581 research outputs found

    Factors Impacting Student’s Behavioral Intention to Use Social Media Applications for Online Learning

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    Purpose: Social media applications are powerful learning tools for a new norm of online learning in this era. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate the impacting factors of students’ behavioral intention to use social media applications for online learning. The conceptual framework proposes the causal relationships between attitude, information quality, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, service quality, social influence, and behavioral intention. Research design, data, and methodology: A quantitative method was used to distribute questionnaires to 500 students. Nonprobability sampling was adopted by using judgmental sampling, stratified random sampling, and convenience sampling. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) were used to analyze model fit, reliability, validity and hypotheses testing. Results: Social influence and attitude significantly impact behavioral intention. Furthermore, there are support relationships between perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness, and between service quality and perceived ease of use. Nevertheless, perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness have no significant impact on behavioral intention, and information quality has no significant impact on perceived ease of use. Conclusions: Social media apps developers and education managers should consider the importance of students’ behavioral intention to use social media applications for their effective online learning

    Why students tend to compare themselves with each other? The role of mattering and unconditional self-acceptance

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    Previous studies suggested that university students who are not able to accept themselves tend to develop negative tendency to compare themselves with each other. This study aimed to investigate the role of unconditional self-acceptance (USA) in explaining the association between mattering and social comparison among Malaysian undergraduate students. Three hundred and seventy undergraduate students were recruited and asked to complete an online version of Unconditional Self-Acceptance questionnaire, Iowa-Netherlands Comparison Orientation Measure and University Mattering Scale. Data analysis was conducted by employing Bootstrap Method with 95% confidence interval and 5000 sampling. The result showed that USA partially mediated the relationship between mattering and social comparison. Mattering and USA were identified as robust protective factors of social comparison among university students

    The Test of torrential rains—— Analysis of factors influencing the credibility of government microblogs in major natural disasters

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    Social media has become an important platform for the government to release information, publicize policies, and communicate with the public due to its instantaneous, synchronized, interactive advantages. And it plays an irreplaceable role in the rescue and relief process of major natural disasters. It is because of the special attributes and unique effectiveness of government social media that it has also become a visible window to reflect and evaluate the credibility of the Government. This research focuses on the rare and extremely heavy rainstorm that oc-curred in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China in July 2021, and uses it as a scenario. By collecting and analyzing the information release data and public interaction information of governments’ microblog accounts in Zhengzhou City, the research is carried out from three dimensions: government information supply, public information demand, and the deviations between the them. After that we will examine the credibility and effectiveness of government social media during the "720" Zhengzhou heavy rainstorm, and try to create a model of the factors which influence the credibility of government social media in major natural disasters, and then propose strategies to improve it

    An Analysis of the Cause of Privacy Paradox among SNS Users: take Chinese College Students as an Example

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    It has been proved that the privacy paradox does exist, yet the cause of the phenomenon remains vague. This article tries to analyze the [Inserted: s]cause of privacy paradox phenomenon on SNS (WeChat) among Chinese college students based on Privacy Calculus Theory and the TPB model and introduces two new factors: the credibility of SNS and the cost of protecting privacy. Through a questionnaire and interview survey,[Inserted: a ] our result shows that there is no significant correlation between users’ privacy concerns and the intention of privacy disclosure. While the more users trust the SNS platform, the more possibility they tend to disclose their private information[Inserted: te], and the cost of privacy protection can somehow weaken the relationship between the intention and the actual behavior. Therefore, [Inserted: ship]by increasing SNS\u27s credibility, users tend to disclose more personal information to SNS providers, which may improve the competitiveness of SNSs and contribute to their sustainable development

    The influence of patient absorptive capacity and perception of technology characteristics on patients' satisfaction with medical services in Guangzhou, China: an affordance theory based approach

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    Background: Based on the theory of Affordance, this thesis proposes two analytical dimensions of Subjective Affordance (SA) and Behavioral Affordance (BA).The research aims to explore the influence of patients’ Absorptive Capacity (AC) and Technology Characteristics Perception (TCP) on their SA and BA of the WeChat client-side app in community hospitals so as to further evaluate the SA and BA influence on patients’ satisfaction of medical service (PS). Research subjects are patients who have used the community hospital WeChat client-side information platform in 28 community health service centers in nine districts of Guangzhou in the South of China. A questionnaire with 4 sections and 44 questions was designed and distributed. The effective questionnaire data were checked for descriptive analysis and a path model with 5 observed variables (AC,TCP, SA,BA,PS). was developed. Results: 1. A total of 410 questionnaires was distributed, of which 400 have been collected and 387 of them were valid and analyzed. 2. There is a significant difference among variable scores of patients with different ages and educational background. 3. The group of patients who use the information platform more actively have higher scores in the 5 variables. 4. TCP has a direct influence on PS while BA plays an intermediary role. It was found that the mediation effect of SA is not valid. 5. AC has no direct or indirect influence on PS. Conclusions: Age, educational background, and TCP (evaluation of the innovation characteristics of technology) play an important role in the final implementation of technology application behavior (BA), and the effective application of technology can indeed improve satisfaction with the medical services (PS)Tendo por base a teoria da Affordance, esta tese analisa duas dimensões desta teoria: a Affordance subjetiva (AS) e a Affordance comportamental (AC). A investigação tem por objetivo estudar a influência da Capacidade de Absorção (CA) e da Percepção das Características Tecnológicas (PCT) na AS e na AC dos pacientes estudados em relação à utilização da aplicação Wechat como plataforma de informação e fornecimento de serviços em Centros de Saúde, a fim de avaliar em que medida a AS e a AC influenciam a sua satisfação com os serviços médicos (SP). Os sujeitos do estudo são pacientes que utilizaram a aplicação WeChat na sua interação com Centros de Saúde. Foi administrado um questionário contendo quatro partes e um total de 44 questões em 28 destes centros localizados em 9 distritos da cidade de Cantão no sul da China. Os dados foram depois analisados tendo sido concebido um modelo com base nas 5 variáveis observadas (AS, AC, CA, PCT e PS). Resultados: 1. Dos 410 questionários distribuídos recolheram-se 400 dos quais 387 foram considerados válidos para análise; 2. Os resultados revelaram que existe uma diferença significativa entre os pacientes de diferentes idades e diferente formação académica; 3. O grupo de pacientes que mais utiliza a aplicação tem valores mais altos nas cinco variáveis analisadas; 4. A PCT tem uma influência direta na SP enquanto que a CA desempenha um papel mediador. Os resultados demonstraram ainda que o efeito moderador da AS não se verifica; 5. A AC não tem qualquer influência direta ou indireta na SP. Conclusões: A idade, a formação académica e a PCT (percepção das características inovadoras da tecnologia) desempenham um papel importante na Affordance Comportamental (AC) e a utilização efetiva da tecnologia pode contribuir para melhorar a satisfação dos pacientes com os serviços médicos (SP)

