66 research outputs found

    Towards an Environment for doing Data Science that runs in Browsers

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    International audience—This article proposes a path for doing Data Science using browsers as computing and data nodes. This novel idea is motivated by the cross-fertilized fields of desktop grid computing, data management in grids and clouds, Web technologies such as Nosql tools, models of interactions and programming models in grids, cloud and Web technologies. We propose a methodology for the modeling, analyzing, implemention and simulation of a prototype able to run a MapReduce job in browsers. This work allows to better understand how to envision the big picture of Data Science in the context of the Javascript language for programming the middleware, the interactions between components and browsers as the operating system. We explain what types of applications may be impacted by this novel approach and, from a general point of view how a formal modeling of the interactions serves as a general guidelines for the implementation. Formal modeling in our methodology is a necessary condition but it is not sufficient. We also make round-trips between the modeling and the Javascript or used tools to enrich the interaction model that is the key point, or to put more details into the implementation. It is the first time to the best of our knowledge that Data Science is operating in the context of browsers that exchange codes and data for solving computational and data intensive programs. Computational and data intensive terms should be understand according to the context of applications that we think to be suitable for our system

    From COTSon to HLS: translating timing into an architecture

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    Nowadays, the increasing core number benefits many workloads, but programming limitations to exploiting full performance still remain. A Data-Flow execution model is capable of taking advantage of the full parallelism offered by multicore systems. In such model, the execution can be decomposed in fine-grain threads named Data-Flow Threads (DF-Threads) so that each of them can execute only when their inputs are available. The execution overhead and power consumption is lowered thanks to the reduction of the data push-pull, as well as the burden of thread management

    Towards seismic wave modeling on heterogeneous many-core architectures using task-based runtime system

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    International audienceUnderstanding three-dimensional seismic wave propagation in complex media remains one of the main challenges of quantitative seismology. Because of its simplicity and numerical efficiency, the finite-differences method is one of the standard techniques implemented to consider the elastodynamics equation. Additionally, this class of modelling heavily relies on parallel architectures in order to tackle large scale geometries including a detailed description of the physics. Last decade, significant efforts have been devoted towards efficient implementation of the finite-differences methods on emerging architectures. These contributions have demonstrated their efficiency leading to robust industrial applications. The growing representation of heterogeneous architectures combining general purpose multicore platforms and accelerators leads to redesign current parallel application. In this paper, we consider StarPU task-based runtime system in order to harness the power of heterogeneous CPU+GPU computing nodes. We detail our implementation and compare the performance obtained with the classical CPU or GPU only versions. Preliminary results demonstrate significant speedups in comparison with the best implementation suitable for homogeneous cores

    DEEP and DEEP-ER

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    Application Acceleration on FPGAs with OmpSs@FPGA

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.OmpSs@FPGA is the flavor of OmpSs that allows offloading application functionality to FPGAs. Similarly to OpenMP, it is based on compiler directives. While the OpenMP specification also includes support for heterogeneous execution, we use OmpSs and OmpSs@FPGA as prototype implementation to develop new ideas for OpenMP. OmpSs@FPGA implements the tasking model with runtime support to automatically exploit all SMP and FPGA resources available in the execution platform. In this paper, we present the OmpSs@FPGA ecosystem, based on the Mercurium compiler and the Nanos++ runtime system. We show how the applications are transformed to run on the SMP cores and the FPGA. The application kernels defined as tasks to be accelerated, using the OmpSs directives are: 1) transformed by the compiler into kernels connected with the proper synchronization and communication ports, 2) extracted to intermediate files, 3) compiled through the FPGA vendor HLS tool, and 4) used to configure the FPGA. Our Nanos++ runtime system schedules the application tasks on the platform, being able to use the SMP cores and the FPGA accelerators at the same time. We present the evaluation of the OmpSs@FPGA environment with the Matrix Multiplication, Cholesky and N-Body benchmarks, showing the internal details of the execution, and the performance obtained on a Zynq Ultrascale+ MPSoC (up to 128x). The source code uses OmpSs@FPGA annotations and different Vivado HLS optimization directives are applied for acceleration.This work is partially supported by the European Union H2020 program through the EuroEXA project (grant 754337), and HiPEAC (GA 687698), by the Spanish Government through Programa Severo Ochoa (SEV-2015- 0493), by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (TIN2015-65316-P) and the Departament d’Innovació Universitats i Empresa de la Generalitat de Catalunya, under project MPEXPAR: Models de Programació i Entorns d’Execució Paral·lels (2014-SGR-1051).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Seismic Wave Propagation Simulations on Low-power and Performance-centric Manycores

