11 research outputs found

    Análisis de las empresas de base tecnológica de un parque científico y tecnológico basado en técnicas de redes sociales

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    Ponencia presentada en el XV Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Proyectos celebrado en Huesca, 6-8 de julio de 2011Innovation needs of enterprises are diverse, complex and multidisciplinary. An overview of what companies are doing and what they need to innovate would be a great help to redirect research efforts and technology transfer. Taking as a case of study the technology-based firms belonging to a Science and Technology Park, techniques based on social network analysis (SNA) have been developed, along with semantic search techniques and surveys, to learn about subjects that are innovating, business networking and to predict the companies or institutions that have a potential role as a tractor element. Moreover, partnerships between business and their authority are easily understood through the graphical format.Las necesidades de innovación de las empresas son muy variadas, complejas y multidisciplinares. Disponer de una visión panorámica de qué están haciendo las empresas y qué necesitan para poder innovar sería una gran ayuda para redirigir los esfuerzos de investigación y transferencia tecnológica. Tomando como caso de estudio las empresas de base tecnológica pertenecientes a un Parque Científico y Tecnológico se han desarrollado técnicas basadas en el análisis de redes sociales (SNA), junto con técnicas de búsqueda semántica y encuestas, para conocer los temas sobre los que están innovando, las redes empresariales que se han formado y para pronosticar las empresas o instituciones que tienen una capacidad potencial de ser cabezas tractoras de la innovación. Además, las relaciones de colaboración entre las empresas y su influencia en la red son fácilmente comprensibles gracias al formato de representación gráfica

    Mining email to leverage knowledge networks in organizations

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    There is nothing new about the notion that in today‟s knowledge driven economy, knowledge is the key strategic asset for competitive advantage in an organization. Also, we have learned that knowledge is residing in the organization‟s informal network. Hence, to leverage business performance from a knowledge management perspective, focus should be on the informal network. A means to analyze and develop the informal network is by applying Social Network Analysis (SNA). By capturing network data in an organization, bottlenecks in knowledge processes can be identified and managed. But where network data can easily be captured by means of a survey in small organizations, in larger organizations this process is too complex and time-intensive. Mining e-mail data is more and more regarded as a suitable alternative as it automates the data capturing process and enables longitudinal research possibilities. An increasing amount of tools for mining e-mail data into social networks is available, but the question remains to what extent these tools are also capable of conducting knowledge network analysis: the analysis of networks from a knowledge perspective. It is argued that in order to perform knowledge network analysis, a tool is required that is capable of analyzing both the header data and the body data of e-mail messages. In this paper two e-mail mining tools are elaborated. One focuses on the analysis of e-mail header data and the other focuses on the analysis of e-mail body data. Both tools are embedded in their theoretical background and compared to other e-mail mining tools that address e-mail header data or e-mail body data. The aim of this paper is two-fold. The paper primarily aims at providing a detailed discussion of both tools. Continuing, from the in-depth review, the integration of both tools is proposed, concluding towards a single new tool that is capable of analyzing both e-mail header and body data. It is argued how this new tool nurtures the application of knowledge network analysis

    Application of knowledge network analysis to identify knowledge sharing bottlenecks at an engineering firm

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    The knowledge of an organization’s employees is a valuable asset. Therefore organizations should ensure that their employees share their knowledge among each other. Knowledge exchanges between employees can be modelled as a network of relationships. To study these networks we have developed the Knowledge Network Analysis technique, which is based on Social Network Analysis and supports visual as well as quantitative analysis of knowledge networks. The goal of this technique is to identify bottlenecks in knowledge sharing in a particular knowledge area. In this paper we present the results of the application of Knowledge Network Analysis in an explorative case study. The goal of the case study is to explore the usefulness of Knowledge Network Analysis in identifying knowledge sharing bottlenecks. The case study results in a deeper understanding of how to translate the characteristics of the knowledge network and the employees in this network to the context of the case study organization. Moreover, the case study results have also been used to formulate recommendations to improve knowledge sharing at the case study organization

    OER Development and Promotion. Outcomes of an International Research Project on the OpenCourseWare Model

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    In this paper, we describe the successful results of an international research project focused on the use of Web technology in the educational context. The article explains how this international project, funded by public organizations and developed over the last two academic years, focuses on the area of open educational resources (OER) and particularly the educational content of the OpenCourseWare (OCW) model. This initiative has been developed by a research group composed of researchers from three countries. The project was enabled by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid OCW Office�s leadership of the Consortium of Latin American Universities and the distance education know-how of the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL, Ecuador). We give a full account of the project, methodology, main outcomes and validation. The project results have further consolidated the group, and increased the maturity of group members and networking with other groups in the area. The group is now participating in other research projects that continue the lines developed her

    Impact Assessment of Knowledge Sharing Bottlenecks: The Knowledge Sharing Environment Model (KSEM)

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    Knowledge sharing is a critical phase of the Knowledge Management life-cycle since it is an important precursor to the actual usage of knowledge. Knowledge initiatives to improve knowledge sharing requires an analysis of current knowledge sharing processes to identify bottlenecks that hinder knowledge sharing processes. Current knowledge auditing techniques for assessing knowledge sharing problems in organizations are insufficient in addressing the specific knowledge context of particular business functions. We propose a new technique the Knowledge Sharing Environment Model (KSEM), to model the knowledge sharing environment of specific business functions that helps in identifying the impact of bottlenecks in such environments

    In search of the holy grail: An exploration of value Co-Creation in service ecosystems using knowledge network analysis

