49 research outputs found

    A Survey on Recent Reversible Watermarking Techniques

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    Watermarking is a technique to protect the copyright of digital media such as image, text, music and movie. Reversible watermarking is a technique in which watermark can be removed to completely restore the original image. Reversible watermarking of digital content allows full extraction of the watermark along with the complete restoration of the original image. For the last few years, reversible watermarking techniques are gaining popularity due to its applications in important and sensitive areas like military communication, healthcare, and law-enforcement. Due to the rapid evolution of reversible watermarking techniques, a latest review of recent research in this field is highly desirable. In this survey, the performances of different latest reversible watermarking techniques are discussed on the basis of various characteristics of watermarking

    Histogram Based Data Cryptographic Technique with High Level Security

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    Histogram shifting plays a major role in reversible data hiding technique. By this shifting method the distortion is reduced and the embedding capacity may be increased. This proposed work uses, shifting and embedding function. The pixel elements of the original image are divided into two disjoint groups. The first group is used to carry the secret data and the second group adds some additional information which ensures the reversibility of data. The  parameter such as PSNR, embedding capacity and bit rate are used for comparisons of various image

    Discriminative and robust zero-watermarking scheme based on completed local binary pattern for authentication and copyright identification of medical images

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    Authentication and copyright identification are two critical security issues for medical images. Although zerowatermarking schemes can provide durable, reliable and distortion-free protection for medical images, the existing zerowatermarking schemes for medical images still face two problems. On one hand, they rarely considered the distinguishability for medical images, which is critical because different medical images are sometimes similar to each other. On the other hand, their robustness against geometric attacks, such as cropping, rotation and flipping, is insufficient. In this study, a novel discriminative and robust zero-watermarking (DRZW) is proposed to address these two problems. In DRZW, content-based features of medical images are first extracted based on completed local binary pattern (CLBP) operator to ensure the distinguishability and robustness, especially against geometric attacks. Then, master shares and ownership shares are generated from the content-based features and watermark according to (2,2) visual cryptography. Finally, the ownership shares are stored for authentication and copyright identification. For queried medical images, their content-based features are extracted and master shares are generated. Their watermarks for authentication and copyright identification are recovered by stacking the generated master shares and stored ownership shares. 200 different medical images of 5 types are collected as the testing data and our experimental results demonstrate that DRZW ensures both the accuracy and reliability of authentication and copyright identification. When fixing the false positive rate to 1.00%, the average value of false negative rates by using DRZW is only 1.75% under 20 common attacks with different parameters

    Adaptive Image Watermarking based on K-NN Clustering

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    The key challenge faced by researchers is the rise in the use of social media communication to prove ownership rights  to  multimedia  material  such  as  video,  audio,  text,  graphics,  etc.  Watermarking  is  the  method  of multimedia concealment of digital content that can be used later to prove ownership credentials. The researchers in this field contribute a lot of work, but there is still a need for more robust methods. In this paper, we use the KNN clustering method to find the features in the image, which are then used to embed the content of the watermark.  Later,  the  KNN  clustering  approach  is  again  used  for  watermark  extraction  to  classify  the characteristics where the watermark is embedded and extraction is performed from those characteristics

    Protection of Health Imagery by Region Based Lossless Reversible Watermarking Scheme

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    Providing authentication and integrity in medical images is a problem and this work proposes a new blind fragile region based lossless reversible watermarking technique to improve trustworthiness of medical images. The proposed technique embeds the watermark using a reversible least significant bit embedding scheme. The scheme combines hashing, compression, and digital signature techniques to create a content dependent watermark making use of compressed region of interest (ROI) for recovery of ROI as reported in literature. The experiments were carried out to prove the performance of the scheme and its assessment reveals that ROI is extracted in an intact manner and PSNR values obtained lead to realization that the presented scheme offers greater protection for health imageries

    A visible wavelet watermarking technique based on exploiting the contrast sensitivity function and noise reduction of human vision system

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    Dengan meluasnya penggunaan Internet dan pesatnya perkembangan teknologi digital, perlindungan hak cipta atas konten multimedia telah menjadi isu penting. Di antara teknologi yang tersedia, teknik watermarking digital dianggap sebagai solusi perlindungan hak milik atas sumber daya multimedia. Untuk mengevaluasi kinerja teknik watermarking yang terlihat, ketangguhan dan tembus persepsi adalah dua kriteria penting untuk aplikasi watermark. Untuk mendapatkan pertukaran terbaik antara energi penyisipan tanda air dan penembusan perseptual, penelitian ini menghadirkan teknik bernama ICOCOA (konten inovatif dan sadar kontras) dengan mengeksploitasi fungsi sensitivitas kontras (CSF) dan pengurangan kebisingan dari sistem penglihatan manusia. dalam domain wavelet. Ide baru lainnya dari karya ini adalah untuk mengusulkan kurva inovasi CSF masking (I-CSF) yang memberikan persepsi bobot yang lebih baik di mana arsitektur teori permainan dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menentukan masking I-CSF terbaik untuk gambar yang diberi watermark. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa pendekatan yang diusulkan tidak hanya memberikan kualitas watermark yang tembus cahaya tetapi juga mencapai ketahanan terhadap operasi pemrosesan gambar umum

    Secure and Privacy-preserving Data Sharing in the Cloud based on Lossless Image Coding

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    Abstract Image and video processing in the encrypted domain has recently emerged as a promising research area to tackle privacy-related data processing issues. In particular, reversible data hiding in the encrypted domain has been suggested as a solution to store and manage digital images securely in the cloud while preserving their confidentiality. However, although efficiency has been claimed with reversible data hiding techniques in encrypted images (RDHEI), reported results show that the cloud service provider cannot add more than 1 bit per pixel (bpp) of additional data to manage stored images. This paper highlights the weakness of RDHEI as a suggested approach for secure and privacy-preserving cloud computing. In particular, we propose a new, simple, and efficient approach that offers the same level of data security and confidentiality in the cloud without the process of reversible data hiding. The proposed idea is to compress the image via a lossless image coder in order to create space before encryption. This space is then filled with a randomly generated sequence and combined with an encrypted version of the compressed bit stream to form a full resolution encrypted image in the pixel domain. The cloud service provider uses the created room in the encrypted image to add additional data and produces an encrypted image containing additional data in a similar fashion. Assessed with the lossless Embedded Block Coding with Optimized Truncation (EBCOT) algorithm on natural images, the proposed scheme has been shown to exceed the capacity of 3 bpp of additional data while maintaining data security and confidentiality