388 research outputs found

    Repairing Wireless Sensor Network connectivity with mobility and hop-count constraints

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    Wireless Sensor Networks can become partitioned due to node failure or damage, and must be repaired by deploying new sensors, relays or sink nodes to restore some quality of service. We formulate the task as a multi-objective problem over two graphs. The solution specifies additional nodes to reconnect a connectivity graph subject to network path-length constraints, and a path through a mobility graph to visit those locations. The objectives are to minimise both the cost of the additional nodes and the length of the mobility path. We propose two heuristic algorithms which prioritise the different objectives. We evaluate the two algorithms on randomly generated graphs, and compare their solutions to the optimal solutions for the individual objectives. Finally, we assess the total restoration time for different classes of agent, i.e. small robots and larger vehicles, which allows us to trade-off longer computation times for shorter mobility paths

    Reliable routing scheme for indoor sensor networks

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    Indoor Wireless sensor networks require a highly dynamic, adaptive routing scheme to deal with the high rate of topology changes due to fading of indoor wireless channels. Besides that, energy consumption rate needs to be consistently distributed among sensor nodes and efficient utilization of battery power is essential. If only the link reliability metric is considered in the routing scheme, it may create long hops routes, and the high quality paths will be frequently used. This leads to shorter lifetime of such paths; thereby the entire network's lifetime will be significantly minimized. This paper briefly presents a reliable load-balanced routing (RLBR) scheme for indoor ad hoc wireless sensor networks, which integrates routing information from different layers. The proposed scheme aims to redistribute the relaying workload and the energy usage among relay sensor nodes to achieve balanced energy dissipation; thereby maximizing the functional network lifetime. RLBR scheme was tested and benchmarked against the TinyOS-2.x implementation of MintRoute on an indoor testbed comprising 20 Mica2 motes and low power listening (LPL) link layer provided by CC1000 radio. RLBR scheme consumes less energy for communications while reducing topology repair latency and achieves better connectivity and communication reliability in terms of end-to-end packets delivery performance

    Autonomous discovery and repair of damage in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks in volatile environments may suffer damage, and connectivity must be restored. The repairing agent must discover surviving nodes and damage to the physical and radio environment as it moves around the sensor field to execute the repair. We compare two approaches, one which re-generates a full plan whenever it discovers new knowledge, and a second which attempts to minimise the required number of new radio nodes. We apply each approach with two different heuristics, one which attempts to minimise the cost of new radio nodes, and one which aims to minimise the travel distance. We conduct extensive simulation-based experiments, varying key parameters, including the level of damage suffered, and comparing directly with the published state-of-the-art. We quantify the relative performance of the different algorithms in achieving their objectives, and also measure the execution times to assess the impact on being able to make autonomous decisions in reasonable time

    A Survey on Efficient Routing Strategies For The Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT)

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    The Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) is an emerging technology that promised to connect the underwater world to the land internet. It is enabled via the usage of the Underwater Acoustic Sensor Network (UASN). Therefore, it is affected by the challenges faced by UASNs such as the high dynamics of the underwater environment, the high transmission delays, low bandwidth, high-power consumption, and high bit error ratio. Due to these challenges, designing an efficient routing protocol for the IoUT is still a trade-off issue. In this paper, we discuss the specific challenges imposed by using UASN for enabling IoUT, we list and explain the general requirements for routing in the IoUT and we discuss how these challenges and requirements are addressed in literature routing protocols. Thus, the presented information lays a foundation for further investigations and futuristic proposals for efficient routing approaches in the IoUT

    QFSRD: Orthogenesis Evolution based Genetic Algorithm for QoS Fitness Scope aware Route Discovery in Ad hoc Networks

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    Here in this paper we devised a novel orthogenesis evolution based GA technique for QoS fitness scope aware routing in Mobile Ad hoc Networks. The past decade research towards route discovery strategies for mobile ad hoc networks is continuing with magnitude speed. However, the majority of the routing solutions devised in past are dealing only with the optimality of the data transmission. QoS aware hop level connections in a given rute are not supported with the desired frequency. Hence the QoS aware routing in mobile ad hoc networks is grabbing the attention of many researchers as this domain is on the hot edge of the current research


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    mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is a self-configuring network of mobile routers and associated hosts connected by wireless links, the union of which form an arbitrary topology. The routers are free to move randomly and organise themselves arbitrarily; thus, the network's wireless topology may change rapidly and unpredictably. The network is currently applied in many areas suchas for military purposes, in hospitals, campuses and offices. First of all, the scope of study of this projectwas to understand current wireless standards, the nature of mobile ad hoc networks, the advantages and disadvantages to it. The next step was to understand the requirements of file sharing application in such networks. One of the challenges in MANET is the routing protocol. The Ad Hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol was chosen and simulated in a hospital scenario whereby patients' records are constantly uploaded and downloaded by doctors and nurses using mobile devices. The scenario was simulated usingOMNeT++ which is an open source software


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    Energy-efficient and reliable data routing is critical in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) application scenarios. Due to oscillations in wireless links in adverse environmental conditions, sensed data may not be sent to a sink node. As a result of wireless connectivity fluctuations, packet loss may occur. However, retransmission-based approaches are used to improve reliable data delivery. These approaches need a high quantity of data transfers for reliable data collection. Energy usage and packet delivery delays increase as a result of an increase in data transmissions. An energy-efficient data collection approach based on a genetic algorithm has been suggested in this paper to determine the most energy-efficient and reliable data routing in wireless sensor networks. The proposed algorithm reduced the number of data transmissions, energy consumption, and delay in network packet delivery. However, increased network lifetime. Furthermore, simulation results demonstrated the efficacy of the proposed method, considering the parameters energy consumption, network lifetime, number of data transmissions, and average delivery delay

    Improving routing performance of multipath ad hoc on-demand distance vector in mobile add hoc networks.

