40 research outputs found

    Analisis Sentimen Kebijakan Pembelajaran Tatap Muka Menggunakan Support Vector Machine dan Naive Bayes

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    Analisis sentimen kebijakan pembelajaran tatap muka selama pandemi dapat dianalisis menggunakan data dari tweet di platform media Twitter. Dari hasil crawling data diperoleh 152 data, selanjutnya dilakukan proses pre-processing untuk memberikan data dari simbol, dan link serta mengubah kata menjadi bobot kata yang dapat dipahami dengan menggunakan teknik TF-IDF. Hasil pembobotan kata ini dianalisis pada kelas positif dan negatif, label positif terkumpul 96 dan negatif 16. Polaritas kelas hasil dari 108 data yang diketahui masyarakat memberikan respon positif terhadap kebijakan pemerintah untuk melakukan pembelajaran tatap muka. Pengujian model Support Vector Machine (SVM) dan Naive Bayes (NB) dari 108 data diperoleh hasil akurasi SVM sebesar 88,09% dan NB 75,92% pada penelitian ini SVM lebih baik dari NB

    Assessing the Impact of Virtual Health Communities and Environmental Characteristics of Chronic Pain Mobile Health Apps on Users’ Privacy Decisions: A Multilevel Perspective

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    Chronic pain has been identified as one of the most widespread health-related problems. Potential chronic pain apps users seek health communities for current and previous reviews to assess the quality of the apps and make a decision regarding disclosing their information to these apps. In this study, we present a multilevel perspective on how virtual health communities and environmental characteristics of chronic pain mobile health apps impact users’ privacy decisions. We used Exploratory Data Analysis and Machine Learning (ML) to operationalize the Theory of Multilevel Information Privacy. The results revealed that the most influential factors affecting users’ cost-benefit analysis are Chronic Pain MHA’s characteristics related to user’s information privacy. The ML results indicate that the existence of information privacy policy can be predicted through the ways the apps use to Collect Data, App\u27s Category, Country, and Store Type, which in turn affect users\u27 decisions

    Taxonomy of hybridly polarized Stokes vortex beams

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    Structured beams carrying topological defects, namely phase and Stokes singularities, have gained extensive interest in numerous areas of optics. The non-separable spin and orbital angular momentum states of hybridly polarized Stokes singular beams provide additional freedom for manipulating optical fields. However, the characterization of hybridly polarized Stokes vortex beams remains challenging owing to the degeneracy associated with the complex polarization structures of these beams. In addition, experimental noise factors such as relative phase, amplitude, and polarization difference together with beam fluctuations add to the perplexity in the identification process. Here, we present a generalized diffraction-based Stokes polarimetry approach assisted with deep learning for efficient identification of Stokes singular beams. A total of 15 classes of beams are considered based on the type of Stokes singularity and their associated mode indices. The resultant total and polarization component intensities of Stokes singular beams after diffraction through a triangular aperture are exploited by the deep neural network to recognize these beams. Our approach presents a classification accuracy of 98.67% for 15 types of Stokes singular beams that comprise several degenerate cases. The present study illustrates the potential of diffraction of the Stokes singular beam with polarization transformation, modeling of experimental noise factors, and a deep learning framework for characterizing hybridly polarized beam

    Optimization of Microchannels and Application of Basic Activation Functions of Deep Neural Network for Accuracy Analysis of Microfluidic Parameter Data

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    The fabrication of microflow channels with high accuracy in terms of the optimization of the proposed designs, minimization of surface roughness, and flow control of microfluidic parameters is challenging when evaluating the performance of microfluidic systems. The use of conventional input devices, such as peristaltic pumps and digital pressure pumps, to evaluate the flow control of such parameters cannot confirm a wide range of data analysis with higher accuracy because of their operational drawbacks. In this study, we optimized the circular and rectangular-shaped microflow channels of a 100 mu m microfluidic chip using a three-dimensional simulation tool, and analyzed concentration profiles of different regions of the microflow channels. Then, we applied a deep learning (DL) algorithm for the dense layers of the rectified linear unit (ReLU), Leaky ReLU, and Swish activation functions to train and test 1600 experimental and interpolation of data samples which obtained from the microfluidic chip. Moreover, using the same DL algorithm, we configured three models for each of these three functions by changing the internal middle layers of these models. As a result, we obtained a total of 9 average accuracy values of ReLU, Leaky ReLU, and Swish functions for a defined threshold value of 6 x 10(-5) using the trial-and-error method. We applied single-to-five-fold cross-validation technique of deep neural network to avoid overfitting and reduce noises from data-set to evaluate better average accuracy of data of microfluidic parameters

    Model Optimasi SVM Dengan PSO-GA dan SMOTE Dalam Menangani High Dimensional dan Imbalance Data Banjir

