461 research outputs found

    A new algorithm for dual-rate systems frequency response computation in discrete control systems

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    This paper addresses an easy computation of the multiple components of the response to a sinusoidal input of a dual-rate linear time-invariant discrete system from the Bode diagram of LTI systems arising from a lifted representation. Based on those results, a generalized Bode diagram is suggested. Some new conclusions derived from this conceptual interpretation are introduced. This diagram provides a better insight in the frequency-response issues in multivariable control than the standard singular value decomposition of the lifted model. As an application, the output ripple suppression in a multirate control scheme is presented.The work of J. Salt was supported in part by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad under Grant TEC2012-31506, and that of A. Sala by grant DPI2011-27845-C02-01 by the same institution.Salt Llobregat, JJ.; Sala Piqueras, A. (2014). A new algorithm for dual-rate systems frequency response computation in discrete control systems. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 38(23):5692-5704. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apm.2014.04.054S56925704382

    Dual-rate sampled-data systems. Some interesting consequences from its frequency response analysis

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in International Journal of General Systems on JUL 4 2019, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/03081079.2019.1608984[EN] The main goal of this contribution is to introduce a new procedure in order to analyse properly SISO dual-rate systems (DRS) and to provide straightforward answers to some common general questions about this kind of systems. Frequency response analysis based on DRS lifting modelling can lead to interesting results about stability margins or performance prediction. As a novelty, it is explained how to understand DRS frequency response and how to handle it for an easy computation of magnitude and phase margins keeping classical frequency domain methods. There are also some repetitive questions about DRS that can be analysed and answered properly using the results from this contribution: what the optimum relation between sampling periods is or what effects does delay have in a DRS. Every step is illustrated with examples that should clarify the understanding of the text.Salt Llobregat, JJ.; Alcaina-Acosta, JJ. (2019). Dual-rate sampled-data systems. Some interesting consequences from its frequency response analysis. International Journal of General Systems. 48(5):554-574. https://doi.org/10.1080/03081079.2019.1608984S55457448

    A 640-Mb/s 2048-Bit Programmable LDPC Decoder Chip

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    Topology Derivation and Development of Non-Isolated Three-port Converters for DC Microgrids

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    Currently, three-port converters (TPCs) are gaining popularity in applications which integrate renewable energies, such as photovoltaics and wind, and energy storage elements, such as batteries and supercapacitors with load. This is due to the advantages of a single power conversion stage between any two ports for better conversion efficiency and a highly integrated structure for compactness. Most of the reported TPCs focus on the consuming load. However, there are applications such as hybrid-electric vehicle braking systems and DC microgrids which have power generating capability. A typical example is battery charging in a DC microgrid. When the photovoltaics has inadequate power to charge the battery, the TPCs that consider only consuming load need an extra DC/DC converter for the DC bus to charge the battery. Three-winding transformers associated with full-bridge configurations as the basis for TPCs can fulfill the purpose of bi-directional power flow between any two ports. However, bulkiness of transformers and the need for more switches and associated control mechanisms increases the converter complexity, volume and cost. Solutions for integrating a regenerative load in NITPCs are still limited. This research work focuses on the development of non-isolated three-port converters (NITPCs), as they are capable of driving a regenerative load while offering a compact solution. The study includes a systematic approach to deriving a family of NITPCs. They combine different commonly known power converters in an integrated manner while considering the voltage polarity, voltage levels among the ports and overall voltage conversion ratio. The derived converter topologies allow for all possible power flow combinations among the sources and load while preserving the single power processing feature of the TPC. A design example of a boost converter based TPC with a bi-directional buck converter is reported. In addition, a novel single-inductor NITPC is proposed. It is a further integrated topology according to the aforementioned design example where only one inductor is required instead of two, and the number of power transistors remains the same. The detailed topological derivation, operation principles, steady-state analysis, simulation results and experiment results are given to verify the proposed NITPCs

    On single-input dual-output (SIDO) DC/DC multi-port converters for DC microgrid applications

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    This paper proposes the use of linear-assisted switching power converters in the context of single-inductor dual-output (SIDO) for microgrids (MG) applications. By combining a DC/DC ripple-controlled switching power converter with the respective voltage linear regulators at each output, improved performance in terms of load and line regulations is obtained. To achieve that aim, a current-steering switching policy is proposed, together with a resource-aware circuit implementation. The ripple-based hysteretic control results in variable switching frequency to guarantee critical conduction mode (boundary of CCM and DCM).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A differential-based parallel force/velocity actuation concept : theory and experiments

