381 research outputs found

    Retrieval of Dry Snow Parameters from Radiometric Data Using a Dense Medium Model and Genetic Algorithms

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    In this paper, GA-based techniques are used to invert the equations of an electromagnetic model based on Dense Medium Radiative Transfer Theory (DMRT) under the Quasi Crystalline Approximation with Coherent Potential to retrieve snow depth, mean grain size and fractional volume from microwave brightness temperatures. The technique is initially tested on both noisy and not-noisy simulated data. During this phase, different configurations of genetic algorithm parameters are considered to quantify how their change can affect the algorithm performance. A configuration of GA parameters is then selected and the algorithm is applied to experimental data acquired during the NASA Cold Land Process Experiment. Snow parameters retrieved with the GA-DMRT technique are then compared with snow parameters measured on field

    The sensitivity of land emissivity estimates from AMSR-E at C and X bands to surface properties

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    Microwave observations at low frequencies exhibit more sensitivity to surface and subsurface properties with little interference from the atmosphere. The objective of this study is to develop a global land emissivity product using passive microwave observations from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer – Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) and to investigate its sensitivity to land surface properties. The developed product complements existing land emissivity products from SSM/I and AMSU by adding land emissivity estimates at two lower frequencies, 6.9 and 10.65 GHz (C- and X-band, respectively). Observations at these low frequencies penetrate deeper into the soil layer. Ancillary data used in the analysis, such as surface skin temperature and cloud mask, are obtained from International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP). Atmospheric properties are obtained from the TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) observations to determine the small upwelling and downwelling atmospheric emissions as well as the atmospheric transmission. A sensitivity test confirms the small effect of the atmosphere but shows that skin temperature accuracy can significantly affect emissivity estimates. Retrieved emissivities at C- and X-bands and their polarization differences exhibit similar patterns of variation with changes in land cover type, soil moisture, and vegetation density as seen at SSM/I-like frequencies (Ka and Ku bands). The emissivity maps from AMSR-E at these higher frequencies agree reasonably well with the existing SSM/I-based product. The inherent discrepancy introduced by the difference between SSM/I and AMSR-E frequencies, incidence angles, and calibration has been assessed. Significantly greater standard deviation of estimated emissivities compared to SSM/I land emissivity product was found over desert regions. Large differences between emissivity estimates from ascending and descending overpasses were found at lower frequencies due to the inconsistency between thermal IR skin temperatures and passive microwave brightness temperatures which can originate from below the surface. The mismatch between day and night AMSR-E emissivities is greater than ascending and descending differences of SSM/I emissivity. This is because of unique orbit time of AMSR-E (01:30 a.m./p.m. LT) while other microwave sensors have orbit time of 06:00 to 09:00 (a.m./p.m.). This highlights the importance of considering the penetration depth of the microwave signal and diurnal variability of the temperature in emissivity retrieval. The effect of these factors is greater for AMSR-E observations than SSM/I observations, as AMSR-E observations exhibit a greater difference between day and night measures. This issue must be addressed in future studies to improve the accuracy of the emissivity estimates especially at AMSR-E lower frequencies

    New Shortwave Infrared Albedo Measurements for Snow Specific Surface Area Retrieval

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    Snow grain-size characterization, its vertical and temporal evolution is a key parameter for the improvement and validation of snow and radiative transfer models (optical and microwave) as well as for remote-sensing retrieval methods. We describe two optical methods, one active and one passive shortwave infrared, for field determination of the specific surface area (SSA) of snow grains. We present a new shortwave infrared (SWIR) camera approach. This new method is compared with a SWIR laser- based system measuring snow albedo with an integrating sphere (InfraRed Integrating Sphere (IRIS)). Good accuracy (10%) and reproducibility in SSA measurements are obtained using the IRIS system on snow samples having densities greater than 200 kg m-3, validated against X-ray microtomography measurements. The SWIRcam approach shows improved sensitivity to snow SSA when compared to a near-infrared camera, giving a better contrast of the snow stratigraphy in a snow pit

