322 research outputs found

    Applications in security and evasions in machine learning : a survey

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    In recent years, machine learning (ML) has become an important part to yield security and privacy in various applications. ML is used to address serious issues such as real-time attack detection, data leakage vulnerability assessments and many more. ML extensively supports the demanding requirements of the current scenario of security and privacy across a range of areas such as real-time decision-making, big data processing, reduced cycle time for learning, cost-efficiency and error-free processing. Therefore, in this paper, we review the state of the art approaches where ML is applicable more effectively to fulfill current real-world requirements in security. We examine different security applications' perspectives where ML models play an essential role and compare, with different possible dimensions, their accuracy results. By analyzing ML algorithms in security application it provides a blueprint for an interdisciplinary research area. Even with the use of current sophisticated technology and tools, attackers can evade the ML models by committing adversarial attacks. Therefore, requirements rise to assess the vulnerability in the ML models to cope up with the adversarial attacks at the time of development. Accordingly, as a supplement to this point, we also analyze the different types of adversarial attacks on the ML models. To give proper visualization of security properties, we have represented the threat model and defense strategies against adversarial attack methods. Moreover, we illustrate the adversarial attacks based on the attackers' knowledge about the model and addressed the point of the model at which possible attacks may be committed. Finally, we also investigate different types of properties of the adversarial attacks

    Artificial intelligence in the cyber domain: Offense and defense

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    Artificial intelligence techniques have grown rapidly in recent years, and their applications in practice can be seen in many fields, ranging from facial recognition to image analysis. In the cybersecurity domain, AI-based techniques can provide better cyber defense tools and help adversaries improve methods of attack. However, malicious actors are aware of the new prospects too and will probably attempt to use them for nefarious purposes. This survey paper aims at providing an overview of how artificial intelligence can be used in the context of cybersecurity in both offense and defense.Web of Science123art. no. 41

    Efficiency and Accuracy Enhancement of Intrusion Detection System Using Feature Selection and Cross-layer Mechanism

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    The dramatic increase in the number of connected devices and the significant growth of the network traffic data have led to many security vulnerabilities and cyber-attacks. Hence, developing new methods to secure the network infrastructure and protect data from malicious and unauthorized access becomes a vital aspect of communication network design. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs), as common widely used security techniques, are critical to detect network attacks and unauthorized network access and thus minimize further cyber-attack damages. However, there are a number of weaknesses that need to be addressed to make reliable IDS for real-world applications. One of the fundamental challenges is the large number of redundant and non-relevant data. Feature selection emerges as a necessary step in efficient IDS design to overcome high dimensionality problem and enhance the performance of IDS through the reduction of its complexity and the acceleration of the detection process. Moreover, detection algorithm has significant impact on the performance of IDS. Machine learning techniques are widely used in such systems which is studied in details in this dissertation. One of the most destructive activities in wireless networks such as MANET is packet dropping. The existence of the intrusive attackers in the network is not the only cause of packet loss. In fact, packet drop can occur because of faulty network. Hence, in order detect the packet dropping caused by a malicious activity of an attacker, information from various layers of the protocol is needed to detect malicious packet loss effectively. To this end, a novel cross-layer design for malicious packet loss detection in MANET is proposed using features from physical layer, network layer and MAC layer to make a better detection decision. Trust-based mechanism is adopted in this design and a packet loss free routing algorithm is presented accordingly

    Differentiated Intrusion Detection and SVDD-based Feature Selection for Anomaly Detection

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    Most of existing intrusion detection techniques treat all types of attacks equally without any differentiation of the risk they pose to the information system. However, certain types of attacks are more harmful than others and their detection is critical to protection of the system. This study proposes a novel differentiated anomaly detection method that can more precisely detect intrusions of specific types of attacks. Although many researchers have been developed many efficient intrusion detection methods, fewer efforts have been made to extract effective features for host-based intrusion detection. In this study, we propose a new framework based on new viewpoints about system activities to extract host-based features, which can guide further exploration for new features. There are few feature selection methods for anomaly detections although lots of studies have been done for the feature selection both in classification and regression problems. This study proposes new support vector data description (SVDD)-based feature selection methods such as SVDD-R2-recursive feature elimination (RFE), SVDD-RFE and SVDDGradient method. Concrete experiments with both simulated and the Defense advanced research projects agency (DARPA) datasets shows promising performance of the proposed methods. These achievements in this dissertation could significantly contribute to anomaly detection field. In addition, the proposed differentiated detection and SVDD-based feature selection methods would benefit even other application areas beyond intrusion detectio

