297 research outputs found

    Variance-constrained multiobjective control and filtering for nonlinear stochastic systems: A survey

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    The multiobjective control and filtering problems for nonlinear stochastic systems with variance constraints are surveyed. First, the concepts of nonlinear stochastic systems are recalled along with the introduction of some recent advances. Then, the covariance control theory, which serves as a practical method for multi-objective control design as well as a foundation for linear system theory, is reviewed comprehensively. The multiple design requirements frequently applied in engineering practice for the use of evaluating system performances are introduced, including robustness, reliability, and dissipativity. Several design techniques suitable for the multi-objective variance-constrained control and filtering problems for nonlinear stochastic systems are discussed. In particular, as a special case for the multi-objective design problems, the mixed H 2 / H ∞ control and filtering problems are reviewed in great detail. Subsequently, some latest results on the variance-constrained multi-objective control and filtering problems for the nonlinear stochastic systems are summarized. Finally, conclusions are drawn, and several possible future research directions are pointed out

    Estimation, filtering and fusion for networked systems with network-induced phenomena: New progress and prospects

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    In this paper, some recent advances on the estimation, filtering and fusion for networked systems are reviewed. Firstly, the network-induced phenomena under consideration are briefly recalled including missing/fading measurements, signal quantization, sensor saturations, communication delays, and randomly occurring incomplete information. Secondly, the developments of the estimation, filtering and fusion for networked systems from four aspects (linear networked systems, nonlinear networked systems, complex networks and sensor networks) are reviewed comprehensively. Subsequently, some recent results on the estimation, filtering and fusion for systems with the network-induced phenomena are reviewed in great detail. In particular, some latest results on the multi-objective filtering problems for time-varying nonlinear networked systems are summarized. Finally, conclusions are given and several possible research directions concerning the estimation, filtering, and fusion for networked systems are highlighted

    On design of quantized fault detection filters with randomly occurring nonlinearities and mixed time-delays

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    This paper is concerned with the fault detection problem for a class of discrete-time systems with randomly occurring nonlinearities, mixed stochastic time-delays as well as measurement quantizations. The nonlinearities are assumed to occur in a random way. The mixed time-delays comprise both the multiple discrete time-delays and the infinite distributed delays that occur in a random way as well. A sequence of stochastic variables is introduced to govern the random occurrences of the nonlinearities, discrete time-delays and distributed time-delays, where all the stochastic variables are mutually independent but obey the Bernoulli distribution. The main purpose of this paper is to design a fault detection filter such that, in the presence of measurement quantization, the overall fault detection dynamics is exponentially stable in the mean square and, at the same time, the error between the residual signal and the fault signal is made as small as possible. Sufficient conditions are first established via intensive stochastic analysis for the existence of the desired fault detection filters, and then the explicit expression of the desired filter gains is derived by means of the feasibility of certain matrix inequalities. Also, the optimal performance index for the addressed fault detection problem can be obtained by solving an auxiliary convex optimization problem. A practical example is provided to show the usefulness and effectiveness of the proposed design method

    Integrated fault-tolerant control approach for linear time-delay systems using a dynamic event-triggered mechanism

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    In this study, a novel integrated fault estimation (FE) and fault-tolerant control (FTC) design approach is developed for a system with time-varying delays and additive fault based on a dynamic event-triggered communication mechanism. The traditional static event-triggered mechanism is modified by adding an internal dynamic variable to increase the inter-event interval and decrease the amount of data transmission. Then, a dynamical observer is designed to estimate both the system state and the unknown fault signal simultaneously. A fault estimation-based FTC approach is then given to remove the effects generated by unknown actuator faults, which guarantees that the faulty closed-loop systems are asymptotical stable with a disturbance attenuation level γ. By theory analysis, the Zeno phenomenon is excluded in this study. Finally, a real aircraft engine example is provided to illustrate the feasibility of the proposed integrated FE and FTC method

    Time-and event-driven communication process for networked control systems: A survey

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    Copyright © 2014 Lei Zou et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.In recent years, theoretical and practical research topics on networked control systems (NCSs) have gained an increasing interest from many researchers in a variety of disciplines owing to the extensive applications of NCSs in practice. In particular, an urgent need has arisen to understand the effects of communication processes on system performances. Sampling and protocol are two fundamental aspects of a communication process which have attracted a great deal of research attention. Most research focus has been on the analysis and control of dynamical behaviors under certain sampling procedures and communication protocols. In this paper, we aim to survey some recent advances on the analysis and synthesis issues of NCSs with different sampling procedures (time-and event-driven sampling) and protocols (static and dynamic protocols). First, these sampling procedures and protocols are introduced in detail according to their engineering backgrounds as well as dynamic natures. Then, the developments of the stabilization, control, and filtering problems are systematically reviewed and discussed in great detail. Finally, we conclude the paper by outlining future research challenges for analysis and synthesis problems of NCSs with different communication processes.This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61329301, 61374127, and 61374010, the Royal Society of the UK, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany

    Deep Learning-Based, Passive Fault Tolerant Control Facilitated by a Taxonomy of Cyber-Attack Effects

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    In the interest of improving the resilience of cyber-physical control systems to better operate in the presence of various cyber-attacks and/or faults, this dissertation presents a novel controller design based on deep-learning networks. This research lays out a controller design that does not rely on fault or cyber-attack detection. Being passive, the controller’s routine operating process is to take in data from the various components of the physical system, holistically assess the state of the physical system using deep-learning networks and decide the subsequent round of commands from the controller. This use of deep-learning methods in passive fault tolerant control (FTC) is unique in the research literature. The proposed controller is applied to both linear and nonlinear systems. Additionally, the application and testing are accomplished with both actuators and sensors being affected by attacks and /or faults

