133 research outputs found

    Computational Geometry Column 39

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    The resolution of a decades-old open problem is described: polygonal chains cannot lock in the plane.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. To appear in SIGACT News and in Int. J. Comp. Geom. App

    A short proof of rigidity of convex polytopes

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    We present a much simplified proof of Dehn's theorem on the infinitesimal rigidity of convex polytopes. Our approach is based on the ideas of Trushkina and Schramm.Comment: to appear in Siberian Journal of Mathematics; 5 pages 2 figure

    A necessary condition for generic rigidity of bar-and-joint frameworks in dd-space

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    A graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) is dd-sparse if each subset XVX\subseteq V with Xd|X|\geq d induces at most dX(d+12)d|X|-{{d+1}\choose{2}} edges in GG. Maxwell showed in 1864 that a necessary condition for a generic bar-and-joint framework with at least d+1d+1 vertices to be rigid in Rd{\mathbb R}^d is that GG should have a dd-sparse subgraph with dX(d+12)d|X|-{{d+1}\choose{2}} edges. This necessary condition is also sufficient when d=1,2d=1,2 but not when d3d\geq 3. Cheng and Sitharam strengthened Maxwell's condition by showing that every maximal dd-sparse subgraph of GG should have dX(d+12)d|X|-{{d+1}\choose{2}} edges when d=3d=3. We extend their result to all d11d\leq 11.Comment: There was an error in the proof of Theorem 3.3(b) in version 1 of this paper. A weaker statement was proved in version 2 and then used to derive the main result Theorem 4.1 when d5d\leq 5. The proof technique was subsequently refined in collaboration with Hakan Guler to extend this result to all d11d\leq 11 in Theorem 3.3 of version

    Generic Rigidity Matroids with Dilworth Truncations

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    We prove that the linear matroid that defines generic rigidity of dd-dimensional body-rod-bar frameworks (i.e., structures consisting of disjoint bodies and rods mutually linked by bars) can be obtained from the union of (d+12){d+1 \choose 2} graphic matroids by applying variants of Dilworth truncation nrn_r times, where nrn_r denotes the number of rods. This leads to an alternative proof of Tay's combinatorial characterizations of generic rigidity of rod-bar frameworks and that of identified body-hinge frameworks

    Mixed Volume Techniques for Embeddings of Laman Graphs

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    Determining the number of embeddings of Laman graph frameworks is an open problem which corresponds to understanding the solutions of the resulting systems of equations. In this paper we investigate the bounds which can be obtained from the viewpoint of Bernstein's Theorem. The focus of the paper is to provide the methods to study the mixed volume of suitable systems of polynomial equations obtained from the edge length constraints. While in most cases the resulting bounds are weaker than the best known bounds on the number of embeddings, for some classes of graphs the bounds are tight.Comment: Thorough revision of the first version. (13 pages, 4 figures

    Henneberg constructions and covers of cone-Laman graphs

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    We give Henneberg-type constructions for three families of sparse colored graphs arising in the rigidity theory of periodic and other forced symmetric frameworks. The proof method, which works with Laman-sparse finite covers of colored graphs highlights the connection between these sparse colored families and the well-studied matroidal (k, l)-sparse families.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    On the Number of Embeddings of Minimally Rigid Graphs

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    Rigid frameworks in some Euclidian space are embedded graphs having a unique local realization (up to Euclidian motions) for the given edge lengths, although globally they may have several. We study the number of distinct planar embeddings of minimally rigid graphs with nn vertices. We show that, modulo planar rigid motions, this number is at most (2n4n2)4n{{2n-4}\choose {n-2}} \approx 4^n. We also exhibit several families which realize lower bounds of the order of 2n2^n, 2.21n2.21^n and 2.88n2.88^n. For the upper bound we use techniques from complex algebraic geometry, based on the (projective) Cayley-Menger variety CM2,n(C)P(n2)1(C)CM^{2,n}(C)\subset P_{{{n}\choose {2}}-1}(C) over the complex numbers CC. In this context, point configurations are represented by coordinates given by squared distances between all pairs of points. Sectioning the variety with 2n42n-4 hyperplanes yields at most deg(CM2,n)deg(CM^{2,n}) zero-dimensional components, and one finds this degree to be D2,n=1/2(2n4n2)D^{2,n}={1/2}{{2n-4}\choose {n-2}}. The lower bounds are related to inductive constructions of minimally rigid graphs via Henneberg sequences. The same approach works in higher dimensions. In particular we show that it leads to an upper bound of 2D3,n=2n3n2(n6n3)2 D^{3,n}= {\frac{2^{n-3}}{n-2}}{{n-6}\choose{n-3}} for the number of spatial embeddings with generic edge lengths of the 1-skeleton of a simplicial polyhedron, up to rigid motions

    Recognizing Planar Laman Graphs

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    Laman graphs are the minimally rigid graphs in the plane. We present two algorithms for recognizing planar Laman graphs. A simple algorithm with running time O(n^(3/2)) and a more complicated algorithm with running time O(n log^3 n) based on involved planar network flow algorithms. Both improve upon the previously fastest algorithm for general graphs by Gabow and Westermann [Algorithmica, 7(5-6):465 - 497, 1992] with running time O(n sqrt{n log n}). To solve this problem we introduce two algorithms (with the running times stated above) that check whether for a directed planar graph G, disjoint sets S, T subseteq V(G), and a fixed k the following connectivity condition holds: for each vertex s in S there are k directed paths from s to T pairwise having only vertex s in common. This variant of connectivity seems interesting on its own

    From graphs to tensegrity structures: Geometric and symbolic approaches

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    A form-finding problem for tensegrity structures is studied; given an abstract graph, we show an algorithm to provide a necessary condition for it to be the underlying graph of a tensegrity in Rd\mathbb{R}^d (typically d=2,3d=2,3) with vertices in general position. Furthermore, for a certain class of graphs our algorithm allows to obtain necessary and sufficient conditions on the relative position of the vertices in order to underlie a tensegrity, for what we propose both a geometric and a symbolic approach.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures; final versio