    Reduction of False Positives in Intrusion Detection Based on Extreme Learning Machine with Situation Awareness

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    Protecting computer networks from intrusions is more important than ever for our privacy, economy, and national security. Seemingly a month does not pass without news of a major data breach involving sensitive personal identity, financial, medical, trade secret, or national security data. Democratic processes can now be potentially compromised through breaches of electronic voting systems. As ever more devices, including medical machines, automobiles, and control systems for critical infrastructure are increasingly networked, human life is also more at risk from cyber-attacks. Research into Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) began several decades ago and IDSs are still a mainstay of computer and network protection and continue to evolve. However, detecting previously unseen, or zero-day, threats is still an elusive goal. Many commercial IDS deployments still use misuse detection based on known threat signatures. Systems utilizing anomaly detection have shown great promise to detect previously unseen threats in academic research. But their success has been limited in large part due to the excessive number of false positives that they produce. This research demonstrates that false positives can be better minimized, while maintaining detection accuracy, by combining Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) and Hidden Markov Models (HMM) as classifiers within the context of a situation awareness framework. This research was performed using the University of New South Wales - Network Based 2015 (UNSW-NB15) data set which is more representative of contemporary cyber-attack and normal network traffic than older data sets typically used in IDS research. It is shown that this approach provides better results than either HMM or ELM alone and with a lower False Positive Rate (FPR) than other comparable approaches that also used the UNSW-NB15 data set

    Feature Subset Selection in Intrusion Detection Using Soft Computing Techniques

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    Intrusions on computer network systems are major security issues these days. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to prevent such intrusions. The prevention of such intrusions is entirely dependent on their detection that is a main part of any security tool such as Intrusion Detection System (IDS), Intrusion Prevention System (IPS), Adaptive Security Alliance (ASA), checkpoints and firewalls. Therefore, accurate detection of network attack is imperative. A variety of intrusion detection approaches are available but the main problem is their performance, which can be enhanced by increasing the detection rates and reducing false positives. Such weaknesses of the existing techniques have motivated the research presented in this thesis. One of the weaknesses of the existing intrusion detection approaches is the usage of a raw dataset for classification but the classifier may get confused due to redundancy and hence may not classify correctly. To overcome this issue, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) has been employed to transform raw features into principal features space and select the features based on their sensitivity. The sensitivity is determined by the values of eigenvalues. The recent approaches use PCA to project features space to principal feature space and select features corresponding to the highest eigenvalues, but the features corresponding to the highest eigenvalues may not have the optimal sensitivity for the classifier due to ignoring many sensitive features. Instead of using traditional approach of selecting features with the highest eigenvalues such as PCA, this research applied a Genetic Algorithm (GA) to search the principal feature space that offers a subset of features with optimal sensitivity and the highest discriminatory power. Based on the selected features, the classification is performed. The Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) are used for classification purpose due to their proven ability in classification. This research work uses the Knowledge Discovery and Data mining (KDD) cup dataset, which is considered benchmark for evaluating security detection mechanisms. The performance of this approach was analyzed and compared with existing approaches. The results show that proposed method provides an optimal intrusion detection mechanism that outperforms the existing approaches and has the capability to minimize the number of features and maximize the detection rates

    On the Detection Capabilities of Signature-Based Intrusion Detection Systems in the Context of Web Attacks

