44 research outputs found

    Exploiting CNNs for Improving Acoustic Source Localization in Noisy and Reverberant Conditions

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    This paper discusses the application of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to minimum variance distortionless response localization schemes. We investigate the direction of arrival estimation problems in noisy and reverberant conditions using a uniform linear array (ULA). CNNs are used to process the multichannel data from the ULA and to improve the data fusion scheme, which is performed in the steered response power computation. CNNs improve the incoherent frequency fusion of the narrowband response power by weighting the components, reducing the deleterious effects of those components affected by artifacts due to noise and reverberation. The use of CNNs avoids the necessity of previously encoding the multichannel data into selected acoustic cues with the advantage to exploit its ability in recognizing geometrical pattern similarity. Experiments with both simulated and real acoustic data demonstrate the superior localization performance of the proposed SRP beamformer with respect to other state-of-the-art techniques

    Sound Event Localization, Detection, and Tracking by Deep Neural Networks

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    In this thesis, we present novel sound representations and classification methods for the task of sound event localization, detection, and tracking (SELDT). The human auditory system has evolved to localize multiple sound events, recognize and further track their motion individually in an acoustic environment. This ability of humans makes them context-aware and enables them to interact with their surroundings naturally. Developing similar methods for machines will provide an automatic description of social and human activities around them and enable machines to be context-aware similar to humans. Such methods can be employed to assist the hearing impaired to visualize sounds, for robot navigation, and to monitor biodiversity, the home, and cities. A real-life acoustic scene is complex in nature, with multiple sound events that are temporally and spatially overlapping, including stationary and moving events with varying angular velocities. Additionally, each individual sound event class, for example, a car horn can have a lot of variabilities, i.e., different cars have different horns, and within the same model of the car, the duration and the temporal structure of the horn sound is driver dependent. Performing SELDT in such overlapping and dynamic sound scenes while being robust is challenging for machines. Hence we propose to investigate the SELDT task in this thesis and use a data-driven approach using deep neural networks (DNNs). The sound event detection (SED) task requires the detection of onset and offset time for individual sound events and their corresponding labels. In this regard, we propose to use spatial and perceptual features extracted from multichannel audio for SED using two different DNNs, recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and convolutional recurrent neural networks (CRNNs). We show that using multichannel audio features improves the SED performance for overlapping sound events in comparison to traditional single-channel audio features. The proposed novel features and methods produced state-of-the-art performance for the real-life SED task and won the IEEE AASP DCASE challenge consecutively in 2016 and 2017. Sound event localization is the task of spatially locating the position of individual sound events. Traditionally, this has been approached using parametric methods. In this thesis, we propose a CRNN for detecting the azimuth and elevation angles of multiple temporally overlapping sound events. This is the first DNN-based method performing localization in complete azimuth and elevation space. In comparison to parametric methods which require the information of the number of active sources, the proposed method learns this information directly from the input data and estimates their respective spatial locations. Further, the proposed CRNN is shown to be more robust than parametric methods in reverberant scenarios. Finally, the detection and localization tasks are performed jointly using a CRNN. This method additionally tracks the spatial location with time, thus producing the SELDT results. This is the first DNN-based SELDT method and is shown to perform equally with stand-alone baselines for SED, localization, and tracking. The proposed SELDT method is evaluated on nine datasets that represent anechoic and reverberant sound scenes, stationary and moving sources with varying velocities, a different number of overlapping sound events and different microphone array formats. The results show that the SELDT method can track multiple overlapping sound events that are both spatially stationary and moving

