18 research outputs found

    Data-driven agriculture for rural smallholdings

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    Spatial information science has a critical role to play in meeting the major challenges facing society in the coming decades, including feeding a population of 10 billion by 2050, addressing environmental degradation, and acting on climate change. Agriculture and agri-food value-chains, dependent on spatial information, are also central. Due to agriculture\u27s dual role as not only a producer of food, fibre and fuel, but also as a major land, water and energy consumer, agriculture is at the centre of both the food-water-energy-environment nexus and resource security debates. The recent confluence of a number of advances in data analytics, cloud computing, remote sensing, computer vision, robotic and drone platforms, and IoT sensors and networks have lead to a significant reduction in the cost of acquiring and processing data for decision support in the agricultural sector. When combined with cost-effective automation through development of swarm farming technologies, the technology has the potential to decouple productivity and cost efficiency from economies of size, reducing the need to increase farm size to remain economically viable. We argue that these pressures and opportunities are driving agricultural value-chains towards high-resolution data-driven decision-making, where even decisions made by small rural landowners can be data-driven. We survey recent innovations in data, especially focusing on sensor, spatial and data mining technologies with a view to their agricultural application; discuss economic feasibility for small farmers; and identify some technical challenges that need to be solved to reap the benefits. Flexibly composable information resources, coupled with sophisticated data sharing technologies, and machine learning with transparently embedded spatial and aspatial methods are all required

    Sextant: Visualizing time-evolving linked geospatial data

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    The linked open data cloud is constantly evolving as datasets get continuously updated with newer versions. As a result, representing, querying, and visualizing the temporal dimension of linked data is crucial. This is especially important for geospatial datasets that form the backbone of large scale open data publication efforts in many sectors of the economy (e.g., the public sector, the Earth Observation sector). Although there has been some work on the representation and querying of linked geospatial data that change over time, to the best of our knowledge, there is currently no tool that offers spatio-temporal visualization of such data. This is in contrast with the existence of many tools for the visualization of the temporal evolution of geospatial data in the GIS area. In this article, we present Sextant, a Web-based system for the visualization and exploration of time-evolving linked geospatial data and the creation, sharing, and collaborative editing of “temporally-enriched” thematic maps which are produced by combining different sources of such data. We present the architecture of Sextant, give examples of its use and present applications in which we have deployed it

    Applications of ontology in the Internet of Things: a systematic analysis

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    Ontology has been increasingly implemented to facilitate the Internet of Things (IoT) activities, such as tracking and information discovery, storage, information exchange, and object addressing. However, a complete understanding of using ontology in the IoT mechanism remains lacking. The main goal of this research is to recognize the use of ontology in the IoT process and investigate the services of ontology in IoT activities. A systematic literature review (SLR) is conducted using predefined protocols to analyze the literature about the usage of ontologies in IoT. The following conclusions are obtained from the SLR. (1) Primary studies (i.e., selected 115 articles) have addressed the need to use ontologies in IoT for industries and the academe, especially to minimize interoperability and integration of IoT devices. (2) About 31.30% of extant literature discussed ontology development concerning the IoT interoperability issue, while IoT privacy and integration issues are partially discussed in the literature. (3) IoT styles of modeling ontologies are diverse, whereas 35.65% of total studies adopted the OWL style. (4) The 32 articles (i.e., 27.83% of the total studies) reused IoT ontologies to handle diverse IoT methodologies. (5) A total of 45 IoT ontologies are well acknowledged, but the IoT community has widely utilized none. An in-depth analysis of different IoT ontologies suggests that the existing ontologies are beneficial in designing new IoT ontology or achieving three main requirements of the IoT field: interoperability, integration, and privacy. This SLR is finalized by identifying numerous validity threats and future directions

    The 10 Research Topics in the Internet of Things

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    Since the term first coined in 1999 by Kevin Ashton, the Internet of Things (IoT) has gained significant momentum as a technology to connect physical objects to the Internet and to facilitate machine-to-human and machine-to-machine communications. Over the past two decades, IoT has been an active area of research and development endeavours by many technical and commercial communities. Yet, IoT technology is still not mature and many issues need to be addressed. In this paper, we identify 10 key research topics and discuss the research problems and opportunities within these topics.Comment: 10 pages. IEEE CIC 2020 vision pape