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    International audienceThe large processing requirements of seismic wave propagation simulations make High Performance Computing (HPC) architectures a natural choice for their execution. However, to keep both the current pace of performance improvements and the power consumption under a strict power budget, HPC systems must be more energy e than ever. As a response to this need, energy-e and low-power processors began to make their way into the market. In this paper we employ a novel low-power processor, the MPPA-256 manycore, to perform seismic wave propagation simulations. It has 256 cores connected by a NoC, no cache-coherence and only a limited amount of on-chip memory. We describe how its particular architectural characteristics influenced our solution for an energy-e implementation. As a counterpoint to the low-power MPPA-256 architecture, we employ Xeon Phi, a performance-centric manycore. Although both processors share some architectural similarities, the challenges to implement an e seismic wave propagation kernel on these platforms are very di↵erent. In this work we compare the performance and energy e of our implementations for these processors to proven and optimized solutions for other hardware platforms such as general-purpose processors and a GPU. Our experimental results show that MPPA-256 has the best energy e consuming at least 77 % less energy than the other evaluated platforms, whereas the performance of our solution for the Xeon Phi is on par with a state-of-the-art solution for GPUs

    Cost reduction bounds of proactive management based on request prediction

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    International audienceData Centers (DCs) need to manage their servers periodically to meet user demand efficiently. Since the cost of the energy employed to serve the user demand is lower when DC settings (e.g. number of active servers) are done a priori (proactively), there is a great interest in studying different proactive strategies based on predictions of requests. The amount of savings in energy cost that can be achieved depends not only on the selected proactive strategy but also on the statistics of the demand and the predictors used. Despite its importance, due to the complexity of the problem it is difficult to find studies that quantify the savings that can be obtained. The main contribution of this paper is to propose a generic methodology to quantify the possible cost reduction using proactive management based on predictions. Thus, using this method together with past data it is possible to quantify the efficiency of different predictors as well as optimize proactive strategies. In this paper, the cost reduction is evaluated using both ARMA (Auto Regressive Moving Average) and LV (Last Value) predictors. We then apply this methodology to the Google dataset collected over a period of 29 days to evaluate the benefit that can be obtained with those two predictors in the considered DC

    Fault-Tolerant Circuits and Interconnects for Biomedical Implantable Devices

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    Proyecto de Investigación (Código 1360014) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Extensión (VIE). Escuela de Ingeniería Electrónica, 2020Los dispositivos médicos implantables (IMDs) son sistemas críticos para la seguridad con requerimientos de potencia muy bajos, los cuales se utilizan para el tratamiento a largo plazo de diferentes condiciones médicas. IMDs utilizan un número de componentes cada vez más elevado (sensores, actuadores, procesadores, bloques de memoria), que tienen que comunicarse entre ellos en un Sistema en Chip (SoC). En este proyecto, diferentes tipos de interconexiones (punto a punto, bus, red en chip) fueron evaluadas considerando su tolerancia a fallas, consumo de potencia y capacidades de comunicación. Como parte de los productos se desarrolló una base de datos escalable sobre sistemas médicos implantables reportados en la literatura hasta el año 2018, con el fin de conocer el estado del arte y las tendencias sobre la incorporación de sistemas electrónicos en este tipo de solución. Basado en este estudio inicial, se procedió a proponer un marco de trabajo de evaluación de interconexiones, el que incorpora un generador de topologías y el flujo de diseño para evaluar estas topologías en términos de potencia y tolerancia a fallas a nivel de simulación, junto con la propuesta de una métrica para comparar diferentes arquitecturas a nivel de pre-síntesis (previo a la consolidación del diseño). Por último, un diseño e implementación a nivel de circuito integrado (IC) de una solución de interconexiones ajustada a IMDs se incorporó en el diseño de un microprocesador a la medida. Este proyecto se desarrolló en el marco de la cooperación con el Centro Médico Erasmus (Erasmus MC) en los Países Bajos y la Universidad Católica del Uruguay

    Energy Efficient Seismic Wave Propagation Simulation on a Low-power Manycore Processor.

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    International audienceLarge-scale simulation of seismic wave propagation is an active research topic. Its high demand for processing power makes it a good match for High Performance Computing (HPC). Although we have observed a steady increase on the processing capabilities of HPC platforms, their energy efficiency is still lacking behind. In this paper, we analyze the use of a low-power manycore processor, the MPPA-256, for seismic wave propagation simulations. First we look at its peculiar characteristics such as limited amount of on-chip memory and describe the intricate solution we brought forth to deal with this processor's idiosyncrasies. Next, we compare the performance and energy efficiency of seismic wave propagation on MPPA-256 to other commonplace platforms such as general-purpose processors and a GPU. Finally, we wrap up with the conclusion that, even if MPPA-256 presents an increased software development complexity, it can indeed be used as an energy efficient alternative to current HPC platforms, resulting in up to 71% and 5.18x less energy than a GPU and a general-purpose processor, respectively