    Robust speaker diarization for meetings

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    Aquesta tesi doctoral mostra la recerca feta en l'àrea de la diarització de locutor per a sales de reunions. En la present s'estudien els algorismes i la implementació d'un sistema en diferit de segmentació i aglomerat de locutor per a grabacions de reunions a on normalment es té accés a més d'un micròfon per al processat. El bloc més important de recerca s'ha fet durant una estada al International Computer Science Institute (ICSI, Berkeley, Caligornia) per un període de dos anys.La diarització de locutor s'ha estudiat força per al domini de grabacions de ràdio i televisió. La majoria dels sistemes proposats utilitzen algun tipus d'aglomerat jeràrquic de les dades en grups acústics a on de bon principi no se sap el número de locutors òptim ni tampoc la seva identitat. Un mètode molt comunment utilitzat s'anomena "bottom-up clustering" (aglomerat de baix-a-dalt), amb el qual inicialment es defineixen molts grups acústics de dades que es van ajuntant de manera iterativa fins a obtenir el nombre òptim de grups tot i acomplint un criteri de parada. Tots aquests sistemes es basen en l'anàlisi d'un canal d'entrada individual, el qual no permet la seva aplicació directa per a reunions. A més a més, molts d'aquests algorisms necessiten entrenar models o afinar els parameters del sistema usant dades externes, el qual dificulta l'aplicabilitat d'aquests sistemes per a dades diferents de les usades per a l'adaptació.La implementació proposada en aquesta tesi es dirigeix a solventar els problemes mencionats anteriorment. Aquesta pren com a punt de partida el sistema existent al ICSI de diarització de locutor basat en l'aglomerat de "baix-a-dalt". Primer es processen els canals de grabació disponibles per a obtindre un sol canal d'audio de qualitat major, a més dínformació sobre la posició dels locutors existents. Aleshores s'implementa un sistema de detecció de veu/silenci que no requereix de cap entrenament previ, i processa els segments de veu resultant amb una versió millorada del sistema mono-canal de diarització de locutor. Aquest sistema ha estat modificat per a l'ús de l'informació de posició dels locutors (quan es tingui) i s'han adaptat i creat nous algorismes per a que el sistema obtingui tanta informació com sigui possible directament del senyal acustic, fent-lo menys depenent de les dades de desenvolupament. El sistema resultant és flexible i es pot usar en qualsevol tipus de sala de reunions pel que fa al nombre de micròfons o la seva posició. El sistema, a més, no requereix en absolute dades d´entrenament, sent més senzill adaptar-lo a diferents tipus de dades o dominis d'aplicació. Finalment, fa un pas endavant en l'ús de parametres que siguin mes robusts als canvis en les dades acústiques. Dos versions del sistema es van presentar amb resultats excel.lents a les evaluacions de RT05s i RT06s del NIST en transcripció rica per a reunions, a on aquests es van avaluar amb dades de dos subdominis diferents (conferencies i reunions). A més a més, es fan experiments utilitzant totes les dades disponibles de les evaluacions RT per a demostrar la viabilitat dels algorisms proposats en aquesta tasca.This thesis shows research performed into the topic of speaker diarization for meeting rooms. It looks into the algorithms and the implementation of an offline speaker segmentation and clustering system for a meeting recording where usually more than one microphone is available. The main research and system implementation has been done while visiting the International Computes Science Institute (ICSI, Berkeley, California) for a period of two years. Speaker diarization is a well studied topic on the domain of broadcast news recordings. Most of the proposed systems involve some sort of hierarchical clustering of the data into clusters, where the optimum number of speakers of their identities are unknown a priory. A very commonly used method is called bottom-up clustering, where multiple initial clusters are iteratively merged until the optimum number of clusters is reached, according to some stopping criterion. Such systems are based on a single channel input, not allowing a direct application for the meetings domain. Although some efforts have been done to adapt such systems to multichannel data, at the start of this thesis no effective implementation had been proposed. Furthermore, many of these speaker diarization algorithms involve some sort of models training or parameter tuning using external data, which impedes its usability with data different from what they have been adapted to.The implementation proposed in this thesis works towards solving the aforementioned problems. Taking the existing hierarchical bottom-up mono-channel speaker diarization system from ICSI, it first uses a flexible acoustic beamforming to extract speaker location information and obtain a single enhanced signal from all available microphones. It then implements a train-free speech/non-speech detection on such signal and processes the resulting speech segments with an improved version of the mono-channel speaker diarization system. Such system has been modified to use speaker location information (then available) and several algorithms have been adapted or created new to adapt the system behavior to each particular recording by obtaining information directly from the acoustics, making it less dependent on the development data.The resulting system is flexible to any meetings room layout regarding the number of microphones and their placement. It is train-free making it easy to adapt to different sorts of data and domains of application. Finally, it takes a step forward into the use of parameters that are more robust to changes in the acoustic data. Two versions of the system were submitted with excellent results in RT05s and RT06s NIST Rich Transcription evaluations for meetings, where data from two different subdomains (lectures and conferences) was evaluated. Also, experiments using the RT datasets from all meetings evaluations were used to test the different proposed algorithms proving their suitability to the task.Postprint (published version

    ORCA-SPY enables killer whale sound source simulation, detection, classification and localization using an integrated deep learning-based segmentation

