52 research outputs found

    Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 2017

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    Development of traceability solution for furniture components

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    Mestrado de dupla diplomação com a UTFPR - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáIn the contemporary context, characterized by intensified global competition and the constant evolution of the globalization landscape, it becomes imperative for industries, including Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), to undertake efforts to enhance their operational processes, often through digital technological adaptation. The present study falls within the scope of the project named “Wood Work 4.0,” which aims to infuse innovation into the wood furniture manufacturing industry through process optimization and the adoption of digital technologies. This project received funding from the European Union Development Fund, in collaboration with the North 2020 Regional Program, and was carried out at the Carpintaria Mofreita company, located in Macedo de Cavaleiros, Portugal. In this regard, this study introduces a software architecture that supports the traceability of projects in the wood furniture industry and simultaneously employs a system to identify and manage material leftovers, aiming for more efficient waste management. For the development of this software architecture, an approach that integrates the Fiware platform, specialized in systems for the Internet of Things (IoT), with an Application Programming Interface (API) specifically created to manage information about users, projects, and associated media files, was adopted. The material leftovers identification system employs image processing techniques to extract geometric characteristics of the materials. Additionally, these data are integrated into the company’s database. In this way, it was possible to develop an architecture that allows not only the capturing of project information but also its effective management. In the case of material leftovers identification, the system was able to establish, with a satisfactory degree of accuracy, the dimensions of the materials, enabling the insertion of these data into the company’s database for resource management and optimization.No contexto contemporâneo, marcado por uma competição global intensificada e pela constante evolução do cenário de globalização, torna-se imperativo para as indústrias, incluindo as Pequenas e Médias Empresas (PMEs), empreender esforços para aprimorar seus processos operacionais, frequentemente pela via da adaptação tecnológica digital. O presente estudo insere-se dentro do escopo do projeto denominado “Wood Work 4.0”, cujo propósito é infundir inovação na indústria de fabricação de móveis de madeira por meio da otimização de processos e da adoção de tecnologias digitais. Este projeto obteve financiamento do Fundo de Desenvolvimento da União Europeia, em colaboração com o programa Regional do Norte 2020 e foi realizado na empresa Carpintaria Mofreita, localizada em Macedo de Cavaleiros, Portugal. Nesse sentido, este estudo introduz uma arquitetura de software que oferece suporte à rastreabilidade de projetos na indústria de móveis de madeira, e simultaneamente emprega um sistema para identificar e gerenciar sobras de material, objetivando uma gestão de resíduos mais eficiente. Para o desenvolvimento dessa arquitetura de software, adotou-se uma abordagem que integra a plataforma Fiware, especializada em sistemas para a Internet das Coisas (IoT), com uma Interface de Programação de Aplicações (API) criada especificamente para gerenciar informações de usuários, projetos, e arquivos de mídia associados. O sistema de identificação de sobras de material emprega técnicas de processamento de imagem para extrair características geométricas dos materiais. Adicionalmente, esses dados são integrados ao banco de dados da empresa. Desta forma, foi possível desenvolver uma arquitetura que permite não só capturar informações de projetos, mas também gerenciá-las de forma eficaz. No caso da identificação de sobras de material, o sistema foi capaz de estabelecer, com um grau de precisão satisfatório, as dimensões dos materiais, possibilitando a inserção desses dados no banco de dados da empresa para gestão e otimização do uso de recursos

    Ontologies for the Interoperability of Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Systems in the scope of Energy and Power Systems

