61 research outputs found

    Spott : on-the-spot e-commerce for television using deep learning-based video analysis techniques

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    Spott is an innovative second screen mobile multimedia application which offers viewers relevant information on objects (e.g., clothing, furniture, food) they see and like on their television screens. The application enables interaction between TV audiences and brands, so producers and advertisers can offer potential consumers tailored promotions, e-shop items, and/or free samples. In line with the current views on innovation management, the technological excellence of the Spott application is coupled with iterative user involvement throughout the entire development process. This article discusses both of these aspects and how they impact each other. First, we focus on the technological building blocks that facilitate the (semi-) automatic interactive tagging process of objects in the video streams. The majority of these building blocks extensively make use of novel and state-of-the-art deep learning concepts and methodologies. We show how these deep learning based video analysis techniques facilitate video summarization, semantic keyframe clustering, and (similar) object retrieval. Secondly, we provide insights in user tests that have been performed to evaluate and optimize the application's user experience. The lessons learned from these open field tests have already been an essential input in the technology development and will further shape the future modifications to the Spott application

    Video Fragmentation and Reverse Search on the Web

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    This chapter is focused on methods and tools for video fragmentation and reverse search on the web. These technologies can assist journalists when they are dealing with fake news—which nowadays are being rapidly spread via social media platforms—that rely on the reuse of a previously posted video from a past event with the intention to mislead the viewers about a contemporary event. The fragmentation of a video into visually and temporally coherent parts and the extraction of a representative keyframe for each defined fragment enables the provision of a complete and concise keyframe-based summary of the video. Contrary to straightforward approaches that sample video frames with a constant step, the generated summary through video fragmentation and keyframe extraction is considerably more effective for discovering the video content and performing a fragment-level search for the video on the web. This chapter starts by explaining the nature and characteristics of this type of reuse-based fake news in its introductory part, and continues with an overview of existing approaches for temporal fragmentation of single-shot videos into sub-shots (the most appropriate level of temporal granularity when dealing with user-generated videos) and tools for performing reverse search of a video on the web. Subsequently, it describes two state-of-the-art methods for video sub-shot fragmentation—one relying on the assessment of the visual coherence over sequences of frames, and another one that is based on the identification of camera activity during the video recording—and presents the InVID web application that enables the fine-grained (at the fragment-level) reverse search for near-duplicates of a given video on the web. In the sequel, the chapter reports the findings of a series of experimental evaluations regarding the efficiency of the above-mentioned technologies, which indicate their competence to generate a concise and complete keyframe-based summary of the video content, and the use of this fragment-level representation for fine-grained reverse video search on the web. Finally, it draws conclusions about the effectiveness of the presented technologies and outlines our future plans for further advancing them

    Hierarchical Structuring of Video Previews by Leading-Cluster-Analysis

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    3noClustering of shots is frequently used for accessing video data and enabling quick grasping of the associated content. In this work we first group video shots by a classic hierarchical algorithm, where shot content is described by a codebook of visual words and different codebooks are compared by a suitable measure of distortion. To deal with the high number of levels in a hierarchical tree, a novel procedure of Leading-Cluster-Analysis is then proposed to extract a reduced set of hierarchically arranged previews. The depth of the obtained structure is driven both from the nature of the visual content information, and by the user needs, who can navigate the obtained video previews at various levels of representation. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated by extensive tests and comparisons carried out on a large collection of video data. of digital videos has not been accompanied by a parallel increase in its accessibility. In this context, video abstraction techniques may represent a key components of a practical video management system: indeed a condensed video may be effective for a quick browsing or retrieval tasks. A commonly accepted type of abstract for generic videos does not exist yet, and the solutions investigated so far depend usually on the nature and the genre of video data.openopenBenini, Sergio; Migliorati, Pierangelo; Leonardi, RiccardoBenini, Sergio; Migliorati, Pierangelo; Leonardi, Riccard

    A Motion-Driven Approach for Fine-Grained Temporal Segmentation of User-Generated Videos

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    This paper presents an algorithm for the temporal segmentation of user-generated videos into visually coherent parts that correspond to individual video capturing activities. The latter include camera pan and tilt, change in focal length and camera displacement. The proposed approach identifies the aforementioned activities by extracting and evaluating the region-level spatio-temporal distribution of the optical flow over sequences of neighbouring video frames. The performance of the algorithm was evaluated with the help of a newly constructed ground-truth dataset, against several state-of-the-art techniques and variations of them. Extensive evaluation indicates the competitiveness of the proposed approach in terms of detection accuracy, and highlight its suitability for analysing large collections of data in a time-efficient manner

    Category-specific video summarization

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    International audienceIn large video collections with clusters of typical categories, such as ''birthday party'' or ''flash-mob'', category-specific video summarization can produce higher quality video summaries than unsupervised approaches that are blind to the video category. Given a video from a known category, our approach first efficiently performs a temporal segmentation into semantically-consistent segments, delimited not only by shot boundaries but also general change points. Then, equipped with an SVM classifier, our approach assigns importance scores to each segment. The resulting video assembles the sequence of segments with the highest scores. The obtained video summary is therefore both short and highly informative. Experimental results on videos from the multimedia event detection (MED) dataset of TRECVID'11 show that our approach produces video summaries with higher relevance than the state of the art

    RUSHES—an annotation and retrieval engine for multimedia semantic units

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    Multimedia analysis and reuse of raw un-edited audio visual content known as rushes is gaining acceptance by a large number of research labs and companies. A set of research projects are considering multimedia indexing, annotation, search and retrieval in the context of European funded research, but only the FP6 project RUSHES is focusing on automatic semantic annotation, indexing and retrieval of raw and un-edited audio-visual content. Even professional content creators and providers as well as home-users are dealing with this type of content and therefore novel technologies for semantic search and retrieval are required. In this paper, we present a summary of the most relevant achievements of the RUSHES project, focusing on specific approaches for automatic annotation as well as the main features of the final RUSHES search engine

    Compressed video matching: Frame-to-frame revisited

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    This paper presents an improved frame-to-frame (F-2-F) compressed video matching technique based on local features extracted from reduced size images, in contrast with previous F-2-F techniques that utilized global features extracted from full size frames. The revised technique addresses both accuracy and computational cost issues of the traditional F-2-F approach. Accuracy is improved through using local features, while computational cost issue is addressed through extracting those local features from reduced size images. For compressed videos, the DC-image sequence, without full decompression, is used. Utilizing such small size images (DC-images) as a base for the proposed work is important, as it pushes the traditional F-2-F from off-line to real-time operational mode. The proposed technique involves addressing an important problem: namely the extraction of enough local features from such a small size images to achieve robust matching. The relevant arguments and supporting evidences for the proposed technique are presented. Experimental results and evaluation, on multiple challenging datasets, show considerable computational time improvements for the proposed technique accompanied by a comparable or higher accuracy than state-of-the-art related techniques
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