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    textRobots are now moving from their conventional confined habitats such as factory floors to human environments where they assist and physically interact with people. The requirement for inherent mechanical safety is overarching in such human-robot interaction systems. We propose a dual actuator called Parallel Force/Velocity Actuator (PFVA) that combines a Force Actuator (FA) (low velocity input) and a Velocity Actuator (VA) (high velocity input) using a differential gear train. In this arrangement mechanical safety can be achieved by limiting the torque on the FA and thus making it a backdriveable input. In addition, the kinematic redundancy in the drive can be used to control output velocity while satisfying secondary operational objectives. Our research focus was on three areas: (i) scalable parametric design of the PFVA, (ii) analytical modeling of the PFVA and experimental testing on a single-joint prototype, and (iii) generalized model formulation for PFVA-driven serial robot manipulators. In our analysis, the ratio of velocity ratios between the FA and the VA, called the relative scale factor, emerged as a purely geometric and dominant design parameter. Based on a dimensionless parametric design of PFVAs using power-flow and load distributions between the inputs, a prototype was designed and built using commercial-off-the-shelf components. Using controlled experiments, two performance-limiting phenomena in our prototype, friction and dynamic coupling between the two inputs, were identified. Two other experiments were conducted to characterize the operational performance of the actuator in velocity-mode and in what we call ‘torque-limited’ mode (i.e. when the FA input can be backdriven). Our theoretical and experimental results showed that the PFVA can be mechanical safe to both slow collisions and impacts due to the backdriveability of the FA. Also, we show that its kinematic redundancy can be effectively utilized to mitigate low-velocity friction and backlash in geared mechanisms. The implication at the system level of our actuator level analytical and experimental work was studied using a generalized dynamic modeling framework based on kinematic influence coefficients. Based on this dynamic model, three design case studies for a PFVA-driven serial planar 3R manipulator were presented. The major contributions of this research include (i) mathematical models and physical understanding for over six fundamental design and operational parameters of the PFVA, based on which approximately ten design and five operational guidelines were laid out, (ii) analytical and experimental proof-of-concept for the mechanical safety feature of the PFVA and the effective utilization of its kinematic redundancy, (iii) an experimental methodology to characterize the dynamic coupling between the inputs in a differential-summing mechanism, and (iv) a generalized dynamic model formulation for PFVA-driven serial robot manipulators with emphasis on distribution of output loads between the FA and VA input-sets.Mechanical Engineerin

    Design and implementation of event-based multi-rate controllers for networked control systems

