81 research outputs found

    Power and Performance Management of Virtualized Computing Environments Via Lookahead Control

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    Combined power and performance management of virtualized computing environments using limited lookahead control

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    There is growing incentive to reduce the power consumed by large-scale data centers that host online services such as banking, retail commerce, and gaming. Virtualization is a promising approach to consolidating multiple online services onto a smaller number of computing resources. A virtualized server environment allows computing resources to be shared among multiple performance-isolated platforms called virtual machines. By dynamically provisioning virtual machines, consolidating the workload, and turning servers on and off as needed, data center operators can maintain desired service-level agreements with end users while achieving higher server utilization and energy efficiency. This thesis develops an online resource provisioning framework for combined power and performance management in a virtualized computing environment serving sessionbased workloads. We pose this management problem as one of sequential optimization under uncertainty and solve it using limited lookahead control (LLC), a form of modelpredictive control. The approach accounts for the switching costs incurred while provisioning physical and virtual machines, and explicitly encodes the risk of provisioning resources in an uncertain and dynamic operating environment.We experimentally validate the control framework on a multi-tier e-commerce architecture hosting multiple online services. When managed using LLC, the cluster saves, on average, 41% in power-consumption costs over a twenty-four hour period when compared to a system operating without dynamic control. The overhead of the controller is low, compared to the control interval, on the order of a few seconds. We also use trace-based simulations to analyze LLC performance on server clusters larger than our testbed, and show how concepts from approximation theory can be used to further reduce the computational burden of controlling large systems.Ph.D., Computer Engineering -- Drexel University, 200

    Energy-Efficient Management of Data Center Resources for Cloud Computing: A Vision, Architectural Elements, and Open Challenges

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    Cloud computing is offering utility-oriented IT services to users worldwide. Based on a pay-as-you-go model, it enables hosting of pervasive applications from consumer, scientific, and business domains. However, data centers hosting Cloud applications consume huge amounts of energy, contributing to high operational costs and carbon footprints to the environment. Therefore, we need Green Cloud computing solutions that can not only save energy for the environment but also reduce operational costs. This paper presents vision, challenges, and architectural elements for energy-efficient management of Cloud computing environments. We focus on the development of dynamic resource provisioning and allocation algorithms that consider the synergy between various data center infrastructures (i.e., the hardware, power units, cooling and software), and holistically work to boost data center energy efficiency and performance. In particular, this paper proposes (a) architectural principles for energy-efficient management of Clouds; (b) energy-efficient resource allocation policies and scheduling algorithms considering quality-of-service expectations, and devices power usage characteristics; and (c) a novel software technology for energy-efficient management of Clouds. We have validated our approach by conducting a set of rigorous performance evaluation study using the CloudSim toolkit. The results demonstrate that Cloud computing model has immense potential as it offers significant performance gains as regards to response time and cost saving under dynamic workload scenarios.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures,Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA 2010), Las Vegas, USA, July 12-15, 201

    A parallel controller implementation for dynamic resource allocation in virtualized computing environment

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    The ability to dynamically allocate system resources in a large scale distributed system is highly desirable. Dynamically allocating system resources can significantly reduce under-utilization of system resources and reduce the power consumed by the servers. Since typical enterprise computing systems consist of hundreds of servers, it is almost impossible to manually reconfigure each system parameter for optimal performance. Prior work has shown that by posing the dynamic resource provisioning problem as one of sequential optimization, we can dynamically allocate system resources for optimal performance in a dynamic operating environment. However, a single threaded implementation of this control technique does not scale well with increasing system size. Therefore, this thesis develops a parallel controller implementation for dynamic resource allocation using the OpenMP interface. We analyze the performance of this controller in a virtualized computing environment, and show that dynamic resource allocation can lead to an average of 30% savings in energy consumption, over an uncontrolled system. Parallelizing the controller also significantly reduces its execution time overhead, by as much as 263%, a compared to single threaded implementation.M.S., Computer Engineering -- Drexel University, 200

