859 research outputs found

    An extensible architecture for run-time monitoring of conversational web services

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    Trust in Web services will be greatly enhanced if these are subject to run-time verification, even if they were previously tested, since their context of execution is subject to continuous change; and services may also be upgraded without notifying their consumers in advance. Conversational Web services introduce added complexity when it comes to run-time verification, since they follow a conversation protocol and they have a state bound to the session of each consumer accessing them. Furthermore, conversational Web services have different policies on how they maintain their state. Access to states can be private or shared; and states may be transient or persistent. These differences must be taken into account when building a scalable architecture for run-time verification through monitoring. This paper, building on a previously proposed theoretical framework for run-time verification of conversational Web services, presents the design, implementation and validation of a novel run-time monitoring architecture for conversational services, which aims to provide a holistic monitoring framework enabling the integration of different verification tools. The architecture is validated by running a sequence of test scenarios, based on a realistic example. The experimental results revealed that the monitoring activities have a tolerable overhead on the operation of a Web service

    Parallel Run-Time Verification

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    Run-time verification is a technique to reason about a program correctness. Given a set of desirable properties and a program trace from the inspected program as an input, the monitor module verifies that properties hold on this trace. As this process is taking place at a run time, one of the major drawbacks of run-time verification is the execution overhead caused by a monitoring activity. In this thesis, we intend to minimize this overhead by presenting a collection of parallel verification algorithms. The algorithms verify properties correctness in a parallel fashion, decreasing the verification time by dispersion of computationally intensive calculations over multiple cores (first level of parallelism). We designed the algorithms with the intention to exploit a data-level parallelism, thus specifically suitable to run on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), although can be utilized on multi-core platforms as well. Running the inspected program and the monitor module on separate platforms (second level of parallelism) results in several advantages: minimization of interference between the monitor and the program, faster processing for non-trivial computations, and even significant reduction in power consumption (when the monitor is running on GPU). This work also aims to provide a solution to automated run-time verification of C programs by implementing the aforementioned set of algorithms in the monitoring tool called GPU-based online and offline Monitoring Framework (GooMF). The ultimate goal of GooMF is to supply developers with an easy-to-use and flexible verification API that requires minimal knowledge of formal languages and techniques

    Towards Run-Time Verification of Compositions in the Web of Things using Complex Event Processing

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    Following the vision of the Internet of Things, physical world entities are integrated into virtual world things. Things are expected to become active participants in business and social processes. Then, the Internet of Things could benefit from the Web Service architecture like today’s Web does, so Future ser-vice-oriented Internet things will offer their functionality via service-enabled in-terfaces. In previous work, we demonstrated the need of considering the behav-iour of things to develop applications in a more rigorous way, and we proposed a lightweight model for representing such behaviour. Our methodology relies on the service-oriented paradigm and extends the DPWS profile to specify the order with which things can receive messages. We also proposed a static verifi-cation technique to check whether a mashup of things respects the behaviour, specified at design-time, of the composed things. However, a change in the be-haviour of a thing may cause that some compositions do not fulfill its behaviour anymore. Moreover, given that a thing can receive requests from instances of different mashups at run-time, these requests could violate the behaviour of that thing, even though each mashup fulfills such behaviour, due to the change of state of the thing. To address these issues, we present a proposal based on me-diation techniques and complex event processing to detect and inhibit invalid invocations, so things only receive requests compatible with their behaviour.Work partially supported by projects TIN2008-05932, TIN2012-35669, CSD2007-0004 funded by Spanish Ministry MINECO and FEDER; P11-TIC-7659 funded by Andalusian Government; and Universidad de Málaga, Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Regular Expressions for Run-Time Verification

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    When specifying system requirements, we want a language that can express the requirements in the simplest and most intuitive form. An expressive and intuitive language makes specifying requirements easier and less error-prone. Although our MaC system provides an expressive language, called MEDL, to specify safety requirements, it is generally awkward to express an order of events with complex timing dependencies, timing constraints, and frequencies of events. MEDL-RE extends our MEDL language to include regular expression and three associated events to easily specify timing dependencies and its timing constraints. Our regular expression is unique in a way that a user can specify which events are relevant to a regular expression. This feature makes it easy when a user wants to specify a requirement of one specific component of a system

    HAL/S-360 compiler system specification

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    A three phase language compiler is described which produces IBM 360/370 compatible object modules and a set of simulation tables to aid in run time verification. A link edit step augments the standard OS linkage editor. A comprehensive run time system and library provide the HAL/S operating environment, error handling, a pseudo real time executive, and an extensive set of mathematical, conversion, I/O, and diagnostic routines. The specifications of the information flow and content for this system are also considered

    Toward a Run-Time Verification Framework for Real-Time Safety-Critical Systems

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    Presented at SEMINAR "ACTION TEMPS RÉEL:INFRASTRUCTURES ET SERVICES SYSTÉMES". 10, Apr, 2015. Brussels, Belgium.With the advent of always more complex computing platforms (e.g., multicore processors, many-core accelerators, network on chips, distributed systems interconnected with various communication networks) and the adoption of new computing paradigms to exploit the power of those architectures, verifying whether a system respects its functional (e.g. order of execution) and extra-functional (e.g., talk deadlines and minimum inter-arrival times) specifications became a big challenge. Static verificationhas proven limited either because of the state explosion problem as in the case of approaches based on model checking, or simply due to theoretical limitations related to the expressivity and decidability of approachesbased on deductive verification

    Model-Based Run-time Verification of Software Components by Integrating OCL into Treaty

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    Model Driven Development is used to improve software quality and efficiency by automatically transforming abstract and formal models into software implementations. This is particularly sensible if the model’s integrity can be proven formally and is preserved during the model’s transformation. A standard to specify software model integrity is the Object Constraint Language (OCL). Another topic of research is the dynamic development of software components, enabling software system composition at component run-time. As a consequence, the system’s verification must be realized during system run-time (and not during transformation or compile time). Many established verification techniques cannot be used for run-time verification. A method to enable model-based run-time verification will be developed during this work. How OCL constraints can be transformed into executable software artifacts and how they can be used in the component-based system Treaty will be the major task of this diploma thesis.Modellgetriebene Entwicklung dient der Verbesserung von Qualität und Effizienz in der Software-Entwicklung durch Automatisierung der notwendigen Transformationen von abstrakten bzw. formalen Modellen bis zur Implementierung. Dies ist insbesondere dann sinnvoll, wenn die Integrität der ursprünglichen Modelle formal bewiesen werden kann und durch die Transformation gewährleistet wird. Ein Standard zur Spezifikation der Integrität von Softwaremodellen ist die Object Constraint Language (OCL). Eine weitere Forschungsrichtung im Software-Engineering ist die Entwicklung von dynamischen Komponenten-Modellen, die die Komposition von Softwaresystemen im laufenden Betrieb ermöglichen. Dies bedeutet, dass die Systemverifikation im laufenden Betrieb realisiert werden muss. Die meisten der etablierten Verifikationstechniken sind dazu nicht geeignet. In der Diplomarbeit soll ausgehend von diesem Stand der Technik eine Methode zur modellbasierten Verifikation zur Laufzeit entwickelt werden. Insbesondere soll untersucht werden, wie OCL-Constraints zur Laufzeit in ausführbare Software-Artefakte übersetzt und in dem komponentenbasierten System Treaty verwendet werden können
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