8 research outputs found

    Comparative study of AR versus video tutorials for minor maintenance operations

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    [EN] Augmented Reality (AR) has become a mainstream technology in the development of solutions for repair and maintenance operations. Although most of the AR solutions are still limited to specific contexts in industry, some consumer electronics companies have started to offer pre-packaged AR solutions as alternative to video-based tutorials (VT) for minor maintenance operations. In this paper, we present a comparative study of the acquired knowledge and user perception achieved with AR and VT solutions in some maintenance tasks of IT equipment. The results indicate that both systems help users to acquire knowledge in various aspects of equipment maintenance. Although no statistically significant differences were found between AR and VT solutions, users scored higher on the AR version in all cases. Moreover, the users explicitly preferred the AR version when evaluating three different usability and satisfaction criteria. For the AR version, a strong and significant correlation was found between the satisfaction and the achieved knowledge. Since the AR solution achieved similar learning results with higher usability scores than the video-based tutorials, these results suggest that AR solutions are the most effective approach to substitute the typical paper-based instructions in consumer electronics.This work has been supported by Spanish MINECO and EU ERDF programs under grant RTI2018-098156-B-C55.Morillo, P.; García García, I.; Orduña, JM.; Fernández, M.; Juan, M. (2020). Comparative study of AR versus video tutorials for minor maintenance operations. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 79(11-12):7073-7100. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-019-08437-9S707371007911-12Ahn J, Williamson J, Gartrell M, Han R, Lv Q, Mishra S (2015) Supporting healthy grocery shopping via mobile augmented reality. 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    Scalable and responsive information for industrial maintenance work : developing XR support on smart glasses for maintenance technicians

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    This paper describes the process and results of bringing responsive and scalable technical documentation to smart glasses to support industrial maintenance. Development and testing was done in four development cycles to discover how maintenance information can be delivered to smart glasses to support maintenance technicians. Test case was elevator maintenance, and several user tests were performed in a real or realistic environment by real maintenance experts. The concept of using smart glasses to view technical information during a maintenance task was received very well by the test users. This study confirms that DITA XML is a good candidate for the creation of technical information content for smart glasses, but information design is needed to ensure the scalability and usability of the information.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    Augmented reality

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    Proširena stvarnost je tehnologija koja omogućuje proširenje stvarnosti digitalnim informacijama kojima možemo upravljati na način sličan onome kojime upravljamo stvarima u stvarnosti. Ona spaja digitalno i stvarno na način koji je ljudima razumljiviji i intuitivniji od onoga kojime se koriste klasični računalni sustavi te pokušava besprimjetno uklopiti digitalne informacije u fizičku stvarnost. Iako su se od ranih sustava koji su 1960-ih godina stvoreni u strogo kontroliranim uvjetima specijaliziranih istraživačkih laboratorija sveučilišta i velikih korporacija sustavi proširene stvarnosti do danas razvili u sustave koje može susresti u raznim poljima, od digitalne zabavne industrije pa sve do vojne tehnologije, njihov razvoj tek počinje.augmented reality is a technology that enables augmentation of the real world with digital information, in a form that allows the digital information to be interacted with and manipulated in a similar manner in which we do it with real world objects. It merges the digital with the physical in a more easily understantable and more intuitive manner than the one of classical computer systems and it tries to seamlessly blend digital information into the physical reality. Although the augmented reality technology has come a long way since the early systems designed in the 1960's in controlled conditions of research laboratories of universities and large corporations, and can today be found implemented in many different fields, from digital entertainment all the way to the latest military systems, its development is just starting

