28 research outputs found

    Хештегирование в рекламных текстах международных глянцевых журналов

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    Статья посвящена особенностям процесса хештегирования и функционирования хештегов в печатной рекламе. Источниками исследования послужили российские издания международных журналов за 2019-2022 гг.: "Tatler", "Elle Decoration", "Cosmopolitan", "Elle" и др. Сделан вывод, что хештеги в рекламной коммуникации международных журналов отличаются функциональной дифференцированностью и полифункциональность

    Pragmatic Role of Offline Hashtags: Guide to Readers’ Inference

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    This research seeks to throw light on pragmatic role of hashtags used in the offline contexts. Guided by the relevance-theoretic perspective, the study shows that hashtags used in any utterance contribute to relevance by activating and making more accessible some contextual assumptions, therefore guiding the reader in inferring the utterance to reach the intended meaning of the addresser. The content of the hashtags helps the readers to derive both explicit and implicit messages of the context they are used in. In order to present more information in limited space, the hashtags have been adopted from the cyber space and appropriated for use in offline contexts. This study in particular highlights the use of hashtags in offline advertisements and the way they help in communicating the overall message to the audience

    Crossing the #BikiniBridge: Exploring the Role of Social Media in Propagating Body Image Trends

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    A book chapter written by Jenna Drenten and Lauren Gurrieri for The Dark Side of Social Media: A Consumer Psychology Perspective (2017)

    ​​Gender violence in social networks. Analysis of the interaction generated by the hashtag #MeGustaLaVidaSocial on Instagram​

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    Las redes sociales se han convertido en un espacio utilizado por los movimientos sociales contemporáneos, que han encontrado en ellas un lugar para la práctica del ciberactivismo. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar la interacción generada en torno a las publicaciones en Instagram con el hashtag #MeGustaLaVidaSocial, fenómeno que se originó a raíz de una denuncia en redes sociales en octubre de 2020. La metodología utilizada en el estudio se basa en el enfoque cualitativo a través de la técnica de análisis de contenido y temático de las publicaciones realizadas en Instagram. La investigación nos permitió conocer las prácticas comunicativas, la visibilidad y el alcance, los marcos y valores y la afinidad y el apoyo que se generaron en torno al fenómeno. Finalmente, concluimos que la interacción generada habilitó un espacio donde los usuarios compartieron sus experiencias en torno a la violencia de género; además de ser un nicho potencial para la opinión pública y la publicidad.Social networks have become a space used by contemporary social movements, which have found in them a place for the practice of cyberactivism. The objective of this research is to analyze the interaction generated around the publications on Instagram with the hashtag #MeGustaLaVidaSocial, a phenomenon that originated as a result of a complaint on social networks in October 2020. The methodology used in the study is based on the qualitative approach through the technique of content and thematic analysis of the publications made on Instagram. The research allowed us to know the communicative practices, visibility and reach, frames and values and affinity and support that were generated around the phenomenon. Finally, we concluded that the interaction generated enabled a space where users shared their experiences based on gender-based violence; in addition to being a potential niche for public opinion and the advertising.Tesi

    Affordances, Affect and Audiences - Making sense of networked publics, introduction to AoIR 2017 special issue on Networked Publics

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    The 2017 annual conference of the Association of Internet Researchers took place in Tartu, Estonia, and was focused on networked publics, which, as the call for papers highlighted, “play an important role in shaping the political, social, economic, cultural but also moral, ethical and value-laden landscapes of contemporary life.” This special issue is comprised of papers presented at the conference (AoIR 2017) and its doctoral colloquium, and engages with the affordances that networked communication technologies (social media platforms, websites, internet based governmental or corporate infrastructures for voting or banking) have for the emergence or maintenance of networked publics; but also, and more specifically, the affordances that these networked publics  have for manifestations of human affect, sociality and sociability. Our collaborators undertake analyses of networked publics of solidarity and hate (Nikunen, this issue; Kuo, this issue), connection and disconnection (Dremljuga, this issue), democratic participation and authoritarianism, tolerance and intolerance (Sikk, this issue; Kuo, this issue), as well as the affordances of networked publics for reaching one’s imagined audiences (Tikerperi, this issue) and whether these imagined audiences evoke individual and institutional trust (Männiste & Masso, this issue)