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    Tesis por compendio de publicaciones[ES]El sector eléctrico, tradicionalmente dirigido por monopolios y poderosas empresas de servicios públicos, ha experimentado cambios significativos en las últimas décadas. Los avances más notables son una mayor penetración de las fuentes de energía renovable (RES por sus siglas en inglés) y la generación distribuida, que han llevado a la adopción del paradigma de las redes inteligentes (SG por sus siglas en inglés) y a la introducción de enfoques competitivos en los mercados de electricidad (EMs por sus siglas en inglés) mayoristas y algunos minoristas. Las SG emergieron rápidamente de un concepto ampliamente aceptado en la realidad. La intermitencia de las fuentes de energía renovable y su integración a gran escala plantea nuevas limitaciones y desafíos que afectan en gran medida las operaciones de los EMs. El desafiante entorno de los sistemas de potencia y energía (PES por sus siglas en inglés) refuerza la necesidad de estudiar, experimentar y validar operaciones e interacciones competitivas, dinámicas y complejas. En este contexto, la simulación, el apoyo a la toma de decisiones, y las herramientas de gestión inteligente, se vuelven imprescindibles para estudiar los diferentes mecanismos del mercado y las relaciones entre los actores involucrados. Para ello, la nueva generación de herramientas debe ser capaz de hacer frente a la rápida evolución de los PES, proporcionando a los participantes los medios adecuados para adaptarse, abordando nuevos modelos y limitaciones, y su compleja relación con los desarrollos tecnológicos y de negocios. Las plataformas basadas en múltiples agentes son particularmente adecuadas para analizar interacciones complejas en sistemas dinámicos, como PES, debido a su naturaleza distribuida e independiente. La descomposición de tareas complejas en asignaciones simples y la fácil inclusión de nuevos datos y modelos de negocio, restricciones, tipos de actores y operadores, y sus interacciones, son algunas de las principales ventajas de los enfoques basados en agentes. En este dominio, han surgido varias herramientas de modelado para simular, estudiar y resolver problemas de subdominios específicos de PES. Sin embargo, existe una limitación generalizada referida a la importante falta de interoperabilidad entre sistemas heterogéneos, que impide abordar el problema de manera global, considerando todas las interrelaciones relevantes existentes. Esto es esencial para que los jugadores puedan aprovechar al máximo las oportunidades en evolución. Por lo tanto, para lograr un marco tan completo aprovechando las herramientas existentes que permiten el estudio de partes específicas del problema global, se requiere la interoperabilidad entre estos sistemas. Las ontologías facilitan la interoperabilidad entre sistemas heterogéneos al dar un significado semántico a la información intercambiada entre las distintas partes. La ventaja radica en el hecho de que todos los involucrados en un dominio particular los conocen, comprenden y están de acuerdo con la conceptualización allí definida. Existen, en la literatura, varias propuestas para el uso de ontologías dentro de PES, fomentando su reutilización y extensión. Sin embargo, la mayoría de las ontologías se centran en un escenario de aplicación específico o en una abstracción de alto nivel de un subdominio de los PES. Además, existe una considerable heterogeneidad entre estos modelos, lo que complica su integración y adopción. Es fundamental desarrollar ontologías que representen distintas fuentes de conocimiento para facilitar las interacciones entre entidades de diferente naturaleza, promoviendo la interoperabilidad entre sistemas heterogéneos basados en agentes que permitan resolver problemas específicos de PES. Estas brechas motivan el desarrollo del trabajo de investigación de este doctorado, que surge para brindar una solución a la interoperabilidad de sistemas heterogéneos dentro de los PES. Las diversas aportaciones de este trabajo dan como resultado una sociedad de sistemas multi-agente (MAS por sus siglas en inglés) para la simulación, estudio, soporte de decisiones, operación y gestión inteligente de PES. Esta sociedad de MAS aborda los PES desde el EM mayorista hasta el SG y la eficiencia energética del consumidor, aprovechando las herramientas de simulación y apoyo a la toma de decisiones existentes, complementadas con las desarrolladas recientemente, asegurando la interoperabilidad entre ellas. Utiliza ontologías para la representación del conocimiento en un vocabulario común, lo que facilita la interoperabilidad entre los distintos sistemas. Además, el uso de ontologías y tecnologías de web semántica permite el desarrollo de herramientas agnósticas de modelos para una adaptación flexible a nuevas reglas y restricciones, promoviendo el razonamiento semántico para sistemas sensibles al contexto

