accidents – An empirical appraisal with special attention for human factor aspects

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    This paper investigates whether deficiencies detected during port state control (PSC) inspections have predictive power for future accident risk, in addition to other vessel-specific risk factors like ship type, age, size, flag, and owner. The empirical analysis links accidents to past inspection outcomes and is based on data from all around the globe of PSC regimes using harmonized deficiency codes. These codes are aggregated into eight groups related to human factor aspects like crew qualifications, working and living conditions, and fatigue and safety management. This information is integrated by principal components into a single overall deficiency index, which is related to future accident risk by means of logit models. The factor by which accident risk increases for vessels with above average compared to below average deficiency scores is about 6 for total loss, 2 for very serious, 1.5 for serious, and 1.3 for less-serious accidents. Relations between deficiency scores and accident risk are presented in graphical format. The results may be of interest to PSC authorities for targeting inspection areas, to maritime administrations for improving asset allocation based on prediction scenarios connected with vessel traffic data, and to maritime insurers for refining their premium strategies

    Quality standards in polycentric systems : a case of shipping

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    This article contributes to the literature on transnational environmental governance (TEG). Polycentricity is a popular conceptual approach in TEG, but coordination in polycentric systems remains largely unexplored. We put forward a conceptual model of quality standards as a productive links between different orders of governance in polycentric systems. Existing theories distinguish between regulative, institutional, and normalizing functioning of quality standards. We develop an integrative approach highlighting the mechanisms of coordination that rely on these three functions of quality standards. The case of TEG in shipping is used to illustrate how quality standards function not only as soft rules, but also as institutionalized references and shared conventions, enabling coordination across levels and scales. The paper draws attention to the limits of regulatory standardization, outlining how practical value can be gained from emphasizing the normative work associated with promulgation of quality standards.Peer reviewe

    Análisis bibliográfico de los constructos cultura y clima preventivos a través de publicaciones internacionales

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    Introducción y objetivo: Mientras que hasta hace pocos años la prevención de riesgos laborales se centraba básicamente en el aspecto técnico, recientemente los aspectos organizativos han ido adquiriendo importancia. Este proyecto pretende, a través de una revisión exhaustiva, estudiar la opinión de la comunidad científica de los constructos cultura preventiva y clima preventivo y analizar y comparar estudios empíricos llevados a cabo hasta el momento para poder ver similitudes y diferencias entre ellos. Método: Para estudiar la opinión actual de la comunidad científica se ha procedido a la lectura de múltiples artículos relacionados con la prevención de riesgos laborales, de múltiples revistas y autores internacionales. Para realizar la comparativa, se ha usado la base de datos internacional “Journal Citation Reports”, se ha realizado una búsqueda bibliográfica para la obtención de artículos de interés que contuviesen los términos “safety climate” o “safety culture”. Una vez elegidos los artículos que nos podían proporcionar información, se ha procedido al análisis de sus datos, unificando todos los aspectos de los artículos en un mismo archivo Excel para, mediante técnicas de estadística descriptiva, compararlos y obtener las conclusiones pertinentes. Resultados: Los resultados de la comparativa nos muestran que hay muchas zonas geográficas que no han realizado hasta el momento ningún estudio y que el sector más estudiado es la sanidad, con un 50% de los artículos. Se ve claro el aumento de la preocupación sobre el tema, ya que a medida que pasan los años hay un incremento de artículos publicados. También observamos que se usan muchos sistemas estadísticos diferentes para analizar los datos y que hay subítems mucho más usados en un constructo que en otro. Conclusiones: Se ha podido constatar que no existe una definición concreta para los constructos cultura y clima preventivos y que hay científicos que sugieren que son lo mismo. Además, podemos ver que las zonas en las que no hay estudios son las subdesarrolladas, cosa que debería cambiar. El uso de muchos sistemas estadísticos confirma la falta de consenso en cuanto a qué significan exactamente los términos, pero vemos que hay subítems más típicos de un constructo que de otro, en el clima preventivo aquellos relacionados con la percepción y en la cultura preventiva aquellos relacionados con los procedimientos

    Comprehensive review on risk assessment methodologies for HAZMAT transportation between 1995-2015

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    Issue related to safety, health and environmental has become major priority to be concerned of in the transportation of hazardous materials (HAZMAT) worldwide. Due to the high risk that entailed in the operation of HAZMAT transportation, many accidents in this industry have been reported which include chemicals spillage, fire and explosion. In order to quantify the degree of hazards and risks of these accidents, various assessment methods have been introduced either by the academia, the industry as well as the authority. The methods present various approaches for the assessment, ranging from a simple to highly complicated ones depending on the purpose of the assessment and the available resources and constraints. To date there is yet any study conducted to review those available methods. This paper intends to present a comprehensive review of the existing methods for hazards and risks assessment of HAZMAT transportation between years 1995-2015 which considers road, marine, railway, air and pipeline system. Based on careful screening of the abundance of methods available, 151 of them were selected – that is those specifically meant for hazards and risks assessment of HAZMAT transportation only. The methods are reviewed in terms of the types of assessment; either qualitative, quantitative or hybrid techniques, as well as their specific application in different mode of transportation. Also, statistical analysis was performed to determine the trend of past publications regarding on the type of journal, year of publication and also financial support received in the context of hazard and risk assessment of HAZMAT transportation