    Exploitation of SAR and optical Sentinel data to detect rice crop and estimate seasonal dynamics of leaf area index

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    This paper presents and evaluates multitemporal LAI estimates derived from Sentinel-2A data on rice cultivated area identified using time series of Sentinel-1A images over the main European rice districts for the 2016 crop season. This study combines the information conveyed by Sentinel-1A and Sentinel-2A into a high-resolution LAI retrieval chain. Rice crop was detected using an operational multi-temporal rule-based algorithm, and LAI estimates were obtained by inverting the PROSAIL radiative transfer model with Gaussian process regression. Direct validation was performed with in situ LAI measurements acquired in coordinated field campaigns in three countries (Italy, Spain and Greece). Results showed high consistency between estimates and ground measurements, revealing high correlations (R^2>0.93) and good accuracies (RMSE<0.83, rRMSE_m<23.6% and rRMSE_r<16.6%) in all cases. Sentinel-2A estimates were compared with Landsat-8 showing high spatial consistency between estimates over the three areas. The possibility to exploit seasonally-updated crop mask exploiting Sentinel-1A data and the temporal consistency between Sentinel-2A and Landsat-7/8 LAI time series demonstrates the feasibility of deriving operationally high spatial-temporal decametric multi-sensor LAI time series useful for crop monitoring

    Multisensor Fusion Remote Sensing Technology For Assessing Multitemporal Responses In Ecohydrological Systems