    A framework for surface metrology on Cultural Heritage objects based on scanning conoscopic holography

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    L'applicazione della metrologia di superficie e dell'analisi dimensionale allo studio dei beni culturali può rivelare importanti informazioni sull'oggetto e favorire l'integrazione di molteplici tecniche diagnostiche. Tuttavia, l'applicazione di queste discipline ai Beni Culturali richiede particolari requisiti e attenzioni. In questa tesi, presento i risultati dell'implementazione di diversi sistemi di misurazione della superficie basati sul principio della conoscopia olografica. I senori conoscopici sono strumenti capaci di misurare distanze con precisione micrometrica a scale diverse, accoppiati a slitte micrometriche possono essere utilizzati per acquisire scansioni areali dell'oggetto in esame. Per facilitare la loro applicazione alle opere d'arte ho sviluppato un extit{framework} per applicare la metrologia di superficie ai beni culturali. Il framework copre diversi aspetti del processo di analisi ed utilizzo dei dati e comprende la creazione di raccolte di campioni, le strategie per la scansione dell'oggetto, l'archiviazione e l'analisi dei dati ed eventualmente l'incertezza legata alla misura. Il extit{framework} mira a rendere più accessibile l'implementazione della metrologia di superficie e dei sistemi di scansione dell'analisi dimensionale per l'analisi dei beni culturali. I risultati raccolti su una varietà di materiali artistici (metalli, dipinti su tavola, tela, carta, pergamena e dipinti murali) mostrano come questi sistemi possano essere utilizzati per monitorare gli effetti delle procedure di pulitura, la stabilità dimensionale delle opere d'arte ed il loro invecchiamento.The application of surface metrology and dimensional analysis to the study of artworks can reveal important information on the object and aid the integration of multiple techniques. However, the application of these disciplines to Cultural Heritage objects necessitates particular care and requirements. In this dissertation, I present the results of the implementation of different systems, based on Conoscopic Holography range finders, for measuring the surface. Conoscopic holography range finders are viable instruments for measuring distances with micrometer accuracy at different scales, coupled with micrometric stages they can be used for acquiring areal scans of the object under investigation. To ease their application to artworks I built a framework for applying surface metrology to Cultural Heritage objects. The framework covers different aspects of the research workflow comprising the creation of samples collections, the strategies for scanning the object, the storing and the analysis of the data and eventually the uncertainty linked to the measurement. This framework aims to make more accessible the implementation of surface metrology and dimensional analysis scanning systems tailored to the analysis of Cultural Heritage objects. The results collected on a variety of artworks materials (metals, panels painting, canvas, paper, parchment and mural paintings) show how these systems can be used for monitoring the effects of cleaning procedures, the dimensional stability of the artworks and their ageing

    A BIM - GIS Integrated Information Model Using Semantic Web and RDF Graph Databases

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    In recent years, 3D virtual indoor and outdoor urban modelling has become an essential geospatial information framework for civil and engineering applications such as emergency response, evacuation planning, and facility management. Building multi-sourced and multi-scale 3D urban models are in high demand among architects, engineers, and construction professionals to achieve these tasks and provide relevant information to decision support systems. Spatial modelling technologies such as Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are frequently used to meet such high demands. However, sharing data and information between these two domains is still challenging. At the same time, the semantic or syntactic strategies for inter-communication between BIM and GIS do not fully provide rich semantic and geometric information exchange of BIM into GIS or vice-versa. This research study proposes a novel approach for integrating BIM and GIS using semantic web technologies and Resources Description Framework (RDF) graph databases. The suggested solution's originality and novelty come from combining the advantages of integrating BIM and GIS models into a semantically unified data model using a semantic framework and ontology engineering approaches. The new model will be named Integrated Geospatial Information Model (IGIM). It is constructed through three stages. The first stage requires BIMRDF and GISRDF graphs generation from BIM and GIS datasets. Then graph integration from BIM and GIS semantic models creates IGIMRDF. Lastly, the information from IGIMRDF unified graph is filtered using a graph query language and graph data analytics tools. The linkage between BIMRDF and GISRDF is completed through SPARQL endpoints defined by queries using elements and entity classes with similar or complementary information from properties, relationships, and geometries from an ontology-matching process during model construction. The resulting model (or sub-model) can be managed in a graph database system and used in the backend as a data-tier serving web services feeding a front-tier domain-oriented application. A case study was designed, developed, and tested using the semantic integrated information model for validating the newly proposed solution, architecture, and performance

