123 research outputs found

    Reciprocity Calibration for Massive MIMO: Proposal, Modeling and Validation

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    This paper presents a mutual coupling based calibration method for time-division-duplex massive MIMO systems, which enables downlink precoding based on uplink channel estimates. The entire calibration procedure is carried out solely at the base station (BS) side by sounding all BS antenna pairs. An Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm is derived, which processes the measured channels in order to estimate calibration coefficients. The EM algorithm outperforms current state-of-the-art narrow-band calibration schemes in a mean squared error (MSE) and sum-rate capacity sense. Like its predecessors, the EM algorithm is general in the sense that it is not only suitable to calibrate a co-located massive MIMO BS, but also very suitable for calibrating multiple BSs in distributed MIMO systems. The proposed method is validated with experimental evidence obtained from a massive MIMO testbed. In addition, we address the estimated narrow-band calibration coefficients as a stochastic process across frequency, and study the subspace of this process based on measurement data. With the insights of this study, we propose an estimator which exploits the structure of the process in order to reduce the calibration error across frequency. A model for the calibration error is also proposed based on the asymptotic properties of the estimator, and is validated with measurement results.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 21/Feb/201

    A survey on hybrid beamforming techniques in 5G : architecture and system model perspectives

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    The increasing wireless data traffic demands have driven the need to explore suitable spectrum regions for meeting the projected requirements. In the light of this, millimeter wave (mmWave) communication has received considerable attention from the research community. Typically, in fifth generation (5G) wireless networks, mmWave massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communications is realized by the hybrid transceivers which combine high dimensional analog phase shifters and power amplifiers with lower-dimensional digital signal processing units. This hybrid beamforming design reduces the cost and power consumption which is aligned with an energy-efficient design vision of 5G. In this paper, we track the progress in hybrid beamforming for massive MIMO communications in the context of system models of the hybrid transceivers' structures, the digital and analog beamforming matrices with the possible antenna configuration scenarios and the hybrid beamforming in heterogeneous wireless networks. We extend the scope of the discussion by including resource management issues in hybrid beamforming. We explore the suitability of hybrid beamforming methods, both, existing and proposed till first quarter of 2017, and identify the exciting future challenges in this domain

    MIMO Systems

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    In recent years, it was realized that the MIMO communication systems seems to be inevitable in accelerated evolution of high data rates applications due to their potential to dramatically increase the spectral efficiency and simultaneously sending individual information to the corresponding users in wireless systems. This book, intends to provide highlights of the current research topics in the field of MIMO system, to offer a snapshot of the recent advances and major issues faced today by the researchers in the MIMO related areas. The book is written by specialists working in universities and research centers all over the world to cover the fundamental principles and main advanced topics on high data rates wireless communications systems over MIMO channels. Moreover, the book has the advantage of providing a collection of applications that are completely independent and self-contained; thus, the interested reader can choose any chapter and skip to another without losing continuity