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    Earth ecosystems and environment have been changing rapidly due to the advanced technologies and developments of humans. Impacts caused by human activities and developments are difficult to acquire for evaluations due to the rapid changes. Remote sensing (RS) technology has been implemented for environmental managements. A new and promising trend in remote sensing for environment is widely used to measure and monitor the earth environment and its changes. RS allows large-scaled measurements over a large region within a very short period of time. Continuous and repeatable measurements are the very indispensable features of RS. Soil moisture is a critical element in the hydrological cycle especially in a semiarid or arid region. Point measurement to comprehend the soil moisture distribution contiguously in a vast watershed is difficult because the soil moisture patterns might greatly vary temporally and spatially. Space-borne radar imaging satellites have been popular because they have the capability to exhibit all weather observations. Yet the estimation methods of soil moisture based on the active or passive satellite imageries remain uncertain. This study aims at presenting a systematic soil moisture estimation method for the Choke Canyon Reservoir Watershed (CCRW), a semiarid watershed with an area of over 14,200 km2 in south Texas. With the aid of five corner reflectors, the RADARSAT-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imageries of the study area acquired in April and September 2004 were processed by both radiometric and geometric calibrations at first. New soil moisture estimation models derived by genetic programming (GP) technique were then developed and applied to support the soil moisture distribution analysis. The GP-based nonlinear function derived in the evolutionary process uniquely links a series of crucial topographic and geographic features. Included in this process are slope, aspect, vegetation cover, and soil permeability to compliment the well-calibrated SAR data. Research indicates that the novel application of GP proved useful for generating a highly nonlinear structure in regression regime, which exhibits very strong correlations statistically between the model estimates and the ground truth measurements (volumetric water content) on the basis of the unseen data sets. In an effort to produce the soil moisture distributions over seasons, it eventually leads to characterizing local- to regional-scale soil moisture variability and performing the possible estimation of water storages of the terrestrial hydrosphere. A new evolutionary computational, supervised classification scheme (Riparian Classification Algorithm, RICAL) was developed and used to identify the change of riparian zones in a semi-arid watershed temporally and spatially. The case study uniquely demonstrates an effort to incorporating both vegetation index and soil moisture estimates based on Landsat 5 TM and RADARSAT-1 imageries while trying to improve the riparian classification in the Choke Canyon Reservoir Watershed (CCRW), South Texas. The CCRW was selected as the study area contributing to the reservoir, which is mostly agricultural and range land in a semi-arid coastal environment. This makes the change detection of riparian buffers significant due to their interception capability of non-point source impacts within the riparian buffer zones and the maintenance of ecosystem integrity region wide. The estimation of soil moisture based on RADARSAT-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite imagery as previously developed was used. Eight commonly used vegetation indices were calculated from the reflectance obtained from Landsat 5 TM satellite images. The vegetation indices were individually used to classify vegetation cover in association with genetic programming algorithm. The soil moisture and vegetation indices were integrated into Landsat TM images based on a pre-pixel channel approach for riparian classification. Two different classification algorithms were used including genetic programming, and a combination of ISODATA and maximum likelihood supervised classification. The white box feature of genetic programming revealed the comparative advantage of all input parameters. The GP algorithm yielded more than 90% accuracy, based on unseen ground data, using vegetation index and Landsat reflectance band 1, 2, 3, and 4. The detection of changes in the buffer zone was proved to be technically feasible with high accuracy. Overall, the development of the RICAL algorithm may lead to the formulation of more effective management strategies for the handling of non-point source pollution control, bird habitat monitoring, and grazing and live stock management in the future. Soil properties, landscapes, channels, fault lines, erosion/deposition patches, and bedload transport history show geologic and geomorphologic features in a variety of watersheds. In response to these unique watershed characteristics, the hydrology of large-scale watersheds is often very complex. Precipitation, infiltration and percolation, stream flow, plant transpiration, soil moisture changes, and groundwater recharge are intimately related with each other to form water balance dynamics on the surface of these watersheds. Within this chapter, depicted is an optimal site selection technology using a grey integer programming (GIP) model to assimilate remote sensing-based geo-environmental patterns in an uncertain environment with respect to some technical and resources constraints. It enables us to retrieve the hydrological trends and pinpoint the most critical locations for the deployment of monitoring stations in a vast watershed. Geo-environmental information amassed in this study includes soil permeability, surface temperature, soil moisture, precipitation, leaf area index (LAI) and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). With the aid of a remote sensing-based GIP analysis, only five locations out of more than 800 candidate sites were selected by the spatial analysis, and then confirmed by a field investigation. The methodology developed in this remote sensing-based GIP analysis will significantly advance the state-of-the-art technology in optimum arrangement/distribution of water sensor platforms for maximum sensing coverage and information-extraction capacity. Effective water resources management is a critically important priority across the globe. While water scarcity limits the uses of water in many ways, floods also have caused so many damages and lives. To more efficiently use the limited amount of water or to resourcefully provide adequate time for flood warning, the results have led us to seek advanced techniques for improving streamflow forecasting. The objective of this section of research is to incorporate sea surface temperature (SST), Next Generation Radar (NEXRAD) and meteorological characteristics with historical stream data to forecast the actual streamflow using genetic programming. This study case concerns the forecasting of stream discharge of a complex-terrain, semi-arid watershed. This study elicits microclimatological factors and the resultant stream flow rate in river system given the influence of dynamic basin features such as soil moisture, soil temperature, ambient relative humidity, air temperature, sea surface temperature, and precipitation. Evaluations of the forecasting results are expressed in terms of the percentage error (PE), the root-mean-square error (RMSE), and the square of the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient (r-squared value). The developed models can predict streamflow with very good accuracy with an r-square of 0.84 and PE of 1% for a 30-day prediction

    Snow cover properties and soil moisture derived from GPS signals

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    Effect of snow microstructure and subnivean water bodies on microwave radiometry of seasonal snow

