712 research outputs found

    Zero overshoot and fast transient response using a fuzzy logic controller

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    In some industrial process control systems it is desirable not to allow an overshoot beyond the setpoint or a threshold, this could be a safety constraint or the requirement of the system. This paper outlines our work in designing a fuzzy PID controller to achieve a step-response with zero overshoot while improving the output transient response. Our designed fuzzy PID controller is applied to stable, marginally stable and unstable systems and their step responses are compared with a tuned conventional PID controller. A comparative case study shows that the proposed fuzzy controller is highly effective and outperforms the PID controller in achieving a zero overshoot response and enhancing the output transient response

    controller. The result shows that the proposed controller reduced the overshoot and steady state error of the pneumatic actuator system to no overshoot and 0.025mm respectively. Index terms: System identification, recursive least square, ARX, dead zone compensator, pneumatic actuator

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    In this paper, a nonlinear mathematical modeling based on fundamental physical derivation is presented. The mass flow rate, pressure dynamic and equation of motion are derived referring to the previous research. Simulation work is done to confirm the model based on this derivation. Cascade control based on PID and P controller is designed through simulation in SIMULINK where the parameters of the controller are obtained through PID with optimization toolbox. The results reveal that both step and sinusoidal response test, the cascade controller consistently indicates outperform performance compared to classical PID method. In future, it is recommended to apply this technique to the real-time implementation

    Control Improvement of Low-Cost Cast Aluminium Robotic Arm Using Arduino Based Computed Torque Control

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    Gravity causes non-linearity in position control of an articulated industrial robotic arm. Especially for a joint position control of a robot’s shoulder and elbow that works parallel with the gravity direction. To overcome the problem, Computed Torque Control algorithm was implemented. This algorithm linearized the feedback, so a regular linear Proportional Derivative controller can be implemented. The contribution of this research is to find an effective controller to control a heavy weight low-cost robotic arm link/body using low-cost controller such as Arduino. A Computed Torque Control was implemented to control the shoulder joint of an articulated robotic arm. This joint is the most affected joint by the gravity. It works along the vertical plane, and loaded by the rest of the arm and the robot’s load. The proposed controller was compared to a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) Controller and a Cascade PID Controller. The experiment showed that the Computed Torque Controller can control the position of the arm properly both in the direction along or against the gravity. A linear PID controller could not bring the arm to the set point when it moves against the gravity, but it works well when the arm moves in the opposite direction. A Cascade PID controller has an overshot when the arm moves along the gravity. But it works properly when it moves up against the gravity. A Computed Torque Control works well in both directions even in the presence of gravity force because it includes the gravity on its algorithm

    Trajectory Tracking Control of a Four Rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Based on Continuous Sliding Mode Controller

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    In this paper, a nonlinear Continuous Sliding Mode control (CSMC) application is presented for trajectory tracking control of a four rotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) called the Quadrotor, also known as micro helicopter. The proposed controller is tested with different time-varying reference routes to provide a stable flight for position control. To show the effectiveness of the designed CSMC, well-tuned PI controller is also applied to quadrotor for the same routes. The current position of the quadrotor is taken from accelerometer, gyroscope and ultrasonic sensors. The experimental results show that the CSMC is adequate to dealing with parameter uncertainties occur in the system dynamics while flying and has satisfactory performance in terms of robustness against to disturbances and error elimination when it compared with PI controller

    Design and Cascade PI Controller-Based Robust Model Reference Adaptive Control of DC-DC Boost Converter

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    In this paper, Cascade PI Controller-Based Robust Model Reference Adaptive Control (MRAC)of a DC-DC boost converter is presented. Non-minimum phase behaviour of the boost converter due to right half plane zero constitutes a challenge and its non-linear dynamics complicate the control process while operating in continuous conduction mode (CCM). The proposed control scheme efficiently resolved complications and challenges by using features of cascade PI control loop in combination with properties of MRAC. The accuracy of the proposed control system’s ability to track the desired signals and regulate the plant process variables in the most beneficial and optimised way without delay and overshoot is verified using MATLAB/Simulink by applying comparative analysis with single PI and cascade PI controllers. Moreover, performance of the proposed control scheme is validated experimentally with the implementation of MATLAB/Simulink/Stateflow on dSPACE Real-time-interface (RTI) 1007 processor, DS2004 HighSpeed A/D and CP4002 Timing and Digital I/O boards. The experimental results and analysis reveal that the proposed control strategy enhanced the tracking speed two times with considerably improved disturbance rejection

    Direct digital design of PIDF controllers with ComPlex zeros for DC-DC buck converters

