82 research outputs found

    20 years of turbo coding and energy-aware design guidelines for energy-constrained wireless applications

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    During the last two decades, wireless communication has been revolutionized by near-capacity error-correcting codes (ECCs), such as turbo codes (TCs), which offer a lower bit error ratio (BER) than their predecessors, without requiring an increased transmission energy consumption (EC). Hence, TCs have found widespread employment in spectrum-constrained wireless communication applications, such as cellular telephony, wireless local area network, and broadcast systems. Recently, however, TCs have also been considered for energy-constrained wireless communication applications, such as wireless sensor networks and the `Internet of Things.' In these applications, TCs may also be employed for reducing the required transmission EC, instead of improving the BER. However, TCs have relatively high computational complexities, and hence, the associated signal-processing-related ECs are not insignificant. Therefore, when parameterizing TCs for employment in energy-constrained applications, both the processing EC and the transmission EC must be jointly considered. In this tutorial, we investigate holistic design methodologies conceived for this purpose. We commence by introducing turbo coding in detail, highlighting the various parameters of TCs and characterizing their impact on the encoded bit rate, on the radio frequency bandwidth requirement, on the transmission EC and on the BER. Following this, energy-efficient TC decoder application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) architecture designs are exemplified, and the processing EC is characterized as a function of the TC parameters. Finally, the TC parameters are selected in order to minimize the sum of the processing EC and the transmission EC

    Análisis del desempeño de esquemas codificación turbo y convolucional en el enlace de bajada de ITE-advanced

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    This article presents a comparative performance analysis of the turbo and convolutional encoders applicable to LTE-A Downlink, access technology that is booming in the region. For this, simulation models were developed at the link level in Simulink® based on recommendations from the ETSI, that allowed characterizing the response of the coders in terms of bit error rate and throughput finding the particular situations where it is preferable to use convolutional encoding on the In order to optimize the use of computational and energy resources of the devices in the mobile network.  Este artículo presenta un análisis comparativo del desempeño de los codificadores turbo y convolucional aplicables al enlace de bajada de LTE-A, técnología de acceso que se encuentra en auge en la region. Para ello se desarrollaron modelos de simulación a nivel de enlace en Simulink® a partir de recomendaciones de la ETSI que permitieron caracterizar la respuesta de los codificadores en cuanto a tasa de error de bit y throughput encontrando las situaciones particulares donde es preferable usar codificación convolucional sobre la turbocodificación, con el fin de optimizer el uso de recursos computacionales y energéticos de los dispositivos en la red móvil.

    Extrinsic information modification in the turbo decoder by exploiting source redundancies for HEVC video transmitted over a mobile channel

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    An iterative turbo decoder-based cross layer error recovery scheme for compressed video is presented in this paper. The soft information exchanged between two convolutional decoders is reinforced both by channel coded parity and video compression syntactical information. An algorithm to identify the video frame boundaries in corrupted compressed sequences is formulated. This paper continues to propose algorithms to deduce the correct values for selected fields in the compressed stream. Modifying the turbo extrinsic information using these corrections acts as reinforcements in the turbo decoding iterative process. The optimal number of turbo iterations suitable for the proposed system model is derived using EXIT charts. Simulation results reveal that a transmission power saving of 2.28% can be achieved using the proposed methodology. Contrary to typical joint cross layer decoding schemes, the additional resource requirement is minimal, since the proposed decoding cycle does not involve the decompression function

    Evaluation of Channel Coding Methods for Next Generation Mobile Communication Standards

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    La codificación de canales es crucial para los sistemas de comunicación móvil, y los sistemas de comunicación inalámbrica 5G han decidido utilizar los códigos LDPC como esquema de codificación para sus canales de datos y los códigos Polares como esquema de codificación para sus canales de control. Este estudio se centra en los fundamentos de los códigos LDPC y los códigos Polares, especialmente los nuevos códigos polares, explicando en detalle sus características de polarización y las técnicas de decodificación recursiva. También se estudia las especificaciones de diseño relacionadas con estos dos esquemas de codificación de canales en 5G. Mediante simulaciones, se compara el rendimiento del nuevo esquema de codificación de canales inalámbricos 5G con el de los códigos Turbo a diferentes longitudes de bloque y tasas de código, y se extraen conclusiones relevantes para demostrar la aplicabilidad del esquema de codificación de canales 5G NR.Channel coding is essential for mobile communication systems, and the 5G wireless standardization committees decided to use LDPC codes as the coding scheme of its data channel and Polar codes as the coding scheme of its control channel. This study focuses on the fundamentals of LDPC codes and Polar codes, especially the emerging Polar codes, with detailed explanations of their polarization characteristics and recursive decoding techniques. It is also focused on the design specification related to these two channel coding schemes in 5G. The performance of the 5G New Radio channel coding scheme is compared with that of LTE Turbo codes at different block lengths and code rates through simulations, and relevant conclusions are drawn to demonstrate the suitability of the 5G NR channel coding scheme.Grado en Ingeniería en Sistemas de Telecomunicació