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    Remote sensing using microwave radiometry is an acknowledged method for monitoring various environmental processes in the cryosphere, atmosphere, soil, vegetation and oceans. Several decades long time series of spaceborne passive microwave observations can be used to detect trends relating to climate change, while present measurements provide information on the current state of the environment. Unlike optical wavelengths, microwaves are mostly insensitive to atmospheric and lighting conditions and are therefore suitable for monitoring seasonal snow in the Arctic. One of the major challenges in the utilization of spaceborne passive microwave observations for snow measurements is the poor spatial resolution of instruments. The interpretation of measurements over heterogeneous areas requires sophisticated microwave emission models relating the measured parameters to physical properties of snow, vegetation and the subnivean layer. Especially the high contrast in the electrical properties of soil and liquid water introduces inaccuracies in the retrieved parameters close to coastlines, lakes and wetlands, if the subnivean water bodies are not accounted for in the algorithm. The first focus point of this thesis is the modelling of brightness temperature of ice- and snow-covered water bodies and their differences from snow-covered forested and open land areas. Methods for modelling the microwave signatures of water bodies and for using that information in the retrieval of snow parameters from passive microwave measurements are presented in this thesis. The second focus point is the effect of snow microstructure on its microwave signature. Even small changes in the size of scattering particles, snow grains, modify the measured brightness temperature notably. The coupling of different modelled and measured snow microstructural parameters with a microwave snow emission model and the application of those parameters in the retrieval of snow parameters from remote sensing data are studied

    Retrieval of biophysical parameters from multi-sensoral remote sensing data, assimilated into the crop growth model CERES-Wheat