    Energy optimization methods for Virtual Machine Placement in Cloud Data Center

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    The Information Technology industry has been upheaved by the influx of cloud computing. The extension of Cloud computing has resulted in the creation of huge data centers globally containing numbers of computers that consume large amounts of energy resulting in high operating costs. To reduce energy consumption providers must optimize resource usage by performing dynamic consolidation of virtual machines (VMs) in an efficient way. The problems of VM consolidation are host overload detection, host under-load detection, VM selection and VM placement. Each of the aforestated sub-problems must operate in an optimized manner to maintain the energy usage and performance. The process of VM placement has been focused in this work, and energy efficient, optimal virtual machine placement (E2OVMP) algorithm has been proposed. This minimizes the expenses for hosting virtual machines in a cloud provider environment in two different plans such as i) reservation and ii) on-demand plans, under future demand and price uncertainty. It also reduces energy consumption. E2OVMP algorithm makes a decision based on the gilt-edged solution of stochastic integer programming to lease resources from cloud IaaS providers. The performance of E2OVMP is evaluated by using CloudSim with inputs of planet lab workload. It minimized the user’s budget, number of VM migration resulting efficient energy consumption. It ensures a high level of constancy to the Service Level Agreements (SLA).Keywords: Cloud resource management; virtualization; dynamic consolidation; stochastic integer programming (SIP)*Cite as: Esha Barlaskar, N. Ajith Singh, Y. Jayanta Singh, “Energy optimization methods for Virtual Machine Placementin Cloud Data Center†ADBU J.Engg.Tech., 1(2014) 0011401(7pp

    Calidad de servicio en computación en la nube: técnicas de modelado y sus aplicaciones

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    Recent years have seen the massive migration of enterprise applications to the cloud. One of the challenges posed by cloud applications is Quality-of-Service (QoS) management, which is the problem of allocating resources to the application to guarantee a service level along dimensions such as performance, availability and reliability. This paper aims at supporting research in this area by providing a survey of the state of the art of QoS modeling approaches suitable for cloud systems. We also review and classify their early application to some decision-making problems arising in cloud QoS management

    A Tale of Two Metrics: Simultaneous Bounds on Competitiveness and Regret

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    We consider algorithms for “smoothed online convex optimization” (SOCO) problems, which are a hybrid between online convex optimization (OCO) and metrical task system (MTS) problems. Historically, the performance metric for OCO was regret and that for MTS was competitive ratio (CR). There are algorithms with either sublinear regret or constant CR, but no known algorithm achieves both simultaneously. We show that this is a fundamental limitation – no algorithm (deterministic or randomized) can achieve sublinear regret and a constant CR, even when the objective functions are linear and the decision space is one dimensional. However, we present an algorithm that, for the important one dimensional case, provides sublinear regret and a CR that grows arbitrarily slowly

    Towards a novel biologically-inspired cloud elasticity framework

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    With the widespread use of the Internet, the popularity of web applications has significantly increased. Such applications are subject to unpredictable workload conditions that vary from time to time. For example, an e-commerce website may face higher workloads than normal during festivals or promotional schemes. Such applications are critical and performance related issues, or service disruption can result in financial losses. Cloud computing with its attractive feature of dynamic resource provisioning (elasticity) is a perfect match to host such applications. The rapid growth in the usage of cloud computing model, as well as the rise in complexity of the web applications poses new challenges regarding the effective monitoring and management of the underlying cloud computational resources. This thesis investigates the state-of-the-art elastic methods including the models and techniques for the dynamic management and provisioning of cloud resources from a service provider perspective. An elastic controller is responsible to determine the optimal number of cloud resources, required at a particular time to achieve the desired performance demands. Researchers and practitioners have proposed many elastic controllers using versatile techniques ranging from simple if-then-else based rules to sophisticated optimisation, control theory and machine learning based methods. However, despite an extensive range of existing elasticity research, the aim of implementing an efficient scaling technique that satisfies the actual demands is still a challenge to achieve. There exist many issues that have not received much attention from a holistic point of view. Some of these issues include: 1) the lack of adaptability and static scaling behaviour whilst considering completely fixed approaches; 2) the burden of additional computational overhead, the inability to cope with the sudden changes in the workload behaviour and the preference of adaptability over reliability at runtime whilst considering the fully dynamic approaches; and 3) the lack of considering uncertainty aspects while designing auto-scaling solutions. This thesis seeks solutions to address these issues altogether using an integrated approach. Moreover, this thesis aims at the provision of qualitative elasticity rules. This thesis proposes a novel biologically-inspired switched feedback control methodology to address the horizontal elasticity problem. The switched methodology utilises multiple controllers simultaneously, whereas the selection of a suitable controller is realised using an intelligent switching mechanism. Each controller itself depicts a different elasticity policy that can be designed using the principles of fixed gain feedback controller approach. The switching mechanism is implemented using a fuzzy system that determines a suitable controller/- policy at runtime based on the current behaviour of the system. Furthermore, to improve the possibility of bumpless transitions and to avoid the oscillatory behaviour, which is a problem commonly associated with switching based control methodologies, this thesis proposes an alternative soft switching approach. This soft switching approach incorporates a biologically-inspired Basal Ganglia based computational model of action selection. In addition, this thesis formulates the problem of designing the membership functions of the switching mechanism as a multi-objective optimisation problem. The key purpose behind this formulation is to obtain the near optimal (or to fine tune) parameter settings for the membership functions of the fuzzy control system in the absence of domain experts’ knowledge. This problem is addressed by using two different techniques including the commonly used Genetic Algorithm and an alternative less known economic approach called the Taguchi method. Lastly, we identify seven different kinds of real workload patterns, each of which reflects a different set of applications. Six real and one synthetic HTTP traces, one for each pattern, are further identified and utilised to evaluate the performance of the proposed methods against the state-of-the-art approaches