    Exploring HLS Coding Techniques to Achieve Desired Turbo Decoder Architectures

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    Software defined radio (SDR) platforms implement many digital signal processing algorithms. These can be accelerated on an FPGA to meet performance requirements. Due to the flexibility of SDR\u27s and continually evolving communications protocols, high level synthesis (HLS) is a promising alternative to standard handcrafted design flows. A crucial component in any SDR is the error correction codes (ECC). Turbo codes are a common ECC that are implemented on an FPGA due to their computational complexity. The goal of this thesis is to explore the HLS coding techniques required to produce a design that targets the desired hardware architecture and can reach handcrafted levels of performance. This work implemented three existing turbo decoder architectures with HLS to produce quality hardware which reaches handcrafted performance. Each targeted design was analyzed to determine its functionality and algorithm so a C implementation could be developed. Then the C code was modified and HLS directives were added to refine the design through the HLS tools. The process of code modification and processing through the HLS tools continued until the desired architecture and performance were reached. Each design was implemented and the bottlenecks were identified and dealt with through appropriate usage of directives and C style. The use of pipelining to bypass bottlenecks added a small overhead from the ramp-up and ramp-down of the pipeline, reducing the performance by at most 1.24%. The impact of the clock constraint set within the HLS tools was also explored. It was found that the clock period and resource usage estimate generated by the HLS tools is not accurate and all evaluations should occur after hardware synthesis

    Récepteur itératif pour les systèmes MIMO-OFDM basé sur le décodage sphérique : convergence, performance et complexité

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    Recently, iterative processing has been widely considered to achieve near-capacity performance and reliable high data rate transmission, for future wireless communication systems. However, such an iterative processing poses significant challenges for efficient receiver design. In this thesis, iterative receiver combining multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) detection with channel decoding is investigated for high data rate transmission. The convergence, the performance and the computational complexity of the iterative receiver for MIMO-OFDM system are considered. First, we review the most relevant hard-output and soft-output MIMO detection algorithms based on sphere decoding, K-Best decoding, and interference cancellation. Consequently, a low-complexity K-best (LCK- Best) based decoder is proposed in order to substantially reduce the computational complexity without significant performance degradation. We then analyze the convergence behaviors of combining these detection algorithms with various forward error correction codes, namely LTE turbo decoder and LDPC decoder with the help of Extrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) charts. Based on this analysis, a new scheduling order of the required inner and outer iterations is suggested. The performance of the proposed receiver is evaluated in various LTE channel environments, and compared with other MIMO detection schemes. Secondly, the computational complexity of the iterative receiver with different channel coding techniques is evaluated and compared for different modulation orders and coding rates. Simulation results show that our proposed approaches achieve near optimal performance but more importantly it can substantially reduce the computational complexity of the system. From a practical point of view, fixed-point representation is usually used in order to reduce the hardware costs in terms of area, power consumption and execution time. Therefore, we present efficient fixed point arithmetic of the proposed iterative receiver based on LC-KBest decoder. Additionally, the impact of the channel estimation on the system performance is studied. The proposed iterative receiver is tested in a real-time environment using the MIMO WARP platform.Pour permettre l’accroissement de débit et de robustesse dans les futurs systèmes de communication sans fil, les processus itératifs sont de plus considérés dans les récepteurs. Cependant, l’adoption d’un traitement itératif pose des défis importants dans la conception du récepteur. Dans cette thèse, un récepteur itératif combinant les techniques de détection multi-antennes avec le décodage de canal est étudié. Trois aspects sont considérés dans un contexte MIMOOFDM: la convergence, la performance et la complexité du récepteur. Dans un premier temps, nous étudions les différents algorithmes de détection MIMO à décision dure et souple basés sur l’égalisation, le décodage sphérique, le décodage K-Best et l’annulation d’interférence. Un décodeur K-best de faible complexité (LC-K-Best) est proposé pour réduire la complexité sans dégradation significative des performances. Nous analysons ensuite la convergence de la combinaison de ces algorithmes de détection avec différentes techniques de codage de canal, notamment le décodeur turbo et le décodeur LDPC en utilisant le diagramme EXIT. En se basant sur cette analyse, un nouvel ordonnancement des itérations internes et externes nécessaires est proposé. Les performances du récepteur ainsi proposé sont évaluées dans différents modèles de canal LTE, et comparées avec différentes techniques de détection MIMO. Ensuite, la complexité des récepteurs itératifs avec différentes techniques de codage de canal est étudiée et comparée pour différents modulations et rendement de code. Les résultats de simulation montrent que les approches proposées offrent un bon compromis entre performance et complexité. D’un point de vue implémentation, la représentation en virgule fixe est généralement utilisée afin de réduire les coûts en termes de surface, de consommation d’énergie et de temps d’exécution. Nous présentons ainsi une représentation en virgule fixe du récepteur itératif proposé basé sur le décodeur LC K-Best. En outre, nous étudions l’impact de l’estimation de canal sur la performance du système. Finalement, le récepteur MIMOOFDM itératif est testé sur la plateforme matérielle WARP, validant le schéma proposé