    Analysis of Factors Affecting Art Major Students' Behavioral Intention of Online Education in Public Universities in Chengdu

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    Purpose: This research emphasizes factors affecting behavioral intentions of online education among art major undergraduate students from three universities in the Chengdu region of China. Perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, social influence, effort expectancy, self-efficacy, perceived satisfaction and behavioral intention were examined in the research framework. Research design, data and methodology: The researchers employed a quantitative study with 500 samples and administered the statistically survey distributing to undergraduates at three universities. The nonprobability sampling techniques were applied, including judgmental, quota and convenience samplings. Before the data collection, the Item Objective Congruence (IOC) Index is used for screening the items’ quality, and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient values were approved from the pilot testing of 50 participants. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Model (SEM) were utilized for the statistical analysis, which include validity and reliability test, and goodness of model fits. Results: Each latent variable had a significant impact on the related one, except perceived satisfaction and behavioral intention. Furthermore, perceived ease of use had the strongest impact on perceived usefulness. Conclusions: Education department administrators at public institutions are recommended to identify the primary contributors for the implementation of contemporary online learning in order to enhance student engagement and learning behavioral intention

    Enhancing Students’ Mobile-Assisted Language Learning through Self-Assessment in a Chinese College EFL Context

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    The rapid development of mobile communication technology, high penetration of mobile devices as well as the increasing number of mobile English learning applications all together facilitate the feasibility and popularity of mobile-assisted English learning among Chinese college students. Self-assessment is always recommended as a powerful strategy to enhance learning by helping learners regulate their study and improve their motivation and engagement, so it may also offer the potential to evaluate students’ mobile autonomous learning in the new era. This study investigates the current condition of Chinese college students’ mobile-assisted English learning, and which self-assessment strategies are employed during the process. Data collected from the questionnaire, which surveyed about 300 undergraduates from 7 Chinese public and private universities, show the popularity of mobile-assisted English learning among Chinese undergraduates. However, in terms of self-assessment strategies, the results are less optimistic, for only about half of the respondents use it with a medium to high frequency. The reasons, analyzed through a follow-up interview, mainly lie in the lack of strong will and motivation, the loneliness of learning alone and the difficulty in finding the perfect application. Suggestions for strengthening self-assessment include improving knowledge of what self-assessment is and its benefits, planning one’s study properly, improving collaboration with classmates, involving teachers as supporters and paying more attention to subsequent reflection

    Does adoption mean the same to every user? A study of active and passive usage of mobile instant messaging applications

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    This research-in-progress paper studies the active and passive usage of mobile instant messaging (MIM) applications. Grounded on two-factor theory and three-factor theory, we propose the features of MIM applications influence the active/passive usage of MIM applications through users’ satisfaction and dissatisfaction. The proposed features are categorized into three factors: exciting factors which contain design aesthetics, customization and enjoyment, performance factors which include sociability, convenience and privacy assurance, and basic factors which are application costs and technical functionality. To test hypothetical relationships in this study, we plan to use a survey method. The potential implications to both literature and practice are discussed

    Offering Web-based Tools via Library Websites for Academic and Research Progression: An Analytical Study

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    The purpose of the present study is to explore the possibility of integrating various online tools and apps with the library website and to identify the issues and benefits of implementing these tools. Quantitative online survey method was used using Google form in the present study to investigate the perception of the academic community involving students, teachers, and research scholars across higher education institutes in West Bengal, India about the online tools and apps and how they respond while interacting with these tools. Based on the responses to a series of questions, the study analyzed user observation and found purposive involvement of the academic community with various online tools and apps. The study identified the areas requiring improvements to maximize the usability of the tools and illustrated the usefulness of these tools in academic and research progression. The study also presented a schematic diagram of possible benefits and major constraints while implementing these tools. The research provides an overview of various online tools and apps facilitating academic and research progression and makes an attempt to convince librarians towards the informed selection of tools and highlights the utility of these tools among the academic community