8 research outputs found

    Automating the deployment of componentized systems

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    Embedded and self-adaptive systems demand continuous adap- tation and reconfiguration activities based on changing quality condi- tions and context information. As a consequence, systems have to be (re)deployed several times and software components need to be mapped onto new or existing hardware pieces. Today, the way to determine an optimal deployment in complex systems, often performed at runtime, constitutes a well-known challenge. In this paper we highlight the major problems of automatic deployment and present a research plan to reach for an UML-based solution for the deployment of componentized sys- tems. As a first step towards a solution, we use the UML superstructure to suggest a way to redeploy UML component diagrams based on the inputs and outputs required to enact an automatic deployment process.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT) SETI (TIN2009-07366

    Optimizing decomposition of software architecture for local recovery

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.The increasing size and complexity of software systems has led to an amplified number of potential failures and as such makes it harder to ensure software reliability. Since it is usually hard to prevent all the failures, fault tolerance techniques have become more important. An essential element of fault tolerance is the recovery from failures. Local recovery is an effective approach whereby only the erroneous parts of the system are recovered while the other parts remain available. For achieving local recovery, the architecture needs to be decomposed into separate units that can be recovered in isolation. Usually, there are many different alternative ways to decompose the system into recoverable units. It appears that each of these decomposition alternatives performs differently with respect to availability and performance metrics. We propose a systematic approach dedicated to optimizing the decomposition of software architecture for local recovery. The approach provides systematic guidelines to depict the design space of the possible decomposition alternatives, to reduce the design space with respect to domain and stakeholder constraints and to balance the feasible alternatives with respect to availability and performance. The approach is supported by an integrated set of tools and illustrated for the open-source MPlayer software

    Model-based resource analysis and synthesis of service-oriented automotive software architectures

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    Context Automotive software architectures describe distributed functionality by an interaction of software components. One drawback of today\u27s architectures is their strong integration into the onboard communication network based on predefined dependencies at design time. The idea is to reduce this rigid integration and technological dependencies. To this end, service-oriented architecture offers a suitable methodology since network communication is dynamically established at run-time. Aim We target to provide a methodology for analysing hardware resources and synthesising automotive service-oriented architectures based on platform-independent service models. Subsequently, we focus on transforming these models into a platform-specific architecture realisation process following AUTOSAR Adaptive. Approach For the platform-independent part, we apply the concepts of design space exploration and simulation to analyse and synthesise deployment configurations, i. e., mapping services to hardware resources at an early development stage. We refine these configurations to AUTOSAR Adaptive software architecture models representing the necessary input for a subsequent implementation process for the platform-specific part. Result We present deployment configurations that are optimal for the usage of a given set of computing resources currently under consideration for our next generation of E/E architecture. We also provide simulation results that demonstrate the ability of these configurations to meet the run time requirements. Both results helped us to decide whether a particular configuration can be implemented. As a possible software toolchain for this purpose, we finally provide a prototype. Conclusion The use of models and their analysis are proper means to get there, but the quality and speed of development must also be considered

    Multi-Resolution Sensitivity Analysis of Model of Immune Response to Helicobacter pylori Infection via Spatio-Temporal Metamodeling

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    Computational immunology studies the interactions between the components of the immune system that includes the interplay between regulatory and inflammatory elements. It provides a solid framework that aids the conversion of pre-clinical and clinical data into mathematical equations to enable modeling and in silico experimentation. The modeling-driven insights shed lights on some of the most pressing immunological questions and aid the design of fruitful validation experiments. A typical system of equations, mapping the interaction among various immunological entities and a pathogen, consists of a high-dimensional input parameter space that could drive the stochastic system outputs in unpredictable directions. In this paper, we perform spatio-temporal metamodel-based sensitivity analysis of immune response to Helicobacter pylori infection using the computational model developed by the ENteric Immune SImulator (ENISI). We propose a two-stage metamodel-based procedure to obtain the estimates of the Sobol' total and first-order indices for each input parameter, for quantifying their time-varying impacts on each output of interest. In particular, we fully reuse and exploit information from an existing simulated dataset, develop a novel sampling design for constructing the two-stage metamodels, and perform metamodel-based sensitivity analysis. The proposed procedure is scalable, easily interpretable, and adaptable to any multi-input multi-output complex systems of equations with a high-dimensional input parameter space

    Synthesis and Exploration of Multi-Level, Multi-Perspective Architectures of Automotive Embedded System