    Applications of ontology in the internet of things: A systematic analysis

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    Ontology has been increasingly implemented to facilitate the Internet of Things (IoT) activities, such as tracking and information discovery, storage, information exchange, and object addressing. However, a complete understanding of using ontology in the IoT mechanism remains lacking. The main goal of this research is to recognize the use of ontology in the IoT process and investigate the services of ontology in IoT activities. A systematic literature review (SLR) is conducted using predefined protocols to analyze the literature about the usage of ontologies in IoT. The following conclusions are obtained from the SLR. (1) Primary studies (i.e., selected 115 articles) have addressed the need to use ontologies in IoT for industries and the academe, especially to minimize interoperability and integration of IoT devices. (2) About 31.30% of extant literature discussed ontology development concerning the IoT interoperability issue, while IoT privacy and integration issues are partially discussed in the literature. (3) IoT styles of modeling ontologies are diverse, whereas 35.65% of total studies adopted the OWL style. (4) The 32 articles (i.e., 27.83% of the total studies) reused IoT ontologies to handle diverse IoT methodologies. (5) A total of 45 IoT ontologies are well acknowledged, but the IoT community has widely utilized none. An in-depth analysis of different IoT ontologies suggests that the existing ontologies are beneficial in designing new IoT ontology or achieving three main requirements of the IoT field: interoperability, integration, and privacy. This SLR is finalized by identifying numerous validity threats and future directions

    Automating Geospatial RDF Dataset Integration and Enrichment

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    Over the last years, the Linked Open Data (LOD) has evolved from a mere 12 to more than 10,000 knowledge bases. These knowledge bases come from diverse domains including (but not limited to) publications, life sciences, social networking, government, media, linguistics. Moreover, the LOD cloud also contains a large number of crossdomain knowledge bases such as DBpedia and Yago2. These knowledge bases are commonly managed in a decentralized fashion and contain partly verlapping information. This architectural choice has led to knowledge pertaining to the same domain being published by independent entities in the LOD cloud. For example, information on drugs can be found in Diseasome as well as DBpedia and Drugbank. Furthermore, certain knowledge bases such as DBLP have been published by several bodies, which in turn has lead to duplicated content in the LOD . In addition, large amounts of geo-spatial information have been made available with the growth of heterogeneous Web of Data. The concurrent publication of knowledge bases containing related information promises to become a phenomenon of increasing importance with the growth of the number of independent data providers. Enabling the joint use of the knowledge bases published by these providers for tasks such as federated queries, cross-ontology question answering and data integration is most commonly tackled by creating links between the resources described within these knowledge bases. Within this thesis, we spur the transition from isolated knowledge bases to enriched Linked Data sets where information can be easily integrated and processed. To achieve this goal, we provide concepts, approaches and use cases that facilitate the integration and enrichment of information with other data types that are already present on the Linked Data Web with a focus on geo-spatial data. The first challenge that motivates our work is the lack of measures that use the geographic data for linking geo-spatial knowledge bases. This is partly due to the geo-spatial resources being described by the means of vector geometry. In particular, discrepancies in granularity and error measurements across knowledge bases render the selection of appropriate distance measures for geo-spatial resources difficult. We address this challenge by evaluating existing literature for point set measures that can be used to measure the similarity of vector geometries. Then, we present and evaluate the ten measures that we derived from the literature on samples of three real knowledge bases. The second challenge we address in this thesis is the lack of automatic Link Discovery (LD) approaches capable of dealing with geospatial knowledge bases with missing and erroneous data. To this end, we present Colibri, an unsupervised approach that allows discovering links between knowledge bases while improving the quality of the instance data in these knowledge bases. A Colibri iteration begins by generating links between knowledge bases. Then, the approach makes use of these links to detect resources with probably erroneous or missing information. This erroneous or missing information detected by the approach is finally corrected or added. The third challenge we address is the lack of scalable LD approaches for tackling big geo-spatial knowledge bases. Thus, we present Deterministic Particle-Swarm Optimization (DPSO), a novel load balancing technique for LD on parallel hardware based on particle-swarm optimization. We combine this approach with the Orchid algorithm for geo-spatial linking and evaluate it on real and artificial data sets. The lack of approaches for automatic updating of links of an evolving knowledge base is our fourth challenge. This challenge is addressed in this thesis by the Wombat algorithm. Wombat is a novel approach for the discovery of links between knowledge bases that relies exclusively on positive examples. Wombat is based on generalisation via an upward refinement operator to traverse the space of Link Specifications (LS). We study the theoretical characteristics of Wombat and evaluate it on different benchmark data sets. The last challenge addressed herein is the lack of automatic approaches for geo-spatial knowledge base enrichment. Thus, we propose Deer, a supervised learning approach based on a refinement operator for enriching Resource Description Framework (RDF) data sets. We show how we can use exemplary descriptions of enriched resources to generate accurate enrichment pipelines. We evaluate our approach against manually defined enrichment pipelines and show that our approach can learn accurate pipelines even when provided with a small number of training examples. Each of the proposed approaches is implemented and evaluated against state-of-the-art approaches on real and/or artificial data sets. Moreover, all approaches are peer-reviewed and published in a conference or a journal paper. Throughout this thesis, we detail the ideas, implementation and the evaluation of each of the approaches. Moreover, we discuss each approach and present lessons learned. Finally, we conclude this thesis by presenting a set of possible future extensions and use cases for each of the proposed approaches

