10 research outputs found

    Visualizing the customization endeavor in product-based-evolving software product lines: a case of action design research

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    [EN] Software Product Lines (SPLs) aim at systematically reusing software assets, and deriving products (a.k.a., variants) out of those assets. However, it is not always possible to handle SPL evolution directly through these reusable assets. Time-to-market pressure, expedited bug fixes, or product specifics lead to the evolution to first happen at the product level, and to be later merged back into the SPL platform where the core assets reside. This is referred to as product-based evolution. In this scenario, deciding when and what should go into the next SPL release is far from trivial. Distinct questions arise. How much effort are developers spending on product customization? Which are the most customized core assets? To which extent is the core asset code being reused for a given product? We refer to this endeavor as Customization Analysis, i.e., understanding the functional increments in adjusting products from the last SPL platform release. The scale of the SPLs' code-base calls for customization analysis to be conducted through Visual Analytics tools. This work addresses the design principles for such tools through a joint effort between academia and industry, specifically, Danfoss Drives, a company division in charge of the P400 SPL. Accordingly, we adopt an Action Design Research approach where answers are sought by interacting with the practitioners in the studied situations. We contribute by providing informed goals for customization analysis as well as an intervention in terms of a visual analytics tool. We conclude by discussing to what extent this experience can be generalized to product-based evolving SPL organizations other than Danfoss Drives.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This work is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities grant number RTI2018099818-B-I00 and MCIU-AEI TIN2017-90644-REDT (TASOVA). ONEKIN enjoys support from the program 'Grupos de Investigacion del Sistema Univesitario Vasco 2019-2021' under contract IT1235-19. Raul Medeiros enjoys a doctoral grant from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation

    Definition and Verification of Security Configurations of Cyber-Physical Systems

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    The proliferation of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) is rais ing serious security challenges. These are complex systems, integrating physical elements into automated networked systems, often containing a variety of devices, such as sensors and actuators, and requiring complex management and data storage. This makes the construction of secure CPSs a challenge, requiring not only an adequate specification of secu rity requirements and needs related to the business domain but also an adaptation and concretion of these requirements to define a security configuration of the CPS where all its components are related. Derived from the complexity of the CPS, their configurations can be incorrect according to the requirements, and must be verified. In this paper, we propose a grammar for specifying business domain security requirements based on the CPS components. This will allow the definition of security requirements that, through a defined security feature model, will result in a configuration of services and security properties of the CPS, whose correctness can be verified. For this last stage, we have created a cata logue of feature models supported by a tool that allows the automatic verification of security configurations. To illustrate the results, the pro posal has been applied to automated verification of requirements in a hydroponic system scenario.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología RTI2018-094283-B-C33 (ECLIPSE)Junta de Andalucía METAMORFOSIS (US-1381375)Junta de Castilla.La Mancha SBPLY-17-180501-000202 (GENESIS

    Naming the Identified Feature Implementation Blocks from Software Source Code

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    Identifying software identifiers that implement a particular feature of a software product is known as feature identification. Feature identification is one of the most critical and popular processes performed by software engineers during software maintenance activity. However, a meaningful name must be assigned to the Identified Feature Implementation Block (IFIB) to complete the feature identification process. The feature naming process remains a challenging task, where the majority of existing approaches manually assign the name of the IFIB. In this paper, the approach called FeatureClouds was proposed, which can be exploited by software developers to name the IFIBs from software code. FeatureClouds approach incorporates word clouds visualization technique to name Feature Blocks (FBs) by using the most frequent words across these blocks. FeatureClouds had evaluated by assessing its added benefit to the current approaches in the literature, where limited tool support was supplied to software developers to distinguish feature names of the IFIBs. For validity, FeatureClouds had applied to draw shapes and ArgoUML software. The findings showed that the proposed approach achieved promising results according to well-known metrics in terms of Precision and Recall

