9 research outputs found

    The Internet, Not a Panacea: Distance Education in 2001: Working Paper Series--02-22

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    This paper directs attention to the conjunction among the hypertextural nature of the World Wide Web; recent literature and technical development in knowledge management; and the use of the World Wide Web for distance education, particularly in marketing contexts. We define and argue for the use of text-logging Internet applications based on HTML platforms as a significant component of university-level distance education

    Learning objects data mining

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    La reutilización es uno de los conceptos clave dentro de ingeniería del software, ya que permite racionalizar y agilizar el desarrollo de sistemas basándose en el aprovechamiento de componentes ya desarrollados y probados. Es natural extender este enfoque a otros campos de la informática, y es una de las bases sobre las que se asienta la idea del desarrollo de repositorios de objetos de aprendizaje (ROA, learning object repository - LOR), gracias a los cuales cualquier docente puede aprovechar objetos de aprendizaje (OA, learning objetcs - LO) desarrollados por algún otro colega. El potencial de los ROA se maximiza gracias a Internet, que permite que estos repositorios estén disponibles de manera global. No obstante, aunque la idea básica resulta simple y evidente, tal como suele ser habitual, la dificultad radica en los detalles. Uno de los problemas a abordar es el de la búsqueda de OA. Los OA son de naturaleza variopinta y heterogénea, y no resulta obvio cuál es la mejor manera de describir un OA y hacer referencia al mismo, por lo que, cuando un usuario desea buscar un OA que pueda serle de utilidad para sus propósitos docentes, lo difícil suele ser cómo encontrar dicho OA entre todos los del repositorio. Para poder hacer este proceso de búsqueda lo más manejable posible es muy importante cuidar al máximo el trabajo previo de etiquetado de los OA, es decir, cómo caracterizamos cada OA en el momento en que lo añadimos a un repositorio. En este trabajo proponemos un método novedoso que recomienda de manera automática las categorías a las que pertenece un OA cuando un usuario lo añade al repositorio. Se utiliza un enfoque de aprendizaje multietiqueta, ya que cada OA puede estar asociado a diferentes categorías. Para poder satisfacer nuestro objetivo de la mejor manera posible se ha desarrollado una metodología con tres fases, de manera que primero se selecciona el conjunto de características de texto más adecuadas de entre los metadatos que describen a los OA; en segundo lugar se decide la cantidad de información histórica relativa a OA similares al nuevo OA a insertar en el repositorio que permita mejorar la calidad de la clasificación; finalmente se elige el algoritmo de aprendizaje multietiqueta que mejor resultado ofrece. Se ha llevado a cabo un trabajo experimental sobre un conjunto de 519 OA que se han recogido en el repositorio AGORA a lo largo de 8 años. Se han comparado 13 algoritmos de clasificación multietiqueta utilizando 16 medidas de evaluación. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la selección de características permite reducir el tiempo de ejecución sin perder precisión. También se ha podido comprobar que la utilización de información histórica acerca de OA similares al que se está añadiendo permite mejorar la calidad de la clasificación. Finalmente ha sido posible identificar un conjunto de algoritmos de aprendizaje multietiqueta que son los que mejor calidad de clasificación ofrecen sobre nuestros datos. Todo esto permite recomendar de manera automática las categorías a las que pertenece un nuevo OA añadido al repositorio.Reuse is a cornestone concept for software engineering, because it allows to rationalize an speed up system development by leveraging on the utilization of already developed and tested components. It's logical to extend this approach to other computing fields beyond software engineering, and so, reuse is one of the rationales behind learning object repositories (LOR), which allow a teacher to use learning objects (LO) developed by some other colleague. The potential of LOR can be fully exploited thanks to the Internet, which allows repositories to be globally available. Although the basic idea of LOR is simple an evident, as usual, the complexity hides in the details. One of the issues to be tackled is LO search. LOs are diverse and heterogeneous, and it is not obvious at all what is the better way for categorizing and referencing LOs. When a user wants to look for a LO that could be suitable for his teaching purposes, it can be really difficult to find such a LO between the contents of the repository. In order to make easier the search process it is pivotal to do a good previous work when labeling LOs, that is, the categorization of the LO when it is inserted into the repository. In this work, we propose a novel approach for automatically recommending the categories that learning object belongs to when a user adds it to a repository. We use a multi-label learning approach since each learning object might be associated with multiple categories. In order to improve this goal, we have developed a methodology with three main stages allowing us to firstly select the most suitable set of text features from learning objects’ metadata, secondly selecting how much historical usage information about the most similar LO can enhance classification performance, and finally selecting the best multi-label classification algorithms with our data. We have carried out an experimental work using 519 learning objects gathered from the AGORA repository for 8 years. We have compared 13 multi-label classification algorithms over 16 evaluation measures. The results obtained show that a reduction in the number of text attributes can improve time performance without losing precision. Another finding is that usage information about the most similar learning object can improve the classification. Finally, a set of algorithms which obtained the best performance in our data has been identified, so, they can be used for automatically recommending learning object categorization

