163 research outputs found

    Structural engineering of evolving complex dynamical networks

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    Networks are ubiquitous in nature and many natural and man-made systems can be modelled as networked systems. Complex networks, systems comprising a number of nodes that are connected through edges, have been frequently used to model large-scale systems from various disciplines such as biology, ecology, and engineering. Dynamical systems interacting through a network may exhibit collective behaviours such as synchronisation, consensus, opinion formation, flocking and unusual phase transitions. Evolution of such collective behaviours is highly dependent on the structure of the interaction network. Optimisation of network topology to improve collective behaviours and network robustness can be achieved by intelligently modifying the network structure. Here, it is referred to as "Engineering of the Network". Although coupled dynamical systems can develop spontaneous synchronous patterns if their coupling strength lies in an appropriate range, in some applications one needs to control a fraction of nodes, known as driver nodes, in order to facilitate the synchrony. This thesis addresses the problem of identifying the set of best drivers, leading to the best pinning control performance. The eigen-ratio of the augmented Laplacian matrix, that is the largest eigenvalue divided by the second smallest one, is chosen as the controllability metric. The approach introduced in this thesis is to obtain the set of optimal drivers based on sensitivity analysis of the eigen-ratio, which requires only a single computation of the eigenvector associated with the largest eigenvalue, and thus is applicable for large-scale networks. This leads to a new "controllability centrality" metric for each subset of nodes. Simulation results reveal the effectiveness of the proposed metric in predicting the most important driver(s) correctly.     Interactions in complex networks might also facilitate the propagation of undesired effects, such as node/edge failure, which may crucially affect the performance of collective behaviours. In order to study the effect of node failure on network synchronisation, an analytical metric is proposed that measures the effect of a node removal on any desired eigenvalue of the Laplacian matrix. Using this metric, which is based on the local multiplicity of each eigenvalue at each node, one can approximate the impact of any node removal on the spectrum of a graph. The metric is computationally efficient as it only needs a single eigen-decomposition of the Laplacian matrix. It also provides a reliable approximation for the "Laplacian energy" of a network. Simulation results verify the accuracy of this metric in networks with different topologies. This thesis also considers formation control as an application of network synchronisation and studies the "rigidity maintenance" problem, which is one of the major challenges in this field. This problem is to preserve the rigidity of the sensing graph in a formation during motion, taking into consideration constraints such as line-of-sight requirements, sensing ranges and power limitations. By introducing a "Lattice of Configurations" for each node, a distributed rigidity maintenance algorithm is proposed to preserve the rigidity of the sensing network when failure in a sensing link would result in loss of rigidity. The proposed algorithm recovers rigidity by activating, almost always, the minimum number of new sensing links and considers real-time constraints of practical formations. A sufficient condition for this problem is proved and tested via numerical simulations. Based on the above results, a number of other areas and applications of network dynamics are studied and expounded upon in this thesis

    Growing super stable tensegrity frameworks

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    This paper discusses methods for growing tensegrity frameworks akin to what are now known as Henneberg constructions, which apply to bar-joint frameworks. In particular, the paper presents tensegrity framework versions of the three key Henneberg constructions of vertex addition, edge splitting and framework merging (whereby separate frameworks are combined into a larger framework). This is done for super stable tensegrity frameworks in an ambient two or three-dimensional space. We start with the operation of adding a new vertex to an original super stable tensegrity framework, named vertex addition. We prove that the new tensegrity framework can be super stable as well if the new vertex is attached to the original framework by an appropriate number of members, which include struts or cables, with suitably assigned stresses. Edge splitting can be secured in R2 (R3) by adding a vertex joined to three (four) existing vertices, two of which are connected by a member, and then removing that member. This procedure, with appropriate selection of struts or cables, preserves super-stability. In d dimensional ambient space, merging two super stable frameworks sharing at least d + 1 vertices that are in general positions, we show that the resulting tensegrity framework is still super stable. Based on these results, we further investigate the strategies of merging two super stable tensegrity frameworks in IRd; (d 2 f2; 3g)that share fewer than d + 1 vertices, and show how they may be merged through the insertion of struts or cables as appropriate between the two structures, with a super stable structure resulting from the merge