    Doctoral Thesis: Massive MIMO in Real Propagation Environments

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    Mobile communications are now evolving towards the fifth generation (5G). In the near future, we expect an explosive increase in the number of connected devices, such as phones, tablets, sensors, connected vehicles and so on. Much higher data rates than in today's 4G systems are required. In the 5G visions, better coverage in remote regions is also included, aiming for bringing the current "4 billion unconnected" population into the online world. There is also a great interest in "green communications", for less energy consumption in the ICT (information and communication technology) industry. Massive MIMO is a potential technology to fulfill the requirements and visions. By equipping a base station with a large number, say tens to hundreds, of antennas, many terminals can be served in the same time-frequency resource without severe inter-user interference. Through "aggressive" spatial multiplexing, higher data rates can be achieved without increasing the required spectrum. Processing efforts can be made at the base station side, allowing terminals to have simple and cheap hardware. By exploiting the many spatial degrees of freedom, linear precoding/detection schemes can be used to achieve near-optimal performance. The large number of antennas also brings the advantage of large array gain, resulting in an increase in received signal strength. Better coverage is thus achieved. On the other hand, transmit power from base stations and terminals can be scaled down to pursue energy efficiency. In the last five years, a lot of theoretical studies have been done, showing the extraordinary advantages of massive MIMO. However, the investigations are mainly based on theoretical channels with independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) Gaussian coefficients, and sometimes assuming unlimited number of antennas. When bringing this new technology from theory to practice, it is important to understand massive MIMO behavior in real propagation channels using practical antenna arrays. Not much has been known about real massive MIMO channels, and whether the claims about massive MIMO still hold there, until the studies in this thesis were done. The thesis study connects the "ideal" world of theory to the "non-ideal" reality. Channel measurements for massive MIMO in the 2.6 GHz band were performed, in different propagation environments and using different types of antenna arrays. Based on obtained real-life channel data, the studies include • channel characterization to identify important massive MIMO properties, • evaluation of propagation conditions in real channels and corresponding massive MIMO performance, • channel modeling for massive MIMO to capture the identified channel properties, and • reduction of massive MIMO hardware complexity through antenna selection. The investigations in the thesis conclude that massive MIMO works efficiently in real propagation environments. The theoretical advantages, as observed in i.i.d. Rayleigh channels, can also be harvested in real channels. Important propagation effects are identified for massive MIMO scenarios, including channel variations over large arrays, multipath-component (MPC) lifetime, and 3D propagation. These propagation properties are modeled and included into the COST 2100 MIMO channel model as an extension for massive MIMO. The study on antenna selection shows that characteristics in real channels allow for significant reductions of massive MIMO complexity without significant performance loss. As one of the world's first research work on massive MIMO behavior in real propagation channels, the studies in this thesis promote massive MIMO as a practical technology for future communication systems

    Evolution of NOMA Toward Next Generation Multiple Access (NGMA) for 6G

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    Due to the explosive growth in the number of wireless devices and diverse wireless services, such as virtual/augmented reality and Internet-of-Everything, next generation wireless networks face unprecedented challenges caused by heterogeneous data traffic, massive connectivity, and ultra-high bandwidth efficiency and ultra-low latency requirements. To address these challenges, advanced multiple access schemes are expected to be developed, namely next generation multiple access (NGMA), which are capable of supporting massive numbers of users in a more resource- and complexity-efficient manner than existing multiple access schemes. As the research on NGMA is in a very early stage, in this paper, we explore the evolution of NGMA with a particular focus on non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA), i.e., the transition from NOMA to NGMA. In particular, we first review the fundamental capacity limits of NOMA, elaborate on the new requirements for NGMA, and discuss several possible candidate techniques. Moreover, given the high compatibility and flexibility of NOMA, we provide an overview of current research efforts on multi-antenna techniques for NOMA, promising future application scenarios of NOMA, and the interplay between NOMA and other emerging physical layer techniques. Furthermore, we discuss advanced mathematical tools for facilitating the design of NOMA communication systems, including conventional optimization approaches and new machine learning techniques. Next, we propose a unified framework for NGMA based on multiple antennas and NOMA, where both downlink and uplink transmissions are considered, thus setting the foundation for this emerging research area. Finally, several practical implementation challenges for NGMA are highlighted as motivation for future work.Comment: 34 pages, 10 figures, a survey paper accepted by the IEEE JSAC special issue on Next Generation Multiple Acces

    Multi-user MIMO wireless communications

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    Feedback of channel state information in multi-antenna systems based on quantization of channel Gram matrices