    Editorial. Affordances, Affect and Audiences - Making sense of networked publics, introduction to AoIR 2017 special issue on Networked Publics

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    The 2017 annual conference of the Association of Internet Researchers took place in Tartu, Estonia, and was focused on networked publics, which, as the call for papers highlighted, “play an important role in shaping the political, social, economic, cultural but also moral, ethical and value-laden landscapes of contemporary life.” This special issue is comprised of papers presented at the conference (AoIR 2017) and its doctoral colloquium, and engages with the affordances that networked communication technologies (social media platforms, websites, internet based governmental or corporate infrastructures for voting or banking) have for the emergence or maintenance of networked publics; but also, and more specifically, the affordances that these networked publics  have for manifestations of human affect, sociality and sociability. Our collaborators undertake analyses of networked publics of solidarity and hate (Nikunen, this issue; Kuo, this issue), connection and disconnection (Dremljuga, this issue), democratic participation and authoritarianism, tolerance and intolerance (Sikk, this issue; Kuo, this issue), as well as the affordances of networked publics for reaching one’s imagined audiences (Tikerperi, this issue) and whether these imagined audiences evoke individual and institutional trust (Männiste & Masso, this issue)

    What people study when they study Tumblr:Classifying Tumblr-related academic research

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    Purpose: Since its launch in 2007, research has been carried out on the popular social networking website Tumblr. This paper identifies published Tumblr based research, classifies it to understand approaches and methods, and provides methodological recommendations for others. / Design/methodology/approach: Research regarding Tumblr was identified. Following a review of the literature, a classification scheme was adapted and applied, to understand research focus. Papers were quantitatively classified using open coded content analysis of method, subject, approach, and topic. / Findings: The majority of published work relating to Tumblr concentrates on conceptual issues, followed by aspects of the messages sent. This has evolved over time. Perceived benefits are the platform’s long-form text posts, ability to track tags, and the multimodal nature of the platform. Severe research limitations are caused by the lack of demographic, geo-spatial, and temporal metadata attached to individual posts, the limited API, restricted access to data, and the large amounts of ephemeral posts on the site. / Research limitations/implications: This study focuses on Tumblr: the applicability of the approach to other media is not considered. We focus on published research and conference papers: there will be book content which was not found using our method. Tumblr as a platform has falling user numbers which may be of concern to researchers. / Practical implications: We identify practical barriers to research on the Tumblr platform including lack of metadata and access to big data, explaining why Tumblr is not as popular as Twitter in academic studies. - Social implications This paper highlights the breadth of topics covered by social media researchers, which allows us to understand popular online platforms. / Originality/value: There has not yet been an overarching study to look at the methods and purpose of those who study Tumblr. We identify Tumblr related research papers from the first appearing in July 2011 until July 2015. Our classification derived here provides a framework that can be used to analyse social media research, and in which to position Tumblr related work, with recommendations on benefits and limitations of the platform for researchers

    Process of Contracting Hashtags in Modern Virtual Communication

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    The article is devoted to the study of language compression, presented in one lexical unit at two different levels: graphic and semantic. The relevance of the study is due to the need to understand the basic social and political processes presented in the texts of modern virtual communication in order to identify the most important events at the present stage of development of society through linguistic analysis. The novelty of the study is that the analysis of hashtags in the English language is carried out for the first time from the perspective of the contraction process, examples of such linguistic facts are presented. Particular attention is paid to the processes of deciphering hashtags in the English language and the explication of the reduced lexical unit in the target language. It is emphasized that the principle of saving speech effort is most common in the texts of modern virtual communication. The question of the translingual aspect of the functioning of English-speaking hashtags that are subject to the process of contraction in speech is considered. Using statistical analysis, two main ideas have been proved regarding the linguistic nature of these language units: the contraction process is formative when they are created; the use of contracted hashtags in political texts seems to be a common and natural phenomenon in virtual discourse