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    The intention of this article is to simplify the study of value cocreation both from a deeper theoretical discourse, including knowledge networks approach. The study's approach is from the perspective of knowledge sharing, in form of interaction and resource integration. We outline the central premises of value cocreation as fundamental in service ecosystems and resource integration concepts. It is also expounded how not just interaction, but how service interaction enhances value co-creating processes, by enabling an actor to enter the value creating processes of other parties, support them, and benefit from them. The article does emphasize processes of value co-creation, including its outputs and outcomes. Knowledge sharing is encapsulated within the concepts of resource integration and service interaction among actors. The knowledge network analysis technique is used as a methodology, while preliminary data from KAMOMI water supply service is used as a case illustration. The case is used to tentatively indicate how resource integration and interaction seem to influence value co-creation, while also using knowledge network analysis quantitatively. Two models are developed. The first model exemplified the theoretical drivers of value cocreation, while the second described the structural characteristics that influence value co-creation in form of knowledge sharing. Four propositions are advanced to supplement the study’s theoretical insights. Given the perspectives of knowledge networks, the article makes knowledge contribution to the ongoing academic debate on value co-creation in service ecosystems

    SELaKT - Social Network Analysis as a Method for Expert Localisation and Sustainable Knowledge Transfer

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    Abstract: In many organisations, conservation of specialised expertise is picked out as a central theme only after experienced members have already left. The paper presents the SELaKT method, a method for Sustainable Expert Localisation and K nowledge T ransfer based on social network analysis (SNA). It has been developed during

    Co-Authorship of scientists in the energy field: a study of the ETDE World Energy Database (ETDEWEB) using social network analysis

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    Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gestão de InformaçãoThis thesis presents a study, using a social network analysis (SNA) approach, to examine the structure of co-authorship collaboration within the research community in Portugal in the energy field, for the period from 1995 to 2010. The domain of the study is Portuguese scientists, working either in Portugal or abroad; foreign scientists working in Portugal and scientists who have co-authored with either of these groups. The study uses the most common measures of macro (whole network) and micro (actorcentred) structures of this collaboration

    Analysis of the current state of water-­resource management in the UK using Social Network Analysis and Agent-­Based Modelling: a case study in the Wear Catchment, County Durham

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    Since the introduction of the Water Framework Directive in 2000, there has been a drive towards managing water resources at the catchment-­scale in the UK. The rationale for this approach is driven by intentions of localising environmental improvement, involving a wide range of stakeholders working in collaboration to identify water issues and potential actions to address them. However, despite this recognition, and drive towards collaborative working, there has been little focus on how the stakeholders actually come together in water-­resource management, for example: the role stakeholders play; what skills, expertise, and resources they contribute; and, how decisions are made in the collaboration. More specifically, there is an opportunity to conduct analysis and build understanding of the rules of collaboration behaviour, attitudes, activities and evolution directions. The overall aim of this research was to analyse the current state of water-resource management in the UK, focusing on cross-­boundary interactions between governmental and non-­governmental actors, specifically in the Wear Catchment, County Durham. To achieve this aim, a multi-­method approach was utilised, including social network analysis and agent-­based modelling, exploring the position and role of individual actors in the network, and how changes made to the network structure of stakeholders, could affect inter‑ and intra-­group collaborations. Ultimately, by analysing the current state of collaboration in water‑resource management, this research contributes to the wider understanding of progress made in terms of the management of water resources in the UK, including the strengths and potential flaws of the approach

    Das Wissen der Bürger – kommunale Wissensinkorporierung durch Partizipation in der Stadtplanung

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    In der vorliegenden Dissertationsschrift „Das Wissen der Bürger – kommunale Wissensinkorporierung durch Partizipation in der Stadtplanung“ wird der Frage nachgegangen, inwieweit es von stadtspezifischen Bedingungen abhängt, dass bestimmte verfügbare Wissensbestände in politischen Entscheidungen aufgegriffen werden – und andere nicht. Dabei wird davon ausgegangen, dass lokale Problemdefinitionen, Handlungsorientierungen und Problemlösungsstrategien von einer „Wissenswahl“ abhängen, ob und wie Wissen durch Partizipation inkorporiert wird. Dafür eignet sich besonders der Rational Choice-Institutionalismus nach Ostrom (1986), da hierbei Entscheidungssituationen im Vordergrund stehen. Mit Hilfe des Institutional Analysis Development Framework (IAD-Modell) können demnach lokale erklärende Faktoren, die die Wissensinkorporierung beeinflussen, systematisch aufgearbeitet werden. Für die vorliegende Untersuchung wird sich für Partizipationsverfahren innerhalb der städtischen Klimapolitik entschieden, da diese ein Politikfeld darstellt, in dem Partizipationsverfahren nicht bereits de jure regulativ vorgeschrieben sind und den Vorhabensträger_innen der partizipativen Verfahren vielfältige Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten vor Ort offen stehen, die auch der Vielfältigkeit des Politikfeldes geschuldet ist, da das Politikfeld der städtischen Klimapolitik eine Querschnittsaufgabe darstellt. Die zwei gewählten Untersuchungsstädte wurden nach dem Most-Similar systems Design ausgesucht. Durch die Auswahl der Untersuchungsstädte München und Frankfurt am Main waren keine systematischen Abweichungen durch die sozio-ökonomischen Bedingungen zu erwarten. Dadurch, dass beide Städte über einen gut ausgestatteten Haushalt über Jahrzehnte verfügen, waren auch die finanziellen Mittel da, die freiwillige Aufgabe des städtischen Klimaschutzes zu gestalten. Die empirischen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass es nicht von vornherein klar ist, dass das Wissen der Bürger_innen, welches durch partizipative Verfahren generiert wird, zwingend innerhalb von Hierarchien versickern muss. Daher kommt es mutmaßlich vielmehr darauf an, ob die Akteur_innen, die über die Wissensinkorporierung entscheiden, das generierte Wissen inkorporieren möchten und können - oder nicht