942 research outputs found

    Activation and modulation of automatic response tendencies

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    Inside the brain of an elite athlete: The neural processes that support high achievement in sports

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    Events like the World Championships in athletics and the Olympic Games raise the public profile of competitive sports. They may also leave us wondering what sets the competitors in these events apart from those of us who simply watch. Here we attempt to link neural and cognitive processes that have been found to be important for elite performance with computational and physiological theories inspired by much simpler laboratory tasks. In this way we hope to inspire neuroscientists to consider how their basic research might help to explain sporting skill at the highest levels of performance

    Reward anticipation changes corticospinal excitability during task preparation depending on response requirements and time pressure

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    International audienceReward anticipation changes corticospinal excitability during task preparation depending on response requirements and time pressure

    The motivational brain: neural encoding of reward and effort in goal-directed behavior

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    Within-trial effects of stimulus-reward associations

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    While a globally energizing influence of motivation has long been appreciated in psychological research, a series of more recent studies has described motivational influences on specific cognitive operations ranging from visual attention, to cognitive control, to memory formation. In the majority of these studies, a cue predicts the potential to win money in a subsequent task, thus allowing for modulations of proactive task preparation. Here we describe some recent studies using tasks that communicate reward availability without such cues by directly associating specific task features with reward. Despite abolishing the cue-based preparation phase, these studies show similar performance benefits. Given the clear difference in temporal structure, a central question is how these behavioral effects are brought about, and in particular whether control processes can rapidly be enhanced reactively. We present some evidence in favor of this notion. Although additional influences, for example sensory prioritization of reward-related features, could contribute to the reward-related performance benefits, those benefits seem to strongly rely on enhancements of control processes during task execution. Still, for a better mechanistic understanding of reward benefits in these two principal paradigms (cues vs. no cues), more work is needed that directly compares the underlying processes. We anticipate that reward benefits can be brought about in a very flexible fashion depending on the exact nature of the reward manipulation and task, and that a better understanding of these processes will not only be relevant for basic motivation research, but that it can also be valuable for educational and psychopathological contexts

    Action Selection and Motor Decision Making: Insights from Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

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    In everyday life, goal-oriented motor behaviour relies on the estimation of the rewards/costs associated with alternative actions and on the appropriate selection of movements. Motor decision making is defined as the process by which a motor plan is chosen among a set of competing actions based on the expected value. In the present literature review we discuss evidence from transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) studies of motor control. We focus primarily on studies of action selection for instructed movements and motor decision making. In the first section, we delve into the usefulness of various TMS paradigms to characterise the contribution of motor areas and distributed brain networks to cued action selection. Then, we address the influence of motivational information (e.g., reward and biomechanical cost) in guiding action choices based on TMS findings. Finally, we conclude that TMS represents a powerful tool for elucidating the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying action choices in humans

    Central nervous system physiology

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    This is the second chapter of the series on the use of clinical neurophysiology for the study of movement disorders. It focusses on methods that can be used to probe neural circuits in brain and spinal cord. These include use of spinal and supraspinal reflexes to probe the integrity of transmission in specific pathways; transcranial methods of brain stimulation such as transcranial magnetic stimulation and transcranial direct current stimulation, which activate or modulate (respectively) the activity of populations of central neurones; EEG methods, both in conjunction with brain stimulation or with behavioural measures that record the activity of populations of central neurones; and pure behavioural measures that allow us to build conceptual models of motor control. The methods are discussed mainly in relation to work on healthy individuals. Later chapters will focus specifically on changes caused by pathology

    L’influence de l'anticipation sur les modulations de puissance dans la bande de fréquence bêta durant la préparation du mouvement et L'effet de la variance dans les rétroactions sensorielles sur la rétention à court terme