    User Interface Model of Interactive Educational Sofware

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    Oblast istraživanja ove disertacije obuhvata interakciju čoveka i računara. Kreirani su: model korisničkog interfejsa, sa smernicama za kvalitetniju realizaciju obrazovnih softvera namenjenih najmlađim korisnicima, model obrazovnog softvera na zakonima FITSA, kurikulum nastavnog predmeta Interakcija čoveka i računara. Očekivano poboljšanje obrazovnih efekata nastave prikazano je kroz vrednovanje rezultata istraživanja ostvarenih testiranjem preciznosti prilikom rešavanja testova znanja kod onih testova koji se prilagođavaju performansama korisnika.The research area of this thesis includes the interaction of man and computer. Model of the user interface, with guidelines for better implementation of educational software for the youngest users, a model of educational software to the laws Fits, curriculum teaching subject interaction of man and computer were created. Expected improvement of the educational effects of teaching is shown through the evaluation of results achieved when testing the accuracy of solving tests in those tests that adapt to user performance

    Lenguaje de manejo de componentes educativos reutilizables semiestructurados

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    Resumen: El dominio educativo poco educadores reutilizan recursos educativos cuando enfrentan a la tarea de diseñar sus cursos. Dicha reutilización puede lograse por medio de un entorno de componentes. Hasta hoy, sin embargo, el trabajo con componentes ha permanecido en el terreno de los programadores. Se concibió un modelo para recursos educativos bajo un esquema de componentes reutilizables y su correspondiente lenguaje de manipulación. El lenguaje permite a los autores crear su propio componente educativo (CE), consultar información sobre los que ya existían (lo que a su vez les facilitaran la concepción de nuevos CE,s), modificarlos y eliminarlos. El modelo fue probado con un prototipo mediante el cual se acelera el proceso de creación de cursos lo cual es una labor dispendiosa para sus autoresAbstract: The educational domain bit educators reuse educational resources when faced with the task of designing their courses. Such reuse can be achieved by means of a setting component. So far, however, work with components remained in the realm of programmers. They developed a model for educational resources under a system of reusable components and corresponding manipulation language. The language allows authors to create their own educational component (EC), view information about that already existed (which in turn will facilitate the design of new EC, s), modify and delete them. The model was tested with a prototype by which accelerates the process of creating courses which is labor-consuming for their authors.Maestrí

