31 research outputs found

    Catalogue of Anti-Patterns for formal Ontology debugging

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    Debugging of inconsistent OWL ontologies is normally a tedious and time-consuming task where a combination of ontology engineers and domain expert is often required to understand whether the changes to be performed in order to make the OWL ontology consistent are actually changing the intended meaning of the original knowledge model. This task is aided by existing ontology debugging systems, incorporated in existing reasoners and ontology engineering tools, which ameliorate this problem but in complex cases are still far from providing adequate support to ontology engineers, due to lack of efficiency or lack of precision in determining the main causes for inconsistencies. In this paper we describe a set of anti-patterns commonly found in OWL ontologies, which can be useful in the task of ontology debugging in combination with those debugging tools

    Algorithms for the Reconciliation of Ontologies in Open Environments

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    Using Provenance for Quality Assessment and Repair in Linked Open Data

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    As the number of data sources publishing their data on the Web of Data is growing, we are experiencing an immense growth of the Linked Open Data cloud. The lack of control on the published sources, which could be untrustworthy or unreliable, along with their dynamic nature that often invalidates links and causes conflicts or other discrepancies, could lead to poor quality data. In order to judge data quality, a number of quality indicators have been proposed, coupled with quality metrics that quantify the “quality level” of a dataset. In addition to the above, some approaches address how to improve the quality of the datasets through a repair process that focuses on how to correct invalidities caused by constraint violations by either removing or adding triples. In this paper we argue that provenance is a critical factor that should be taken into account during repairs to ensure that the most reliable data is kept. Based on this idea, we propose quality metrics that take into account provenance and evaluate their applicability as repair guidelines in a particular data fusion setting

    Get my pizza right: Repairing missing is-a relations in ALC ontologies (extended version)

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    With the increased use of ontologies in semantically-enabled applications, the issue of debugging defects in ontologies has become increasingly important. These defects can lead to wrong or incomplete results for the applications. Debugging consists of the phases of detection and repairing. In this paper we focus on the repairing phase of a particular kind of defects, i.e. the missing relations in the is-a hierarchy. Previous work has dealt with the case of taxonomies. In this work we extend the scope to deal with ALC ontologies that can be represented using acyclic terminologies. We present algorithms and discuss a system

    Logic-based assessment of the compatibility of UMLS ontology sources

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    Background: The UMLS Metathesaurus (UMLS-Meta) is currently the most comprehensive effort for integrating independently-developed medical thesauri and ontologies. UMLS-Meta is being used in many applications, including PubMed and ClinicalTrials.gov. The integration of new sources combines automatic techniques, expert assessment, and auditing protocols. The automatic techniques currently in use, however, are mostly based on lexical algorithms and often disregard the semantics of the sources being integrated. Results: In this paper, we argue that UMLS-Meta’s current design and auditing methodologies could be significantly enhanced by taking into account the logic-based semantics of the ontology sources. We provide empirical evidence suggesting that UMLS-Meta in its 2009AA version contains a significant number of errors; these errors become immediately apparent if the rich semantics of the ontology sources is taken into account, manifesting themselves as unintended logical consequences that follow from the ontology sources together with the information in UMLS-Meta. We then propose general principles and specific logic-based techniques to effectively detect and repair such errors. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the methodologies employed in the design of UMLS-Meta are not only very costly in terms of human effort, but also error-prone. The techniques presented here can be useful for both reducing human effort in the design and maintenance of UMLS-Meta and improving the quality of its contents

    Measuring and repairing inconsistency in probabilistic knowledge bases

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    AbstractIn this paper we present a family of measures aimed at determining the amount of inconsistency in probabilistic knowledge bases. Our approach to measuring inconsistency is graded in the sense that we consider minimal adjustments in the degrees of certainty (i.e., probabilities in this paper) of the statements necessary to make the knowledge base consistent. The computation of the family of measures we present here, in as much as it yields an adjustment in the probability of each statement that restores consistency, provides the modeler with possible repairs of the knowledge base. The case example that motivates our work and on which we test our approach is the knowledge base of CADIAG-2, a well-known medical expert system

    Completing and Debugging Ontologies: state of the art and challenges

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    As semantically-enabled applications require high-quality ontologies, developing and maintaining ontologies that are as correct and complete as possible is an important although difficult task in ontology engineering. A key step is ontology debugging and completion. In general, there are two steps: detecting defects and repairing defects. In this paper we discuss the state of the art regarding the repairing step. We do this by formalizing the repairing step as an abduction problem and situating the state of the art with respect to this framework. We show that there are still many open research problems and show opportunities for further work and advancing the field.Comment: 56 page

    Typicality-based revision for handling exceptions in Description Logics

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    Abstract. We continue our investigation on how to revise a Description Logic knowledge base when detecting exceptions. Our approach relies on the methodology for debugging a Description Logic terminology, addressing the problem of diagnosing inconsistent ontologies by identifying a minimal subset of axioms responsible for an inconsistency. In the approach we propose, once the source of the inconsistency has been localized, the identified TBox inclusions are revised in order to obtain a consistent knowledge base including the detected exception. We define a revision operator whose aim is to replace inclusions of the form "Cs are Ds" with "typical Cs are Ds", admitting the existence of exceptions, obtaining a knowledge base in the nonmonotonic logic ALC R min T which corresponds to a notion of rational closure for Description Logics of typicality. We also describe an algorithm implementing such a revision operator