    Mobiilse värkvõrgu protsessihaldus

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    Värkvõrk, ehk Asjade Internet (Internet of Things, lüh IoT) edendab lahendusi nagu nn tark linn, kus meid igapäevaselt ümbritsevad objektid on ühendatud infosüsteemidega ja ka üksteisega. Selliseks näiteks võib olla teekatete seisukorra monitoorimissüsteem. Võrku ühendatud sõidukitelt (nt bussidelt) kogutakse videomaterjali, mida seejärel töödeldakse, et tuvastada löökauke või lume kogunemist. Tavaliselt hõlmab selline lahendus keeruka tsentraalse süsteemi ehitamist. Otsuste langetamiseks (nt milliseid sõidukeid parasjagu protsessi kaasata) vajab keskne süsteem pidevat ühendust kõigi IoT seadmetega. Seadmete hulga kasvades võib keskne lahendus aga muutuda pudelikaelaks. Selliste protsesside disaini, haldust, automatiseerimist ja seiret hõlbustavad märkimisväärselt äriprotsesside halduse (Business Process Management, lüh BPM) valdkonna standardid ja tööriistad. Paraku ei ole BPM tehnoloogiad koheselt kasutatavad uute paradigmadega nagu Udu- ja Servaarvutus, mis tuleviku värkvõrgu jaoks vajalikud on. Nende puhul liigub suur osa otsustustest ja arvutustest üksikutest andmekeskustest servavõrgu seadmetele, mis asuvad lõppkasutajatele ja IoT seadmetele lähemal. Videotöötlust võiks teostada mini-andmekeskustes, mis on paigaldatud üle linna, näiteks bussipeatustesse. Arvestades IoT seadmete üha suurenevat hulka, vähendab selline koormuse jaotamine vähendab riski, et tsentraalne andmekeskust ülekoormamist. Doktoritöö uurib, kuidas mobiilsusega seonduvaid IoT protsesse taoliselt ümber korraldada, kohanedes pidevalt muutlikule, liikuvate seadmetega täidetud servavõrgule. Nimelt on ühendused katkendlikud, mistõttu otsuste langetus ja planeerimine peavad arvestama muuhulgas mobiilseadmete liikumistrajektoore. Töö raames valminud prototüüpe testiti Android seadmetel ja simulatsioonides. Lisaks valmis tööriistakomplekt STEP-ONE, mis võimaldab teadlastel hõlpsalt simuleerida ja analüüsida taolisi probleeme erinevais realistlikes stsenaariumites nagu seda on tark linn.The Internet of Things (IoT) promotes solutions such as a smart city, where everyday objects connect with info systems and each other. One example is a road condition monitoring system, where connected vehicles, such as buses, capture video, which is then processed to detect potholes and snow build-up. Building such a solution typically involves establishing a complex centralised system. The centralised approach may become a bottleneck as the number of IoT devices keeps growing. It relies on constant connectivity to all involved devices to make decisions, such as which vehicles to involve in the process. Designing, automating, managing, and monitoring such processes can greatly be supported using the standards and software systems provided by the field of Business Process Management (BPM). However, BPM techniques are not directly applicable to new computing paradigms, such as Fog Computing and Edge Computing, on which the future of IoT relies. Here, a lot of decision-making and processing is moved from central data-centers to devices in the network edge, near the end-users and IoT sensors. For example, video could be processed in mini-datacenters deployed throughout the city, e.g., at bus stops. This load distribution reduces the risk of the ever-growing number of IoT devices overloading the data center. This thesis studies how to reorganise the process execution in this decentralised fashion, where processes must dynamically adapt to the volatile edge environment filled with moving devices. Namely, connectivity is intermittent, so decision-making and planning need to involve factors such as the movement trajectories of mobile devices. We examined this issue in simulations and with a prototype for Android smartphones. We also showcase the STEP-ONE toolset, allowing researchers to conveniently simulate and analyse these issues in different realistic scenarios, such as those in a smart city.  https://www.ester.ee/record=b552551