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    This study investigated the possibilities and constraints for an integrated use of a crop growth model (CERES-Wheat) and earth observation techniques. The assimilation of information derived from earth observation sensors into crop growth models enables regional applications and may also help to improve the profound knowledge of the different involved processes and interactions. Both techniques can contribute to improved use of resources, reduced crop production risks, minimised environmental degradation, and increased farm income. Up to now, crop growth modelling and remote sensing techniquices mostly have been used separately for the assessment of agricultural applications. Crop growth models have made valuable contributions to, e.g., yield forecasting or to management decision support systems. Likewise, remote sensing techniques were successfully utilized in classification of agricultural areas or in the quantification of vegetation characteristics at various spatial and temporal scales. Multisensoral remote sensing approaches for the quantification biophysical variables are rarely realized. Normally the fusion of the data sources is based on the use of one sensor for classification purposes and the other one for the extraction of the desired parameters, based on the map classified previously. Pixel-based fusions between multispectral and SAR data is seldom realised for the assessment of quantitative parameters. The integration of crop growth models and remote sensing techniques by assimilating remotely sensed parameters into the models, is also still an issue of research. Especially, the integration of, e.g., multi-sensor biophysical parameter time-series for the improvement of the model performance, might feature a high potential. The starting point of the presented study was the question, if it is possible to derive the values of important crop variables from various remote sensing data? For the retrieval of these quantitative parameters by the use of various multispectral remote sensing sensors, intercalibration issues between the different retrieved vegetation indices had to be taken into account, in order to assure the comparability. Features influencing the vegetation indices are, e.g., the sensor geometry (like viewing- and solar-angle), atmospherical conditions, topography and spatial or radiometric resolution. However, the factors taken into account within this study are the spectral characteristics of the different sensors, like band position, bandwidth and centre wavelengths, which are described by the relative spectral response functions. Due to different RSR functions of the sensor bands, measured spectral differences occur, because the sensors record different components of the reflectance’s spectra from the monitored targets. These are then also introduced into the derived vegetation indices. The chosen cross-calibration method, intercalibrated the assessed Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and the Weighted Difference Vegetation Index between the various sensor pairs by regression, based on simulated multispectral sensors. Differences between the various assessed remote sensing sensors decreased form around 7% to below 1%. The intercalibration also had a positive impact on the later biophysical retrieval performance, producing sounder retrieval results. For the retrieval of the biophysical parameters empirical and semi-empirical models were assessed. The results indicate that the semi-empirical CLAIR model outperforms the empirical approaches. Not only for the Leaf Area Index retrieval, but also in the cases of all other assessed parameters. Concerning the other remote sensing data type used, the SAR data, it was analysed what potential different polarizations and incidence angles have for the extraction of the quantitative parameters. It became obvious that especially high incidence angles, as provided by the satellite Envisat ASAR, produce sounder retrieval results than lower incidence angles, due to a smaller amount of received soil signal. In the context of the assessed polarizations, sound results for the VV polarization could only be achieved for the retrieval of fresh biomass and the plant water content. For the ASAR sensor modelling fresh biomass and LAI using the HV polarization or the dry biomass using the ratio (HH/HV) was appropriate. As roughness aspects also have an influence on the retrieval performance from biophysical parameters using SAR data, the impact of soil surface and vegetation roughness was additionally considered. Best results were achieved, when also considering roughness features, however due to the need of regional modelling it is more appropriate not to consider them. For the calibration and re-tuning of crop growth models information about important phenological events such as heading/flowering is rather important. After this stage reproductive growth begins, whereby the number of kernels per plant is often calculated from plant weight at flowering and kernel weight is calculated from time and temperature available for dry matter distribution. By the use of the SAR VV time-series this important stage could be successfully extracted. Further methods for pixel-based fused biophysical parameter estimations, using SAR and multispectral data were analysed. By this approach the different features, being monitored of the two systems, are combined for sounder parameter retrieval. The assessed method of combining the multi-sensoral information by linear regression did not bring sound results and was outperformed by single sensor use, only taking into account the multispectral information. Only for the parameter fresh biomass, modelling based on the NDIV and the ASAR ratio slightly outperformed the single sensor modelling approaches. The complex combined modelling by the use of the CLAIR and the Water Cloud Model featured no valid results. For the combination, by using the CLAIR model and multiple regression slight improvements, in contrast to the single multispectral sensor use, were achieved. Especially, during late phenological stages, the assessed VV information improved the modelling results, in comparison to only using the CLAIR model. All the findings could finally be successfully applied for regional estimations. Only the roughness features could not be applied, due to the fact, that it is hard to regionally assess this needed model input parameter. Regional parameter on the basis of remote sensing data, is the major advantage of this technique, due to the large spatial overview given. The second main question was, if it is possible to integrate the crop variables gained from multisensoral data into a crop growth model, increasing the final yield estimation accuracy. Thus far, beneficial linkages between both techniques have been often limited to land use classification via remote sensing for choosing the adequate model and quantification of crop growth and development curves using biophysical parameters derived from remote sensing images for model calibration. Only a few studies actually considered the potentials of remote sensing for model re-initialization of growth and development characteristics of a specific crop, as the here studied winter wheat. Overall, the integration of remotely sensed variables into the crop growth model CERES-Wheat led to an improved final yield estimation accuracy in comparison to an automatic input parameter setting. The assessed final yield bias for the automatic input parameter setting summed up to 6.6%. When re-initializing the most sensitive input parameters (sowing date and fertilizer application date) by the use of remotely sensed biophysical variables the biases ranged from 0.56% overestimation to 5.4% understimation, in dependence of the data series used for assimilation. Whereby, it was assessed that the combined dense data series, considering SAR and multispectral information, slightly outperformed the performance of the full multispectral data series. However, when analysing the assimilation of the multispectral data series in further detail, it became clear that the actually information from the phenological stage ripening declines the modelling performance and thus the final yield estimation accuracy. When neglecting the information from this phenological stage the reduced multispectral data series performed as sound as the dense data series containing SAR and multispectral information. Thus, when the appropriate phenological stages are monitored by multispectral data, additional SAR information does not lead to a model improvement. However, when important dates are not monitored by multispectral images, e.g., due to cloud coverage, the additionally considered SAR information was not able to appropriatly fill these important multispectral time gaps. They even had a more negeative influence on the modelling performance. Overall, the best results could be obtained by assimilating a multispectral data series, covering the crop development during the important phenological stages stem elongation and flowering (without ripening stage), into the CERES-Wheat model. Finally, the integration of remote sensing data in the point-based crop growth model allowed it‘s spatial application for prediction of wheat production at a more regional scale. This approach also outperformed another evaluated method of direct multi-sensoral regional yield estimation. This study has demonstrated that biophysical parameters can be retrieved from remote sensing data and led, when assimilated into a crop growth model, to an improved final yield estimation. However, overall the SAR information did not really have a significant positive effect on the multi-sensoral biophysical parameter retrieval and on the later assimilation process. Thus, overall SAR information should only be considered, when multispectral data acquisitions are tremendously hampered by cloud coverage. The assessed assimilation of remote sensing information into a crop growth model had a positive effect on the final yield estimation performance. The analysed method, combining remote sensing and crop growth model techniques, was succsessfully demonstrated and will gain even more importance in the future for, e.g., decision support systems fine-tuning fertilizer regimes and thus contributing to more environmentally sound and sustained agricultural production

