9,727 research outputs found

    Cross-species analysis of genetically engineered mouse models of MAPK-driven colorectal cancer identifies hallmarks of the human disease

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    Effective treatment options for advanced colorectal cancer (CRC) are limited, survival rates are poor and this disease continues to be a leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. Despite being a highly heterogeneous disease, a large subset of individuals with sporadic CRC typically harbor relatively few established ‘driver’ lesions. Here, we describe a collection of genetically engineered mouse models (GEMMs) of sporadic CRC that combine lesions frequently altered in human patients, including well-characterized tumor suppressors and activators of MAPK signaling. Primary tumors from these models were profiled, and individual GEMM tumors segregated into groups based on their genotypes. Unique allelic and genotypic expression signatures were generated from these GEMMs and applied to clinically annotated human CRC patient samples. We provide evidence that a Kras signature derived from these GEMMs is capable of distinguishing human tumors harboring KRAS mutation, and tracks with poor prognosis in two independent human patient cohorts. Furthermore, the analysis of a panel of human CRC cell lines suggests that high expression of the GEMM Kras signature correlates with sensitivity to targeted pathway inhibitors. Together, these findings implicate GEMMs as powerful preclinical tools with the capacity to recapitulate relevant human disease biology, and support the use of genetic signatures generated in these models to facilitate future drug discovery and validation efforts

    A study into annotation ranking metrics in geo-tagged image corpora

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    Community contributed datasets are becoming increasingly common in automated image annotation systems. One important issue with community image data is that there is no guarantee that the associated metadata is relevant. A method is required that can accurately rank the semantic relevance of community annotations. This should enable the extracting of relevant subsets from potentially noisy collections of these annotations. Having relevant, non heterogeneous tags assigned to images should improve community image retrieval systems, such as Flickr, which are based on text retrieval methods. In the literature, the current state of the art approach to ranking the semantic relevance of Flickr tags is based on the widely used tf-idf metric. In the case of datasets containing landmark images, however, this metric is inefficient due to the high frequency of common landmark tags within the data set and can be improved upon. In this paper, we present a landmark recognition framework, that provides end-to-end automated recognition and annotation. In our study into automated annotation, we evaluate 5 alternate approaches to tf-idf to rank tag relevance in community contributed landmark image corpora. We carry out a thorough evaluation of each of these ranking metrics and results of this evaluation demonstrate that four of these proposed techniques outperform the current commonly-used tf-idf approach for this task

    MusA: Using Indoor Positioning and Navigation to Enhance Cultural Experiences in a museum

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    In recent years there has been a growing interest into the use of multimedia mobile guides in museum environments. Mobile devices have the capabilities to detect the user context and to provide pieces of information suitable to help visitors discovering and following the logical and emotional connections that develop during the visit. In this scenario, location based services (LBS) currently represent an asset, and the choice of the technology to determine users' position, combined with the definition of methods that can effectively convey information, become key issues in the design process. In this work, we present MusA (Museum Assistant), a general framework for the development of multimedia interactive guides for mobile devices. Its main feature is a vision-based indoor positioning system that allows the provision of several LBS, from way-finding to the contextualized communication of cultural contents, aimed at providing a meaningful exploration of exhibits according to visitors' personal interest and curiosity. Starting from the thorough description of the system architecture, the article presents the implementation of two mobile guides, developed to respectively address adults and children, and discusses the evaluation of the user experience and the visitors' appreciation of these application

    Automated annotation of landmark images using community contributed datasets and web resources

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    A novel solution to the challenge of automatic image annotation is described. Given an image with GPS data of its location of capture, our system returns a semantically-rich annotation comprising tags which both identify the landmark in the image, and provide an interesting fact about it, e.g. "A view of the Eiffel Tower, which was built in 1889 for an international exhibition in Paris". This exploits visual and textual web mining in combination with content-based image analysis and natural language processing. In the first stage, an input image is matched to a set of community contributed images (with keyword tags) on the basis of its GPS information and image classification techniques. The depicted landmark is inferred from the keyword tags for the matched set. The system then takes advantage of the information written about landmarks available on the web at large to extract a fact about the landmark in the image. We report component evaluation results from an implementation of our solution on a mobile device. Image localisation and matching oers 93.6% classication accuracy; the selection of appropriate tags for use in annotation performs well (F1M of 0.59), and it subsequently automatically identies a correct toponym for use in captioning and fact extraction in 69.0% of the tested cases; finally the fact extraction returns an interesting caption in 78% of cases

    A novel Big Data analytics and intelligent technique to predict driver's intent

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    Modern age offers a great potential for automatically predicting the driver's intent through the increasing miniaturization of computing technologies, rapid advancements in communication technologies and continuous connectivity of heterogeneous smart objects. Inside the cabin and engine of modern cars, dedicated computer systems need to possess the ability to exploit the wealth of information generated by heterogeneous data sources with different contextual and conceptual representations. Processing and utilizing this diverse and voluminous data, involves many challenges concerning the design of the computational technique used to perform this task. In this paper, we investigate the various data sources available in the car and the surrounding environment, which can be utilized as inputs in order to predict driver's intent and behavior. As part of investigating these potential data sources, we conducted experiments on e-calendars for a large number of employees, and have reviewed a number of available geo referencing systems. Through the results of a statistical analysis and by computing location recognition accuracy results, we explored in detail the potential utilization of calendar location data to detect the driver's intentions. In order to exploit the numerous diverse data inputs available in modern vehicles, we investigate the suitability of different Computational Intelligence (CI) techniques, and propose a novel fuzzy computational modelling methodology. Finally, we outline the impact of applying advanced CI and Big Data analytics techniques in modern vehicles on the driver and society in general, and discuss ethical and legal issues arising from the deployment of intelligent self-learning cars

    On the Accuracy of Hyper-local Geotagging of Social Media Content

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    Social media users share billions of items per year, only a small fraction of which is geotagged. We present a data- driven approach for identifying non-geotagged content items that can be associated with a hyper-local geographic area by modeling the location distributions of hyper-local n-grams that appear in the text. We explore the trade-off between accuracy, precision and coverage of this method. Further, we explore differences across content received from multiple platforms and devices, and show, for example, that content shared via different sources and applications produces significantly different geographic distributions, and that it is best to model and predict location for items according to their source. Our findings show the potential and the bounds of a data-driven approach to geotag short social media texts, and offer implications for all applications that use data-driven approaches to locate content.Comment: 10 page

    Quality of life in the regions: An exploratory spatial data analysis for West German labor markets

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    Which of Germanys regions is the most attractive? Where is it best to live and work - on objective grounds? These questions are summed up in the concept quality of life. This paper uses recent research projects that determine this parameter to examine the spatial distribution of quality of life in Germany. For this purpose, an Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis is conducted which focuses on identifying statistically significant (dis-)similarities in space. An initial result of this research is that it is important to choose the aggregation level of administrative units carefully when considering a spatial analysis. The level plays a crucial role in the strength and impact of spatial effects. In concentrating on various labor market areas, this paper identifies a significant spatial autocorrelation in the quality of life, which seems to be characterized by a North-Mid-South divide. In addition, the ESDA results are used to augment the regression specifications, which helps to avoid the occurrence of spatial dependencies in the residuals. --Quality of Life,Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis,Functional Economic Areas,Spatial Econometrics,LISA Dummies
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