18 research outputs found

    Safeness of make-based incremental recompilation

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    Refinement Techniques in Mining Software Behavior

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    Co-Evolution of Source Code and the Build System: Impact on the Introduction of AOSD in Legacy Systems

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    Software is omnipresent in our daily lives. As users demand ever more advanced features, software systems have to keep on evolving. In practice, this means that software developers need to adapt the description of a software application. Such a description not only consists of source code written down in a programming language, as a lot of knowledge is hidden in lesser known software development artifacts, like the build system. As its name suggests, the build system is responsible for building an executable program, ready for use, from the source code. There are various indications that the evolution of source code is strongly related to that of the build system. When the source code changes, the build system has to co-evolve to safeguard the ability to build an executable program. A rigid build system on the other hand limits software developers. This phenomenon especially surfaces when drastic changes in the source code are coupled with an inflexible build system, as is the case for the introduction of AOSD technology in legacy systems. AOSD is a young software development approach which enables developers to structure and compose source code in a better way. Legacy systems are old software systems which are still mission-critical, but of which the source code and the build system are no longer fully understood, and which typically make use of old(-fashioned) technology. This PhD dissertation focuses on finding an explanation for this co-evolution of source code and the build system, and on finding developer support to grasp and manage this phenomenon. We postulate four "roots of co-evolution" which represent four different ways in which source code and the build system interact with each other. Based on these roots, we have developed tool and aspect language support to understand and manage co-evolution. The roots and the tool support have been validated in case studies, both in the context of co-evolution in general and of the introduction of AOSD technology in legacy systems. The dissertation experimentally shows that co-evolution indeed is a real problem, but that specific software development and aspect language support enables developers to deal with it

    A Refactoring-Based Approach to Support Binary Backward-Compatible Framework Upgrades

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    Evolutionary changes applied to a framework API may invalidate existing framework-based applications. While manually adapting applications is expensive and error-prone, automatic adaptation demands cumbersome specifications, which the developers are reluctant to write and maintain. Considering structural changes (so-called refactorings) of framework APIs, our adaptation technology supports backward-compatible framework upgrade. The technology is rigorous defining precisely the structure and automatic derivation of compensating adapters. It is also practical compensating for most application-breaking API changes automatically, while requiring neither manual adaptation nor recompilation of existing application code

    Empirical studies of structural phenomena using a curated corpus of Java code

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    Contrary to 50 years\u27 worth of advice in the instructional literature on software design, long cyclic dependencies are found to be widespread in sizeable, curated corpus of real Java software. Among their causes may be overuse of static members, underuse of dependency injection and poor tool support for avoiding them.<br /

    The Fifth NASA Symposium on VLSI Design

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    The fifth annual NASA Symposium on VLSI Design had 13 sessions including Radiation Effects, Architectures, Mixed Signal, Design Techniques, Fault Testing, Synthesis, Signal Processing, and other Featured Presentations. The symposium provides insights into developments in VLSI and digital systems which can be used to increase data systems performance. The presentations share insights into next generation advances that will serve as a basis for future VLSI design

    The ciao prolog system

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    Ciao is a public domain, next generation multi-paradigm programming environment with a unique set of features: Ciao offers a complete Prolog system, supporting ISO-Prolog, but its novel modular design allows both restricting and extending the language. As a result, it allows working with fully declarative subsets of Prolog and also to extend these subsets (or ISO-Prolog) both syntactically and semantically. Most importantly, these restrictions and extensions can be activated separately on each program module so that several extensions can coexist in the same application for different modules. Ciao also supports (through such extensions) programming with functions, higher-order (with predicate abstractions), constraints, and objects, as well as feature terms (records), persistence, several control rules (breadth-first search, iterative deepening, ...), concurrency (threads/engines), a good base for distributed execution (agents), and parallel execution. Libraries also support WWW programming, sockets, external interfaces (C, Java, TclTk, relational databases, etc.), etc. Ciao offers support for programming in the large with a robust module/object system, module-based separate/incremental compilation (automatically -no need for makefiles), an assertion language for declaring (optional) program properties (including types and modes, but also determinacy, non-failure, cost, etc.), automatic static inference and static/dynamic checking of such assertions, etc. Ciao also offers support for programming in the small producing small executables (including only those builtins used by the program) and support for writing scripts in Prolog. The Ciao programming environment includes a classical top-level and a rich emacs interface with an embeddable source-level debugger and a number of execution visualization tools. The Ciao compiler (which can be run outside the top level shell) generates several forms of architecture-independent and stand-alone executables, which run with speed, efficiency and executable size which are very competive with other commercial and academic Prolog/CLP systems. Library modules can be compiled into compact bytecode or C source files, and linked statically, dynamically, or autoloaded. The novel modular design of Ciao enables, in addition to modular program development, effective global program analysis and static debugging and optimization via source to source program transformation. These tasks are performed by the Ciao preprocessor ( ciaopp, distributed separately). The Ciao programming environment also includes lpdoc, an automatic documentation generator for LP/CLP programs. It processes Prolog files adorned with (Ciao) assertions and machine-readable comments and generates manuals in many formats including postscript, pdf, texinfo, info, HTML, man, etc. , as well as on-line help, ascii README files, entries for indices of manuals (info, WWW, ...), and maintains WWW distribution sites

    A new approach to the development and maintenance of industrial sequence logic

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    This thesis is concerned with sequence logic as found in industrial control systems, with the focus being on process and manufacturing control systems. At its core is the assertion that there is a need for a better approach to the development of industrial sequence logic to satisfy the life-cycle requirements, and that many of the ingredients required to deliver such an approach are now available. The needs are discussed by considering the business case for automation and deficiencies with traditional approaches. A set of requirements is then derived for an integrated development environment to address the business needs throughout the control system life-cycle. The strengths and weaknesses of relevant control system technology and standards are reviewed and their bias towards implementation described. Mathematical models, graphical methods and software tools are then assessed with respect to the requirements for an integrated development environment. A solution to the requirements, called Synect is then introduced. Synect combines a methodology using familiar graphical notations with Petri net modelling supported by a set of software tools. Its key features are justified with reference to the requirements. A set of case studies forms the basis of an evaluation against business needs by comparing the Synect methodology with current approaches. The industrial relevance and exploitation are then briefly described. The thesis ends with a review of the key conclusions along with contributions to knowledge and suggestions for further research