1,613 research outputs found

    Modeling and visualizing networked multi-core embedded software energy consumption

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    In this report we present a network-level multi-core energy model and a software development process workflow that allows software developers to estimate the energy consumption of multi-core embedded programs. This work focuses on a high performance, cache-less and timing predictable embedded processor architecture, XS1. Prior modelling work is improved to increase accuracy, then extended to be parametric with respect to voltage and frequency scaling (VFS) and then integrated into a larger scale model of a network of interconnected cores. The modelling is supported by enhancements to an open source instruction set simulator to provide the first network timing aware simulations of the target architecture. Simulation based modelling techniques are combined with methods of results presentation to demonstrate how such work can be integrated into a software developer's workflow, enabling the developer to make informed, energy aware coding decisions. A set of single-, multi-threaded and multi-core benchmarks are used to exercise and evaluate the models and provide use case examples for how results can be presented and interpreted. The models all yield accuracy within an average +/-5 % error margin

    Empirical and Statistical Application Modeling Using on -Chip Performance Monitors.

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    To analyze the performance of applications and architectures, both programmers and architects desire formal methods to explain anomalous behavior. To this end, we present various methods that utilize non-intrusive, performance-monitoring hardware only recently available on microprocessors to provide further explanations of observed behavior. All the methods attempt to characterize and explain the instruction-level parallelism achieved by codes on different architectures. We also present a prototype tool automating the analysis process to exploit the advantages of the empirical and statistical methods proposed. The empirical, statistical and hybrid methods are discussed and explained with case study results provided. The given methods further the wealth of tools available to programmer\u27s and architects for generally understanding the performance of scientific applications. Specifically, the models and tools presented provide new methods for evaluating and categorizing application performance. The empirical memory model serves to quantify the hierarchical memory performance of applications by inferring the incurred latencies of codes after the effect of latency hiding techniques are realized. The instruction-level model and its extensions model on-chip performance analytically giving insight into inherent performance bottlenecks in superscalar architectures. The statistical model and its hybrid extension provide other methods of categorizing codes via their statistical variations. The PTERA performance tool automates the use of performance counters for use by these methods across platforms making the modeling process easier still. These unique methods provide alternatives to performance modeling and categorizing not available previously in an attempt to utilize the inherent modeling capabilities of performance monitors on commodity processors for scientific applications

    Comparison of multi-layer bus interconnection and a network on chip solution

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    Abstract. This thesis explains the basic subjects that are required to take in consideration when designing a network on chip solutions in the semiconductor world. For example, general topologies such as mesh, torus, octagon and fat tree are explained. In addition, discussion related to network interfaces, switches, arbitration, flow control, routing, error avoidance and error handling are provided. Furthermore, there is discussion related to design flow, a computer aided designing tools and a few comprehensive researches. However, several networks are designed for the minimum latency, although there are also versions which trade performance for decreased bus widths. These designed networks are compared with a corresponding multi-layer bus interconnection and both synthesis and register transfer level simulations are run. For example, results from throughput, latency, logic area and power consumptions are gathered and compared. It was discovered that overall throughput was well balanced with the network on chip solutions, although its maximum throughput was limited by protocol conversions. For example, the multi-layer bus interconnection was capable of providing a few times smaller latencies and higher throughputs when only a single interface was injected at the time. However, with parallel traffic and high-performance requirements a network on chip solution provided better results, even though the difference decreased when performance requirements were lower. Furthermore, it was discovered that the network on chip solutions required approximately 3–4 times higher total cell area than the multi-layer bus interconnection and that resources were mainly located at network interfaces and switches. In addition, power consumption was approximately 2–3 times higher and was mostly caused by dynamic consumption.Monitasoisen väyläarkkitehtuurin ja tietokoneverkkomaisen ratkaisun vertailua. Tiivistelmä. Tutkielmassa käsitellään tärkeimpiä aihealueita, jotka tulee huomioida suunniteltaessa tietokoneverkkomaisia väyläratkaisuja puolijohdemaailmassa. Esimerkiksi yleiset rakenteet, kuten verkko-, torus-, kahdeksankulmio- ja puutopologiat käsitellään lyhyesti. Lisäksi alustetaan verkon liitäntäkohdat, kytkimet, vuorottelu, vuon hallinta, reititys, virheiden välttely ja -käsittely. Lopuksi kerrotaan suunnitteluvuon oleellisimmat välivaiheet ja niihin soveltuvia kaupallisia työkaluja, sekä käsitellään lyhyesti muutaman aiemman julkaisun tuloksia. Tutkielmassa käytetään suunnittelutyökalua muutaman tietokoneverkkomaisen ratkaisun toteutukseen ja tavoitteena on saavuttaa pienin mahdollinen latenssi. Toisaalta myös hieman suuremman latenssin versioita suunnitellaan, mutta pienemmillä väylänleveyksillä. Lisäksi suunniteltuja tietokoneverkkomaisia ratkaisuja vertaillaan perinteisempään monitasoiseen väyläarkkitehtuuriin. Esimerkiksi synteesi- ja simulaatiotuloksia, kuten logiikan vaatimaa pinta-alaa, tehonkulutusta, latenssia ja suorituskykyä, vertaillaan keskenään. Tutkielmassa selvisi, että suunnittelutyökalulla toteutetut tietokoneverkkomaiset ratkaisut mahdollistivat tasaisemman suorituskyvyn, joskin niiden suurin saavutettu suorituskyky ja pienin latenssi määräytyivät protokollan käännöksen aiheuttamasta viiveestä. Tutkielmassa havaittiin, että perinteisemmillä menetelmillä saavutettiin noin kaksi kertaa suurempi suorituskyky ja pienempi latenssi, kun verkossa ei ollut muuta liikennettä. Rinnakkaisen liikenteen lisääntyessä tietokoneverkkomainen ratkaisu tarjosi keskimäärin paremman suorituskyvyn, kun sille asetetut tehokkuusvaateet olivat suuret, mutta suorituskykyvaatimuksien laskiessa erot kapenivat. Lisäksi huomattiin, että tietokoneverkkomaisten ratkaisujen käyttämä pinta-ala oli noin 3–4 kertaa suurempi kuin monitasoisella väyläarkkitehtuurilla ja että resurssit sijaitsivat enimmäkseen verkon liittymäkohdissa ja kytkimissä. Lisäksi tehonkulutuksen huomattiin olevan noin 2–3 kertaa suurempi, joskin sen havaittiin koostuvan pääosin dynaamisesta kulutuksesta