    Automatic Geospatial Data Conflation Using Semantic Web Technologies

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    Duplicate geospatial data collections and maintenance are an extensive problem across Australia government organisations. This research examines how Semantic Web technologies can be used to automate the geospatial data conflation process. The research presents a new approach where generation of OWL ontologies based on output data models and presenting geospatial data as RDF triples serve as the basis for the solution and SWRL rules serve as the core to automate the geospatial data conflation processes

    Federated Query Processing over Heterogeneous Data Sources in a Semantic Data Lake

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    Data provides the basis for emerging scientific and interdisciplinary data-centric applications with the potential of improving the quality of life for citizens. Big Data plays an important role in promoting both manufacturing and scientific development through industrial digitization and emerging interdisciplinary research. Open data initiatives have encouraged the publication of Big Data by exploiting the decentralized nature of the Web, allowing for the availability of heterogeneous data generated and maintained by autonomous data providers. Consequently, the growing volume of data consumed by different applications raise the need for effective data integration approaches able to process a large volume of data that is represented in different format, schema and model, which may also include sensitive data, e.g., financial transactions, medical procedures, or personal data. Data Lakes are composed of heterogeneous data sources in their original format, that reduce the overhead of materialized data integration. Query processing over Data Lakes require the semantic description of data collected from heterogeneous data sources. A Data Lake with such semantic annotations is referred to as a Semantic Data Lake. Transforming Big Data into actionable knowledge demands novel and scalable techniques for enabling not only Big Data ingestion and curation to the Semantic Data Lake, but also for efficient large-scale semantic data integration, exploration, and discovery. Federated query processing techniques utilize source descriptions to find relevant data sources and find efficient execution plan that minimize the total execution time and maximize the completeness of answers. Existing federated query processing engines employ a coarse-grained description model where the semantics encoded in data sources are ignored. Such descriptions may lead to the erroneous selection of data sources for a query and unnecessary retrieval of data, affecting thus the performance of query processing engine. In this thesis, we address the problem of federated query processing against heterogeneous data sources in a Semantic Data Lake. First, we tackle the challenge of knowledge representation and propose a novel source description model, RDF Molecule Templates, that describe knowledge available in a Semantic Data Lake. RDF Molecule Templates (RDF-MTs) describes data sources in terms of an abstract description of entities belonging to the same semantic concept. Then, we propose a technique for data source selection and query decomposition, the MULDER approach, and query planning and optimization techniques, Ontario, that exploit the characteristics of heterogeneous data sources described using RDF-MTs and provide a uniform access to heterogeneous data sources. We then address the challenge of enforcing privacy and access control requirements imposed by data providers. We introduce a privacy-aware federated query technique, BOUNCER, able to enforce privacy and access control regulations during query processing over data sources in a Semantic Data Lake. In particular, BOUNCER exploits RDF-MTs based source descriptions in order to express privacy and access control policies as well as their automatic enforcement during source selection, query decomposition, and planning. Furthermore, BOUNCER implements query decomposition and optimization techniques able to identify query plans over data sources that not only contain the relevant entities to answer a query, but also are regulated by policies that allow for accessing these relevant entities. Finally, we tackle the problem of interest based update propagation and co-evolution of data sources. We present a novel approach for interest-based RDF update propagation that consistently maintains a full or partial replication of large datasets and deal with co-evolution

