11 research outputs found

    GI science, not GIScience

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    Geography in the big data age: an overview of the historical resonance of current debates

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    Although much has been written about the challenges of big data, there has been little reflection on the historicity of such debates and what we can learn from it. With this in mind, the aim of this article is to situate the epistemological debates over big data in geography historically. We focus on the three most relevant topics in current discussions around big data that have significant historical resonance, namely its methodological challenges, its scientific value, and its positionality. We conclude by arguing that understanding the historical resonance of current big data debates is helpful to find new ways to question its epistemological consequences.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    O papel das geotecnologias no desenvolvimento do pensamento espacial

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    Spatial thinking can be considered a different way of thinking that brings together the concepts of space, representation tools, and processes of reasoning. It is essential to form critical citizens who are able to understand and transform their reality. Geotechnologies, in turn, are important tools to anzlyze and understand the geographical space and to develop spatial thinking. This text was a contribution to the Thematic Cartography, Geographical Reasoning and the City Roundtable. Its purpose is to reflect on the development of this type of thinking and its expression through the use of geotechnologies in the contemporary world. Based on different definitions and concepts linked to spatial thinking and a debate about the recognition of a Geographic Information Science, the authors show the motivations, influence and spread out of the application of geotechnologies in the development of critical spatial thinking. The researchers conclude that, in spite of the technological advances and the increasing use of geotechnologies—both in the school environment and in the auxiliary instruments of pedagogical practices—, a deeper epistemological debate on this issue is still required. This would allow their use to go beyond instrumentalization, and approach them as a new way of doing and thinking geography.El pensamiento espacial puede considerarse una forma distinta de pensar que congrega conceptos de espacio, instrumentos de representación y procesos de raciocinio. Su desarrollo es fundamental para la formación de ciudadanos críticos capaces de comprender y transformar la realidad en que viven. Las geotecnologías, a su vez, se consideran importantes instrumentos para el análisis y la comprensión del espacio geográfico y para el desarrollo del pensamiento espacial. El texto aquí presentado, como contribución a la coordinación de la mesa redonda “La Cartografía Temática, el Razonamiento Geográfico y la Ciudad”, busca reflexionar frente al desarrollo de este tipo de pensamiento y su expresión por medio del uso de las geotecnologías en la contemporaneidad. A partir de diferentes definiciones y concepciones ligadas al pensamiento espacial y de un debate en torno al reconocimiento de una ciencia de la información geográfica, se presenta una discusión orientada a evidenciar las motivaciones, la influencia y el despliegue de la aplicación de las geotecnologías en el desarrollo del pensamiento espacial crítico. Se considera que, a pesar de los avances tecnológicos y del creciente uso de las geotecnologías, tanto en el ambiente escolar como en los instrumentos auxiliares de las prácticas pedagógicas, todavía se requiere de una profundización en las discusiones de base epistemológica vinculadas a las geotecnologías para que su uso trascienda el ámbito instrumental y se consideren, por el contrario, como una nueva forma de hacer y pensar geografía.O pensamento espacial pode ser considerado uma distinta forma de pensar que congrega conceitos de espaço, instrumentos de representação e processos de raciocínio, sendo seu desenvolvimento considerado fundamental para a formação de cidadãos críticos e capazes de compreender e transformar a realidade em que vivem. As geotecnologias por sua vez são consideradas importantes instrumentos para análise e compreensão do espaço geográfico e para o desenvolvimento do pensamento espacial. O texto aqui apresentado, em contribuição da coordenação da mesa-redonda “A Cartografia Temática, o Raciocínio Geográfico e a Cidade”, busca refletir sobre o desenvolvimento desse tipo de pensamento e sua expressão por meio do uso das geotecnologias na contemporaneidade. Partindo de diferentes definições e concepções ligadas ao pensamento espacial e de um debate sobre o reconhecimento de uma Ciência da Informação Geográfica, é apresentada uma discussão destinada a demonstrar as motivações, influência e os desdobramentos da aplicação das geotecnologias no desenvolvimento do pensamento espacial crítico. Considera-se que, apesar dos avanços tecnológicos e do crescente uso das geotecnologias, tanto no ambiente escolar como instrumentos auxiliares das práticas didático-pedagógicas, ainda é necessário um aprofundamento na base epistemológica das discussões ligadas às geotecnologias, considerando que seu uso não resume um simples tratamento instrumental, mas como uma nova maneira de fazer e pensar a geografia