    Traceability Links Recovery among Requirements and BPMN models

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    Tesis por compendio[EN] Throughout the pages of this document, I present the results of the research that was carried out in the context of my PhD studies. During the aforementioned research, I studied the process of Traceability Links Recovery between natural language requirements and industrial software models. More precisely, due to their popularity and extensive usage, I studied the process of Traceability Links Recovery between natural language requirements and Business Process Models, also known as BPMN models. In order to carry out the research, I focused my work on two main objectives: (1) the development of the Traceability Links Recovery techniques between natural language requirements and BPMN models, and (2) the validation and analysis of the results obtained by the developed techniques in industrial domain case studies. The results of the research have been redacted and published in forums, conferences, and journals specialized in the topics and context of the research. This thesis document introduces the topics, context, and objectives of the research, presents the academic publications that have been published as a result of the work, and then discusses the outcomes of the investigation.[ES] A través de las páginas de este documento, presento los resultados de la investigación realizada en el contexto de mis estudios de doctorado. Durante la investigación, he estudiado el proceso de Recuperación de Enlaces de Trazabilidad entre requisitos especificados en lenguaje natural y modelos de software industriales. Más concretamente, debido a su popularidad y uso extensivo, he estudiado el proceso de Recuperación de Enlaces de Trazabilidad entre requisitos especificados en lenguaje natural y Modelos de Procesos de Negocio, también conocidos como modelos BPMN. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación, mi trabajo se ha centrado en dos objetivos principales: (1) desarrollo de técnicas de Recuperación de Enlaces de Trazabilidad entre requisitos especificados en lenguaje natural y modelos BPMN, y (2) validación y análisis de los resultados obtenidos por las técnicas desarrolladas en casos de estudio de dominios industriales. Los resultados de la investigación han sido redactados y publicados en foros, conferencias y revistas especializadas en los temas y contexto de la investigación. Esta tesis introduce los temas, contexto y objetivos de la investigación, presenta las publicaciones académicas que han sido publicadas como resultado del trabajo, y expone los resultados de la investigación.[CA] A través de les pàgines d'aquest document, presente els resultats de la investigació realitzada en el context dels meus estudis de doctorat. Durant la investigació, he estudiat el procés de Recuperació d'Enllaços de Traçabilitat entre requisits especificats en llenguatge natural i models de programari industrials. Més concretament, a causa de la seua popularitat i ús extensiu, he estudiat el procés de Recuperació d'Enllaços de Traçabilitat entre requisits especificats en llenguatge natural i Models de Processos de Negoci, també coneguts com a models BPMN. Per a dur a terme aquesta investigació, el meu treball s'ha centrat en dos objectius principals: (1) desenvolupament de tècniques de Recuperació d'Enllaços de Traçabilitat entre requisits especificats en llenguatge natural i models BPMN, i (2) validació i anàlisi dels resultats obtinguts per les tècniques desenvolupades en casos d'estudi de dominis industrials. Els resultats de la investigació han sigut redactats i publicats en fòrums, conferències i revistes especialitzades en els temes i context de la investigació. Aquesta tesi introdueix els temes, context i objectius de la investigació, presenta les publicacions acadèmiques que han sigut publicades com a resultat del treball, i exposa els resultats de la investigació.Lapeña Martí, R. (2020). Traceability Links Recovery among Requirements and BPMN models [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/149391TESISCompendi

    Machine Learning-based Test Selection for Simulation-based Testing of Self-driving Cars Software

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    Simulation platforms facilitate the development of emerging Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) like self-driving cars (SDC) because they are more efficient and less dangerous than field operational test cases. Despite this, thoroughly testing SDCs in simulated environments remains challenging because SDCs must be tested in a sheer amount of long-running test cases. Past results on software testing optimization have shown that not all the test cases contribute equally to establishing confidence in test subjects' quality and reliability, and the execution of "safe and uninformative" test cases can be skipped to reduce testing effort. However, this problem is only partially addressed in the context of SDC simulation platforms. In this paper, we investigate test selection strategies to increase the cost-effectiveness of simulation-based testing in the context of SDCs. We propose an approach called SDC-Scissor (SDC coSt-effeCtIve teSt SelectOR) that leverages Machine Learning (ML) strategies to identify and skip test cases that are unlikely to detect faults in SDCs before executing them. Our evaluation shows that SDC-Scissor outperforms the baselines. With the Logistic model, we achieve an accuracy of 70%, a precision of 65%, and a recall of 80% in selecting tests leading to a fault and improved testing cost-effectiveness. Specifically, SDC-Scissor avoided the execution of 50% of unnecessary tests as well as outperformed two baseline strategies. Complementary to existing work, we also integrated SDC-Scissor into the context of an industrial organization in the automotive domain to demonstrate how it can be used in industrial settings.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2111.0466