    Le partage en enseignement universitaire soutenu par un environnement virtuel

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    Notre étude porte sur les composantes et les conditions du partage en enseignement universitaire soutenu par un environnement virtuel. Elle se situe dans un contexte de renouvellement des pratiques d'enseignement et d'intégration des technologies de l'information et de la communication. L'objectif général de cette étude est de comprendre le processus de partage pédagogique à travers ses composantes et ses conditions. Les objectifs spécifiques sont d'abord d'identifier les composantes et les conditions du partage au sein d'une communauté de pratique utilisant un environnement virtuel en enseignement universitaire pour ensuite les modéliser. Cette étude interdisciplinaire met en relation le champ disciplinaire des sciences de l'éducation et le domaine des technologies de l'information et de la communication. Elle se fonde sur une approche sociale de la construction des connaissances. Elle s'appuie sur la théorie de l'activité et réfère aux concepts de collaboration, de communauté de pratique et d'objets d'apprentissage. Une méthode qualitative d'analyse de contenu est retenue. Les données d'entrevues et des traces électroniques ont été recueillies dans l'environnement virtuel WebCT lors d'une situation de partage en enseignement universitaire se déroulant à l'intérieur d'une communauté de pratique d'enseignants universitaires en science de la gestion de l'Université du Québec à Montréal à l'automne 2003.\ud Les résultats indiquent que les composantes du partage comprennent des objets, des actions et des ressources. Les objets partagés peuvent être formalisés, semi-formalisés ou non-formalisés. Les actions observées sont centrales ou connexes. Les ressources soutenant le partage se composent de ressources internes et externes à l'environnement. Les résultats démontrent également que de nombreuses conditions viennent influencer le partage. Elles se divisent en conditions sociales et attitudinales, techniques et environnementales ainsi qu'institutionnelles et éthiques. Enfin, notre étude présente les composantes et les conditions dans un modèle mettant en interrelation nos résultats. Ce modèle illustre le processus du partage comme étant composé de quatre actions centrales, à savoir la mise en commun, la consultation, la réutilisation et l'adaptation. Habituellement, la mise en commun d'un objet précède la consultation. Lorsque la consultation est effectuée, il peut y avoir de la réutilisation ou de l'adaptation par la suite. L'adaptation est habituellement suivie d'une réutilisation et peut également précéder une seconde mise en commun de l'objet qui a été adapté. Le partage a comme produit et comme intrant des objets. Il est favorisé par la présence de certaines conditions et il est soutenu à la fois par des ressources ainsi que par cinq actions connexes qui sont la coordination, la discussion, la demande, l'échange affectif et la précision. Ce modèle converge avec notre définition du partage pédagogique qui le présente comme un processus collaboratif dans lequel s'engage une communauté afin de donner, d'acquérir ou de transformer un objet d'apprentissage par le biais d'un lieu commun, virtuel ou non, dans une perspective d'innovation pédagogique. Notre modèle ouvre également la voie à des études ultérieures susceptibles de préciser chacune des composantes et conditions du partage. De plus, il devrait instrumenter les enseignants désireux d'actualiser leurs pratiques et de dépasser la culture universitaire individualiste en s'engageant dans un processus de partage soutenu par environnement virtuel. Dans le même sens, cette étude peut inspirer la création d'environnements virtuels plus adaptés au partage

    Estudo sobre a utilização e interoperabilidade entre conteúdos de aprendizagem com diferentes granularidades

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    Dissertação mestrado em Sistemas de InformaçãoDas novas correntes da aprendizagem centradas na autonomia e ritmo dos alunos, ressalta a importância e a consequente atenção que deve ser dada à qualidade dos conteúdos de aprendizagem. Eles deverão ser estruturados de forma a considerar o perfil de cada aluno, para que este possa promover a construção eficaz do seu conhecimento. Conteúdos de qualidade com estas características são recursos muito dispendiosos. A reutilização e partilha desses recursos torna-se, por isso, numa necessidade premente. Questões como a granularidade e a interoperabilidade dos conteúdos, bem como a compatibilidade das tecnologias e plataformas de suporte, podem pôr em causa tanto a reutilização como a partilha. Daí a atenção que deve ser dada à organização dos conteúdos de aprendizagem em Bibliotecas Digitais e à sua implementação. Este trabalho aborda a problemática da organização de conteúdos de aprendizagem, de forma a promover a sua interoperabilidade, considerando a sua granularidade. São apresentadas características e vários Sistemas de Classificação e de Organização de Conteúdos. Recomendações, Especificações e Normas de compatibilidade são aqui descritas e aprofundadas, em função da sua importância, bem como o papel que cada uma desempenha para a utilização e interoperabilidade dos conteúdos de aprendizagem. É dado algum realce à norma SCORM. São analisadas duas plataformas, DSpace e Easy Education, e mostra-se como podem colaborar para salvaguardar, preservar, disponibilizar e apresentar conteúdos de aprendizagem interactivos, através da Internet. Na parte final, mostra-se como a conjugação de metadados, de sistemas de classificação, de especificações e de normas de compatibilidade contribui para a produção de conteúdos de aprendizagem compatíveis, independentemente das plataformas, desde que estas reconheçam o formato SCORM.Analysing the recent ideas about the autonomous student centred learning process, we can recognize the importance of learning issues quality and consequent attention they should be given. Those issues must be organized according to the students’ profile, so that he can build his own knowledge. Such qualified learning resources are very expensive. The reuse and share of these resources turn therefore a real need. Such issues as content granularity and interoperability, as well as technology and support platforms compatibility, can raise some problems to either contents reuse or share. Hence the attention to be given to learning contents organization inside Digital Libraries and to its implementation. This dissertation focus on the theme of learning contents organization in order to promote their interoperability considering its granularity. It shows contents features, some content classification systems and some contents organization. Recommendations, Specifications and Compatibility Standards are expained and investigated here according to their importance as well as the role of each one to the use and interoperability of learning contents. Some relief is given to the SCORM standard. Two platforms are analysed, DSpace and Easy Education, and it’s shown how they can collaborate to safeguard, preserve, offer and show interactive eLearning contents in the Web. In the last chapters, we show how the junction of metadata, classification and specification systems, besides compatibility standards, contributes to producing compatible learning contents, no matter the platforms since they recognize SCORM