    The Sensitivity of Land Emissivity Estimates From AMSR-E as C and X Bands to Surface Properties

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    Microwave observations at low frequencies exhibit more sensitivity to surface and subsurface properties with little interference from the atmosphere. The objective of this study is to develop a global land emissivity product using passive microwave observations from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer – Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) and to investigate its sensitivity to land surface properties. The developed product complements existing land emissivity products from SSM/I and AMSU by adding land emissivity estimates at two lower frequencies, 6.9 and 10.65 GHz (C- and X-band, respectively). Observations at these low frequencies penetrate deeper into the soil layer. Ancillary data used in the analysis, such as surface skin temperature and cloud mask, are obtained from International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP). Atmospheric properties are obtained from the TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) observations to determine the small upwelling and downwelling atmospheric emissions as well as the atmospheric transmission. A sensitivity test confirms the small effect of the atmosphere but shows that skin temperature accuracy can significantly affect emissivity estimates. Retrieved emissivities at C- and X-bands and their polarization differences exhibit similar patterns of variation with changes in land cover type, soil moisture, and vegetation density as seen at SSM/I-like frequencies (Ka and Ku bands). The emissivity maps from AMSR-E at these higher frequencies agree reasonably well with the existing SSM/I-based product. The inherent discrepancy introduced by the difference between SSM/I and AMSR-E frequencies, incidence angles, and calibration has been assessed. Significantly greater standard deviation of estimated emissivities compared to SSM/I land emissivity product was found over desert regions. Large differences between emissivity estimates from ascending and descending overpasses were found at lower frequencies due to the inconsistency between thermal IR skin temperatures and passive microwave brightness temperatures which can originate from below the surface. The mismatch between day and night AMSR-E emissivities is greater than ascending and descending differences of SSM/I emissivity. This is because of unique orbit time of AMSR-E (01:30 a.m./p.m. LT) while other microwave sensors have orbit time of 06:00 to 09:00 (a.m./p.m.). This highlights the importance of considering the penetration depth of the microwave signal and diurnal variability of the temperature in emissivity retrieval. The effect of these factors is greater for AMSR-E observations than SSM/I observations, as AMSR-E observations exhibit a greater difference between day and night measures. This issue must be addressed in future studies to improve the accuracy of the emissivity estimates especially at AMSR-E lower frequencies

    Earth Observations and Integrative Models in Support of Food and Water Security

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    Global food production depends upon many factors that Earth observing satellites routinely measure about water, energy, weather, and ecosystems. Increasingly sophisticated, publicly-available satellite data products can improve efficiencies in resource management and provide earlier indication of environmental disruption. Satellite remote sensing provides a consistent, long-term record that can be used effectively to detect large-scale features over time, such as a developing drought. Accuracy and capabilities have increased along with the range of Earth observations and derived products that can support food security decisions with actionable information. This paper highlights major capabilities facilitated by satellite observations and physical models that have been developed and validated using remotely-sensed observations. Although we primarily focus on variables relevant to agriculture, we also include a brief description of the growing use of Earth observations in support of aquaculture and fisheries
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