59,218 research outputs found

    Understanding temporal rhythms and travel behaviour at destinations: Potential ways to achieve more sustainable travel

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    This paper analyses the roles played by time in destination-based travel behaviour. It contrasts clock time's linear view of time with fragmented time, instantaneous time, fluid time and flow, time out and the multiple temporalities of tourism experiences. It explores temporal issues in a destination travel context, using qualitative techniques. Data were captured using diary photography, diary-interview method with tourists at a rural destination; their spatial and temporal patterns were captured using a purpose built smartphone app. The analysis revealed three temporal themes influencing travel behaviour: time fluidity; daily and place-related rhythms; and control of time. Three key messages emerge for future sustainable tourist destination-based travel systems. Given the strong desire for temporal fluidity, transport systems should evolve beyond clock-time regimes. Second, temporal forces favour personal modes of transport (car, walk, cycle), especially in rural areas where public transport cannot offer flexibility. Third, the car is personalised and perceived to optimise travel fluidity and speed, but is currently unsustainable. Imaginative initiatives, using new mobile media technology can offer new positive and proactive car travel, utilising spare public and private vehicle capacity. Research is needed to implement mechanisms for individualised space-time scheduling and collective vehicle use strategies. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC

    Neonatal Diagnostics: Toward Dynamic Growth Charts of Neuromotor Control

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    © 2016 Torres, Smith, Mistry, Brincker and Whyatt. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).The current rise of neurodevelopmental disorders poses a critical need to detect risk early in order to rapidly intervene. One of the tools pediatricians use to track development is the standard growth chart. The growth charts are somewhat limited in predicting possible neurodevelopmental issues. They rely on linear models and assumptions of normality for physical growth data – obscuring key statistical information about possible neurodevelopmental risk in growth data that actually has accelerated, non-linear rates-of-change and variability encompassing skewed distributions. Here, we use new analytics to profile growth data from 36 newborn babies that were tracked longitudinally for 5 months. By switching to incremental (velocity-based) growth charts and combining these dynamic changes with underlying fluctuations in motor performance – as the transition from spontaneous random noise to a systematic signal – we demonstrate a method to detect very early stunting in the development of voluntary neuromotor control and to flag risk of neurodevelopmental derail.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Totally Implantable Bidirectional Neural Prostheses: A Flexible Platform for Innovation in Neuromodulation.

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    Implantable neural prostheses are in widespread use for treating a variety of brain disorders. Until recently, most implantable brain devices have been unidirectional, either delivering neurostimulation without brain sensing, or sensing brain activity to drive external effectors without a stimulation component. Further, many neural interfaces that incorporate a sensing function have relied on hardwired connections, such that subjects are tethered to external computers and cannot move freely. A new generation of neural prostheses has become available, that are both bidirectional (stimulate as well as record brain activity) and totally implantable (no externalized connections). These devices provide an opportunity for discovering the circuit basis for neuropsychiatric disorders, and to prototype personalized neuromodulation therapies that selectively interrupt neural activity underlying specific signs and symptoms

    Shaping Character: An Ancient Science of Musical Ethos?

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    Die Idee, dass die psychologische Wirkung der Musik auch für Fragen der Erziehung und Politik entscheidend ist, findet sich zuerst bei Platon, mit Verweis auf Damon von Athen (5. Jahrhundert v. Chr.). Auf Basis der Schrift des Aristeides Quintilianus, der ebenso auf Damon zurückverweist, wurde dem Letzteren eine eigenständige Theorie des musikalischen Ethos zugeschrieben. Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden die Quellen von Platon über Aristoteles bis zu Aristides einer kritischen Betrachtung unterzogen. Dabei wird für eine Lesart von Platons Politeia plädiert, die Äußerungen der Dialogfiguren über musikalische Details nicht automatisch mit der Autorenmeinung gleichsetzt. In der Klassischen Zeit finden sich so keine Anhaltspunkte für eine Ethostheorie, die von technischen Überlegungen ausgeht

    Beta-rhythm oscillations and synchronization transition in network models of Izhikevich neurons: effect of topology and synaptic type

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    Despite their significant functional roles, beta-band oscillations are least understood. Synchronization in neuronal networks have attracted much attention in recent years with the main focus on transition type. Whether one obtains explosive transition or a continuous transition is an important feature of the neuronal network which can depend on network structure as well as synaptic types. In this study we consider the effect of synaptic interaction (electrical and chemical) as well as structural connectivity on synchronization transition in network models of Izhikevich neurons which spike regularly with beta rhythms. We find a wide range of behavior including continuous transition, explosive transition, as well as lack of global order. The stronger electrical synapses are more conducive to synchronization and can even lead to explosive synchronization. The key network element which determines the order of transition is found to be the clustering coefficient and not the small world effect, or the existence of hubs in a network. These results are in contrast to previous results which use phase oscillator models such as the Kuramoto model. Furthermore, we show that the patterns of synchronization changes when one goes to the gamma band. We attribute such a change to the change in the refractory period of Izhikevich neurons which changes significantly with frequency.Comment: 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Nerve growth factor, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, and the chronobiology of mood: a new insight into the "neurotrophic hypothesis"