    The development of a model for organising educational resources on an Intranet

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    The twenty-first century has found education at the crossroads of change. There are burgeoning challenges facing the modern educator. To rise to the importuning, educators find themselves turning to Information Technology for the answers. The technologies utilised in attempts to overcome the challenges often include the Internet and electronic educational resources. Although the Internet is not unduly called the Information Highway, it is also fraught with misleading and incorrect information. Educators’ arduous searches result in few good and useable resources. Thus, to store, organise and efficiently retrieve the discovered resources is a matter of time-saving. The aim of the study was to develop a method to organise and retrieve educational resources in an efficient and personalised manner. In order to do this, an exploration into pedagogy and educational paradigms was undertaken. The current educational paradigm, constructivism, proposes that each learner is an individual with unique learning and personal needs. To develop a new model, the current models need to be understood. The current solutions for the organising of educational resources are realised as several software packages, also called e-learning packages. A list of criteria that describes the essential requirements for organising educational resources was established. These criteria were based upon the pedagogical principles prescribed by educators and the practical technological frameworks necessary to fulfil the needs of the teaching/learning situation. These criteria were utilised to critique and explore the available solutions. It was found that although the available e-learning packages fulfil a need within their genre, it does not meet with the core requirements of constructivism. The resource base model seeks to address these needs by focussing on the educational aspects of resource delivery over an Intranet. For the purposes of storing, organising and delivering the resources, a database had to be established. This database had to have numerous qualities, including the ability to search and retrieve resources with great efficiency. Retrieving data in an efficient manner is the forte of the star schema, while the storing and organising of data is the strength of a normalised schema. It is not standard practice to utilise both types of schemas within the same database. A star schema is usually reserved for data warehouses because of its data retrieval abilities. It is customary to utilise a normalised schema for operational databases. The resource base model, however, needs both the storage facilities of an operational database and the efficient query facilities of a data warehouse. The resource base model, therefore, melds both schemas into one database with interlinking tables. This database forms the foundation (or the back-end) of the resource base. The resource base model utilises web browsers as its user interface (or front-end). The results of the study on the pedagogy, the current e-learning solutions and the resource base were written up within this dissertation. The contribution that this dissertation makes is the development of a technique to efficiently store, organise and retrieve educational resources in such a manner that both the requirements of constructivism and outcomes-based education are fulfilled. To this end, a list of technological and pedagogical criteria on which to critique a resource delivery technique has been developed. This dissertation also elaborates on the schema designs chosen for the resource base, namely the normalised schema and the star schema. From this schema, a prototype has been developed. The prototype’s function was two-fold. The first function is to determine the feasibility of the technique. Secondly, to determine the success of the technique in fulfilling the needs expressed in the list of criteri