    Event-triggered filtering and fault estimation for nonlinear systems with stochastic sensor saturations

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    This paper is concerned with the filtering problem for a class of nonlinear systems with stochastic sensor saturations and event-triggered measurement transmissions. An event-triggered transmission scheme is proposed with hope to ease the traffic burden and improve the energy efficiency. The measurements are subject to randomly occurring sensor saturations governed by Bernoulli-distributed sequences. Special effort is made to obtain an upper bound of the filtering error covariance in the presence of linearisation errors, stochastic sensor saturations as well as event-triggered transmissions. A filter is designed to minimise the obtained upper bound at each time step by solving two sets of Riccati-like matrix equations, and thus the recursive algorithm is suitable for online computation. Sufficient conditions are established under which the filtering error is exponentially bounded in mean square. The applicability of the presented method is demonstrated by dealing with the fault estimation problem. An illustrative example is exploited to show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China [grant number 61490701], [grant number 61522309], [grant number 61290324], [grant number 61473163], [grant number 61273156], Research Fund for the Taishan Scholar Project of Shandong Province of China, Tsinghua University Initiative Scientific Research Program, and Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of E-business at Nanjing University of Finance and Economics of China [grant number JSEB201301]

    Model-based Fault Diagnosis and Fault Accommodation for Space Missions : Application to the Rendezvous Phase of the MSR Mission

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    The work addressed in this thesis draws expertise from actions undertaken between the EuropeanSpace Agency (ESA), the industry Thales Alenia Space (TAS) and the IMS laboratory (laboratoirede l’Intégration du Matériau au Système) which develop new generations of integrated Guidance, Navigationand Control (GNC) units with fault detection and tolerance capabilities. The reference mission isthe ESA’s Mars Sample Return (MSR) mission. The presented work focuses on the terminal rendezvoussequence of the MSR mission which corresponds to the last few hundred meters until the capture. Thechaser vehicle is the MSR Orbiter, while the passive target is a diameter spherical container. The objectiveat control level is a capture achievement with an accuracy better than a few centimeter. The research workaddressed in this thesis is concerned by the development of model-based Fault Detection and Isolation(FDI) and Fault Tolerant Control (FTC) approaches that could significantly increase the operational andfunctional autonomy of the chaser during rendezvous, and more generally, of spacecraft involved in deepspace missions. Since redundancy exist in the sensors and since the reaction wheels are not used duringthe rendezvous phase, the work presented in this thesis focuses only on the thruster-based propulsionsystem. The investigated faults have been defined in accordance with ESA and TAS requirements andfollowing their experiences. The presented FDI/FTC approaches relies on hardware redundancy in sensors,control redirection and control re-allocation methods and a hierarchical FDI including signal-basedapproaches at sensor level, model-based approaches for thruster fault detection/isolation and trajectorysafety monitoring. Carefully selected performance and reliability indices together with Monte Carlo simulationcampaigns, using a high-fidelity industrial simulator, demonstrate the viability of the proposedapproaches.Les travaux de recherche traités dans cette thèse s’appuient sur l’expertise des actionsmenées entre l’Agence spatiale européenne (ESA), l’industrie Thales Alenia Space (TAS) et le laboratoirede l’Intégration du Matériau au Système (IMS) qui développent de nouvelles générations d’unités intégréesde guidage, navigation et pilotage (GNC) avec une fonction de détection des défauts et de tolérance desdéfauts. La mission de référence retenue dans cette thèse est la mission de retour d’échantillons martiens(Mars Sample Return, MSR) de l’ESA. Ce travail se concentre sur la séquence terminale du rendez-vous dela mission MSR qui correspond aux dernières centaines de mètres jusqu’à la capture. Le véhicule chasseurest l’orbiteur MSR (chasseur), alors que la cible passive est un conteneur sphérique. L’objectif au niveaude contrôle est de réaliser la capture avec une précision inférieure à quelques centimètres. Les travaux derecherche traités dans cette thèse s’intéressent au développement des approches sur base de modèle de détectionet d’isolation des défauts (FDI) et de commande tolérante aux défaillances (FTC), qui pourraientaugmenter d’une manière significative l’autonomie opérationnelle et fonctionnelle du chasseur pendant lerendez-vous et, d’une manière plus générale, d’un vaisseau spatial impliqué dans des missions située dansl’espace lointain. Dès lors que la redondance existe dans les capteurs et que les roues de réaction ne sontpas utilisées durant la phase de rendez-vous, le travail présenté dans cette thèse est orienté seulementvers les systèmes de propulsion par tuyères. Les défaillances examinées ont été définies conformément auxexigences de l’ESA et de TAS et suivant leurs expériences. Les approches FDI/FTC présentées s’appuientsur la redondance de capteurs, la redirection de contrôle et sur les méthodes de réallocation de contrôle,ainsi que le FDI hiérarchique, y compris les approches à base de signaux au niveau de capteurs, les approchesà base de modèle de détection/localisation de défauts de propulseur et la surveillance de sécuritéde trajectoire. Utilisant un simulateur industriel de haute-fidélité, les indices de performance et de fiabilitéFDI, qui ont été soigneusement choisis accompagnés des campagnes de simulation de robustesse/sensibilitéMonte Carlo, démontrent la viabilité des approches proposées
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