1,327 research outputs found

    Mobile Resource Guarantees for Smart Devices

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    Abstract. We present the Mobile Resource Guarantees framework: a system for ensuring that downloaded programs are free from run-time violations of resource bounds. Certificates are attached to code in the form of efficiently checkable proofs of resource bounds; in contrast to cryptographic certificates of code origin, these are independent of trust networks. A novel programming language with resource constraints encoded in function types is used to streamline the generation of proofs of resource usage.

    Resource control of object-oriented programs

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    A sup-interpretation is a tool which provides an upper bound on the size of a value computed by some symbol of a program. Sup-interpretations have shown their interest to deal with the complexity of first order functional programs. For instance, they allow to characterize all the functions bitwise computable in Alogtime. This paper is an attempt to adapt the framework of sup-interpretations to a fragment of oriented-object programs, including distinct encodings of numbers through the use of constructor symbols, loop and while constructs and non recursive methods with side effects. We give a criterion, called brotherly criterion, which ensures that each brotherly program computes objects whose size is polynomially bounded by the inputs sizes

    Live Heap Space Analysis for Languages with Garbage Collection

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    The peak heap consumption of a program is the maximum size of the live data on the heap during the execution of the program, i.e., the minimum amount of heap space needed to run the program without exhausting the memory. It is well-known that garbage collection (GC) makes the problem of predicting the memory required to run a program difficult. This paper presents, the best of our knowledge, the first live heap space analysis for garbage-collected languages which infers accurate upper bounds on the peak heap usage of a program’s execution that are not restricted to any complexity class, i.e., we can infer exponential, logarithmic, polynomial, etc., bounds. Our analysis is developed for an (sequential) object-oriented bytecode language with a scoped-memory manager that reclaims unreachable memory when methods return. We also show how our analysis can accommodate other GC schemes which are closer to the ideal GC which collects objects as soon as they become unreachable. The practicality of our approach is experimentally evaluated on a prototype implementation.We demonstrate that it is fully automatic, reasonably accurate and efficient by inferring live heap space bounds for a standardized set of benchmarks, the JOlden suite

    Do you have space for dessert? a verified space cost semantics for CakeML programs

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    Garbage collectors relieve the programmer from manual memory management, but lead to compiler-generated machine code that can behave differently (e.g. out-of-memory errors) from the source code. To ensure that the generated code behaves exactly like the source code, programmers need a way to answer questions of the form: what is a sufficient amount of memory for my program to never reach an out-of-memory error? This paper develops a cost semantics that can answer such questions for CakeML programs. The work described in this paper is the first to be able to answer such questions with proofs in the context of a language that depends on garbage collection. We demonstrate that positive answers can be used to transfer liveness results proved for the source code to liveness guarantees about the generated machine code. Without guarantees about space usage, only safety results can be transferred from source to machine code. Our cost semantics is phrased in terms of an abstract intermediate language of the CakeML compiler, but results proved at that level map directly to the space cost of the compiler-generated machine code. All of the work described in this paper has been developed in the HOL4 theorem prover

    Analyzing the Implicit Computational Complexity of object-oriented programs

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    A sup-interpretation is a tool which provides upper bounds on the size of the values computed by the function symbols of a program. Sup-interpretations have shown their interest to deal with the complexity of first order functional programs. This paper is an attempt to adapt the framework of sup-interpretations to a fragment of object-oriented programs, including loop and while constructs and methods with side effects. We give a criterion, called brotherly criterion, which uses the notion of sup-interpretation to ensure that each brotherly program computes objects whose size is polynomially bounded by the inputs sizes. Moreover we give some heuristics in order to compute the sup-interpretation of a given method

    A program logic for resources

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    AbstractWe introduce a reasoning infrastructure for proving statements about resource consumption in a fragment of the Java Virtual Machine Language (JVML). The infrastructure is based on a small hierarchy of program logics, with increasing levels of abstraction: at the top there is a type system for a high-level language that encodes resource consumption. The infrastructure is designed to be used in a proof-carrying code (PCC) scenario, where mobile programs can be equipped with formal evidence that they have predictable resource behaviour.This article focuses on the core logic in our infrastructure, a VDM-style program logic for partial correctness, which can make statements about resource consumption alongside functional behaviour. We establish some important results for this logic, including soundness and completeness with respect to a resource-aware operational semantics for the JVML. We also present a second logic built on top of the core logic, which is used to express termination; it too is shown to be sound and complete. We then outline how high-level language type systems may be connected to these logics.The entire infrastructure has been formalized in Isabelle/HOL, both to enhance the confidence in our meta-theoretical results, and to provide a prototype implementation for PCC. We give examples to show the usefulness of this approach, including proofs of resource bounds on code resulting from compiling high-level functional programs

    A formally verified compiler back-end

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    This article describes the development and formal verification (proof of semantic preservation) of a compiler back-end from Cminor (a simple imperative intermediate language) to PowerPC assembly code, using the Coq proof assistant both for programming the compiler and for proving its correctness. Such a verified compiler is useful in the context of formal methods applied to the certification of critical software: the verification of the compiler guarantees that the safety properties proved on the source code hold for the executable compiled code as well