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    The aim of this research is to improve routing fault tolerance in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) by optimising mUltipath routing in a well-studied reactive and single path routing protocol known as Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV). The research also aims to prove the effect of varying waiting time of Route Reply (RREP) procedure and utilising the concept of efficient routes on the performance of multipath extensions to AODV. Two novel multipath routing approaches are developed in this thesis as new extensions to AODV to optimise routing overhead by improving Route Discovery Process (RDP) and Route Maintenance Process (RMP) of multipath AODV. The first approach is a Iinkdisjoint multipath extension called 'Thresho)d efficient Routes in multipath AODV' (TRAODV) that optimises routing packets ~verhead by improving the RDP of AODV which is achieved by detecting the waiting time required for RREP procedure to receive a threshold number of efficient routes. The second approach is also a link-disjoint mUltipath extension called 'On-demand Route maintenance in Multipath AoDv' (ORMAD) which is an extension to TRAODV that optimises routing packets and delay overhead by improving the RMP of TRAODV. ORMAD applies the concepts of threshold waiting time and efficient routes to both phases RDP and RMP. It also applies RMP only to efficient routes which are selected in the RDP and when a route fails, it invokes a local repair procedure between upstream and downstream nodes of the broken link. This mechanism produces a set of alternative subroutes with less number of hops which enhances route efficiency and consequently minimises the routing overhead. TRAODV and ORMAD are implemented and evaluated against two existing multipath extensions to,AODV protocol and two traditional multipath protocols. The existing extensions to AODV used in the evaluation are a well-known protocol called Ad hoc On-demand Multipath Distance Vector (AOMDV) and a recent extension called Multiple Route AODV (MRAODV) protocol which is extended in this thesis to the new approach TRAODV while the traditional multipath protocols used in the evaluation are Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) and Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA). Protocols are implemented using NS2 and evaluated under the same simulation environment in terms of four performance metrics; packet delivery fraction, average end-to-end delay, routing packets overhead, and throughput. Simulation results of TRAODV evaluation show that the average number of routes stored in a routing table of MRAODV protocol is always larger than the average number of routes in TRAODV. Simulation results show that TRAODV reduces the overall routing packets overhead compared to both extensions AOMDV and MRAODV, especially for large network size and high mobility. A vital drawback of TRAODV is that its performance is reduced compared to AOMDV and MRAODV in terms of average end-to-end delay. Additionally, TORA still outperforms TRAODV and the other extensions to AODV in terms of routing packets overhead. In order to overcome the drawbacks of TRAODV, ORMAD is developed by improving the RDP of TRAODV. The performance of ORMAD is evaluated against RREP waiting time using the idea of utilising the efficient routes in both phases RDP and RMP. Simulation results of ORMAD show that the performance is affected by varying the two RREP waiting times of both RDP and RMP in different scenarios. As shown by the simulation results, applying the short and long waiting times in both phases tends to less performance in terms of routing packets overhead while applying the moderate waiting times tends to better performance. ORMAD enhances routing packets overhead and the average end-to-end delay compared to TRAODV, especially in high mobility scenarios. ORMAD has the closest performance to TORA protocol in terms of routing packets overhead compared to ~M~a~M~OW . Relevant concepts are formalised for ORMAD approach and conducted as an analytical model in this thesis involving the\vhole process of multipath routing in AODV extensions. ORMAD analytical model describes how the two phases RDP and RMP interact with each other with regard to two performance metrics; total number of detected routes and Route Efficiency.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    An IOT-enabled System for Marine Data Acquisition and Cartography

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    Current satellite communication remains very expensive and impractical for most small to mid-sized vessels, and at the same time marine wireless networking is lack of network coverage. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a novel IOT (Internet of Things) enabled system for marine data acquisition and cartography based on Ship Ad-hoc Networks (SANET’s). Ships are equipped with Very High Frequency (VHF) radios and several sensors such as sea depth, temperature, wind speed and direction, etc. The collected sensory data is sent to 5G edge clouds incorporated at sink/base station nodes on shore, and ultimately aggregated at a central cloud on the internet to produce up to date cartography. The routing protocols deployed are DSDV (Destination-Sequenced Distance Vector), AODV (Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector), AOMDV (Ad hoc On-Demand Multipath Distance Vector) and DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) protocols, which are very popular in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET’s) and compatible with multi hop routing environments and scalability towards increased traffic and mobility. Simulation results verify the feasibility and efficiency of the proposed system that has packet delivery rates of up to 80% at shore base stations
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