    Iterative Demodulation and Decoding Algorithm for 3GPP/LTE-A MIMO-OFDM Using Distribution Approximation

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    Modelaçcão comportamental da camada física NB-IoT - Uplink

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e TelecomunicaçõesA Internet das Coisas (IoT) consiste numa rede sem fios de sensores/atuadores ligados entre si e que têm a capacidade de recolher dados. Devido ao crescimento rápido do mercado IoT, as redes de longa distância e baixa potência (LPWAN) tornaram-se populares. O NarrowBand-IoT (NB-IoT), desenvolvido pela 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), é um desses protocolos. O principal objectivo desta dissertação é a implementação de uma simulação comportamental em MATLAB do NB-IoT no uplink, que será disponibilizada abertamente. Esta será focada, primariamente, na camada física e nas suas respetivas funcionalidades, nomeadamente turbo coding, modulação SC-FDMA, modelos de simulação de canal, desmodulação SC-FDMA, estimação de canal, equalizador e turbo decoding. A estimação de canal é feita usando símbolos piloto previamente conhecidos. Os modelos de canal utilizados são baseados nas especificações oficiais da 3GPP. A taxa de bits errados (BER) é calculada e usada de forma a avaliar a performance do turbo encoder e do equalizador zero forcing (ZF). Serve também como comparação quando a implementação usa esquemas de modulação diferentes (Binary Phase-Shift Keying (BPSK) e Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying (QPSK)). Além disso, os sinais gerados em MATLAB são transmitidos usando como front-end de radio-frequência (RF) uma Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP). Posteriormente, são recebidos, desmodulados e descodificados. Finalmente, é obtida a constelação do sinal, a BER é calculada e os resultados são analisados.The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a wireless network of interconnected sensors/actuators with data-collecting technologies. Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) have become popular due to the rapid growth of the IoT market. Narrowband-IoT (NB-IoT), developed by 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), is one of these protocols. The main objective of this thesis is the implementation of an open-source uplink behavioral simulator based on MATLAB. Its focus is primarily on Layer 1 (physical layer) relevant functionalities, namely turbo coding, Single-Carrier Frequency-Division Multiple Access (SC-FDMA) modulation, channel modeling, SC-FDMA demodulation, channel estimation, equalization and turbo decoding. Channel estimation is performed using known pilot symbols. The used channel models are based on the 3GPP o cial release specs. The Bit Error Rate (BER) is calculated in order to evaluate the turbo encoder and the Zero Forcing (ZF) equalizer performance, and to compare Binary Phase-Shift Keying (BPSK) and Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying (QPSK) implementations. Furthermore, the MATLAB generated signal is transmitted using a radio-frequency (RF) front-end consisting of an Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP). Afterwards, the signal is received, demodulated and decoded. A constellation is obtained, the BER is calculated and the results are analyzed

    HARQ Buffer Management: An Information-Theoretic View

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    A key practical constraint on the design of Hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ) schemes is the size of the on-chip buffer that is available at the receiver to store previously received packets. In fact, in modern wireless standards such as LTE and LTE-A, the HARQ buffer size is one of the main drivers of the modem area and power consumption. This has recently highlighted the importance of HARQ buffer management, that is, of the use of buffer-aware transmission schemes and of advanced compression policies for the storage of received data. This work investigates HARQ buffer management by leveraging information-theoretic achievability arguments based on random coding. Specifically, standard HARQ schemes, namely Type-I, Chase Combining and Incremental Redundancy, are first studied under the assumption of a finite-capacity HARQ buffer by considering both coded modulation, via Gaussian signaling, and Bit Interleaved Coded Modulation (BICM). The analysis sheds light on the impact of different compression strategies, namely the conventional compression log-likelihood ratios and the direct digitization of baseband signals, on the throughput. Then, coding strategies based on layered modulation and optimized coding blocklength are investigated, highlighting the benefits of HARQ buffer-aware transmission schemes. The optimization of baseband compression for multiple-antenna links is also studied, demonstrating the optimality of a transform coding approach.Comment: submitted to IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) 2015. 29 pages, 12 figures, submitted to journal publicatio