    The role of geotechnologies in the development of spatial thinking

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    O pensamento espacial pode ser considerado uma distinta forma de pensar que congrega conceitos de espaço, instrumentos de representação e processos de raciocínio, sendo seu desenvolvimento considerado fundamental para a formação de cidadãos críticos e capazes de compreender e transformar a realidade em que vivem. As geotecnologias por sua vez são consideradas importantes instrumentos para análise e compreensão do espaço geográfico e para o desenvolvimento do pensamento espacial. O texto aqui apresentado, em contribuição da coordenação da mesa-redonda “A Cartografia Temática, o Raciocínio Geográfico e a Cidade”, busca refletir sobre o desenvolvimento desse tipo de pensamento e sua expressão por meio do uso das geotecnologias na contemporaneidade. Partindo de diferentes definições e concepções ligadas ao pensamento espacial e de um debate sobre o reconhecimento de uma Ciência da Informação Geográfica, é apresentada uma discussão destinada a demonstrar as motivações, influência e os desdobramentos da aplicação das geotecnologias no desenvolvimento do pensamento espacial crítico. Considera-se que, apesar dos avanços tecnológicos e do crescente uso das geotecnologias, tanto no ambiente escolar como instrumentos auxiliares das práticas didático-pedagógicas, ainda é necessário um aprofundamento na base epistemológica das discussões ligadas às geotecnologias, considerando que seu uso não resume um simples tratamento instrumental, mas como uma nova maneira de fazer e pensar a geografia154959Spatial thinking can be considered a different way of thinking that brings together the concepts of space, representation tools, and processes of reasoning. It is essential to form critical citizens who are able to unders-tand and transform their reality. Geotechnologies, in turn, are important tools to anzlyze and understand the geographical space and to develop spatial thinking. This text was a contribution to the Thematic Cartogra-phy, Geographical Reasoning and the City Roundtable. Its purpose is to reflect on the development of this type of thinking and its expression through the use of geotechnologies in the contemporary world. Based on different definitions and concepts linked to spatial thinking and a debate about the recognition of a Geographic Information Science, the authors show the motivations, influence and spread out of the application of geotechnologies in the development of critical spatial thinking. The researchers conclude that, in spite of the technological advances and the increasing use of geotechnologies—both in the school environment and in the auxiliary instruments of pedagogical practices—, a deeper epistemological debate on this issue is still required. This would allow their use to go beyond instrumentalization, and approach them as a new way of doing and thinking geograph

    1.5. Enhancing Archaeological Data Collection and Student Learning with a Mobile Relational Database

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    In 2011, the Proyecto de Investigación Arqueológico Regional Ancash (PIARA) inaugurated an archaeological field school that employed a comprehensive digital data collection protocol. Students learned to record data on iPads using our customized relational databases for excavation, human skeletal analysis, and artifact classification. The databases integrated digital media, such as vector drawings and annotated photos. In a final research project, the students used the tablet system to analyze excavation contexts and artifacts, visualize relationships between the data, conduct literature reviews, and present their findings. This chapter discusses how students develop a greater comprehension of archaeological concepts and stronger research skills when they collect and analyze data using a relational database. More precisely, it argues that the database develops more perceptive archaeologists who can immediately recognize and interpret relationships between archaeological materials, contexts, and features. The technology, then, not only aids in-field planning and interpretation, but also cultivates analytical thinking.https://dc.uwm.edu/arthist_mobilizingthepast/1006/thumbnail.jp

    Geographic Information Systems and Science

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    Geographic information science (GISc) has established itself as a collaborative information-processing scheme that is increasing in popularity. Yet, this interdisciplinary and/or transdisciplinary system is still somewhat misunderstood. This book talks about some of the GISc domains encompassing students, researchers, and common users. Chapters focus on important aspects of GISc, keeping in mind the processing capability of GIS along with the mathematics and formulae involved in getting each solution. The book has one introductory and eight main chapters divided into five sections. The first section is more general and focuses on what GISc is and its relation to GIS and Geography, the second is about location analytics and modeling, the third on remote sensing data analysis, the fourth on big data and augmented reality, and, finally, the fifth looks over volunteered geographic information.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluación de la actividad científica en ciencia de la información a partir de indicadores bibliométricos y altmétricos

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    La presente investigación es un análisis de la producción científica en Ciencia de la Informacion (CI), fundamentada en el contexto epistemológico e histórico de la disciplina, para identificar las tendencias de uso de la información en plataformas de publicación formales e informales. A partir de la implementación de indicadores bibliométricos e indicadores alternativos, se pretende establecer. ¿Como la integración de indicadores altimétricos en la evaluación científica, posibilita la identificación de tendencias en la investigación disciplinar? Y si es valido afirmar, que la altmetría es una herramienta confiable y útil para la evaluación de los dominios científicos. Se toma como referente la producción visible en Web of Science durante el periodo 2012- 2016, para identificar las dinámicas científicas de investigación en la CI, a partir de una muestra de 1224 registros en los cuales se utilizan indicadores bibliometricos de producción, citación o impacto e indicadores altimétricos recuperados de las plataformas ResearchGate (RG) y Plum Analytics (PlumX). Los resultados evidencian que los indicadores alternativos aun están en periodo de desarrollo y necesitan normalización; de lo cual se concluye, que la evaluación científica requiere la complementación de modelos métricos clásicos junto a métricas alternativas que permitan identificar las dinámicas sociales y de comunicación que se generan en la comunidad científica más allá del impacto y la citación.This research is an analysis of the scientific activity in Information Science (CI), based on the epistemological and historical context of the discipline, to identify trends in the use of information in formal and informal publishing platforms. Based on the implementation of bibliometric iand alternative indicators, it is intended to establish: How does the integration of altmetric indicators in scientific evaluation make it possible to identify trends in disciplinary research? And, if it is valid to say that altmetrics is a reliable and useful tool for the scientific evaluation of scientific domains. Visible production in Web of Science during the 2012-2016 period is taken as a reference to identify the scientific dynamics of research in the CI, from a sample of 1224 records in which bibliometric indicators of production, citation or impact and altmetric indicators recovered from the ResearchGate (RG) and Plum Analytics (PlumX) platforms are used. The results show that the alternative indicators are still under development and need to be standardized; from which it is concluded that scientific evaluation requires the complementing of classical metric models with alternative metrics that allow identifying the social and communication dynamics generated in the scientific community beyond the impact and citation.Profesional en Ciencia de la Información - Bibliotecólogo (a)Pregrad