6 research outputs found

    SIS model on homogeneous networks with threshold type delayed contact reduction

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    In this paper, a semi-parametric model for RSS measurements is introduced that can be used to predict coverage in cellular radio networks. The model is composed of an empirical log-distance model and a deterministic antenna gain model that accounts for possible non-uniform base station antenna radiation. A least-squares estimator is proposed to jointly estimate the path loss and antenna gain model parameters. Simulation as well as experimental results verify the efficacy of this approach. The method can provide improved accuracy compared to conventional path loss based estimation methods. ©2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.</p

    Differenciálegyenletek kvalitatív elmélete alkalmazásokkal = Qualitative theory of differential equations with applications

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    Differenciálegyenletek kvalitatív elméletében végeztünk kutatásokat. Az elméleti eredményeket is fontos alkalmazások motiválták. Emellett alkalmazásokkal is foglalkoztunk. A főbb eredmények: másodrendű nem-autonóm differenciálegyenletek megoldásainak aszimptotikus vizsgálatára dolgoztunk ki új módszereket; bizonyos funkcionál-differenciálegyenletekre új típusú attraktorok szerkezetét írtuk le; járványterjedési jelenségek vizsgálatára differenciálegyenletes modelleket adtunk meg, és azok kvalitatív tulajdonságait leírva a járványok terjedéséről fontos információkat kaptunk. | We studied the qualitative theory of differential equations. The theoretical results were motivated by important applications. In addition we considered applications, too. Some of the main results: we developed new methods to study the asymptotic behaviour of solutions of second order nonautonomous differential equations; we described the structure of new type of attractors for certain functional differenctial equations; different epidemic models were developed to describe the spread of infectious diseases, and we studied the qualitative properties of these models to get important information about the diseases

    Approximating Ordinary Differential Equations by Means of the Chess Game Moves

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    The chess game provides a very rich experience in neighborhood types. The chess pieces have vertical, horizontal, diagonal, up/down or combined movements on one or many squares of the chess. These movements can associate with neighborhoods. Our work aims to set a behavioral approximation between calculations carried out by means of traditional computation tools such as ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and the evolution of the value of the cells caused by the chess game moves. Our proposal is based on a grid. The cells’ value changes as time pass depending on both their neighborhood and an update rule. This framework succeeds in applying real data matching in the cases of the ODEs used in compartmental models of disease expansion, such as the well-known Susceptible-Infected Recovered (SIR) model and its derivatives, as well as in the case of population dynamics in competition for resources, depicted by the Lotke-Volterra model.This research is funded by Generalitat Valenciana, Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital, Spain. Project AICO 2021-331