    Automatically selecting patients for clinical trials with justifications

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    Clinical trials are human research studies that are used to evaluate the effectiveness of a surgical, medical, or behavioral intervention. They have been widely used by researchers to determine whether a new treatment, such as a new medication, is safe and effective in humans. A clinical trial is frequently performed to determine whether a new treatment is more successful than the current treatment or has less harmful side effects. However, clinical trials have a high failure rate. One method applied is to find patients based on patient records. Unfortunately, this is a difficult process. This is because this process is typically performed manually, making it time-consuming and error-prone. Consequently, clinical trial deadlines are often missed, and studies do not move forward. Time can be a determining factor for success. Therefore, it would be advantageous to have automatic support in this process. Since it is also important to be able to validate whether the patients were selected correctly for the trial, avoiding eventual health problems, it would be important to have a mechanism to present justifications for the selected patients. In this dissertation, we present one possible solution to solve the problem of patient selection for clinical trials. We developed the necessary algorithms and created a simple and intuitive web application that features the selection of patients for clinical trials automatically. This was achieved by combining knowledge expressed in different formalisms. We integrated medical knowledge using ontologies, with criteria that were expressed using nonmonotonic rules. To address the validation procedure automatically, we developed a mechanism that generates the justifications for each selection together with the results of the patients who were selected. In the end, it is expected that a user can easily enter a set of trial criteria, and the application will generate the results of the selected patients and their respective justifications, based on the criteria inserted, medical information and a database of patient information.Os ensaios clínicos são estudos de pesquisa em humanos, utilizados para avaliar a eficácia de uma intervenção cirúrgica, médica ou comportamental. Estes estudos, têm sido amplamente utilizados pelos investigadores para determinar se um novo tratamento, como é o caso de um novo medicamento, é seguro e eficaz em humanos. Um ensaio clínico é realizado frequentemente, para determinar se um novo tratamento tem mais sucesso do que o tratamento atual ou se tem menos efeitos colaterais prejudiciais. No entanto, os ensaios clínicos têm uma taxa de insucesso alta. Um método aplicado é encontrar pacientes com base em registos. Infelizmente, este é um processo difícil. Isto deve-se ao facto deste processo ser normalmente realizado à mão, o que o torna demorado e propenso a erros. Consequentemente, o prazo dos ensaios clínicos é muitas vezes ultrapassado e os estudos acabam por não avançar. O tempo pode ser por vezes um fator determinante para o sucesso. Seria então vantajoso ter algum apoio automático neste processo. Visto que também seria importante validar se os pacientes foram selecionados corretamente para o ensaio, evitando até eventuais problemas de saúde, seria importante ter um mecanismo que apresente justificações para os pacientes selecionados. Nesta dissertação, apresentamos uma possível solução para resolver o problema da seleção de pacientes para ensaios clínicos, através da criação de uma aplicação web, intuitiva e fácil de utilizar, que apresenta a seleção de pacientes para ensaios clínicos de forma automática. Isto foi alcançado através da combinação de conhecimento expresso em diferentes formalismos. Integrámos o conhecimento médico usando ontologias, com os critérios que serão expressos usando regras não monotónicas. Para tratar do processo de validação, desenvolvemos um mecanismo que gera justificações para cada seleção juntamente com os resultados dos pacientes selecionados. No final, é esperado que o utilizador consiga inserir facilmente um conjunto de critérios de seleção, e a aplicação irá gerar os resultados dos pacientes selecionados e as respetivas justificações, com base nos critérios inseridos, informações médicas e uma base de dados com informações dos pacientes

    A Knowledge Graph Based Integration Approach for Industry 4.0

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    The fourth industrial revolution, Industry 4.0 (I40) aims at creating smart factories employing among others Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Realizing smart factories according to the I40 vision requires intelligent human-to-machine and machine-to-machine communication. To achieve this communication, CPS along with their data need to be described and interoperability conflicts arising from various representations need to be resolved. For establishing interoperability, industry communities have created standards and standardization frameworks. Standards describe main properties of entities, systems, and processes, as well as interactions among them. Standardization frameworks classify, align, and integrate industrial standards according to their purposes and features. Despite being published by official international organizations, different standards may contain divergent definitions for similar entities. Further, when utilizing the same standard for the design of a CPS, different views can generate interoperability conflicts. Albeit expressive, standardization frameworks may represent divergent categorizations of the same standard to some extent, interoperability conflicts need to be resolved to support effective and efficient communication in smart factories. To achieve interoperability, data need to be semantically integrated and existing conflicts conciliated. This problem has been extensively studied in the literature. Obtained results can be applied to general integration problems. However, current approaches fail to consider specific interoperability conflicts that occur between entities in I40 scenarios. In this thesis, we tackle the problem of semantic data integration in I40 scenarios. A knowledge graphbased approach allowing for the integration of entities in I40 while considering their semantics is presented. To achieve this integration, there are challenges to be addressed on different conceptual levels. Firstly, defining mappings between standards and standardization frameworks; secondly, representing knowledge of entities in I40 scenarios described by standards; thirdly, integrating perspectives of CPS design while solving semantic heterogeneity issues; and finally, determining real industry applications for the presented approach. We first devise a knowledge-driven approach allowing for the integration of standards and standardization frameworks into an Industry 4.0 knowledge graph (I40KG). The standards ontology is used for representing the main properties of standards and standardization frameworks, as well as relationships among them. The I40KG permits to integrate standards and standardization frameworks while solving specific semantic heterogeneity conflicts in the domain. Further, we semantically describe standards in knowledge graphs. To this end, standards of core importance for I40 scenarios are considered, i.e., the Reference Architectural Model for I40 (RAMI4.0), AutomationML, and the Supply Chain Operation Reference Model (SCOR). In addition, different perspectives of entities describing CPS are integrated into the knowledge graphs. To evaluate the proposed methods, we rely on empirical evaluations as well as on the development of concrete use cases. The attained results provide evidence that a knowledge graph approach enables the effective data integration of entities in I40 scenarios while solving semantic interoperability conflicts, thus empowering the communication in smart factories