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    Signature-based Intrusion Detection Systems (SIDS) play a crucial role within the arsenal of security components of most organizations. They can find traces of known attacks in the network traffic or host events for which patterns or signatures have been pre-established. SIDS include standard packages of detection rulesets, but only those rules suited to the operational environment should be activated for optimal performance. However, some organizations might skip this tuning process and instead activate default off-the-shelf rulesets without understanding its implications and trade-offs. In this work, we help gain insight into the consequences of using predefined rulesets in the performance of SIDS. We experimentally explore the performance of three SIDS in the context of web attacks. In particular, we gauge the detection rate obtained with predefined subsets of rules for Snort, ModSecurity and Nemesida using seven attack datasets. We also determine the precision and rate of alert generated by each detector in a real-life case using a large trace from a public webserver. Results show that the maximum detection rate achieved by the SIDS under test is insufficient to protect systems effectively and is lower than expected for known attacks. Our results also indicate that the choice of predefined settings activated on each detector strongly influences its detection capability and false alarm rate. Snort and ModSecurity scored either a very poor detection rate (activating the less-sensitive predefined ruleset) or a very poor precision (activating the full ruleset). We also found that using various SIDS for a cooperative decision can improve the precision or the detection rate, but not both. Consequently, it is necessary to reflect upon the role of these open-source SIDS with default configurations as core elements for protection in the context of web attacks. Finally, we provide an efficient method for systematically determining which rules deactivate from a ruleset to significantly reduce the false alarm rate for a target operational environment. We tested our approach using Snort’s ruleset in our real-life trace, increasing the precision from 0.015 to 1 in less than 16 h of work. View Full-TextMinisterio de Ciencias e Innovación (MICINN)/AEI 10.13039/501100011033: PID2020-115199RB-I00FEDER/Junta de Andalucía-Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades PYC20-RE-087-US

    On the Detection Capabilities of Signature-Based Intrusion Detection Systems in the Context of Web Attacks

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    This work has been partly funded by the research grant PID2020-115199RB-I00 provided by the Spanish ministry of Industry under the contract MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, and also by FEDER/Junta de Andalucia-Consejeria de Transformacion Economica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades under project PYC20-RE-087-USE.Signature-based Intrusion Detection Systems (SIDS) play a crucial role within the arsenal of security components of most organizations. They can find traces of known attacks in the network traffic or host events for which patterns or signatures have been pre-established. SIDS include standard packages of detection rulesets, but only those rules suited to the operational environment should be activated for optimal performance. However, some organizations might skip this tuning process and instead activate default off-the-shelf rulesets without understanding its implications and trade-offs. In this work, we help gain insight into the consequences of using predefined rulesets in the performance of SIDS. We experimentally explore the performance of three SIDS in the context of web attacks. In particular, we gauge the detection rate obtained with predefined subsets of rules for Snort, ModSecurity and Nemesida using seven attack datasets. We also determine the precision and rate of alert generated by each detector in a real-life case using a large trace from a public webserver. Results show that the maximum detection rate achieved by the SIDS under test is insufficient to protect systems effectively and is lower than expected for known attacks. Our results also indicate that the choice of predefined settings activated on each detector strongly influences its detection capability and false alarm rate. Snort and ModSecurity scored either a very poor detection rate (activating the less-sensitive predefined ruleset) or a very poor precision (activating the full ruleset). We also found that using various SIDS for a cooperative decision can improve the precision or the detection rate, but not both. Consequently, it is necessary to reflect upon the role of these open-source SIDS with default configurations as core elements for protection in the context of web attacks. Finally, we provide an efficient method for systematically determining which rules deactivate from a ruleset to significantly reduce the false alarm rate for a target operational environment. We tested our approach using Snort’s ruleset in our real-life trace, increasing the precision from 0.015 to 1 in less than 16 h of work.Spanish Government PID2020-115199RB-I00 MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033FEDER/Junta de Andalucia-Consejeria de Transformacion Economica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades PYC20-RE-087-US

    RSU-Based Online Intrusion Detection and Mitigation for VANET

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    Secure vehicular communication is a critical factor for secure traffic management. Effective security in intelligent transportation systems (ITS) requires effective and timely intrusion detection systems (IDS). In this paper, we consider false data injection attacks and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, especially the stealthy DDoS attacks, targeting the integrity and availability, respectively, in vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANET). Novel statistical intrusion detection and mitigation techniques based on centralized communications through roadside units (RSU) are proposed for the considered attacks. The performance of the proposed methods are evaluated using a traffic simulator and a real traffic dataset. Comparisons with the state-of-the-art solutions clearly demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed methods in terms of quick and accurate detection and localization of cyberattacks
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