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    Acoustic identification of vocalizing individuals opens up new and deeper insights into animal communications, such as individual-/group-specific dialects, turn-taking events, and dialogs. However, establishing an association between an individual animal and its emitted signal is usually non-trivial, especially for animals underwater. Consequently, a collection of marine species-, array-, and position-specific ground truth localization data is extremely challenging, which strongly limits possibilities to evaluate localization methods beforehand or at all. This study presents ORCA-SPY, a fully-automated sound source simulation, classification and localization framework for passive killer whale (Orcinus orca) acoustic monitoring that is embedded into PAMGuard, a widely used bioacoustic software toolkit. ORCA-SPY enables array- and position-specific multichannel audio stream generation to simulate real-world ground truth killer whale localization data and provides a hybrid sound source identification approach integrating ANIMAL-SPOT, a state-of-the-art deep learning-based orca detection network, followed by downstream Time-Difference-Of-Arrival localization. ORCA-SPY was evaluated on simulated multichannel underwater audio streams including various killer whale vocalization events within a large-scale experimental setup benefiting from previous real-world fieldwork experience. Across all 58,320 embedded vocalizing killer whale events, subject to various hydrophone array geometries, call types, distances, and noise conditions responsible for a signal-to-noise ratio varying from −14.2 dB to 3 dB, a detection rate of 94.0 % was achieved with an average localization error of 7.01∘. ORCA-SPY was field-tested on Lake Stechlin in Brandenburg Germany under laboratory conditions with a focus on localization. During the field test, 3889 localization events were observed with an average error of 29.19∘ and a median error of 17.54∘. ORCA-SPY was deployed successfully during the DeepAL fieldwork 2022 expedition (DLFW22) in Northern British Columbia, with a mean average error of 20.01∘ and a median error of 11.01∘ across 503 localization events. ORCA-SPY is an open-source and publicly available software framework, which can be adapted to various recording conditions as well as animal species

    Speech dereverberation and speaker separation using microphone arrays in realistic environments

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    This thesis concentrates on comparing novel and existing dereverberation and speaker separation techniques using multiple corpora, including a new corpus collected using a microphone array. Many corpora currently used for these techniques are recorded using head-mounted microphones in anechoic chambers. This novel corpus contains recordings with noise and reverberation made in office and workshop environments. Novel algorithms present a different way of approximating the reverberation, producing results that are competitive with existing algorithms. Dereverberation is evaluated using seven correlation-based algorithms and applied to two different corpora. Three of these are novel algorithms (Hs NTF, Cauchy WPE and Cauchy MIMO WPE). Both non-learning and learning algorithms are tested, with the learning algorithms performing better. For single and multi-channel speaker separation, unsupervised non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) algorithms are compared using three cost functions combined with sparsity, convolution and direction of arrival. The results show that the choice of cost function is important for improving the separation result. Furthermore, six different supervised deep learning algorithms are applied to single channel speaker separation. Historic information improves the result. When comparing NMF to deep learning, NMF is able to converge faster to a solution and provides a better result for the corpora used in this thesis