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    This dissertation deals with the proper design of efficient feedback strategies for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) communication systems. MIMO systems outperform single antenna systems in terms of achievable throughput and are more resilient to noise and interference, which are becoming the limiting factors in the current and future communications. Apart from the clear performance advantages, MIMO systems introduce an additional complexity factor, since they require knowledge of the propagation channel in order to be able to adapt the transmission to the propagation channel’s characteristics and achieve optimum performance. This channel knowledge, also known as Channel State Information (CSI), is estimated at the receiver and sent to the transmitter through a limited feedback link. In this dissertation, first, the minimum channel information necessary at the transmitter for the optimum precoding design is identified. This minimum information for the optimum design of the system corresponds to the channel Gram matrix. It is essential for the design of optimized systems to avoid the transmission of redundant feedback information. Following this idea, a quantization algorithm that exploits the differential geometry of the set of Gram matrices and the correlation in time present in most propagation channels is developed in order to greatly improve the feedback performance. This scheme is applied first to single-user MIMO communications, then to some particular multiuser scenarios, and finally it is extended to general multiuser broadcast communications. To conclude, the feedback link sizing is studied. An analysis of the tradeoff between size of the forward link and size of the feedback link isformulated and the radio resource allocation problem, in terms of transmission energy, time, and bandwidth of the forward and feedback links is presented.En un mundo cada vez más interconectado, donde hay una clara tendencia hacia un mayor número de comunicaciones inalámbricas simultáneas (comunicaciones M2M: Machine to Machine, redes de sensores, etc.) y en el que las necesidades de capacidad de transmisión de los enlaces de comunicaciones aumentan de manera vertiginosa (audio, video, contenidos multimedia, alta definición, etc.) el problema de la interferencia se convierte en uno de los factores limitadores de los enlaces junto con los desvanecimientos del nivel de señal y las pérdidas de propagación. Por este motivo los sistemas que emplean múltiples antenas tanto en la transmisión como en la recepción (los llamados sistemas MIMO: Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) se presentan como una de las soluciones más interesantes para satisfacer los crecientes requisitos de capacidad y comportamiento relativo a interferencias. Los sistemas MIMO permiten obtener un mejor rendimiento en términos de tasa de transmisión de información y a su vez son más robustos frente a ruido e interferencias en el canal. Esto significa que pueden usarse para aumentar la capacidad de los enlaces de comunicaciones actuales o para reducir drásticamente el consumo energético manteniendo las mismas prestaciones. Por otro lado, además de estas claras ventajas, los sistemas MIMO introducen un punto de complejidad adicional puesto que para aprovechar al máximo las posibilidades de estos sistemas es necesario tener conocimiento de la información de estado del canal (CSI: Channel State Information) tanto en el transmisor como en el receptor. Esta CSI se obtiene mediante estimación de canal en el receptor y posteriormente se envía al transmisor a través de un canal de realimentación. Esta tesis trata sobre el diseño del canal de realimentación para la transmisión de CSI, que es un elemento fundamental de los sistemas de comunicaciones del presente y del futuro. Las técnicas de transmisión que consideran activamente el efecto de la interferencia y el ruido requieren adaptarse al canal y, para ello, la realimentación de CSI es necesaria. En esta tesis se identifica, en primer lugar, la mínima información sobre el estado del canal necesaria para implementar un diseño óptimo en el transmisor, con el fin de evitar transmitir información redundante y obtener así un sistema más eficiente. Esta información es la matriz de Gram del canal MIMO. Seguidamente, se desarrolla un algoritmo de cuantificación adaptado a la geometría diferencial del conjunto que contiene la información a cuantificar y que además aprovecha la correlación temporal existente en los canales de propagación inalámbricos. Este algoritmo se implementa y evalúa primero en comunicaciones MIMO punto a punto entre dos usuarios, después se implementa para algunos casos particulares con múltiples usuarios, y finalmente se amplía para el caso general de sistemas broadcast multi-usuario. Adicionalmente, esta tesis también estudia y optimiza el dimensionamiento del canal de realimentación en función de la cantidad de recursos radio disponibles, en términos de ancho de banda, tiempo y potencia de transmisión. Para ello presenta el problema de la distribución óptima de dichos recursos radio entre el enlace de transmisión de datos y el enlace de realimentación para transmisión de información sobre estado del canal como un problema de optimización
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