2,984 research outputs found

    Chance-Constrained Trajectory Optimization for Safe Exploration and Learning of Nonlinear Systems

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    Learning-based control algorithms require data collection with abundant supervision for training. Safe exploration algorithms ensure the safety of this data collection process even when only partial knowledge is available. We present a new approach for optimal motion planning with safe exploration that integrates chance-constrained stochastic optimal control with dynamics learning and feedback control. We derive an iterative convex optimization algorithm that solves an \underline{Info}rmation-cost \underline{S}tochastic \underline{N}onlinear \underline{O}ptimal \underline{C}ontrol problem (Info-SNOC). The optimization objective encodes both optimal performance and exploration for learning, and the safety is incorporated as distributionally robust chance constraints. The dynamics are predicted from a robust regression model that is learned from data. The Info-SNOC algorithm is used to compute a sub-optimal pool of safe motion plans that aid in exploration for learning unknown residual dynamics under safety constraints. A stable feedback controller is used to execute the motion plan and collect data for model learning. We prove the safety of rollout from our exploration method and reduction in uncertainty over epochs, thereby guaranteeing the consistency of our learning method. We validate the effectiveness of Info-SNOC by designing and implementing a pool of safe trajectories for a planar robot. We demonstrate that our approach has higher success rate in ensuring safety when compared to a deterministic trajectory optimization approach.Comment: Submitted to RA-L 2020, review-

    Energy-based trajectory tracking and vibration control for multilink highly flexible manipulators

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    In this paper, a discrete model is adopted, as proposed by Hencky for elastica based on rigid bars and lumped rotational springs, to design the control of a lightweight planar manipulator with multiple highly flexible links. This model is particularly suited to deal with nonlinear equations of motion as those associated with multilink robot arms, because it does not include any simplification due to linearization, as in the assumed modes method. The aim of the control is to track a trajectory of the end effector of the robot arm, without the onset of vibrations. To this end, an energy-based method is proposed. Numerical simulations show the effectiveness of the presented approach

    Function Analysis of Industrial Robot under Cubic Polynomial Interpolation in Animation Simulation Environment

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    In order to study the effect of cubic polynomial interpolation in the trajectory planning of polishing robot manipulator, firstly, the articular robot operating arm is taken as the research object, and the overall system of polishing robot operating arm with 7 degrees of freedom is constructed. Then through the transformation of space motion and pose coordinate system, Denavit-Hartenberg (D-H) Matrix is introduced to describe the coordinate direction and parameters of the adjacent connecting rod of the polishing robot, and the kinematic model of the robot is built, and the coordinate direction and parameters of its adjacent link are described. A multi-body Dynamic simulation software, Automatic Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical Systems (ADAMS), is used to analyze the kinematic simulation of the robot operating arm system. Finally, the trajectory of the robot manipulator is planned based on the cubic polynomial difference method, and the simulation is verified by Matrix Laboratory (MATLAB). Through calculation, it is found that the kinematic model of polishing robot operating arm constructed in this study is in line with the reality; ADAMS software is used to generate curves of the rotation angles of different joint axes and the displacement of end parts of the polishing robot operating arm changing with time. After obtaining relevant parameters, they are put into the kinematic equation constructed in this study, and the calculated position coordinates are consistent with the detection results; moreover, the polishing robot constructed in this study can realize the functions of deburring, polishing, trimming, and turning table. MATLAB software is used to generate the simulation of the movement trajectory of the polishing robot operating arm, which can show the change curve of angle and angular velocity. The difference between the angle at which the polishing robot reaches the polishing position, the change curve of angular velocity, and the time spent before and after the path optimization is compared. It is found that after path optimization based on cubic polynomial, the change curve of the polishing robot's angle and angular velocity is smoother, and the time is shortened by 17.21s. It indicates that the cubic polynomial interpolation method can realize the trajectory planning of the polishing robot operating arm, moreover, the optimized polishing robot has a continuous and smooth trajectory, which can improve the working efficiency of the robot

    Comparative evaluation of approaches in T.4.1-4.3 and working definition of adaptive module

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    The goal of this deliverable is two-fold: (1) to present and compare different approaches towards learning and encoding movements us- ing dynamical systems that have been developed by the AMARSi partners (in the past during the first 6 months of the project), and (2) to analyze their suitability to be used as adaptive modules, i.e. as building blocks for the complete architecture that will be devel- oped in the project. The document presents a total of eight approaches, in two groups: modules for discrete movements (i.e. with a clear goal where the movement stops) and for rhythmic movements (i.e. which exhibit periodicity). The basic formulation of each approach is presented together with some illustrative simulation results. Key character- istics such as the type of dynamical behavior, learning algorithm, generalization properties, stability analysis are then discussed for each approach. We then make a comparative analysis of the different approaches by comparing these characteristics and discussing their suitability for the AMARSi project

