2,540 research outputs found

    Reusing simulation experiments for model composition and extension

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    This thesis aims to reuse simulation experiments to support developing models via model reuse, with a focus on validating the resulting model. Individual models are annotated with their simulation experiments. Upon reuse of those models for building new ones, the associated simulation experiments are also reused and executed with the new model, to inspect whether the key behavior exhibited by the original models is preserved or not in the new model. Hence, the changes of model behavior resulting from the model reuse are revealed, and insights into validity of the new model are provided

    Integrating knowledge about complex adaptive systems: insights from modelling the Eastern Baltic cod

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    Currently, the Eastern Baltic cod (EBC) is in continuing decline. Supporting management efforts to assist in its recovery will require a functional understanding of the dynamics of the EBC and the Baltic ecosystem. However, aquatic environments are challenging to research as they are elusive, encompass many scientific disciplines and are complex adaptive systems. This thesis explores how modelling and simulation methods can be applied and adapted to meet the specific needs of fisheries biologies’ current challenges regarding the EBC and potentially those of other stocks in similar situations.Aktuell verschlechtert sich der Zustand des Ostdorsches anhaltend und unterstützende Bewirtschaftungsmaßnahmen zu identifizieren erfordert ein funktionales Verständnis des Bestands und des Ökosystems Ostsee. Die Erforschung aquatischer Systeme ist jedoch schwierig: sie sind flüchtig, umfassen eine Vielzahl an Disziplinen und sind komplexe adaptiver Systeme. Diese Arbeit untersucht, wie Modellierungs- und Simulationsmethoden angewendet und angepasst werden können, um den Anforderungen der Fischereibiologie beim Ostdorsch und potentiell bei anderer Bestände in ähnlichen Situationen zu begegnen

    Collected software engineering papers, volume 9

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    This document is a collection of selected technical papers produced by participants in the Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) from November 1990 through October 1991. The purpose of the document is to make available, in one reference, some results of SEL research that originally appeared in a number of different forums. This is the ninth such volume of technical papers produced by the SEL. Although these papers cover several topics related to software engineering, they do not encompass the entire scope of SEL activities and interests. For the convenience of this presentation, the eight papers contained here are grouped into three major categories: (1) software models studies; (2) software measurement studies; and (3) Ada technology studies. The first category presents studies on reuse models, including a software reuse model applied to maintenance and a model for an organization to support software reuse. The second category includes experimental research methods and software measurement techniques. The third category presents object-oriented approaches using Ada and object-oriented features proposed for Ada. The SEL is actively working to understand and improve the software development process at GSFC

    Domain-specific languages for modeling and simulation

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    Simulation models and simulation experiments are increasingly complex. One way to handle this complexity is developing software languages tailored to specific application domains, so-called domain-specific languages (DSLs). This thesis explores the potential of employing DSLs in modeling and simulation. We study different DSL design and implementation techniques and illustrate their benefits for expressing simulation models as well as simulation experiments with several examples.Simulationsmodelle und -experimente werden immer komplexer. Eine Möglichkeit, dieser Komplexität zu begegnen, ist, auf bestimmte Anwendungsgebiete spezialisierte Softwaresprachen, sogenannte domänenspezifische Sprachen (\emph{DSLs, domain-specific languages}), zu entwickeln. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht, wie DSLs in der Modellierung und Simulation eingesetzt werden können. Wir betrachten verschiedene Techniken für Entwicklung und Implementierung von DSLs und illustrieren ihren Nutzen für das Ausdrücken von Simulationsmodellen und -experimenten anhand einiger Beispiele

    UML as a system level design methodology with application to software radio

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    Componentising a scientific application for the grid

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    CoreGRID is a Network of Excellence funded by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Programm

    Improving data identification and tagging for more effective decision making in agriculture

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    International audienc

    Collected software engineering papers, volume 7

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    A collection is presented of selected technical papers produced by participants in the Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) during the period Dec. 1988 to Oct. 1989. The purpose of the document is to make available, in one reference, some results of SEL research that originally appeared in a number of different forums. For the convenience of this presentation, the seven papers contained here are grouped into three major categories: (1) Software Measurement and Technology Studies; (2) Measurement Environment Studies; and (3) Ada Technology Studies. The first category presents experimental research and evaluation of software measurement and technology; the second presents studies on software environments pertaining to measurement. The last category represents Ada technology and includes research, development, and measurement studies