    Model-based Specification of RESTful SOA on the Basis of Flexible SOM Business Process Models

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    Die Umwelt von Unternehmen zeichnet sich in der heutigen Zeit durch eine hohe Dynamik und stetig wachsende Komplexität aus. In diesem Umfeld ist die rasche Anpassung der betrieblichen Leistungserstellung eine notwendige Konsequenz, um die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit eines Unternehmens und dadurch sein Überleben sicherzustellen. Bei der evolutionären Anpassung betrieblicher Systeme ist die Flexibilität betrieblicher Geschäftsprozesse ein zentraler Erfolgsfaktor. In der Vergangenheit führten flexible Geschäftsprozesse jedoch meist zu verringerten Automatisierungsgraden der unterstützenden Anwendungssysteme (AwS), und damit zu Inkonsistenzen im betrieblichen Informationssystem. Die Bereitstellung von Lösungsansätzen für eine zügige Entwicklung von AwS und ihre Ausrichtung auf veränderte fachliche Anforderungen ist Aufgabe der Systementwicklung. Bisherige Konzepte, Hilfsmittel und IT-Architekturen beantworten die Frage nach einer ganzheitlichen und systematischen Gestaltung und Pflege von AwS und deren konsistenten Abstimmung mit flexiblen Geschäftsprozessen jedoch methodisch nicht adäquat. Als Antwort auf diese Frage wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit die SOM-R-Methodik konstruiert, einer modellbasierten Entwicklungsmethodik auf Basis des Semantischen Objektmodells (SOM) für die ganzheitliche Entwicklung und Weiterentwicklung von RESTful SOA auf Basis flexibler SOM-Geschäftsprozessmodelle. Mit der RESTful SOA wird durch die Gestaltung service-orientierter Architekturen (SOA) nach dem Architekturstil REST eine Zielarchitektur für flexibel anpassbare AwS entworfen. Ein wesentlicher Beitrag dieser Arbeit besteht in der methodisch durchgängigen Zusammenführung der fachlichen Geschäftsprozessebene mit den softwaretechnischen Ebenen der RESTful SOA. Durch die Definition eines gemeinsamen Begriffssystems und einheitlichen Architekturrahmens wird eine modellbasierte Abbildung von Konzepten des SOM-Geschäftsprozessmodells in die Spezifikationen von Ressourcen sowie weiteren Bausteinen des AwS realisiert. Die Modellierung von Struktur und Verhalten der Geschäftsprozesse mit SOM ist dafür eine wichtige Voraussetzung. Der zweite zentrale Beitrag dieser Arbeit ist ein modellbasierter Lösungsansatz zur Unterstützung der Pflege von betrieblichen Informationssystemen. Die SOM-R-Methodik wird hierzu um ein Vorgehensmodell sowie Ansätze zur Analyse der Auswirkungen von Strukturänderungen und der Ermittlung von Assistenzinformationen für die Weiterentwicklung von AwS erweitert. Die werkzeuggestützte Bereitstellung dieser Informationen leitet den Systementwickler bei der zielgerichteten Anpassung von RESTful SOA, bzw. der dazu korrespondierenden Modellsysteme, an die Änderungen flexibler SOM-Geschäftsprozessmodelle an. Die praktische Anwendung der SOM-R-Methodik wird im Rahmen einer Fallstudie demonstriert und erläutert.Strong dynamics and a continuous increase of complexity characterize a company’s environment at present times. In such an environment, the rapid adaptation of the production and delivery of goods and services is a necessary consequence to ensure the survival of a company. A key success factor for the evolutionary adaptation of a business system is the flexibility of its business processes. In the past, flexible business processes generally lead to a reduced level of automation in the supported application system, and consequently to inconsistencies in the business information system. The provision of appropriate solutions for the quick development of application systems and their alignment to changing business requirements is a central task of the system development discipline. Current concepts, tools and IT architectures do not give a methodically adequate answer to the question of a holistic and systematic design and maintenance of application systems, and their consistent alignment with flexible business processes. As an answer to this question, the SOM-R methodology, a model-based development method based on the Semantic Object Model (SOM) for the holistic development and maintenance of RESTful SOA on the basis of flexible SOM business process models, is designed in this work. Through applying the architectural style REST to service oriented architectures (SOA), the RESTful SOA is designed as the target software architecture of flexible adaptable application systems. The first main contribution of this research is a methodically consistent way for bridging the gap between the business process layer and the software technical layers of the RESTful SOA. Defining a common conceptual and architectural framework realizes the mapping of the concepts of SOM business process models to the model-based specification of resources and other modules of the application system. Modeling the structure and behavior of business processes with SOM is an important prerequisite for that. The second main contribution of this work is a model-based approach to supporting the maintenance of business information systems. Therefore, various approaches for analyzing the effect of structural changes and deriving assistance information to support the application system maintenance extend the SOM-R methodology. The tool-supported provision of this information guides the system developer in adapting a RESTful SOA, or rather the corresponding modeling system, to the structural changes of flexible SOM business process models. A case study demonstrates and explains the practical application of the SOM-R methodology