    A Geometric Deep Learning Approach to Sound Source Localization and Tracking

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    La localización y el tracking de fuentes sonoras mediante agrupaciones de micrófonos es un problema que, pese a llevar décadas siendo estudiado, permanece abierto. En los últimos años, modelos basados en deep learning han superado el estado del arte que había sido establecido por las técnicas clásicas de procesado de señal, pero estos modelos todavía presentan problemas para trabajar en espacios con alta reverberación o para realizar el tracking de varias fuentes sonoras, especialmente cuando no es posible aplicar ningún criterio para clasificarlas u ordenarlas. En esta tesis, se proponen nuevos modelos que, basados en las ideas del Geometric Deep Learning, suponen un avance en el estado del arte para las situaciones mencionadas previamente.Los modelos propuestos utilizan como entrada mapas de potencia acústica calculados con el algoritmo SRP-PHAT, una técnica clásica de procesado de señal que permite estimar la energía acústica recibida desde cualquier dirección del espacio. Además, también proponemos una nueva técnica para suprimir analíticamente el efecto de una fuente en las funciones de correlación cruzada usadas para calcular los mapas SRP-PHAT. Basándonos en técnicas de banda estrecha, se demuestra que es posible proyectar las funciones de correlación cruzada de las señales capturadas por una agrupación de micrófonos a un espacio ortogonal a una dirección dada simplemente usando una combinación lineal de las funciones originales con retardos temporales. La técnica propuesta puede usarse para diseñar sistemas iterativos de localización de múltiples fuentes que, tras localizar la fuente con mayor energía en las funciones de correlación cruzada o en los mapas SRP-PHAT, la cancelen para poder encontrar otras fuentes que estuvieran enmascaradas por ella.Antes de poder entrenar modelos de deep learning necesitamos datos. Esto, en el caso de seguir un esquema de aprendizaje supervisado, supone un dataset de grabaciones de audio multicanal con la posición de las fuentes etiquetada con precisión. Pese a que existen algunos datasets con estas características, estos no son lo suficientemente extensos para entrenar una red neuronal y los entornos acústicos que incluyen no son suficientemente variados. Para solventar el problema de la falta de datos, presentamos una técnica para simular escenas acústicas con una o varias fuentes en movimiento y, para realizar estas simulaciones conforme son necesarias durante el entrenamiento de la red, presentamos la que es, que sepamos, la primera librería de software libre para la simulación de acústica de salas con aceleración por GPU. Tal y como queda demostrado en esta tesis, esta librería es más de dos órdenes de magnitud más rápida que otras librerías del estado del arte.La idea principal del Geometric Deep Learning es que los modelos deberían compartir las simetrías (i.e. las invarianzas y equivarianzas) de los datos y el problema que se quiere resolver. Para la estimación de la dirección de llegada de una única fuente, el uso de mapas SRP-PHAT como entrada de nuestros modelos hace que la equivarianza a las rotaciones sea obvia y, tras presentar una primera aproximación usando redes convolucionales tridimensionales, presentamos un modelo basado en convoluciones icosaédricas que son capaces de aproximar la equivarianza al grupo continuo de rotaciones esféricas por la equivarianza al grupo discreto de las 60 simetrías del icosaedro. En la tesis se demuestra que los mapas SRP-PHAT son una característica de entrada mucho más robusta que los espectrogramas que se usan típicamente en muchos modelos del estado del arte y que el uso de las convoluciones icosaédricas, combinado con una nueva función softargmax que obtiene una salida de regresión a partir del resultado de una red convolucional interpretándolo como una distribución de probabilidad y calculando su valor esperado, permite reducir enormemente el número de parámetros entrenables de los modelos sin reducir la precisión de sus estimaciones.Cuando queremos realizar el tracking de varias fuentes en movimiento y no podemos aplicar ningún criterio para ordenarlas o clasificarlas, el problema se vuelve invariante a las permutaciones de las estimaciones, por lo que no podemos compararlas directamente con las etiquetas de referencia dado que no podemos esperar que sigan el mismo orden. Este tipo de modelos se han entrenado típicamente usando estrategias de entrenamiento invariantes a las permutaciones, pero estas normalmente no penalizan los cambios de identidad por lo que los modelos entrenados con ellas no mantienen la identidad de cada fuente de forma consistente. Para resolver este problema, en esta tesis proponemos una nueva estrategia de entrenamiento, a la que llamamos sliding permutation invariant training (sPIT), que es capaz de optimizar todas las características que podemos esperar de un sistema de tracking de múltiples fuentes: la precisión de sus estimaciones de dirección de llegada, la exactitud de sus detecciones y la consistencia de las identidades asignadas a cada fuente.Finalmente, proponemos un nuevo tipo de red recursiva que usa conjuntos de vectores en lugar de vectores para representar su entrada y su estado y que es invariante a las permutaciones de los elementos del conjunto de entrada y equivariante a las del conjunto de estado. En esta tesis se muestra como este es el comportamiento que deberíamos esperar de un sistema de tracking que toma como entradas las estimaciones de un modelo de localización multifuente y se compara el rendimiento de estas redes recursivas invariantes a las permutaciones con redes recursivas GRU convencionales para aplicaciones de tracking de fuentes sonoras.The localization and tracking of sound sources using microphone arrays is a problem that, even if it has attracted attention from the signal processing research community for decades, remains open. In recent years, deep learning models have surpassed the state-of-the-art that had been established by classic signal processing techniques, but these models still struggle with handling rooms with strong reverberations or tracking multiple sources that dynamically appear and disappear, especially when we cannot apply any criteria to classify or order them. In this thesis, we follow the ideas of the Geometric Deep Learning framework to propose new models and techniques that mean an advance of the state-of-the-art in the aforementioned scenarios. As the input of our models, we use acoustic power maps computed using the SRP-PHAT algorithm, a classic signal processing technique that allows us to estimate the acoustic energy received from any direction of the space and, therefore, compute arbitrary-shaped power maps. In addition, we also propose a new technique to analytically cancel a source from the generalized cross-correlations used to compute the SRP-PHAT maps. Based on previous narrowband cancellation techniques, we prove that we can project the cross-correlation functions of the signals captured by a microphone array into a space orthogonal to a given direction by just computing a linear combination of time-shifted versions of the original cross-correlations. The proposed cancellation technique can be used to design iterative multi-source localization systems where, after having found the strongest source in the generalized cross-correlation functions or in the SRP-PHAT maps, we can cancel it and find new sources that were previously masked by thefirst source. Before being able to train deep learning models we need data, which, in the case of following a supervised learning approach, means a dataset of multichannel recordings with the position of the sources accurately labeled. Although there exist some datasets like this, they are not large enough to train a neural network and the acoustic environments they include are not diverse enough. To overcome this lack of real data, we present a technique to simulate acoustic scenes with one or several moving sound sources and, to be able to perform these simulations as they are needed during the training, we present what is, to the best of our knowledge, the first free and open source room acoustics simulation library with GPU acceleration. As we prove in this thesis, the presented library is more than two orders of magnitude faster than other state-of-the-art CPU libraries. The main idea of the Geometric Deep Learning philosophy is that the models should fit the symmetries (i.e. the invariances and equivariances) of the data and the problem we want to solve. For single-source direction of arrival estimation, the use of SRP-PHAT maps as inputs of our models makes the rotational equivariance of the problem undeniably clear and, after a first approach using 3D convolutional neural networks, we present a model using icosahedral convolutions that approximate the equivariance to the continuous group of spherical rotations by the discrete group of the 60 icosahedral symmetries. We prove that the SRP-PHAT maps are a much more robust input feature than the spectrograms typically used in many state-of-the-art models and that the use of the icosahedral convolutions, combined with a new soft-argmax function that obtains a regression output from the output of the convolutional neural network by interpreting it as a probability distribution and computing its expected value, allows us to dramatically reduce the number of trainable parameters of the models without losing accuracy in their estimations. When we want to track multiple moving sources and we cannot use any criteria to order or classify them, the problem becomes invariant to the permutations of the estimates, so we cannot directly compare them with the ground truth labels since we cannot expect them to be in the same order. This kind of models has typically been trained using permutation invariant training strategies, but these strategies usually do not penalize the identity switches and the models trained with them do not keep the identity of every source consistent during the tracking. To solve this issue, we propose a new training strategy, which we call sliding permutation invariant training, that is able to optimize all the features that we could expect from a multi-source tracking system: the precision of the direction of arrival estimates, the accuracy of the source detections, and the consistency of the assigned identities. Finally, we propose a new kind of recursive neural network that, instead of using vectors as their input and their state, uses sets of vectors and is invariant to the permutation of the elements of the input set and equivariant to the permutations of the elements of the state set. We show how this is the behavior that we should expect from a tracking model which takes as inputs the estimates of a multi-source localization model and compare these permutation-invariant recursive neural networks with the conventional gated recurrent units for sound source tracking applications.<br /