    Child protection agents and social networks. The TiKToK dilemma

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    Los menores de edad deben disfrutar de todos los derechos y libertades, y se les deben facilitar garantías para su autorrealización. Los vídeos en redes sociales pasan a ser el escaparate donde proyectan su personalidad e inquietudes. Los jóvenes encuentran en las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación las herramientas y lenguajes con los que desarrollar su creatividad y socializarse. El artículo pone el foco en los sistemas de protección que ofrece TiKToK a los menores de edad dada su penetración entre estos. En la fase de resultados se ha realizado un análisis basado en una revisión de las “Condiciones de Uso” y demás instrumentos, confrontadas todas mediante los agentes protectores de los jóvenes cerrando a través de una breve exposición de casos. Se han observado diversos vídeos creados y redifundidos por menores. Como discusión, el trabajo arroja que TiKToK presenta algunas cuestiones que no se ajustan a rigor respecto al marco específico en el que opera, optando por presentar normas generales para contextos en los que hubiera sido deseable mayor concreción. Concluimos reconociendo que TiKToK realiza esfuerzos por controlar el acceso de los menores, así como los contenidos que generan y consumen, pero no siempre se cumple dicha disyuntiva.Minors must enjoy all rights and freedoms, and they must be provided with guarantees for their self-realisation. Videos on social networks are the showcase wherein they project their personality and concerns. In Information and Communication Technologies, young people find the tools and languages whereby they develop their creativity and socialise. The article focuses on the protection systems that TiKToK offers to minors given its penetration among them. In the results phase, an analysis was performed based on a review of the “Conditions of Use” and other instruments, all confronted by the youth protection agents, closing with a brief presentation of cases. A range of videos created and broadcast by minors were observed. As a discussion, the work shows that TiKToK presents some questions that diverge from the specific framework in which it operates, opting to present general norms for contexts in which greater specificity would have been desirable. We conclude by acknowledging that TiKToK makes efforts to control the access of minors, as well as the content they generate and consume, but this dilemma is not always met

    Pahastumista vai politiikkaa : Sosiaalisen median kohut affektiivisessa keskustelukulttuurissa

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    Mediakohut ja -skandaalit ovat nousseet merkittäväksi osaksi julkista keskustelukulttuuriamme. Tässä artikkelissa tutkimme sosiaalisen median kohuja hybridin mediatilan sekä affektiivisen julkisuuden käsitteiden kautta. Kysymme, minkälaisissa keskustelijoiden ja tunteiden kokoonpanoissa kohut syntyvät ja kehittyvät? Minkälaista on provokaation rakentama julkisuus verkkokeskusteluissa? Aineisto koostuu julkisista suomenkielisestä sosiaalisen median viesteistä, joissa on käytetty hashtagina eli aihetunnisteena yhdyssanaa, joka päättyy sanaan ’kohu’ tai ’gate’ vuosilta 2015–2017. Rajaus tuotti 71 665 viestiä, joista valtaosa Twitteristä. Verkostoanalyysin avulla rakensimme yleiskuvan kohujen teemoista ja keskustelijoista, minkä jälkeen eniten keskustelua herättäneet kohut kustakin verkoston klusterista poimittiin laadulliseen analyysiin. Tulokset osoittavat, että sosiaalinen media jakautuu erityyppisten kohujen muodostamiin aiheyhteisöihin. Suurin klusteri muodostuu politiikan ja journalismin kohujen ympärille. Lisäksi muun muassa urheilu- ja tasa-arvoteemat erottuvat omina aiheyhteisöinään. Perinteisten, rikkomukseen perustuvien kohujen lisäksi tunnistettiin keskustelijoiden väliseen arvoristiriitaan perustuvia kohuja. Huumori, sarkasmi ja metapuhe ovat keskeisiä tapoja somekohun viestinnällisessä performanssissa.Peer reviewe