    Configuration Analysis for Large Scale Feature Models: Towards Speculative-Based Solutions

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    Los sistemas de alta variabilidad son sistemas de software en los que la gestión de la variabilidad es una actividad central. Algunos ejemplos actuales de sistemas de alta variabilidad son el sistema web de gesión de contenidos Drupal, el núcleo de Linux, y las distribuciones Debian de Linux. La configuración en sistemas de alta variabilidad es la selección de opciones de configuración según sus restricciones de configuración y los requerimientos de usuario. Los modelos de características son un estándar “de facto” para modelar las funcionalidades comunes y variables de sistemas de alta variabilidad. No obstante, el elevado número de componentes y configuraciones que un modelo de características puede contener hacen que el análisis manual de estos modelos sea una tarea muy costosa y propensa a errores. Así nace el análisis automatizado de modelos de características con mecanismos y herramientas asistidas por computadora para extraer información de estos modelos. Las soluciones tradicionales de análisis automatizado de modelos de características siguen un enfoque de computación secuencial para utilizar una unidad central de procesamiento y memoria. Estas soluciones son adecuadas para trabajar con sistemas de baja escala. Sin embargo, dichas soluciones demandan altos costos de computación para trabajar con sistemas de gran escala y alta variabilidad. Aunque existan recusos informáticos para mejorar el rendimiento de soluciones de computación, todas las soluciones con un enfoque de computación secuencial necesitan ser adaptadas para el uso eficiente de estos recursos y optimizar su rendimiento computacional. Ejemplos de estos recursos son la tecnología de múltiples núcleos para computación paralela y la tecnología de red para computación distribuida. Esta tesis explora la adaptación y escalabilidad de soluciones para el analisis automatizado de modelos de características de gran escala. En primer lugar, nosotros presentamos el uso de programación especulativa para la paralelización de soluciones. Además, nosotros apreciamos un problema de configuración desde otra perspectiva, para su solución mediante la adaptación y aplicación de una solución no tradicional. Más tarde, nosotros validamos la escalabilidad y mejoras de rendimiento computacional de estas soluciones para el análisis automatizado de modelos de características de gran escala. Concretamente, las principales contribuciones de esta tesis son: • Programación especulativa para la detección de un conflicto mínimo y 1 2 preferente. Los algoritmos de detección de conflictos mínimos determinan el conjunto mínimo de restricciones en conflicto que son responsables de comportamiento defectuoso en el modelo en análisis. Nosotros proponemos una solución para, mediante programación especulativa, ejecutar en paralelo y reducir el tiempo de ejecución de operaciones de alto costo computacional que determinan el flujo de acción en la detección de conflicto mínimo y preferente en modelos de características de gran escala. • Programación especulativa para un diagnóstico mínimo y preferente. Los algoritmos de diagnóstico mínimo determinan un conjunto mínimo de restricciones que, por una adecuada adaptación de su estado, permiten conseguir un modelo consistente o libre de conflictos. Este trabajo presenta una solución para el diagnóstico mínimo y preferente en modelos de características de gran escala mediante la ejecución especulativa y paralela de operaciones de alto costo computacional que determinan el flujo de acción, y entonces disminuir el tiempo de ejecución de la solución. • Completar de forma mínima y preferente una configuración de modelo por diagnóstico. Las soluciones para completar una configuración parcial determinan un conjunto no necesariamente mínimo ni preferente de opciones para obtener una completa configuración. Esta tesis soluciona el completar de forma mínima y preferente una configuración de modelo mediante técnicas previamente usadas en contexto de diagnóstico de modelos de características. Esta tesis evalua que todas nuestras soluciones preservan los valores de salida esperados, y también presentan mejoras de rendimiento en el análisis automatizado de modelos de características con modelos de gran escala en las operaciones descrita

    Machine learning-based test selection for simulation-based testing of self-driving cars software

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    Simulation platforms facilitate the development of emerging Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) like self-driving cars (SDC) because they are more efficient and less dangerous than eld operational test cases. Despite this, thoroughly testing SDCs in simulated environments remains challenging because SDCs must be tested in a sheer amount of long-running test cases. Past results on software testing optimization have shown that not all the test cases contribute equally to establishing con dence in test subjects' quality and reliability, and the execution of \safe and uninformative" test cases can be skipped to reduce testing effort. However, this problem is only partially addressed in the context of SDC simulation platforms. In this paper, we investigate test selection strategies to increase the cost-effectiveness of simulation-based testing in the context of SDCs. We propose an approach called SDC-Scissor (SDC coSt-effeCtIve teSt SelectOR) that leverages Machine Learning (ML) strategies to identify and skip test cases that are unlikely to detect faults in SDCs before executing them