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    This paper presents a new direct digital design method for discrete proportional integral derivative PID + filter (PIDF) controllers employed in DC-DC buck converters. The considered controller structure results in a proper transfer function which has the advantage of being directly implementable by a microcontroller algorithm. Secondly, it can be written as an Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) digital filter. Thirdly, the further degree of freedom introduced by the low pass filter of the transfer function can be used to satisfy additional specifications. A new design procedure is proposed, which consists of the conjunction of the pole-zero cancellation method with an analytical design control methodology based on inversion formulae. These two methods are employed to reduce the negative effects introduced by the complex poles in the transfer function of the buck converter while exactly satisfying steady-state specifications on the tracking error and frequency domain requirements on the phase margin and on the gain crossover frequency. The proposed approach allows the designer to assign a closed-loop bandwidth without constraints imposed by the resonance frequency of the buck converter. The response under step variation of the reference value, and the disturbance rejection capability of the proposed control technique under load variations are also evaluated in real-time implementation by using the Arduino DUE board, and compared with other methods

    Performance and Configuration Analysis of Tracking Time Anti-Windup PID Controllers

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    As popular as the application of Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller is, issues relating to saturation effects are still being addressed using different techniques.  Amongst such techniques are clamping anti-windup technique and back-calculation anti-windup techniques which primary prevent the integral term of the PID control action from reaching saturation. Separate tracking time technique was applied to both cases of anti-windup techniques investigated in this research unlike the conventional tracking time.  These anti-windup controllers were used to control the operation of a motorized globe valve.  The results obtained after simulation in MATLAB Simulink environment showed that both techniques gave similar outputs with a stable response of magnitude 0.95 at 1.5 seconds settling time when a unit step reference input signal was applied as compared to conventional PID controller that had an overshoot of 1.04 before settling to a magnitude of 1.0 at 1.5 seconds. Vibration, instability, and operational distortion were experienced when the anti-windup techniques were cascaded.  The same responses were obtained when their outputs were combined to control the motorized globe valve.  Other interesting mathematical models of important components are contained in the full paper

    Rapidly-implementable optimizely-sizable fuzzy controller architectures: A performance analysis for semiconductor packaging two axes table

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    The tendency of miniaturizing semiconductor products towards nano-size transistor in integrated chips has motivated this work on the semiconductor package. Consequently, Four Fuzzy PID controller architectures based on type 2 FLC are developed; the Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic PID, IT2FLC PID MOALO-based, IT2FLC PI-PD, and IT2FLC PI-PD MOALO controllers. These architectures are improved to overcome the inherent nonlinearity in X-Y table models and capacitate the uncertainties of the parameters and the disturbances. Both controllers are designed to improve the desired position specification at minimum settling time (Ts), rise time (Tr), overshoot through minimization of oscillation and friction rejection during tracking the desired position trajectory. The ant lion optimization (ALO) algorithm has been efficiently solved optimization problems with minimum parameters and execution time. Hence, Multi-Objective Ant Lion Optimizer (MOALO) has been implemented to size the gains of the proposed controllers to get the desired position trajectory according to the required specification. A comparison with a related existing work shows minimal numerical values of improved transient specification response of Tr, Mp% and Ts for the MOALO- Based developed IT2 FLC PID and IT2 FLC PI-PD architectures. Observation of a higher Maximum Percentage of Enhancement settling time is noticed in both axes within the IT2FLC PI-PD architecture. Accordingly, transient performances of the four architectures have been significantly improved. The improvement is noticeable within the response of IT2FLC PI-PD architecture. The Maximum Percentage of Enhancement in the X-axis and Y-axis has been improved more than eight-fold and six-fold respectively using IT2FLC PI-PD architecture

    Design a Robust Proportional-Derivative Gain-Scheduling Control for a Magnetic Levitation System

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    This study focuses on the design of a robust PD gain-scheduling controller (PD-GS-C) for an unstable SISO (single-input, single-output) magnetic levitation system with two electromagnets (MLS2EM). Magnetic levitation systems offer various advantages, including friction-free, reliable, fast, and cost-effective operations. However, due to their unstable and highly nonlinear nature, these systems require sophisticated feedback control techniques to ensure optimal performance and functionality. To address these challenges, in this study, we derive the nonlinear state-space mathematical model of the MLS2EM and linearize it around five different operating points. The PDGS-C controller aims to stabilize the system and improve steady-state control error. The strategy for obtaining the PD controller gains involves a parameter space technique, which specifies performance requirements. This technique results in ranges of proportional (KP) and derivative (KD) gains that are used by the PD-GS-C structure. To optimize the controller's performance further, we utilize the big bang-big crunch optimization technique (BB-BC) to determine the optimal PD gains within the specified ranges. The optimization process focuses on achieving optimal performance in terms of a specific performance index function. This function quantifies the system's time-domain step response criteria, which include minimizing overshoot percentage, settling time, and rising time. The index function is inversely proportional to the desired performance criteria, meaning that the goal is to maximize the index function to optimize the system's performance. To validate the effectiveness and viability of the proposed strategy, we conducts MATLAB simulations and real-time experiments. The simulations and experimental findings serve to demonstrate the controller's performance and verify its capabilities in stabilizing the MLS2EM magnetic levitation system