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    In industry, evaluating candidate architectures of automotive embedded systems is routinely done during the design process. Today's engineers, however, are limited in the number of candidates that they are able to evaluate in order to find the optimal architectures. This limitation results from the difficulty in defining the candidates as it is a mostly manual process. In this work, we propose a way to synthesize multi-level, multi-perspective candidate architectures and to explore them across the different layers and perspectives. Using a reference model similar to the EAST-ADL domain model but with a focus on early design, we explore the candidate architectures for two case studies: an automotive power window system and the central door locking system. Further, we provide a comprehensive set of questions, based on the different layers and perspectives, that engineers can ask to synthesize only the candidates relevant to their task at hand. Finally, using the modeling language Clafer, which is supported by automated backend reasoners, we show that it is possible to synthesize and explore optimal candidate architectures for two highly configurable automotive subsystems

    Modellgestützter Entwurf von Feldgeräteapplikationen

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    Die Entwicklung von Feldgeräten ist ein äußerst komplexer Vorgang, welcher auf vielen Vorrausetzungen aufsetzt, diverse Anforderungen und Randbedingungen mitbringt und bisher wenig beachtet und veröffentlicht wurde. Angesichts der fortschreitenden Digitalisierung drängen immer mehr Anbieter auf den Automatisierungsmarkt. So sind aktuell zunehmend Technologien und Ansätze aus dem Umfeld des Internet of Things im Automatisierungsbereich zu finden. Diese Ansätze reichen von Sensoren ohne die in der Industrie üblichen Beschreibungen bis hin zu Marktplätzen, auf denen Integratoren und Anwender Softwareteile für Anlagen kaufen können. Für die neuen Anbieter, die häufig nicht aus dem klassischen Automatisierungsgeschäft kommen, sind die bisher bestehenden Modelle, Funktionalitäten, Profile und Beschreibungsmittel nicht immer leicht zu verwenden. So entstehen disruptive Lösungen auf Basis neu definierter Spezifikationen und Modelle. Trotz dieser Disruptivität sollte es das Ziel sein, die bewährten Automatisierungsfunktionen nicht neu zu erfinden, sondern diese effektiv und effizient in Abhängigkeit der Anforderungen auf unterschiedlichen Plattformen zu verwenden. Dies schließt ihre flexible Verteilung auf heterogene vernetzte Ressourcen explizit ein. Dabei können die Plattformen sowohl klassische Feldgeräte und Steuerungen sein, als auch normale Desktop-PCs und IoT-Knoten. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, eine Werkzeugkette für den modellbasierten Entwurf von Feldgeräteapplikationen auf Basis von Profilen und damit für den erweiterten Entwurf von verteilten Anlagenapplikationen zu entwickeln. Dabei müssen die verschiedenen Beschreibungsmöglichkeiten evaluiert werden, um diese mit detaillierten Parameter- und Prozessdatenbeschreibungen zu erweitern. Außerdem sollen modulare Konzepte genutzt und Vorbereitungen für die Verwendung von Semantik im Entwurfsprozess getroffen werden. In Bezug auf den Geräteengineeringprozess soll der Anteil des automatisierten Geräteengineerings erweitert werden. Dies soll zu einer Flexibilisierung der Geräteentwicklung führen, in der die Verschaltung der funktionalen Elemente beim Endkunden erfolgt. Auch das Deployment von eigenen funktionalen Elementen auf die Geräte der Hersteller soll durch den Endkunden möglich werden. Dabei wird auch eine automatisierte Erstellung von Gerätebeschreibungen benötigt. Alle diese Erweiterungen ermöglichen dann den letzten großen Schritt zu einer verteilten Applikation über heterogene Infrastrukturen. Dabei sind die funktionalen Elemente nicht nur durch die Gerätehersteller verteilbar, sondern diese können auch auf verschiedenen Plattformen unterschiedlicher Gerätehersteller verwendet werden. Damit einher geht die für aktuelle Entwicklungen wie Industrie 4.0 benötigte geräteunabhängige Definition von Funktionalität. Alle im Engineering entstandenen Informationen können dabei auf den unterschiedlichen Ebenen der Automatisierungspyramide und während des Lebenszyklus weiterverwendet werden. Eine Integration diverser Gerätefamilien außerhalb der Automatisierungstechnik wie z. B. IoT-Geräte und IT-Geräte ist damit vorstellbar. Nach einer Analyse der relevanten Techniken, Technologien, Konzepte, Methoden und Spezifikationen wurde eine Werkzeugkette für den modellgestützten Entwurf von Feldgeräten entwickelt und die benötigten Werkzeugteile und Erweiterungen an bestehenden Beschreibungen diskutiert. Dies Konzept wurde dann auf den verteilten Entwurf auf heterogener Hardware und heterogenen Plattformen erweitert, bevor beide Konzepte prototypisch umgesetzt und evaluiert wurden. Die Evaluation erfolgt an einem zweigeteilten Szenario aus der Sicht eines Geräteherstellers und eines Integrators. Die entwickelte Lösung integriert Ansätze aus dem Kontext von Industrie 4.0 und IoT. Sie trägt zu einer vereinfachten und effizienteren Automatisierung des Engineerings bei. Dabei können Profile als Baukasten für die Funktionalität der Feldgeräte und Anlagenapplikationen verwendet werden. Bestehende Beschränkungen im Engineering werden somit abgeschwächt, so dass eine Verteilung der Funktionalität auf heterogene Hardware und heterogene Plattformen möglich wird und damit zur Flexibilisierung der Automatisierungssysteme beiträgt.The development of field devices is a very complex procedure. Many preconditions need to be met. Various requirements