    Center for Aeronautics and Space Information Sciences

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    This report summarizes the research done during 1991/92 under the Center for Aeronautics and Space Information Science (CASIS) program. The topics covered are computer architecture, networking, and neural nets

    Energy-efficient electrical and silicon-photonic networks in many core systems

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston UniversityDuring the past decade, the very large scale integration (VLSI) community has migrated towards incorporating multiple cores on a single chip to sustain the historic performance improvement in computing systems. As the core count continuously increases, the performance of network-on-chip (NoC), which is responsible for the communication between cores, caches and memory controllers, is increasingly becoming critical for sustaining the performance improvement. In this dissertation, we propose several methods to improve the energy efficiency of both electrical and silicon-photonic NoCs. Firstly, for electrical NoC, we propose a flow control technique, Express Virtual Channel with Taps (EVC-T), to transmit both broadcast and data packets efficiently in a mesh network. A low-latency notification tree network is included to maintain t he order of broadcast packets. The EVC-T technique improves the NoC latency by 24% and the system energy efficiency in terms of energy-delay product (EDP) by 13%. In the near future, the silicon-photonic links are projected to replace the electrical links for global on-chip communication due to their lower data-dependent power and higher bandwidth density, but the high laser power can more than offset these advantages. Therefore, we propose a silicon-photonic multi-bus NoC architecture and a methodology that can reduce the laser power by 49% on average through bandwidth reconfiguration at runtime based on the variations in bandwidth requirements of applications. We also propose a technique to reduce the laser power by dynamically activating/deactivating the 12 cache banks and switching ON/ OFF the corresponding silicon-photonic links in a crossbar NoC. This cache-reconfiguration based technique can save laser power by 23.8% and improves system EDP by 5.52% on average. In addition, we propose a methodology for placing and sharing on-chip laser sources by jointly considering the bandwidth requirements, thermal constraints and physical layout constraints. Our proposed methodology for placing and sharing of on-chip laser sources reduces laser power. In addition to reducing the laser power to improve the energy efficiency of silicon-photonic NoCs, we propose to leverage the large bandwidth provided by silicon-photonic NoC to share computing resources. The global sharing of floating-point units can save system area by 13.75% and system power by 10%

    Design Space Exploration and Resource Management of Multi/Many-Core Systems

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    The increasing demand of processing a higher number of applications and related data on computing platforms has resulted in reliance on multi-/many-core chips as they facilitate parallel processing. However, there is a desire for these platforms to be energy-efficient and reliable, and they need to perform secure computations for the interest of the whole community. This book provides perspectives on the aforementioned aspects from leading researchers in terms of state-of-the-art contributions and upcoming trends

    DRackSim: Simulator for Rack-scale Memory Disaggregation

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    Memory disaggregation has emerged as an alternative to traditional server architecture in data centers. This paper introduces DRackSim, a simulation infrastructure to model rack-scale hardware disaggregated memory. DRackSim models multiple compute nodes, memory pools, and a rack-scale interconnect similar to GenZ. An application-level simulation approach simulates an x86 out-of-order multi-core processor with a multi-level cache hierarchy at compute nodes. A queue-based simulation is used to model a remote memory controller and rack-level interconnect, which allows both cache-based and page-based access to remote memory. DRackSim models a central memory manager to manage address space at the memory pools. We integrate community-accepted DRAMSim2 to perform memory simulation at local and remote memory using multiple DRAMSim2 instances. An incremental approach is followed to validate the core and cache subsystem of DRackSim with that of Gem5. We measure the performance of various HPC workloads and show the performance impact for different nodes/pools configuration

    Fast simulation techniques for microprocessor design space exploration

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    Designing a microprocessor is extremely time-consuming. Computer architects heavily rely on architectural simulators, e.g., to drive high-level design decisions during early stage design space exploration. The benefit of architectural simulators is that they yield relatively accurate performance results, are highly parameterizable and are very flexible to use. The downside, however, is that they are at least three or four orders of magnitude slower than real hardware execution. The current trend towards multicore processors exacerbates the problem; as the number of cores on a multicore processor increases, simulation speed has become a major concern in computer architecture research and development. In this dissertation, we propose and evaluate two simulation techniques that reduce the simulation time significantly: statistical simulation and interval simulation. Statistical simulation speeds up the simulation by reducing the number of dynamically executed instructions. First, we collect a number of program execution characteristics into a statistical profile. From this profile we can generate a synthetic trace that exhibits the same execution behavior but which has a much shorter trace length as compared to the original trace. Simulating this synthetic trace then yields a performance estimate. Interval simulation raises the level of abstraction in architectural simulation; it replaces the core-level cycle-accurate simulation model by a mechanistic analytical model. The analytical model builds on insights from interval analysis: miss events divide the smooth streaming of instructions into so called intervals. The model drives the timing by analyzing the type of the miss events and their latencies, instead of tracking the individual instructions as they propagate through the pipeline stages