1,215 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Analysis of Swarming-based Live Streaming to Leverage Client Heterogeneity

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    Due to missing IP multicast support on an Internet scale, over-the-top media streams are delivered with the help of overlays as used by content delivery networks and their peer-to-peer (P2P) extensions. In this context, mesh/pull-based swarming plays an important role either as pure streaming approach or in combination with tree/push mechanisms. However, the impact of realistic client populations with heterogeneous resources is not yet fully understood. In this technical report, we contribute to closing this gap by mathematically analysing the most basic scheduling mechanisms latest deadline first (LDF) and earliest deadline first (EDF) in a continuous time Markov chain framework and combining them into a simple, yet powerful, mixed strategy to leverage inherent differences in client resources. The main contributions are twofold: (1) a mathematical framework for swarming on random graphs is proposed with a focus on LDF and EDF strategies in heterogeneous scenarios; (2) a mixed strategy, named SchedMix, is proposed that leverages peer heterogeneity. The proposed strategy, SchedMix is shown to outperform the other two strategies using different abstractions: a mean-field theoretic analysis of buffer probabilities, simulations of a stochastic model on random graphs, and a full-stack implementation of a P2P streaming system.Comment: Technical report and supplementary material to http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7497234

    Peer to Peer Information Retrieval: An Overview

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    Peer-to-peer technology is widely used for file sharing. In the past decade a number of prototype peer-to-peer information retrieval systems have been developed. Unfortunately, none of these have seen widespread real- world adoption and thus, in contrast with file sharing, information retrieval is still dominated by centralised solutions. In this paper we provide an overview of the key challenges for peer-to-peer information retrieval and the work done so far. We want to stimulate and inspire further research to overcome these challenges. This will open the door to the development and large-scale deployment of real-world peer-to-peer information retrieval systems that rival existing centralised client-server solutions in terms of scalability, performance, user satisfaction and freedom

    Peer-to-Peer File Sharing WebApp: Enhancing Data Security and Privacy through Peer-to-Peer File Transfer in a Web Application

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    Peer-to-peer (P2P) networking has emerged as a promising technology that enables distributed systems to operate in a decentralized manner. P2P networks are based on a model where each node in the network can act as both a client and a server, thereby enabling data and resource sharing without relying on centralized servers. The P2P model has gained considerable attention in recent years due to its potential to provide a scalable, fault-tolerant, and resilient architecture for various applications such as file sharing, content distribution, and social networks.In recent years, researchers have also proposed hybrid architectures that combine the benefits of both structured and unstructured P2P networks. For example, the Distributed Hash Table (DHT) is a popular hybrid architecture that provides efficient lookup and search algorithms while maintaining the flexibility and adaptability of the unstructured network.To demonstrate the feasibility of P2P systems, several prototypes have been developed, such as the BitTorrent file-sharing protocol and the Skype voice-over-IP (VoIP) service. These prototypes have demonstrated the potential of P2P systems for large-scale applications and have paved the way for the development of new P2P-based systems

    Digitalization of the Music Industry: Artists as Entrepreneurs

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    The main objectives of this study were to explore how artists are approaching their careers, how they are monetizing their creative work, and the implications of digitalization on the value chain. Furthermore, to explore how artists are adapting to new dynamics of the music industry and technology. Qualitative research approach was chosen in order to gain deeper understanding of the issue in hand. Four independent musicians and one signed musician were interviewed. The findings suggest that artist-entrepreneurs are using web 2.0 in innovative ways to monetize their creative work and build a sustainable career. Furthermore. artist-entrepreneurs have control over the value chain and its various steps, but acknowledge the substantial help record labels can provide. Artists have several avenues to explore for their careers. The democratization of music has given further incentive to classify artists as entrepreneurs. The saturation of the marketplace has caused higher competition where artists must develop their brand and image in order to stand out, along with taking advantage of web 2.0 in innovative ways to monetize their creative work. The artist-entrepreneur value chain consists of delivering value to the consumers through web 2.0

    Flexible Application-Layer Multicast in Heterogeneous Networks

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    This work develops a set of peer-to-peer-based protocols and extensions in order to provide Internet-wide group communication. The focus is put to the question how different access technologies can be integrated in order to face the growing traffic load problem. Thereby, protocols are developed that allow autonomous adaptation to the current network situation on the one hand and the integration of WiFi domains where applicable on the other hand

    A credit-based approach to scalable video transmission over a peer-to-peer social network