and constrains need to be addressed. Beside this, there are only a few publications on this topic. Due to the ongoing digitalization, more and more solution providers are entering the market of the industrial automation. Technologies and approaches from the context of the Internet of Things are being used more and more in the automation domain. These approaches range from sensors without the typical descriptions from industry up to marketplaces where integrators and users can buy software components for plants. For new suppliers, who often do not come from the classical automation business, the already existing models, functionalities, profiles, and descriptions are not always easy to use. This results in disruptive solutions based on newly defined specifications and models. Despite this disruptiveness, the aim should be to prevent reinventing the proven automation functions, and to use them effectively, and efficiently on different platforms depending on the requirements. This explicitly includes the flexible distribution of the automation functions to heterogeneous networked resources. The platforms can be classical field devices and controllers, as well as normal desktop PCs and IoT nodes. The aim of this thesis is to develop a toolchain for the model-based design of field device applications based on profiles, and thus also suitable for the extended design of distributed plant applications. Therefore, different description methods are evaluated in order to enrich them with detailed descriptions of parameters and process data. Furthermore, c oncepts of modularity will also be used and preparations will be made for the use of semantics in the design process. With regard to the device engineering process, the share of automated device engineering will be increased. This leads to a flexibilisation of the device development, allowing the customer to perform the networking of the functional elements by himself. The customer should also be able to deploy his own functional elements to the manufacturers' devices. This requires an automated creation of device descriptions. Finally, all these extensions will enable a major step towards using a distributed application over heterogeneous infrastructures. Thus, the functional elements can not only be distributed by equipment manufacturers, but also be distributed on different platforms of different equipment manufacturers. This is accompanied by the device-independent definition of functionality required for current developments such as Industry 4.0. All information created during engineering can be used at different levels of the automation pyramid and throughout the life cycle. An integration of various device families from outside of Automation Technology, such as IoT devices and IT devices, is thus conceivable. After an analysis of the relevant techniques, technologies, concepts, methods, and specifications a toolchain for the model-based design of field devices was developed and the required tool parts, and extensions to existing descriptions were discussed. This concept was then extended to the distributed design on heterogeneous hardware and heterogeneous platforms. Finally, both concepts were prototypically implemented and evaluated. The evaluation is based on a two-part scenario from both the perspective of a device manufacturer, and the one of an integrator. The developed solution integrates approaches from the context of Industry 4.0 and IoT. It contributes to a simplified, and more efficient automation of engineering. Within this context, profiles can be used as building blocks for the functionality of field devices, and plant applications. Existing limitations in engineering are thus reduced, so that a distribution of functionality across heterogeneous hardware and heterogeneous platforms becomes possible and contributing to the flexibility of automation systems

    Automated Improvement of Software Architecture Models for Performance and Other Quality Attributes

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    Quality attributes, such as performance or reliability, are crucial for the success of a software system and largely influenced by the software architecture. Their quantitative prediction supports systematic, goal-oriented software design and forms a base of an engineering approach to software design. This thesis proposes a method and tool to automatically improve component-based software architecture (CBA) models based on such quantitative quality prediction techniques

    Reliability-driven deployment optimization for embedded systems

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    One of the crucial aspects that influence reliability of embedded systems is the deployment of software components to hardware nodes. If the hardware architecture is designed prior to the customized software architecture, which is often the case in product-line manufacturing (e.g. in the automotive domain), the system architect needs to resolve a nontrivial task of finding a (near-)optimal deployment balancing the reliabilities of individual services implemented on the software level.In this paper, we introduce an approach to automate this task. As distinct to related approaches, which typically stay with quantification of reliability for a specific deployment, we target multi-criteria optimization and provide the architect with near-optimal (non-dominated) deployment alternatives with respect to service reliabilities. Toward this goal, we annotate the software and hardware architecture with necessary reliability-relevant attributes, design a method to quantify the quality of individual deployment alternatives, and implement the approach employing an evolutionary algorithm