    Augmented reality

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    Proširena stvarnost je tehnologija koja omogućuje proširenje stvarnosti digitalnim informacijama kojima možemo upravljati na način sličan onome kojime upravljamo stvarima u stvarnosti. Ona spaja digitalno i stvarno na način koji je ljudima razumljiviji i intuitivniji od onoga kojime se koriste klasični računalni sustavi te pokušava besprimjetno uklopiti digitalne informacije u fizičku stvarnost. Iako su se od ranih sustava koji su 1960-ih godina stvoreni u strogo kontroliranim uvjetima specijaliziranih istraživačkih laboratorija sveučilišta i velikih korporacija sustavi proširene stvarnosti do danas razvili u sustave koje može susresti u raznim poljima, od digitalne zabavne industrije pa sve do vojne tehnologije, njihov razvoj tek počinje.augmented reality is a technology that enables augmentation of the real world with digital information, in a form that allows the digital information to be interacted with and manipulated in a similar manner in which we do it with real world objects. It merges the digital with the physical in a more easily understantable and more intuitive manner than the one of classical computer systems and it tries to seamlessly blend digital information into the physical reality. Although the augmented reality technology has come a long way since the early systems designed in the 1960's in controlled conditions of research laboratories of universities and large corporations, and can today be found implemented in many different fields, from digital entertainment all the way to the latest military systems, its development is just starting

    Interaction for Immersive Analytics

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    International audienceIn this chapter, we briefly review the development of natural user interfaces and discuss their role in providing human-computer interaction that is immersive in various ways. Then we examine some opportunities for how these technologies might be used to better support data analysis tasks. Specifically, we review and suggest some interaction design guidelines for immersive analytics. We also review some hardware setups for data visualization that are already archetypal. Finally, we look at some emerging system designs that suggest future directions

    Retargeting Technical Documentation to Augmented Reality

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    Figure 1. Retargeted 2D documentation. (a) The input documentation consists of an annotated explosion diagram and a sequence of images presenting disassem-bly instructions. (b) From analyzing the 2D explosion diagram, our system is able to generate a 3D explosion diagram presented in AR. Moreover, our system generates 3D annotations in AR based on the input 2D documentation. (c) In addition, our system is able to analyze image sequences in order to create 3D animations from it. This allows to present animated 3D documentations in AR. Here we show six key-frames from the resulting AR animation. We present a system which automatically transfers printed technical documentation, such as handbooks, to three-dimensional Augmented Reality. Our system identifies the most frequent forms of instructions found in printed docu-mentation, such as image sequences, explosion diagrams, tex-tual annotations and arrows indicating motion. The analysis of the printed documentation works automatically, with min-imal user input. The system only requires the documentation itself and a CAD model or 3D scan of the object described in the documentation. The output is a fully interactive Aug-mented Reality application, presenting the information from the printed documentation in 3D, registered to the real object


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    The Benefits of Extended Reality for Technical Communication : Utilizing XR for Maintenance Documentation Creation and Delivery

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    The main goal of this dissertation is to explore the benefits of extended reality for technical communication. Both of these fields offer opportunities and also pose challenges to each other, and this dissertation provides insight into this relationship. The research was initiated by the author’s personal interest in both fields and also human-technology interaction and user needs in general. Even though this is an academic dissertation, it is first and foremost a practitioner’s view of these evolving technologies and their potential uses in industry and, specifically, in industrial maintenance and technical communication. Under the umbrella of extended reality and technical communication, this dissertation focuses on two main themes. The first part studies virtual reality as a technology to facilitate collaboration and digital content creation for technical documentation in industrial companies, and the second part explores the possibilities of augmented reality and smart glasses as a delivery channel for maintenance instructions. The developed concepts were tested by domain experts in user tests. The overall results of testing were positive, and domain experts expressed enthusiasm toward the concepts and technologies in general. The technical documentation process is an inherently collaborative process involving stakeholders from different teams and organizations, and virtual reality was evaluated to have a positive effect on that process, especially in the case of globally scattered teams. The developed tools were also rated positively for digital content creation. Therefore, virtual reality offers many benefits for technical documentation creation, an area where it has not been utilized until now. On the augmented reality side, domain experts were generally enthusiastic about the use of smart glasses even though the technologies are not yet mature enough for field use in industrial maintenance. Furthermore, the results show that content created in the technical communications industry standard, DITA XML, works well when delivered to smart glasses, and the same content can be single sourced to other delivery channels. The use of DITA XML, therefore, eliminates the need to tailor content for each delivery channel separately, and offers an effective way to create and update content for AR applications in industrial companies. This, in turn, can advance the use of AR technologies and related devices in field operations in industrial companies. In conclusion, the findings of this dissertation show that the fields of technical communication and extended reality have a significant amount of synergy. In this dissertation I establish use cases and guidelines for these areas