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    La production du mouvement est un aspect primordial de la vie qui permet aux organismes vivants d'interagir avec l'environnement. En ce sens, pour être efficaces, tous les mouvements doivent être planifiés et mis à jour en fonction de la complexité et de la variabilité de l'environnement. Des chercheurs du domaine du contrôle moteur ont étudié de manière approfondie les processus de planification et d’adaptation motrice. Puisque les processus de planification et d'adaptation motrice sont influencés par la variabilité de l'environnement, le présent mémoire cherche à fournir une compréhension plus profonde de ces deux processus moteurs à cet égard. La première contribution scientifique présentée ici tire parti du fait que les temps de réaction (TR) sont réduits lorsqu'il est possible d'anticiper l’objectif moteur, afin de déterminer si les modulations de TR associées à l'anticipation spatiale et temporelle sont sous-tendues par une activité préparatoire similaire. Cela a été fait en utilisant l'électroencéphalographie (EEG) de surface pour analyser l'activité oscillatoire dans la bande de fréquence bêta (13 - 30 Hz) au cours de la période de planification du mouvement. Les résultats ont révélé que l'anticipation temporelle était associée à la désynchronisation de la bande bêta au-dessus des régions sensorimotrices controlatérales à la main effectrice, en particulier autour du moment prévu de l'apparition de la cible. L’ampleur de ces modulations était corrélée aux modulations de TR à travers les participants. En revanche, l'anticipation spatiale a augmenté de manière sélective la puissance de la bande bêta au-dessus des régions pariéto-occipitales bilatérales pendant toute la période de planification. Ces résultats suggèrent des états de préparation distinct en fonction de l’anticipation temporelle et spatiale. D’un autre côté, le deuxième projet traite de la façon dont la variabilité de la rétroaction sensorielle interfère avec la rétention à court terme dans l’étude de l’adaptation motrice. Plus précisément, une tâche d'adaptation visuomotrice a été utilisée au cours de laquelle la variance des rotations a été manipulée de manière paramétrique à travers trois groupes, et ce, tout au long de la période d’acquisition. Par la suite, la rétention de cette nouvelle relation visuomotrice a été évaluée. Les résultats ont révélé que, même si le processus d'adaptation était robuste à la manipulation de la variance, la rétention à court terme était altérée par des plus hauts niveaux de variance. Finalement, la discussion a d'abord cherché à intégrer ces deux contributions en revisitant l'interprétation des résultats sous un angle centré sur l'incertitude et en fournissant un aperçu des potentielles représentations internes de l'incertitude susceptibles de sous-tendre les résultats expérimentaux observés. Par la suite, une partie de la discussion a été réservée à la manière dont le champ du contrôle moteur migre de plus en plus vers l’utilisation de tâches et d’approches expérimentales plus complexes, mais écologiques aux dépends des tâches simples, mais quelque peu dénaturées que l’on retrouve dans les laboratoires du domaine. La discussion a été couronnée par une brève proposition allant dans ce sens.Abstract: Motor behavior is a paramount aspect of life that enables the living to interact with the environment through the production of movement. In order to be efficient, movements need to be planned and updated according to the complexity and the ever-changing nature of the environment. Motor control experts have extensively investigated the planning and adaptation processes. Since both motor planning and motor adaptation processes are influenced by variability in the environment, the present thesis seeks to provide a deeper understanding of both these motor processes in this regard. More specifically, the first scientific contribution presented herein leverages the fact that reaction times (RTs) are reduced when the anticipation of the motor goal is possible to elucidate whether the RT modulations associated with temporal and spatial anticipation are subtended by similar preparatory activity. This was done by using scalp electroencephalography (EEG) to analyze the oscillatory activity in the beta frequency band (13 – 30 Hz) during the planning period. Results revealed that temporal anticipation was associated with beta-band desynchronization over contralateral sensorimotor regions, specifically around the expected moment of target onset, the magnitude of which was correlated with RT modulations across participants. In contrast, spatial anticipation selectively increased beta-band power over bilateral parieto-occipital regions during the entire planning period, suggesting that distinct states of preparation are incurred by temporal and spatial anticipation. Additionally, the second project addressed how variance in the sensory feedback interferes with short-term retention of motor adaptation. Specifically, a visuomotor adaptation task was used during which the variance of exposed rotation was parametrically manipulated across three groups, and retention of the adapted visuomotor relationship was assessed. Results revealed that, although the adaptation process was robust to the manipulation of variance, the short-term retention was impaired. The discussion first sought to integrate these two projects by revisiting the interpretation of both projects under the scope of uncertainty and by providing an overview of the internal representation of uncertainty that might subtend the experimental results. Subsequently, a part of the discussion was reserved to allude how the motor control field is transitioning from laboratory-based tasks to more naturalistic paradigms by using approaches to move motor control research toward real-world conditions. The discussion culminates with a brief scientific proposal along those lines
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