    A randomized kinodynamic planner for closed-chain robotic systems

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    Kinodynamic RRT planners are effective tools for finding feasible trajectories in many classes of robotic systems. However, they are hard to apply to systems with closed-kinematic chains, like parallel robots, cooperating arms manipulating an object, or legged robots keeping their feet in contact with the environ- ment. The state space of such systems is an implicitly-defined manifold, which complicates the design of the sampling and steering procedures, and leads to trajectories that drift away from the manifold when standard integration methods are used. To address these issues, this report presents a kinodynamic RRT planner that constructs an atlas of the state space incrementally, and uses this atlas to both generate ran- dom states, and to dynamically steer the system towards such states. The steering method is based on computing linear quadratic regulators from the atlas charts, which greatly increases the planner efficiency in comparison to the standard method that simulates random actions. The atlas also allows the integration of the equations of motion as a differential equation on the state space manifold, which eliminates any drift from such manifold and thus results in accurate trajectories. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first kinodynamic planner that explicitly takes closed kinematic chains into account. We illustrate the performance of the approach in significantly complex tasks, including planar and spatial robots that have to lift or throw a load at a given velocity using torque-limited actuators.Peer ReviewedPreprin

    Space robotics: Recent accomplishments and opportunities for future research

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    The Langley Guidance, Navigation, and Control Technical Committee (GNCTC) was one of six technical committees created in 1991 by the Chief Scientist, Dr. Michael F. Card. During the kickoff meeting Dr. Card charged the chairmen to: (1) establish a cross-Center committee; (2) support at least one workshop in a selected discipline; and (3) prepare a technical paper on recent accomplishments in the discipline and on opportunities for future research. The Guidance, Navigation, and Control Committee was formed and selected for focus on the discipline of Space robotics. This report is a summary of the committee's assessment of recent accomplishments and opportunities for future research. The report is organized as follows. First is an overview of the data sources used by the committee. Next is a description of technical needs identified by the committee followed by recent accomplishments. Opportunities for future research ends the main body of the report. It includes the primary recommendation of the committee that NASA establish a national space facility for the development of space automation and robotics, one element of which is a telerobotic research platform in space. References 1 and 2 are the proceedings of two workshops sponsored by the committee during its June 1991, through May 1992 term. The focus of the committee for the June 1992 - May 1993 term will be to further define to the recommended platform in space and to add an additional discipline which includes aircraft related GN&C issues. To the latter end members performing aircraft related research will be added to the committee. (A preliminary assessment of future opportunities in aircraft-related GN&C research has been included as appendix A.

    Fractional order dynamics in a Genetic Algorithm

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    This work addresses the fractional-order dynamics during the evolution of a Genetic Algorithm population (GA) for generating a robot manipulator trajectory. The GA objective is to minimize the trajectory space/time ripple without exceeding the torque requirements. In order to investigate the phenomena involved in the GA population evolution, the mutation is exposed to excitation perturbations and the corresponding fitness variations are evaluated. The input/output signals are studied revealing a fractional-order dynamic evolution, characteristic of a long-term system memory.N/

    Adaptive, fast walking in a biped robot under neuronal control and learning

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    Human walking is a dynamic, partly self-stabilizing process relying on the interaction of the biomechanical design with its neuronal control. The coordination of this process is a very difficult problem, and it has been suggested that it involves a hierarchy of levels, where the lower ones, e.g., interactions between muscles and the spinal cord, are largely autonomous, and where higher level control (e.g., cortical) arises only pointwise, as needed. This requires an architecture of several nested, sensori–motor loops where the walking process provides feedback signals to the walker's sensory systems, which can be used to coordinate its movements. To complicate the situation, at a maximal walking speed of more than four leg-lengths per second, the cycle period available to coordinate all these loops is rather short. In this study we present a planar biped robot, which uses the design principle of nested loops to combine the self-stabilizing properties of its biomechanical design with several levels of neuronal control. Specifically, we show how to adapt control by including online learning mechanisms based on simulated synaptic plasticity. This robot can walk with a high speed (> 3.0 leg length/s), self-adapting to minor disturbances, and reacting in a robust way to abruptly induced gait changes. At the same time, it can learn walking on different terrains, requiring only few learning experiences. This study shows that the tight coupling of physical with neuronal control, guided by sensory feedback from the walking pattern itself, combined with synaptic learning may be a way forward to better understand and solve coordination problems in other complex motor tasks

    Stabilization Control for the Giant Swing Motion of the Horizontal Bar Gymnastic Robot Using Delayed Feedback Control

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    Open-loop dynamic characteristics of an underactuated system with nonholonomic constraints, such as a horizontal bar gymnastic robot, show the chaotic nature due to its nonlinearity. This chapter deals with the stabilization problems of periodic motions for the giant swing motion of gymnastic robot using chaos control methods. In order to make an extension of the chaos control method and apply it to a new practical use, some stabilization control strategies were proposed, which were, based on the idea of delayed feedback control (DFC), devised to stabilize the periodic motions embedded in the movements of the gymnastic robot. Moreover, its validity has been investigated by numerical simulations. First, a method named as prediction-based DFC was proposed for a two-link gymnastic robot using a Poincar section. Meanwhile, a way to calculate analytically the error transfer matrix and the input matrix that are necessary for discretization was investigated. Second, an improved DFC method, multiprediction delayed feedback control, using a periodic gain, was extended to a four-link gymnastic robot. A set of plural Poincare maps were defined with regard to the original continuous-time system as a T-periodic discrete-time system. Finally, some simulation results showed the effectiveness of the proposed methods