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    Banjir merupakan salah satu bencana alam yang sering terjadi di Indonesia, termasuk di Kota Samarinda dengan 18-33 titik desa terdampak dari tahun 2018-2021. Penggunaan machine learning dalam mengklasifikasi bencana banjir sangat penting untuk memprediksi kejadian di masa mendatang. Beberapa penelitian sebelumnya terkait klasifikasi data banjir dalam 3 tahun terakhir telah dilakukan. Namun, dari beberapa penelitian tersebut memunculkan masalah terkait dengan dataset high dimensional yang dapat menurunkan performa model klasifikasi dan menyebabkan overfitting. Selain itu, masalah lain juga muncul dalam hal imbalance data yang menyebabkan bias terhadap kelas mayoritas dan representasi yang tidak akurat. Oleh karena itu, permasalahan dataset high dimensional dan imbalance data merupakan tantangan spesifik yang harus diatas dalam klasifkasi data banjir Kota Samarinda. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifkasi fitur-fitur yang diperoleh dari seleksi fitur Genetic Algorithm (GA) yang memiliki pengaruh terhadap akurasi klasifikasi data banjir Kota Samarinda menggunakan algoritma Support Vector Machine (SVM), serta meningkatkan akurasi klasifikasi data banjir di Kota Samarinda dengan mengimplementasikan algoritma SVM yang dikombinasikan dengan metode Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) untuk oversampling, seleksi fitur dengan GA dan optimasi menggunakan Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). Teknik validasi yang digunakan adalah 10-fold cross validation dan evaluasi performa menggunakan confusion matrix. Data yang digunakan berasal dari BPBD (Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah) dan BMKG (Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika) Kota Samarinda pada tahun 2021-2023 terdiri dari 11 fitur dan 1.095 record. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fitur-fitur penting yang terpilih melalui GA adalah temperatur maksimum, kecepatan angin maksimum, arah angin maksimum, arah angin terbanyak, lamanya penyinaran matahari dan kecepatan angin rata-rata. Dengan kombinasi metode SVM, SMOTE, GA dan PSO, akurasi klasifikasi data banjir mencapai 82,28%. Namun, penelitian ini juga menghadapi tantangan seperti kontradiksi hasil dengan penelitian lain terkait penggunaan SMOTE dan variasi hasil akibat karakteristik dataset serta metode pembagian data yang berbeda. Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan oleh pemerintah daerah dan badan penanggulangan bencana daerah Kota Samarinda untuk memprediksi kejadian banjir dengan lebih akurat, serta memungkinkan tindakan pencegahan yang lebih efektif. Penerapan hasil penelitian ini dapat meningkatkan efektivitas dalam mitigasi bencana banjir Kota Samarinda

    A new convolutional neural network based on combination of circlets and wavelets for macular OCT classification

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms, encompassing machine learning and deep learning, can assist ophthalmologists in early detection of various ocular abnormalities through the analysis of retinal optical coherence tomography (OCT) images. Despite considerable progress in these algorithms, several limitations persist in medical imaging fields, where a lack of data is a common issue. Accordingly, specific image processing techniques, such as time–frequency transforms, can be employed in conjunction with AI algorithms to enhance diagnostic accuracy. This research investigates the influence of non-data-adaptive time–frequency transforms, specifically X-lets, on the classification of OCT B-scans. For this purpose, each B-scan was transformed using every considered X-let individually, and all the sub-bands were utilized as the input for a designed 2D Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to extract optimal features, which were subsequently fed to the classifiers. Evaluating per-class accuracy shows that the use of the 2D Discrete Wavelet Transform (2D-DWT) yields superior outcomes for normal cases, whereas the circlet transform outperforms other X-lets for abnormal cases characterized by circles in their retinal structure (due to the accumulation of fluid). As a result, we propose a novel transform named CircWave by concatenating all sub-bands from the 2D-DWT and the circlet transform. The objective is to enhance the per-class accuracy of both normal and abnormal cases simultaneously. Our findings show that classification results based on the CircWave transform outperform those derived from original images or any individual transform. Furthermore, Grad-CAM class activation visualization for B-scans reconstructed from CircWave sub-bands highlights a greater emphasis on circular formations in abnormal cases and straight lines in normal cases, in contrast to the focus on irrelevant regions in original B-scans. To assess the generalizability of our method, we applied it to another dataset obtained from a different imaging system. We achieved promising accuracies of 94.5% and 90% for the first and second datasets, respectively, which are comparable with results from previous studies. The proposed CNN based on CircWave sub-bands (i.e. CircWaveNet) not only produces superior outcomes but also offers more interpretable results with a heightened focus on features crucial for ophthalmologists

    CCNN: An Artificial Intelligent based Classifier to Credit Card Fraud Detection System with Optimized Cognitive Learning Model

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    Nowadays digital transactions play a vital role in money transaction processes. Last 5 years statistical report portrays the growth of internet money transaction especially credit card and unified payments interface. Mean time increasing numerous banking threats and digital transaction fraud rates also growing significantly. Data engineering techniques provide ultra supports to detect credit card forgery problems in online and offline mode transactions. This credit card fraud detection (CCFD) and prevention-based data processing issues raising because of two major reasons first, classification rate of legitimate and forgery uses is frequently changing, and next one is fraud detection dataset values are vastly asymmetric. Through this research work investigating performance of various existing classifier with our proposed cognitive convolutional neural network (CCNN) classifier. Existing classifiers like Logistic Regression (LR), K-nearest neighbor (KNN), Decision Tree (DT) and Support Vector Machine (SVM). These models are facing various challenges of low performance rate and high complexity because of low hit rate and accuracy. Through this research work we introduce cognitive learning-based CCNN classifier methodology with artificial intelligence for achieve maximum accuracy rate and minimal complexity issues. For experimental data analysis uses dataset of credit card transactions attained from specific region cardholders containing 284500 transactions and its various features. Also, this dataset contains unstructured and non-dimensional data are converted into structured data with the help of over sample and under sample method. Performance analysis shows proposed CCNN classifier model provide significant improvement on accuracy, specificity, sensitivity and hit rate. The results are shown in comparison. After cross-validation, the accuracy of the CCNN classification algorithm model for transaction fraudulent detection archived 99% which using the over-sampling model