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] Con esta tesis se pretende dar solución a algunos de los problemas más habituales que aparecen en los Sistemas de control basados en red (NCS) como son los retardos variables en el tiempo, las pérdidas y el desorden de paquetes, y la restricción de ancho de banda y de recursos computacionales y energéticos de los dispositivos que forman parte del sistema de control. Para ello se ha planteado la integración de técnicas de control multifrecuencial, de control basado en paquetes, de control basado en predictor y de control basado en eventos. Los diseños de control realizados se han simulado utilizando Matlab-Simulink y Truetime, se ha analizado su estabilidad mediante LMIs y QFT, y se han validado experimentalmente en un péndulo invertido, un robot cartesiano 3D y en robots móviles de bajo coste. El artículo 1 aborda el control basado en eventos, el cual minimiza el ancho de banda consumido en el NCS mediante un control basado en eventos periódicos y presenta un método para obtener sus parámetros óptimos para el sistema específico en que se utilice. Los artículos 2, 4 y 6 añaden el control basado en paquetes, así como el control multifrecuencia, que aborda problemas de falta de datos por bajo uso del sensor y los retardos, pérdidas y desórdenes de paquetes en la red. También afrontan, mediante tecnicas de predicción basadas en un filtro de Kalman multifrecuencia variable en el tiempo, los problemas de ruido y perturbaciones, así como la observación de los estados completos del sistema. El artículo 7 hace frente a un modelo no lineal que utiliza las anteriores soluciones junto con un filtro de Kalman extendido para presentar otro tipo de estructura para un vehículo autónomo que, gracias a la información futura obtenida mediante estas técnicas, puede realizar de forma remota tareas de alto nivel como es la toma de decisiones y la monitorización de variables. Los artículos 3 y 5, presentan una forma de obtener y analizar la respuesta en frecuencia de sistemas SISO multifrecuencia y estudian su comportamiento ante ciertas incertidumbres o problemas en la red haciendo uso de procedimientos QFT.[CA] Amb aquesta tesi es pretén donar solució a alguns dels problemes més habituals que apareixen als Sistemes de Control Basats en xarxa (NCS) com son els retards d'accés i transferència variables en el temps, les pèrdues y desordenament de paquets, i la restricció d'ampli de banda així com de recursos computacionals i energètics dels dispositius que foment part del sistema de control. Per tal de resoldre'ls s'ha plantejat la integració de tècniques de control multifreqüencial, de control basat en paquets, de control basat en predictor i de control basat en events. Els dissenys de control realitzats s'han simulat fent ús de Matlab-Simulink i de TrueTime, s'ha analitzat la seua estabilitat mitjançant LMIs i QFT, i s'han validat experimentalment en un pèndul invertit, un robot cartesià 3D i en robots mòbils de baix cost. L'article 1 aborda el control basat en events, el qual minimitza l'ampli de banda consumit a l'NCS mitjançant un control basat en events periòdics i presenta un mètode per a obtindré els seus paràmetres òptims per al sistema específic en el qual s'utilitza. Els articles 2, 4 i 6 afegeixen el control basat en paquets, així com el control multifreqüència, que aborda problemes de falta de dades per el baix us del sensor i els retards, pèrdues i desordre de paquets en la xarxa. També afronten, mitjançant tècniques de predicció basades en un filtre de Kalman multifreqüència variable en el temps. Els problemes de soroll i pertorbacions, així com la observació dels estats complets del sistema. L'article 7 fa referència a un model no lineal que utilitza les anteriors solucions junt a un filtre de Kalman estès per a presentar altre tipus d'estructura per a un vehicle autònom que, gracies a la informació futura obtinguda mitjançant aquestes tècniques, pot realitzar de manera remota tasques d'alt nivell com son la presa de decisions i la monitorització de variables. Els articles 3 y 5 presenten la manera d'obtindre i analitzar la resposta en frequencia de sistemes SISO multifreqüència i estudien el seu comportament front a certes incerteses o problemes en la xarxa fent us de procediments QFT.[EN] This thesis attempts to solve some of the most frequent issues that appear in Networked Control Systems (NCS), such as time-varying delays, packet losses and packet disorders and the bandwidth limitation. Other frequent problems are scarce computational and energy resources of the local system devices. Thus, it is proposed to integrate multirate control, packet-based control, predictor-based control and event-based control techniques. The control designs have been simulated using Matlab-Simulink and Truetime, the stability has been analysed by LMIs and QFT, and the experimental validation has been done on an inverted pendulum, a 3D cartesian robot and in low-cost mobile robots. Paper 1 addresses event-based control, which minimizes the bandwidth consumed in NCS through a periodic event-triggered control and presents a method to obtain the optimal parameters for the specific system used. Papers 2, 4 and 6 include packet-based control and multirate control, addressing problems such as network delays, packet dropouts and packet disorders, and the scarce data due to low sensor usage in order to save battery in sensing tasks and transmissions of the sensed data. Also addressed, is how despite the existence of measurement noise and disturbances, time-varying dual-rate Kalman filter based prediction techniques observe the complete state of the system. Paper 7 tackles a non-linear model that uses all the previous solutions together with an extended Kalman filter to present another type of structure for an autonomous vehicle that, due to future information obtained through these techniques, can remotely carry out high level tasks, such as decision making and monitoring of variables. Papers 3 and 5, present a method for obtaining and analyzing the SISO dual-rate frequency response and using QFT procedures to study its behavior when faced with specific uncertainties or network problems.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under Grant referenced TEC2012-31506.Alcaina Acosta, JJ. (2020). Design and implementation of event-based multi-rate controllers for networked control systems [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/159884TESISCompendi

    Application of Model Predictive Control in Modular Multilevel Converter for MTPA Operation and SOC Balancing

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    In this thesis, a one-step horizon model predictive control strategy (MPC) is implemented in a multilevel modular converter (MMC) to control the speed of an electric vehicle (EV) motor. Maximum torque per ampere (MTPA) and field weakening (FW) control strategies are used to generate reference signals for maximum torque output. The proposed control scheme aims to track the reference signal by independently regulating voltages from the MMC modules. To achieve this, the switches of the MMCs are directly controlled, eliminating the need for a pulse width modulator. A one-step horizon implementation of MPC ensures the robustness of the control system by making the real-time implementation possible. It leads to favorable performance under asymmetrical loads. The phase voltage is supplied to the motor through the MMC architecture which is composed of a large number of battery cells connected in series to supply the motor drive. Due to the non-identical characteristics of the battery, the state of charge (SOC) and the terminal voltage of the cells vary significantly at different operating conditions. The given control scheme is also incorporating a voltage balancing property that ensures the terminal voltages of all the battery cells in the MMC architecture are equalized. Finally, simulation results are presented to show the effectiveness of this control strategy and hardware is under development to validate the system performance

    Design and analysis of a novel multi-input multi-output high voltage DC transformer model

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    a novel Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) step-up DC transformer for applications in high voltage renewable energy sources is designed and presente