    A control theoretical view of cloud elasticity: taxonomy, survey and challenges

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    The lucrative features of cloud computing such as pay-as-you-go pricing model and dynamic resource provisioning (elasticity) attract clients to host their applications over the cloud to save up-front capital expenditure and to reduce the operational cost of the system. However, the efficient management of hired computational resources is a challenging task. Over the last decade, researchers and practitioners made use of various techniques to propose new methods to address cloud elasticity. Amongst many such techniques, control theory emerges as one of the popular methods to implement elasticity. A plethora of research has been undertaken on cloud elasticity including several review papers that summarise various aspects of elasticity. However, the scope of the existing review articles is broad and focused mostly on the high-level view of the overall research works rather than on the specific details of a particular implementation technique. While considering the importance, suitability and abundance of control theoretical approaches, this paper is a step forward towards a stand-alone review of control theoretic aspects of cloud elasticity. This paper provides a detailed taxonomy comprising of relevant attributes defining the following two perspectives, i.e., control-theory as an implementation technique as well as cloud elasticity as a target application domain. We carry out an exhaustive review of the literature by classifying the existing elasticity solutions using the attributes of control theoretic perspective. The summarized results are further presented by clustering them with respect to the type of control solutions, thus helping in comparison of the related control solutions. In last, a discussion summarizing the pros and cons of each type of control solutions are presented. This discussion is followed by the detail description of various open research challenges in the field

    Towards Internet QoS Provisioning Based on Generic Distributed QoS Adaptive Routing Engine

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    Increasing efficiency and quality demands of modern Internet technologies drive today’s network engineers to seek to provide quality of service (QoS). Internet QoS provisioning gives rise to several challenging issues. This paper introduces a generic distributed QoS adaptive routing engine (DQARE) architecture based on OSPFxQoS. The innovation of the proposed work in this paper is its undependability on the used QoS architectures and, moreover, splitting of the control strategy from data forwarding mechanisms, so we guarantee a set of absolute stable mechanisms on top of which Internet QoS can be built. DQARE architecture is furnished with three relevant traffic control schemes, namely, service differentiation, QoS routing, and traffic engineering. The main objective of this paper is to (i) provide a general configuration guideline for service differentiation, (ii) formalize the theoretical properties of different QoS routing algorithms and then introduce a QoS routing algorithm (QOPRA) based on dynamic programming technique, and (iii) propose QoS multipath forwarding (QMPF) model for paths diversity exploitation. NS2-based simulations proved the DQARE superiority in terms of delay, packet delivery ratio, throughput, and control overhead. Moreover, extensive simulations are used to compare the proposed QOPRA algorithm and QMPF model with their counterparts in the literature
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