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    The light information pathways and their relationship with the body rhythms have generated a new insight into the neurobiology and the neurobehavioral sciences, as well as into the clinical approaches to human diseases associated with disruption of circadian cycles. Light-based strategies and/or drugs acting on the circadian rhythms have widely been used in psychiatric patients characterized by mood-related disorders, but the timing and dosage use of the various treatments, although based on international guidelines, are mainly dependent on the psychiatric experiences. Further, many efforts have been made to identify biomarkers able to disclose the circadian-related aspect of diseases, and therefore serve as diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic tools in clinic to assess the different mood-related symptoms, including pain, fatigue, sleep disturbance, loss of interest or pleasure, appetite, psychomotor changes, and cognitive impairments. Among the endogenous factors suggested to be involved in mood regulation, the neurotrophins, nerve growth factor, and brain-derived neurotrophic factor show anatomical and functional link with the circadian system and mediate some of light-induced effects in brain. In addition, in humans, both nerve growth factor and brain-derived neurotrophic factor have showed a daily rhythm, which correlate with the morningness–eveningness dimensions, and are influenced by light, suggesting their potential role as biomarkers for chronotypes and/or chronotherapy. The evidences of the relationship between the diverse mood-related disorders, with a specific focus on depression, and neurotrophins are reviewed and discussed herein in terms of their circadian significance, and potential translation into clinical practice

    Magnetoencephalography as a tool in psychiatric research: current status and perspective

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    The application of neuroimaging to provide mechanistic insights into circuit dysfunctions in major psychiatric conditions and the development of biomarkers are core challenges in current psychiatric research. In this review, we propose that recent technological and analytic advances in Magnetoencephalography (MEG), a technique which allows the measurement of neuronal events directly and non-invasively with millisecond resolution, provides novel opportunities to address these fundamental questions. Because of its potential in delineating normal and abnormal brain dynamics, we propose that MEG provides a crucial tool to advance our understanding of pathophysiological mechanisms of major neuropsychiatric conditions, such as Schizophrenia, Autism Spectrum Disorders, and the dementias. In our paper, we summarize the mechanisms underlying the generation of MEG signals and the tools available to reconstruct generators and underlying networks using advanced source-reconstruction techniques. We then survey recent studies that have utilized MEG to examine aberrant rhythmic activity in neuropsychiatric disorders. This is followed by links with preclinical research, which have highlighted possible neurobiological mechanisms, such as disturbances in excitation/inhibition parameters, which could account for measured changes in neural oscillations. In the final section of the paper, challenges as well as novel methodological developments are discussed which could pave the way for a widespread application of MEG in translational research with the aim of developing biomarkers for early detection and diagnosis

    Neural population coding: combining insights from microscopic and mass signals

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    Behavior relies on the distributed and coordinated activity of neural populations. Population activity can be measured using multi-neuron recordings and neuroimaging. Neural recordings reveal how the heterogeneity, sparseness, timing, and correlation of population activity shape information processing in local networks, whereas neuroimaging shows how long-range coupling and brain states impact on local activity and perception. To obtain an integrated perspective on neural information processing we need to combine knowledge from both levels of investigation. We review recent progress of how neural recordings, neuroimaging, and computational approaches begin to elucidate how interactions between local neural population activity and large-scale dynamics shape the structure and coding capacity of local information representations, make them state-dependent, and control distributed populations that collectively shape behavior

    Communicating the ideas and attitudes of spying in film music: A social semiotic approach

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    Taking the example of two 1960s popular spy films this paper explores how social semiotics can make a contribution to the analysis of film music. Following other scholars who have sought to create inventories of sound meanings to help us break down the way that music communicates, this paper explores how we can draw on the principles of Hallidayan functional grammar to present an inventory of meaning potentials in sound. This provides one useful way to describe the semiotic resources available to composers to allow them to communicate quite specific ideas, attitudes and identities through combinations of different sounds and sound qualities, by presenting them as systems of meaning rather than as lists of connotations. Here we apply this to the different uses of music and sound in Dr No and The Ipcress Files which allows us to show how we can reveal different ideologies of spying
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