    Network-centric methods for heterogeneous multiagent systems

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    We present tools for a network topology based characterization of heterogeneity in multiagent systems, thereby providing a framework for the analysis and design of heterogeneous multiagent networks from a network structure view-point. In heterogeneous networks, agents with a diverse set of resources coordinate with each other. Coordination among different agents and the structure of the underlying network topology have significant impacts on the overall behavior and functionality of the system. Using constructs from graph theory, a qualitative as well as a quantitative analysis is performed to examine an inter-relationship between the network topology and the distribution of agents with various capabilities in heterogeneous networks. Our goal is to allow agents maximally exploit heterogeneous resources available within the network through local interactions, thus exploring a promise heterogeneous networks hold to accomplish complicated tasks by leveraging upon the assorted capabilities of agents. For a reliable operations of such systems, the issue of security against intrusions and malicious agents is also addressed. We provide a scheme to secure a network against a sequence of intruder attacks through a set of heterogeneous guards. Moreover, robustness of networked systems against noise corruption and structural changes in the underlying network topology is also examined.Ph.D

    Multi-Agent Systems

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    A multi-agent system (MAS) is a system composed of multiple interacting intelligent agents. Multi-agent systems can be used to solve problems which are difficult or impossible for an individual agent or monolithic system to solve. Agent systems are open and extensible systems that allow for the deployment of autonomous and proactive software components. Multi-agent systems have been brought up and used in several application domains

    Generalized belief change with imprecise probabilities and graphical models

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    We provide a theoretical investigation of probabilistic belief revision in complex frameworks, under extended conditions of uncertainty, inconsistency and imprecision. We motivate our kinematical approach by specializing our discussion to probabilistic reasoning with graphical models, whose modular representation allows for efficient inference. Most results in this direction are derived from the relevant work of Chan and Darwiche (2005), that first proved the inter-reducibility of virtual and probabilistic evidence. Such forms of information, deeply distinct in their meaning, are extended to the conditional and imprecise frameworks, allowing further generalizations, e.g. to experts' qualitative assessments. Belief aggregation and iterated revision of a rational agent's belief are also explored

    Detection and Classification of Multiple Person Interaction

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    Institute of Perception, Action and BehaviourThis thesis investigates the classification of the behaviour of multiple persons when viewed from a video camera. Work upon a constrained case of multiple person interaction in the form of team games is investigated. A comparison between attempting to model individual features using a (hierarchical dynamic model) and modelling the team as a whole (using a support vector machine) is given. It is shown that for team games such as handball it is preferable to model the whole team. In such instances correct classification performance of over 80% are attained. A more general case of interaction is then considered. Classification of interacting people in a surveillance situation over several datasets is then investigated. We introduce a new feature set and compare several methods with the previous best published method (Oliver 2000) and demonstrate an improvement in performance. Classification rates of over 95% on real video data sequences are demonstrated. An investigation into how the length of time a sequence is observed is then performed. This results in an improved classifier (of over 2%) which uses a class dependent window size. The question of detecting pre/post and actual fighting situations is then addressed. A hierarchical AdaBoost classifier is used to demonstrate the ability to classify such situations. It is demonstrated that such an approach can classify 91% of fighting situations correctly

    A Continuum Framework and Homogeneous Map Based Algorithms for Formation Control of Multi Agent Systems

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    In this dissertation, new algorithms for formation control of multi agent systems (MAS) based on continuum mechanics principles will be suggested. For this purpose, agents of the MAS are considered as particles in a continuum, evolving in R^n, whose desired configuration is required to satisfy an admissible deformation function. Considered is a specific class of mappings that are called homogenous where the Jacobian of the mapping is only a function of time and is not spatially varying. The primary objectives of this dissertation are to develop the necessary theory and its validation on a mobile-agent based swarm test bed that includes two primary tasks: 1) homogenous transformation of MAS and 2) deployment of a random distribution of agents on a desired configuration. Developed will be a framework based on homogenous transformations for the evolution of an MAS in an n-dimensional space (n=1,2, and 3), under1) no inter-agent communication (predefined motion plan), 2) local inter-agent communication, and 3) intelligent perception by agents. In this dissertation, different communication protocols for MAS evolution that are based on certain special features of a homogenous transformation will be developed. It is also aimed to deal with the robustness of tracking of a desired motion by an MAS evolving in R^n. Furthermore, the effect of communication delays in an MAS evolving under consensus algorithms or homogenous maps is investigated. In this regard, the maximum allowable communication delay for MAS evolution is formulated on the basis of eigen-analysis.Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics -- Drexel University, 201

    Robust Behavioral-Control of Multi-Agent Systems

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