    Inferring Room Geometries

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    Determining the geometry of an acoustic enclosure using microphone arrays has become an active area of research. Knowledge gained about the acoustic environment, such as the location of reflectors, can be advantageous for applications such as sound source localization, dereverberation and adaptive echo cancellation by assisting in tracking environment changes and helping the initialization of such algorithms. A methodology to blindly infer the geometry of an acoustic enclosure by estimating the location of reflective surfaces based on acoustic measurements using an arbitrary array geometry is developed and analyzed. The starting point of this work considers a geometric constraint, valid both in two and three-dimensions, that converts time-of-arrival and time-difference-pf-arrival information into elliptical constraints about the location of reflectors. Multiple constraints are combined to yield the line or plane parameters of the reflectors by minimizing a specific cost function in the least-squares sense. An iterative constrained least-squares estimator, along with a closed-form estimator, that performs optimally in a noise-free scenario, solve the associated common tangent estimation problem that arises from the geometric constraint. Additionally, a Hough transform based data fusion and estimation technique, that considers acquisitions from multiple source positions, refines the reflector localization even in adverse conditions. An extension to the geometric inference framework, that includes the estimation of the actual speed of sound to improve the accuracy under temperature variations, is presented that also reduces the required prior information needed such that only relative microphone positions in the array are required for the localization of acoustic reflectors. Simulated and real-world experiments demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed method.Open Acces