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    PhDThe objective of the research work presented in this thesis is to study scalable video transmission over peer-to-peer networks. In particular, we analyse how a credit-based approach and exploitation of social networking features can play a significant role in the design of such systems. Peer-to-peer systems are nowadays a valid alternative to the traditional client-server architecture for the distribution of multimedia content, as they transfer the workload from the service provider to the final user, with a subsequent reduction of management costs for the former. On the other hand, scalable video coding helps in dealing with network heterogeneity, since the content can be tailored to the characteristics or resources of the peers. First of all, we present a study that evaluates subjective video quality perceived by the final user under different transmission scenarios. We also propose a video chunk selection algorithm that maximises received video quality under different network conditions. Furthermore, challenges in building reliable peer-to-peer systems for multimedia streaming include optimisation of resource allocation and design mechanisms based on rewards and punishments that provide incentives for users to share their own resources. Our solution relies on a credit-based architecture, where peers do not interact with users that have proven to be malicious in the past. Finally, if peers are allowed to build a social network of trusted users, they can share the local information they have about the network and have a more complete understanding of the type of users they are interacting with. Therefore, in addition to a local credit, a social credit or social reputation is introduced. This thesis concludes with an overview of future developments of this research work

    Digitalisation and intermediaries in the music industry

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    Prior to digitalisation, the vertical structure of the market for recorded music could be described as a large number of artists [composers, lyricists and musicians] supplying creative expressions to a small number of larger record labels and publishers who funded, produced, and marketed the resulting recorded music to subsequently sell these works to consumers through a fragmented retail sector. We argue that digitalisation has led to a new structure in which the retail segment has also become concentrated. Such a structure, with successive oligopolistic segments, can lead to higher consumer prices through double marginalisation. We further question whether a combination of disintermediation of the record labels function combined with “self-publishing” by artists, will lead to the demise of powerful firms in the record label segment, thus shifting market power from the record label and publisher segment to the retail segment, rather than increasing the number of segments with market power

    Diseño centrado en calidad para la difusión Peer-to-Peer de video en vivo

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    El uso de redes Peer-to-Peer (P2P) es una forma escalable para ofrecer servicios de video sobre Internet. Este documento hace foco en la definición, desarrollo y evaluación de una arquitectura P2P para distribuir video en vivo. El diseño global de la red es guiado por la calidad de experiencia (Quality of Experience - QoE), cuyo principal componente en este caso es la calidad del video percibida por los usuarios finales, en lugar del tradicional diseño basado en la calidad de servicio (Quality of Service - QoE) de la mayoría de los sistemas. Para medir la calidad percibida del video, en tiempo real y automáticamente, extendimos la recientemente propuesta metodología Pseudo-Subjective Quality Assessment (PSQA). Dos grandes líneas de investigación son desarrolladas. Primero, proponemos una técnica de distribución de video desde múltiples fuentes con las características de poder ser optimizada para maximizar la calidad percibida en contextos de muchas fallas y de poseer muy baja señalización (a diferencia de los sistemas existentes). Desarrollamos una metodología, basada en PSQA, que nos permite un control fino sobre la forma en que la señal de video es dividida en partes y la cantidad de redundancia agregada, como una función de la dinámica de los usuarios de la red. De esta forma es posible mejorar la robustez del sistema tanto como sea deseado, contemplando el límite de capacidad en la comunicación. En segundo lugar, presentamos un mecanismo estructurado para controlar la topología de la red. La selección de que usuarios servirán a que otros es importante para la robustez de la red, especialmente cuando los usuarios son heterogéneos en sus capacidades y en sus tiempos de conexión.Nuestro diseño maximiza la calidad global esperada (evaluada usando PSQA), seleccionado una topología que mejora la robustez del sistema. Además estudiamos como extender la red con dos servicios complementarios: el video bajo demanda (Video on Demand - VoD) y el servicio MyTV. El desafío en estos servicios es como realizar búsquedas eficientes sobre la librería de videos, dado al alto dinamismo del contenido. Presentamos una estrategia de "caching" para las búsquedas en estos servicios, que maximiza el número total de respuestas correctas a las consultas, considerando una dinámica particular en los contenidos y restricciones de ancho de banda. Nuestro diseño global considera escenarios reales, donde los casos de prueba y los parámetros de configuración surgen de datos reales de un servicio de referencia en producción. Nuestro prototipo es completamente funcional, de uso gratuito, y basado en tecnologías bien probadas de código abierto