    Data Spaces

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    This open access book aims to educate data space designers to understand what is required to create a successful data space. It explores cutting-edge theory, technologies, methodologies, and best practices for data spaces for both industrial and personal data and provides the reader with a basis for understanding the design, deployment, and future directions of data spaces. The book captures the early lessons and experience in creating data spaces. It arranges these contributions into three parts covering design, deployment, and future directions respectively. The first part explores the design space of data spaces. The single chapters detail the organisational design for data spaces, data platforms, data governance federated learning, personal data sharing, data marketplaces, and hybrid artificial intelligence for data spaces. The second part describes the use of data spaces within real-world deployments. Its chapters are co-authored with industry experts and include case studies of data spaces in sectors including industry 4.0, food safety, FinTech, health care, and energy. The third and final part details future directions for data spaces, including challenges and opportunities for common European data spaces and privacy-preserving techniques for trustworthy data sharing. The book is of interest to two primary audiences: first, researchers interested in data management and data sharing, and second, practitioners and industry experts engaged in data-driven systems where the sharing and exchange of data within an ecosystem are critical

    Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Digital Finance

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    This open access book presents how cutting-edge digital technologies like Big Data, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Blockchain are set to disrupt the financial sector. The book illustrates how recent advances in these technologies facilitate banks, FinTech, and financial institutions to collect, process, analyze, and fully leverage the very large amounts of data that are nowadays produced and exchanged in the sector. To this end, the book also describes some more the most popular Big Data, AI and Blockchain applications in the sector, including novel applications in the areas of Know Your Customer (KYC), Personalized Wealth Management and Asset Management, Portfolio Risk Assessment, as well as variety of novel Usage-based Insurance applications based on Internet-of-Things data. Most of the presented applications have been developed, deployed and validated in real-life digital finance settings in the context of the European Commission funded INFINITECH project, which is a flagship innovation initiative for Big Data and AI in digital finance. This book is ideal for researchers and practitioners in Big Data, AI, banking and digital finance