    Extração e evolução de linhas de produtos de software usando Delta-Oriented Programming : um relato de experiência

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Ciência da Computação, 2019.Delta-Oriented Programming (DOP) é uma abordagem flexível e modular para a implementação de Linha de Produtos de Software (LPS). Desde 2010, ano em que a abordagem foi proposta, vários trabalhos sobre DOP foram publicados. Entretanto, após a condução de um estudo de mapeamento sistemático da literatura para analisar as reais implicações da técnica, notou-se que poucos desses trabalhos avaliavam de forma rigorosa os aspectos relacionados à evolução de LPS em DOP. Assim sendo, este trabalho apresenta um relato das implicações do uso dessa abordagem através de três diferentes perspectivas: (i) a extração e evolução de um aplicativo mobile em uma linha de produtos usando a DOP; (ii) a caracterização dos cenários de evolução segura e parcialmente segura de DOP através dos templates existentes na literatura; e (iii) uma análise em relação à propagação de mudanças e modularidade da técnica durante o seu processo de evolução. Os resultados mostraram que, apesar da técnica possuir uma maior aderência ao princípio open-closed, o seu uso pode não ser apropriado caso o principal interesse seja a evolução modular de features da linha de produtos, além de que, atualmente, a técnica ainda está limitada ao desenvolvimento em Java, em virtude da falta de plugins ou ferramentas que suportar outras linguagens de programação.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES).Delta-OrientedProgramming(DOP)isaflexibleandmodularapproachtoSoftwareProduct Line (SPL) implementation. Since 2010, the year the approach was proposed, several papers about DOP have been published. However, after conducting a systematic literature mapping study to analyze the real implications of the technique, it was noted that fewofthesestudiesrigorouslyevaluatedtheaspectsrelatedtotheevolutionofSPLdeltaoriented. Therefore, this work reports the implications of using this approach from three different perspectives: (i) extracting and evolving an Android application to a SPL using DOP; (ii) the characterization of safe and partially safe delta-oriented evolution scenarios throughthetemplatesexistingintheliterature; and(iii)ananalysisregardingthechange impact and modularity properties of the technique during its evolution process. The results showed that, although the technique has a greater adherence to the open-closed principle, its use may not be appropriate if the main interest is the modular evolution of product line features, and currently the technique is still limited to Java development because of the lack of plugins or tools that support other programming languages

    Supporting the grow-and-prune model for evolving software product lines

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    207 p.Software Product Lines (SPLs) aim at supporting the development of a whole family of software products through a systematic reuse of shared assets. To this end, SPL development is separated into two interrelated processes: (1) domain engineering (DE), where the scope and variability of the system is defined and reusable core-assets are developed; and (2) application engineering (AE), where products are derived by selecting core assets and resolving variability. Evolution in SPLs is considered to be more challenging than in traditional systems, as both core-assets and products need to co-evolve. The so-called grow-and-prune model has proven great flexibility to incrementally evolve an SPL by letting the products grow, and later prune the product functionalities deemed useful by refactoring and merging them back to the reusable SPL core-asset base. This Thesis aims at supporting the grow-and-prune model as for initiating and enacting the pruning. Initiating the pruning requires SPL engineers to conduct customization analysis, i.e. analyzing how products have changed the core-assets. Customization analysis aims at identifying interesting product customizations to be ported to the core-asset base. However, existing tools do not fulfill engineers needs to conduct this practice. To address this issue, this Thesis elaborates on the SPL engineers' needs when conducting customization analysis, and proposes a data-warehouse approach to help SPL engineers on the analysis. Once the interesting customizations have been identified, the pruning needs to be enacted. This means that product code needs to be ported to the core-asset realm, while products are upgraded with newer functionalities and bug-fixes available in newer core-asset releases. Herein, synchronizing both parties through sync paths is required. However, the state of-the-art tools are not tailored to SPL sync paths, and this hinders synchronizing core-assets and products. To address this issue, this Thesis proposes to leverage existing Version Control Systems (i.e. git/Github) to provide sync operations as first-class construct